Iron Game

Gold Member
Why Men Shouldn’t Run Oral Only Steroid Cycles

Men should never run oral only steroid cycles. Injectable testosterone must be the cornerstone of any steroid cycle. Even oral steroids like Anavar will shut down a man’s natural testosterone. To function properly men need testosterone. Low testosterone also known as hypogonadism will result in many negative consequences. Lack of musculature being a primary one (and many others but that is a different article) and the opposite of what you want to achieve right? When you shut down your own natural testosterone with steroids (oral / injectable) you must also include sufficient testosterone as to not be counterproductive to your goals. Nothing but injectable testosterone will give high enough and consistent enough levels.
I would like to pick your brain a bit. If one were to run testosterone at let's say 400mg week... When would the endogenous testosterone be shut down or sever suppression? How many weeks or days?
It starts as soon as endogenous hormone is implemented , to what degree or severity depends on your dose and duration , if it's a major concern some guys run HCG during cycle to help keep them boys pumping their own juice lol

but im pretty sure without HCG and once the body notices outside hormones it stops right then and there but it's a great question in regards to is there a percentage of shutdown at said dosage or duration
I never had a fear of injecting myself, but ya know i cant watch anyone take my blood, i have to turn my head away and i get queezy lol, odd
Also if I supplied myself with a test cyp shot 250mg on Monday, I would like to know how long it would take that shot to get me at my baseline or above my normal test range. I guess what I'm trying to get at is.... If I run a dbol only cycle for 4 weeks why would I need a test as a base? Now if your going to answer this make sure you know how long testosterone cyp takes to raise our test levels after starting to take test cyp shots. In my theory of it takes my body to 3 weeks to raise to the lets say 500mg a week worth of test... Why not just run dbol only for 4 weeks?

im just trying to find the reasoning behind the test base always theory of I'm only running a 4-5 week cycle of orals.
Now if your going to answer this make sure you know how long testosterone cyp takes to raise our test levels after starting to take test cyp shots. In my theory of it takes my body to 3 weeks to raise to the lets say 500mg a week worth of test... Why not just run dbol only for 4 weeks?
Everyone's body is different hence why some are at the high level of T and other are at the low end of the scale ( need TRT). Can't really answer you question unless you have done blood work every week for a month to see what 250mg of TCyp a week does to your system.
Also if I supplied myself with a test cyp shot 250mg on Monday, I would like to know how long it would take that shot to get me at my baseline or above my normal test range. I guess what I'm trying to get at is.... If I run a dbol only cycle for 4 weeks why would I need a test as a base? Now if your going to answer this make sure you know how long testosterone cyp takes to raise our test levels after starting to take test cyp shots. In my theory of it takes my body to 3 weeks to raise to the lets say 500mg a week worth of test... Why not just run dbol only for 4 weeks?

im just trying to find the reasoning behind the test base always theory of I'm only running a 4-5 week cycle of orals.

there is a great post not long ago on "short cycles". when I find it ill give it a bump for you or you can search it.
it will be helpful in answering your questions.
Thanks brother, I'll try searching for that.
I just don't see a short 4-5 week so terrible as we think but maybe the criticism is more for not maximizing the actual gains we can achieve.

there is a great post not long ago on "short cycles". when I find it ill give it a bump for you or you can search it.
it will be helpful in answering your questions.
Also if I supplied myself with a test cyp shot 250mg on Monday, I would like to know how long it would take that shot to get me at my baseline or above my normal test range. I guess what I'm trying to get at is.... If I run a dbol only cycle for 4 weeks why would I need a test as a base? Now if your going to answer this make sure you know how long testosterone cyp takes to raise our test levels after starting to take test cyp shots. In my theory of it takes my body to 3 weeks to raise to the lets say 500mg a week worth of test... Why not just run dbol only for 4 weeks?

im just trying to find the reasoning behind the test base always theory of I'm only running a 4-5 week cycle of orals.

dianabol and testosterone r two total different will gain nothing but water weight from the dianabol and lose it very fast after the 4 week cycle is is just a waste.i dont understand what you r trying to do?

the testosterone base is because no matter what hormone you use,you will shut down your natural testosterone production.and there is never any reason to run a dbol only cycle especially for just 4 is pointless