Winny home brew, stanazolol recipe


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Attempted to make whinny and it turned to paste. Here is my recipe:
10 g powder
24 ml BB
3 ml BA
3 ml poly 80
62.5 ml distilled water

Mixed everything, except water and heated till turned clear (about 335 f). Let cool until warm ( 120 f ). Filtered and then added filtered water. Put mixture on magnetic stirrer to mix and turned to paste. Can someone please tell me where i went wrong. I ordered some novaldex along with the whinny, could the raws been mixed up. They both look, smell and taste the same. The whinny did melt around the proper melting point approximately 330 f, give or take a few.
i think its best to make winny in oil, just like TNE, the water based never seems to work, lol, in any case great post
This recipe is going to cause some severe pain. It has to much BA and the BB is a massive thinner in that quantity and will cause separation and layering.

Oil is the way to go, if you use water Bact static water is a best choice for mixing instead of the above and use the content of BA it has in it. Filter and done.
I looked on here for a recipe and i thought i followed one that was posted pretty well, making a larger quantity of course. I guess i miss-read or looked at an old post. Can someone give me a recipe and break it down "Barney style" for me, in the mean time i will try to look for one using oil. Thanks for all the help so far.

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Or tell me which post a good recipe is under.
I'll look at my recipe.
Mi think
1 ml of guiacol per gram
20% bb
3% ba
I have to look at my book
unless PG can chime in to straiten me out
Heres one recipe for you:
6ml BB
1.5grams winny powder plus 20% so roughly 1.75 grams
21.8 ML GSO

some like the GO, I don't its a pain to work with on winny,nolva, dbol, anadrol, clomid, test base and all those that are not water soluble.

You may have mixed up the powders, honestly I had done that too..but nolva usually tastes a little bitter compared to winny, it is a citrate.
With the above recipe its important to warm your solvents and add a little powder at a time. Do not clump it up as it will be a pain in the ass to do after that.
Heres one recipe for you:
6ml BB
1.5grams winny powder plus 20% so roughly 1.75 grams
21.8 ML GSO

some like the GO, I don't its a pain to work with on winny,nolva, dbol, anadrol, clomid, test base and all those that are not water soluble.

You may have mixed up the powders, honestly I had done that too..but nolva usually tastes a little bitter compared to winny, it is a citrate.
With the above recipe its important to warm your solvents and add a little powder at a time. Do not clump it up as it will be a pain in the ass to do after that.

Thanks Brother.......... your going to make a chemist out of me yet. I am going to try when I get home tonight and will post the results. I am going to use Cotton Seed oil instead of GSO. I hope it does'nt matter. I will soon find out. I will try a smaller amount this time. I tried to do melt all the powder at once last time and definitely had a hard time with it clumping. Got it nice an d hot and cleared up nice though. THANKS AGAIN!!!!!

I have a magnetic stirrer, which saved my ass when it did clump......
The above recipe sorta,will work for test suspension with no pain or separation.

But it should be done honestly 20ml at a time and filtered 1-2 ml at a time with the raw ran thru a mortar/pestle to micronize

Then use bac water or make it
in a seprate vial use .6ml ps 80 for 20ml ,20BB, and .3 to .5ml guaiacop then heat until clear. Then filter this 1 to 2ml at a time into the bac water shaking the water solution vigerously for 30 seconds to a minute between each 1-2 ml filtered. This won't separate and is completely painless. The ps80 acts as a surfactant and holds the milky white color throughout. But again I only do these 20 to 30ml in vials no large quantities. Same way I make oil based Tne and winny.

For winny which can be a pain in the ass I stick to 30ml and also use 1ml guaiacol per gram Stan. Then20bb 1% BA only, and eo. Heat swirl in vial then filter thru a .22 easily. I always put the raw thru a mortar/pestle to micronixe as much as possible. Works well. I've had tne that's been sitting at room temp at least a month or more with zero issues.
PG....... what's the mg/ml for that recipe. Sorry to be a pain, just want to make sure.

Sorry for not making that clear, but for future reference heres how you can tell. Add everything together, the above comes out to 29.9mls and the powder is 1.5grams so divide 1500 (that's 1.5 grams) by 29.9mls. This recipe even has a 20% over ration so its something like 50.16mg/ml.
Hope that helps

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Thanks Brother.......... your going to make a chemist out of me yet. I am going to try when I get home tonight and will post the results. I am going to use Cotton Seed oil instead of GSO. I hope it does'nt matter. I will soon find out. I will try a smaller amount this time. I tried to do melt all the powder at once last time and definitely had a hard time with it clumping. Got it nice an d hot and cleared up nice though. THANKS AGAIN!!!!!

I have a magnetic stirrer, which saved my ass when it did clump......

Be careful with this as Cotton Seed is much thicker and will cause titration. Increase BB slightly to thin the oil.
Every thing came out nicely last night and looked great. Just checked it now and it was cloudy (uniform). I have not filtered it because i wanted to make more but wanted to make sure it held before i wasted make raws. Is this normal? Is this cause of the cotton seed oil?
I heated it up slightly to about 150 f and cleared up nicely then crashed. It's now milky, grainy and starting to thicken. Could the powder be labelled wrong and be novaldex?
winny crashes a lot bro when not done perfect, and Nolvadex actually would suspend even better , so i doubt they're mixed up, also is your winny Micronized ?
Not sure how to determine if it is. It's a fine powder, like baby powder. I think i know where i fuck up........ instead of using a syringe for volume i use my beaker and it clearly states on the glass that it's approximate, so i compared volumes with the syringe and there about 10 ml off when measuring out 40 ml. This should be my problem. Adding more oil as i type and heating. .......... just cleared up! !!!!!!! YAAAAA. hope it holds
Not sure how to determine if it is. It's a fine powder, like baby powder. I think i know where i fuck up........ instead of using a syringe for volume i use my beaker and it clearly states on the glass that it's approximate, so i compared volumes with the syringe and there about 10 ml off when measuring out 40 ml. This should be my problem. Adding more oil as i type and heating. .......... just cleared up! !!!!!!! YAAAAA. hope it holds

usually you can buy Micronized stanozolol or not micronized, I always assumed one was for making injectables and the other was for making orals.
Wasn't specified when i purchased it. Very happy with the supplier so far. Everything has been real good. Please don't ask for the supplier, not allowed to give sources......... lol.
lol and yes Presser you are right, there are two types of winny powder, you usually only get micronized in HG facilities and is hard to come by for UGL's.

Yes the oil could cause a problem but I doubt it will. I had some other people who made some too with cottonseed and it was fine it held fine, some said it did cloud up but after heating and filtration its perfect and holding fine with little pip.
Heres one recipe for you:
6ml BB
1.5grams winny powder plus 20% so roughly 1.75 grams
21.8 ML GSO

some like the GO, I don't its a pain to work with on winny,nolva, dbol, anadrol, clomid, test base and all those that are not water soluble.

You may have mixed up the powders, honestly I had done that too..but nolva usually tastes a little bitter compared to winny, it is a citrate.
With the above recipe its important to warm your solvents and add a little powder at a time. Do not clump it up as it will be a pain in the ass to do after that.

Thanks for showing me how to calculate the mg...... i should have know this! Here's another silly question, how would i calculate the volume for this. That way i know for future reference and make sure I'm getting the right ratio. I hope I asked the question clearly enough. Thanks soooooooo much for all help. You're an unbelievable asset to this site!