wicked recovery and growth stack

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I have received numerous PM's and questions about my program and I feel now is a good solid time to post the results and they are INCREDIBLE!
600mg Test
600mg Deca
100mcg MC IGF 30 pre W/O
400mcg MGF post W/O
CJC / GHRP 100mcg each 3 times a day
I am up from my previous best of 260lbs to 271lbs and I feel awesome. My strength has never been better. I am 100%.
BIG NEWS - I have rarely been able to train 2 days in a row. Usually its 1 on 1 off 2 on 1 off. I have NEVER been close to being capable of training 3 days straight. I did shoulder / triceps on Sat, Quads and Hams Sun, and Chest Biceps and Calves Monday. I beat all of my personal bests on EVERY EXERCISE FOR EVERY BODYPART.
Nothing else has changed. I am beside myself. I have no twinges or pains and I'm in the best shape and probably health of my life.
My highest AAS dosage prior to this totaled 3400mg a week and I topped out at 260 bloated and sick with constant headaches.
That's awesome, dude! Do you take the IGF on non-workout days or only on days you workout?
Nice, Dude. i bet it feels good to find something that works great for you. Good luck and keep at it!
Hey Dude, the 600 mg of test and deca...that's not a weekly number is it? Is that twice weekly or eod?
awesome man! Glad its working out for ya dude. Were you runinng gh too? And of course with a thread like this you gotta post pics!!!!:bber:
Hey Dude, the 600 mg of test and deca...that's not a weekly number is it? Is that twice weekly or eod?

I am almost certain thats weekly bro, Im pretty sure i read in another post he was doing light gear or lower doses like this, but i could be wrong
I am almost certain thats weekly bro, Im pretty sure i read in another post he was doing light gear or lower doses like this, but i could be wrong

The 600mg of test and 600mg of Deca is my weekly dose. I'm using the IGF only pre w/o on training days. I'll work on some more pics. I don't have a computer yet (long story) and my girl doesn't have a photobucket account and I'm sure CH3N02 is getting sick of posting my pics :-)
I also cut the GH out. My hands and feet are really swollen and I didn't think it was worth the cost.
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i have received numerous pm's and questions about my program and i feel now is a good solid time to post the results and they are incredible!
600mg test
600mg deca
100mcg mc igf 30 pre w/o
400mcg mgf post w/o
cjc / ghrp 100mcg each 3 times a day
i am up from my previous best of 260lbs to 271lbs and i feel awesome. My strength has never been better. I am 100%.
Big news - i have rarely been able to train 2 days in a row. Usually its 1 on 1 off 2 on 1 off. I have never been close to being capable of training 3 days straight. I did shoulder / triceps on sat, quads and hams sun, and chest biceps and calves monday. I beat all of my personal bests on every exercise for every bodypart.
Nothing else has changed. I am beside myself. I have no twinges or pains and i'm in the best shape and probably health of my life.
My highest aas dosage prior to this totaled 3400mg a week and i topped out at 260 bloated and sick with constant headaches.

i just may copy your blast after my current one.....i've yet to toy with igf or peps or gh
Pretty much how I'm doing things.....pretty good considering we are both doing it all wrong (according to 123 at PM)....I think he just knows enough to sound like he knows what he is talking about (123) but he tries to talk in a circle when someone makes a point....it's obvious both our protocols are working....

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Pretty much how I'm doing things.....pretty good considering we are both doing it all wrong (according to 123 at PM)....I think he just knows enough to sound like he knows what he is talking about (123) but he tries to talk in a circle when someone makes a point....it's obvious both our protocols are working....

Yeah, I wasn't going to argue. Besides I like hearing other's ideas. Ultimately the proof is in the pudding. As I stated you can't argue with results. This is how I'm doing it and these are my results. If someone can show better results using a different protocol I would like to know about it, but I'm not going to argue hypothesis vs. real results.
Yeah...although I'm bringing a knife To a gunfight when it comes to arguing science Im smart enough to know when someone is wrong on certain things....he just can't seem to admit it...i shouldn't waste my time but i can't help myself....

Enough of that...looking forward to watching ur progress....

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