Who is running myostatin blockers

I've ordered some, still waiting for them to come. 2nd follistatin, and 1 mg myostatin pro peptide. Hope they work well, if I can get them.
Still waiting for them. They've been backed up with orders (understandably so).
This may be a "no shit" question but recently I've read in a couple different places that IGF, among it's many other effects, works as a myostatin blocker. Has anyone heard anything to this effect? Or is this common knowledge? Or does this sound like BS?

If the dude represented a sample population in a test of this question, I'd say it is!
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I've ordered some, still waiting for them to come. 2nd follistatin, and 1 mg myostatin pro peptide. Hope they work well, if I can get them.

I have these on order too 2mg of each. What dosages are you gonna run these at ... got an idea of the protocol you might use?
The way I'm going to run it is 0.5mg/week. So 0.5mg on Mon, then the next 0.5mg the next Mon, etc. This is similar to the way they administered to the mice in the studies. Did the same thing with the acvr2b, and it seemed to work quite well.
Interesting. I have heard that about igf too. So essentially it will be two doses of the myostatin? What kinds of results have others had that you know of? Sides is the things i wonder about. If Saud grows a horn Im out. LOL
Interesting. I have heard that about igf too. So essentially it will be two doses of the myostatin? What kinds of results have others had that you know of? Sides is the things i wonder about. If Saud grows a horn Im out. LOL

Haha! The acvr2b didn't give me a horn so I think I'm safe, lol. From what the studies said, there were no noticeable side effects, and this was at a really high dosage to the mice. Btw, to make sure things are understood for others reading the thread, this stuff is not myostatin. They are substances that block myostatin because myostatin is what limits our muscle growth.

do you think this stuff will really work? and what type of gains are expected?

Yes, this stuff really works as I've already experienced with the acvr2b (another myostatin blocker). If I could get one gram of any of them, I could expect to gain 20 lbs in 2-3 weeks. If I had two grams, I could expect 40 lbs in the same time period. That's how potent this stuff is. Others who have already been trying it at the 1mg dosage have been reporting fuller muscles, unbelievable pumps, much like IGF-1 does. This certainly was the case when I used acvr2b, and I know I had the real thing since it came directly from the biochemical company. In all the years I've trained, I've never pumped up like that before. It was unreal. Still getting pumps like that now even 6 months after using the stuff.

what is it?

Myostatin blockers.
yea i did research. mad expensive lol. i wanna stack something iwth my next igf cycle but i dont want it to be a steroids? what other peptides are good to stack with igf ?
saudades, that picture you posted fairly reently where you said you were basically only on hrt and wondered if the stuff you took changed you was impressive change, and the fact it was a long time after cessation was even more impressive. I know this stuff is not the same as what you took, but it would be great to see that type of change. You are right, the people taking are talking about pumps, strength increase, also lethargy. Dosages vary, but many are doing 50 mcg per day, some 100 and a couple have ventured higher. I have not tried myself, but am interested in following along. interesting stuff
Is this something you can stay on for long periods of time or do you have to cycle? And do you keep all of your gains?
Those are good questions. As far as staying on, we have no idea since the stuff is in research right now. The studies have reported that there were no sides so that would indicate to me that you could be on this stuff for a long time. The muscle gained with these substances is thought to come about by both hyperplasia and hypertrophy so you would likely keep your gains.
This stuff sounds amazing. Thanks for answering my questions. Keep us updated if you find any more out about it. I've been researching it for a while, but was to scared to try it, due to the fact that I didn't want to grow a horn.
Thanks for the answers. I remember reading how Flex didn't have as much of the myostatin as most people. It was on a documentary I watched on one of the science channels. They had him way back before his digestive issues and said they had done blood work and proved that he really was genetically superior to most guys. I thought it was interesting and this is the possibility of putting yourself on that level for at least a while I guess.