Iron Game

Gold Member
Winstrol & Women

By kodiakGrrl

Winstrol, or "winny", is one of the steroids most commonly suggested for women (along with anavar and primobolan). Winstrol comes in both oral and water-based injectable form. Although I have found it in an oil based injectible which is preferable to the water based, which has to be injected more frequently than the oil based injectible. It is attractive for women because it is an oral, it has a relatively short half-life and detection time (i.e .it clears the system relatively quickly, reducing the duration of any undesirable sides following completion of a cycle), and promotes lean muscle mass without water retention.

Winstrol is also attractive as it tends to be both cheaper and more readily available than anavar or primobolan. Because of this, it is also less likely to be faked.

Winstrol is often grouped with anavar as a good steroid for "beginners' or those who don't want to go into the more aggressive compounds (i.e. injectables). However it is more androgenic than anavar and sides are less predictable and more unique to the individual, with the potential of being very androgenic.

Because of this, anavar would generally be the better recomendation, but winstrol is seen as a viable alternative. As an androgenic compound, it also has a ‘fat burning' effect.

Winstrol is used by both men and women as a cutting compound. It promotes lean, hard muscle mass without water retention. It is often looked at as a muscle "hardner" typically used in a stack for pre-contest cutting.

Oral Winstrol: Can be cycled similarly to anavar.

o Dose: 5-15 mg/day- split the dose ½ in the AM, ½ in the PM
o Duration: 8-12 weeks
o Takes about 10-14 days to "show" itself.

· Injectable Winstrol:
o Dose: 25 mg E3D
o Duration: 8-12 weeks

· If chosen to include in a competition cutting stack, schedule towards the final weeks of prep. It takes about 2 weeks to "show" itself.

Typical Sides:

· Interrupted period/flow - may take a few months for the flow to come back as normal.
· May still experience usual menstrual sides (cramps, bloating, etc.) on your regular menstrual schedule.
· Mild to aggressive acne on face or shoulders
· Clitoral enlargement and increased sensitivity
· Oily skin / hair
· Hairloss
· Scratchy throat / cracky or deepening voice
· Dry joints
· may cause vaginosis / yeast infection (most any AAS has this potential)
· People will occasionally experience flu-like symptoms within the first week or two of a winstrol cycle in response to this compound.
. people may also experience joint pain as it "dries" out the joints. (see my post on winny vs deca later for a more technical description of what is happening physiologically)
i know a couple females who didnt get their period aka menstrual cycle for years due to not just taking winstrol and anavar at different times, but mostly from always being dieted down, great read for the ladies