Iron Game

Gold Member
Who Says Anavar For Women?

Anavar AKA Oxandrolone is one of the most popular anabolic steroids on the market today. This is largely due to Anavar for Women being popular due to its ability to provide gains/benefits without many of the virilization effects many steroids can cause.

Anavar for Women reputation is largely due to its effectiveness for gains without the masculine effects of many AAS. Harsher steroids can make a woman have more of the physical appearances of a man. Like more facial hair, clitoral enlargement, male pattern baldness, A deeper voice.

**Anavar for Women is generally considered a safer steroid.

Anavar for Women like any AAS must still be used responsibly. Anavar is know for being very low androgenic. If the dose of Oxandrolone is too high or the cycle is too long even mild androgenic steroids can cause problems even Anavar for Women.
Women should start on a low dose as should anyone taking PED's. Even at low dose Anavar for Women can unwanted side effects.

**Anavar for Women, How Long and At What Dose?

Generally speaking a good starting dose for Anavar for Women should be 10mg per day.Anavar also has a short half life 8-9 hours so splitting it up and taking it several times a day is usually considered optimal.
If you find your body tolerated Anavar for Women many go up to 15 or even 20mg a day. Past that virilization can become a problem even for Oxandrolone.
If the dose is well tolerated the usual cycle length would not go above 6 weeks. Followed by a minimum of 4-6 weeks off.

**Anavar ISN'T just for Women!

Anavar (Oxandrolone) is known to work well for men when added to other mild cycles. In this case it is mostly dose dependent many men taking upwards of 100mg a day. Many will take Anavar with a Clen Cycle and sometimes T3 (Cytomel) during a cut cycle for its protein sparing effects. Also the fact it is what is know as a "dry" anabolic steroid it will not cause water retention.

Anavar has also been gaining a good reputation for stacking well with many SARMS.

**Anavar is Not Cheap.

Anavar can be found at many UGLs prices as much as $2 / 10 mg. This often makes Anavar not as affordable for men needing to maintain higher blood concentration levels. Again making Anavar for Women ideal.

This article written by Iron-Game for
Anavar works amazing on females. I say this all the time but it makes like miraculous transformations for my girlfriend. After a few weeks she tapers up to 20mg's a day, and she runs it for about 10 weeks, and takes 2 or 3 weeks to slowly taper off it. We find she actually gets by the far best results between weeks 6 and 10. The first 6 weeks her strength goes up but she tends to hold water, after 6 weeks all the water disappears and she just gets harder and harder. I don't know why but this is how things work for her.

For any other females I would recommend starting at about half of that. My lady just happens to have a good tolerance to it with almost zero side effects.

Shout out to PCT-Shops Anavar. That shits so fire it will blow your wifes/gf's legs wide open.
I wish it was a sure fire way to blow my wife's as into the gym. We can worry about her leg opening later, LMFAO.
once i got my wife to workout, she got so sore she said never again. that must of been close to 30 years ago.
anyways, i have gotten her to try var and i notice she does get friskier more readily and more often after
taking it a few days. problem is she forgets to take it regularly. so it becomes hit and miss. haven't seen her have
any bad sides from it at 12.5 mg per day. i think she notices the difference in how she feels with it, but doesn't
quite realize it. if that makes sense.
Using var for the first time. I am used to Dbol, superdrol and MethSten so this is my first time with an aas like var. The leaning effect I am having is very good. My muscles are the hardest ever and my waist and visceral fat is decreasing steadily. Taking it before bed is really screwed up my sleeping schedule and I am kind of fatigued I am taking test p... 100mg ED is what I am at. I am impressed with my results thus far. It has been roughly 4 weeks. I plan 8 total of var. My body is responding well. I am a mesomorph if that counts for anything so I definitely see better results with stuff like this at least I believe so.

I have gained some water weight from test my current amount per week is 700mg if you include the test suspension that I add preworkout. I am almost out of test suspension

I say if you can afford it do it. If not, TBol is a great option. Ly buddy swears by it. I used the ph version back in the ph days and it was solid, so I imagine the tbol is great.

My one buddy knows that I'm using var and he's liking my results... he really wants to use it but how much I paid for it doesn't fit his budget so yeah it's not for him..
i used var with sus my first run and to start my own trt program. i liked it, but it really isn't practical with the cost. i ended up with some 25 mg caps when i was trying to order 10 mg for my wife. so i'm using them, otherwise i'll use oils to cut. primo worked great for fast fat loss for me. sweat like crazy.
I agree that var is pricey for us guys. For sure. I spent like 600 oo my cycle of just var... that doesn't include the proviron, test, masteron, tren or pct and AIs. That is just the var lmao. Im sure people cab get it cheaper, but not dbol or winny cheap. Those are so cheap same with test for the most part.

For a lady, one pack is typically good enough. And that isnt expensive. I think many think it is a woman AAS bc the gains are not explosive like dbol or whatever. Plus, some, like with Hgh don't use proper dosage nor run it long enough.

Or they run it solo. I bever recommend solo runs of orals. Ever. I have done it and after I found a test source, never again.

Good write up OP

My var cycle has ended, tren is taking over from here lmao, but var did some work for me, leaned up. Tren is a whole next level thing.
I have been running 100mg of anavar / day but might go up soon with some of the dosing I have seen.
I have been running 100mg of anavar / day but might go up soon with some of the dosing I have seen.

it'll be more cost effective to order up powder, and make up your own. whether you cap it, press it to pill, or make it liquid. it'd be far cheaper.
it'll be more cost effective to order up powder, and make up your own. whether you cap it, press it to pill, or make it liquid. it'd be far cheaper.

Your right except I am just playing with some left over stuff. I am not much on orals at all really but no good having stuff sit around.
Your right except I am just playing with some left over stuff. I am not much on orals at all really but no good having stuff sit around.

i hear ya, brother. i've got some 25mg caps i've been trying to use up. they were suppose to be 10 mg for the wife. lol. also got proviron i've been using a little ere and there, because it gives serious watery eyes and runny nose if i take it every day. var does a little. i think it's because of the contamination in the marines. it created a whole slew of problems for me.
i hear ya, brother. i've got some 25mg caps i've been trying to use up. they were suppose to be 10 mg for the wife. lol. also got proviron i've been using a little ere and there, because it gives serious watery eyes and runny nose if i take it every day. var does a little. i think it's because of the contamination in the marines. it created a whole slew of problems for me.
Yeah thats what I have too. 25mg caps. I need to get some proviron another expensive one!