why does gear cause insomnia?


New member
Hi all,

I have come to accept that gear causes insomnia. I wake up in the middle of the night with only a few hrs sleep, and things get fucked up cuz of it. This experience seesm to be pretty common.

What I want to know is: Why does it cause insomnia?

Can someone give me the scientific information on why it causes insomnia???


Gear increases your thyroid activity. If T3, T4 or TSH levels get too high, you'll experience hyperthyroidism. It feels like you're pumped full of amphetamines. This happened to me when I OD'd on GH. What a wild experience!

This is one possible explanation to your problem. Not saying you're hyperthyroid, just feeling the increased thyroid activity.
can anyone give me the scientific data on how gaer effect the thyroid, and will the thyroid return to normal after the gear is done??? How long does it take???


what homonunculus was posting a link to:


Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Volume 167 Issue 3 Page 181 - November 1999

Neuroactive steroids: their mechanism of action and their function in the stress response
Zinder & Dar
Steroids are usually identified as genomic regulators, yet recently a body of evidence has accumulated demonstrating specific plasma membrane effects, as well as coordinative effects, of some steroids on both membrane and intracellular receptors. The resulting rapid (<1 min) modulation of cellular activity has strongly suggested a non-genomic, and possibly modulatory, role for certain steroid compounds, and dramatic effects on membranes of excitable as well as other tissues have been demonstrated. Steroid synthesis and metabolism have been shown to exist in the CNS, and the effects have been seen in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. The major groups of neuroactive steroids, and their metabolites, have been progesterone, deoxycorticosterone, and some androgens, notably dihydroxyepiandrosterone (DHEA). These compounds show increased concentrations both in blood and in the brain following stress and they have also been associated with anxiolytic effects and antiepileptic activity. In the periphery, some of these compounds show remarkable inhibitory effects on the secretion of catecholamines and other neurotransmitters. The mechanism for the majority of the effects of these steroids is via their effect on receptor-mediated binding to ligand-gated ion channels. Activation of the GABAA receptor complex, resulting in the opening of its central chloride channel, is the major target of the neuroactive steroids, resulting in re-polarization of the plasma membrane and inhibition of further neuronal firing. The anxiolytic, anti-convulsant and sedative-hypnotic actions of these neuroactive steroids have resulted in their being used as therapeutic agents for the treatment of anxiety, epilepsy, insomnia, and possibly for the alteration of pain thresholds.
In addition to the above post, many androgenic steroids cause an increase in the concentration of the neurotransmitter Dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has stimulatory effects.

Also, many people may argue this, but I think some of it may be you are just training too hard; maybe close to overtraining.
In short, steroids stimulate your central nervous system and your thyroid. Thyroid will be fine when you come off unless you are taking t-3, then you may have problems. To help, take all of you r shots and pills as early in the day as possible.

I am unable to sleep naturally when on a cycle at all, so I have my doctor prescrbe my Ambien. This works very well. On nights when it is especially difficult to sleep, I add a benedryl with the Ambien, otherwise I would sit and stare at the wall all night