Why is nobody asking this?


New member
Everybody is asking about what cycle to take, what product to take, what is the best amount to take. I have even see questions asking what cutting/bulking cycle is best. Everybody responds with there advice and I am willing to bet its from something posted on the Internet.

My question is why is nobody talking about there nutrition plan? AAS will not make you ripped or build muscle without a nutrition plan. Nutrition is 80% of everything. You want to get great gains and keep them learn how to eat.
Could not agree more. But the fact is. You would like to hope people on this board would have the knowledge about eating right we can only advise on the Qs asked. Not second guess every person that ask about cycle advise. If he/she is a newbie most will ask about stats and food intake ect ect.
What I will say about me is I only advise on stuff I know about and most people on this board are on the same page.
If I've used var tren a prop I can happy report my finding on the subject. But for sure you not see me posting about tren E or mast as I've never used it. I respect most people if not all members here and trust the advice they give. This is not BB. Com. We are not a bunch of wannabe gurus. Just honest advice. Now if the guy asked the Q hay I've stalled I'm not making gains why? Then that is the Q that can be addressed. Jmho
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You would not believe how many ppl believe they can eat whatever and still get ripped maybe in your early 20 s but at my age of 38 you definitely have to keep a solid diet
different stroke for different folks, but the longer I am in the gym the more you realize that most people use AAS as a crutch so they don't have to eat clean. There are tons of people on AAS that look like normal 'joe blow'. The truely head turning bodies come when someone gets both diet and AAS usage on point.

To get big and bloated is easy ( dime a dozen) what is difficult is big and ripped. I would say it breaks down close to this Diet 60% AAS 30% training 10%..............yes some will argue with me and when you are in your teens and twenties this can be argued. As you get older your diet become more and more key to your overall success.
Honestly too, are hardly see any one in the gym now days training balls to the wall. Like you guys said they us aas as a crutch. Every one asks me how I get such big legs. I respond"high volume heavy weights" man kind now a days are scared to death of a squat rack. Pathetic to see juiced up idiots in the gym do the fluff and puff work outs.
Everybody is asking about what cycle to take, what product to take, what is the best amount to take. I have even see questions asking what cutting/bulking cycle is best. Everybody responds with there advice and I am willing to bet its from something posted on the Internet.

My question is why is nobody talking about there nutrition plan? AAS will not make you ripped or build muscle without a nutrition plan. Nutrition is 80% of everything. You want to get great gains and keep them learn how to eat.

You hit it right on the head, bro. AAS will get you nowhere if you don't have the nutrition to support it.
different stroke for different folks, but the longer I am in the gym the more you realize that most people use AAS as a crutch so they don't have to eat clean. There are tons of people on AAS that look like normal 'joe blow'. The truely head turning bodies come when someone gets both diet and AAS usage on point.

To get big and bloated is easy ( dime a dozen) what is difficult is big and ripped. I would say it breaks down close to this Diet 60% AAS 30% training 10%..............yes some will argue with me and when you are in your teens and twenties this can be argued. As you get older your diet become more and more key to your overall success.

I agree with most of what you said except the percentages. Training is 100%. Diet is 100%. AAS just speeds up the process and of course creates a little more freakish of muscle with the cuts, size and vascularity.

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I agree with you brother, minus the people that really know what they are doing. We have had several diet questions on here, and a few of the members on here know there shit down to the smallest scientific data.

To answer you quickly though, everyone thinks gear will do the 90%, and that it is super hero juice. We collectively have discouraged many people from actually taking any gear when they are not ready, and recommend concentrating on food intake/meal plans, and workouts first and only use gear when all that has been keyed in for a while, and you are at the top of what your body is able to do without super physiological responses going on.

Great point though brutha! Everyone INCLUDING PROS can learn more about what nutrition they take in. That's why there are coaches even for top tier guys :D
I couldn't agree more. percentages no, but diet yes! This was my first mistake on AAS when I did my first cycle, I gained big amounts sure, but lost a lot. I couldn't figure out why I was shrinking and not keeping size. I got my diet in check (help from a pro) and then I saw great gains and kept what I put on the next go around. I have stuck to that ever since, Diet is sooo important for all those who think steroids alone will get them big.

Eat, Train Sleep, Repeat..Consistency is the key to success.

Everybody is asking about what cycle to take, what product to take, what is the best amount to take. I have even see questions asking what cutting/bulking cycle is best. Everybody responds with there advice and I am willing to bet its from something posted on the Internet.

My question is why is nobody talking about there nutrition plan? AAS will not make you ripped or build muscle without a nutrition plan. Nutrition is 80% of everything. You want to get great gains and keep them learn how to eat.
my bros speakin truth up in here, and powderguy with this: Eat, Train Sleep, Repeat..Consistency is the key to success. dude i told a guy yesterday "consistency is key," that's a line i use often. get dialed in on the foundational shit, stay consistent, reap the rewards.
proper nutrition is the most powerful anabolic, take advantage
amen! diet is everything, i think todays generation thinks they can take insane amounts of gear and be fine lol, sad shit
It true but in my opinion most of people should know about their nutrition when it comes to cycling and atleast 2yrs of training.
My trainer / nutritionist says diet is 80% of your goal, exercise is 15%, and genetics / gear is the remaining 5%. You can never out train or out gear a bad diet! Just as an example of calorie usage, I did a 40 minute workout on the elliptical and burned almost 600 calories. A single whopper WITHOUT cheese is 678 calories. Mind you, calories are not the end all, but if you want to lose fat, you must be on a caloric deficit. Imagine working that hard for 40 minutes just to wipe it all out (and then some) with a single Whopper without cheese...
Took me a few years after I started gear to understand diet I always wondered why I was barley putting on mass but a bb freind explained fats,carbs, and protein for me and I blew up i truley believe food is the most important part if u are reading my journal you know I love to eat lol
My trainer / nutritionist says diet is 80% of your goal, exercise is 15%, and genetics / gear is the remaining 5%. You can never out train or out gear a bad diet! Just as an example of calorie usage, I did a 40 minute workout on the elliptical and burned almost 600 calories. A single whopper WITHOUT cheese is 678 calories. Mind you, calories are not the end all, but if you want to lose fat, you must be on a caloric deficit. Imagine working that hard for 40 minutes just to wipe it all out (and then some) with a single Whopper without cheese...

yeah that sounds about right brutha, though gear i would certainly give a higher percentage. i would say 75/25 training diet/gear but yeah food is anabolic baby!