woman or gear


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Pretty much got the ultimatum last night that either I quit gear all together, or she leaves. It was a shock to hear, considering that she was once ok with it. Basically 8 months or so has gone by since I told her and we had a don’t ask, don’t tell situation. But now, with marriage around the corner, I guess she thought it was a good time to get rid of my bad habits.

So a little advice to my fellow brothers. When looking for a partner, scratch soccer mom’s off the list. And be wary, cause mine wasn’t a soccer mom when I met her. Somehow she turned into one…. -Weird.
bro... I am sorry to hear about ultimatums.. they are a lose/lose scenerio, there's a good chance it won't be the first time.. and that's not to be rude or mean.. it's the God's honest truth.

Does she work out? Does she diet? Does she surf the internet? I ask, because I met my now wife from here.. she was a mod and helped with female nutrition/training and even 'supplement schedules.' ... the fact is... first of all, you guys DID talk about it.. communication is the best part of the relationship not ultimatums.. and it takes a person with balls to talk to their sig other about this type of topic. Find out what her issues are, is it expense, is it risk, is 'just because?' .. maybe it's because in the public eye there is more negative propoganda than there are facts.. and why? .. because the general public doesn't want children using.. and ya know what.. either does anyone here... lack of education is a terrible thing.. young OR old. Anyone who does/takes anything without knowledge of how it works, why it works, and the proper usage will get hurt/sick... even aspirin!

Point is.. if she doesn't already, it might not be a bad idea to let her into your world.. show her this place, give her the option to partake in your hobbie on your level.. and maybe she might be willing to give it a try.. possibly NOT the supplements, but at least on an educational level she will be able to relate and understand.

The one thing I got lucky with was a woman I never have to hide anything from. This hobby also puts you in a position that when it is part of your lifestyle... it helps make/break the man you are. Did she meet you while she was on? Did/does she like the man that you are? Just things to think about. You two obviously have something good going if you can communicate even on some of the scarier topics in life (could cause conflict).. if they didn't then.. why now? .. and lastly.. since you have talked about it already... I hope she never held your hobbie over you head..

These are just opinions based off of my experience... the hard part is over (first time discussion), but understanding why you have this ULTIMATUM lingering over you head w/o potential fighting is another challenge all in itself.. Try to understand from her shoes as well so she can see that you ARE thinking of her and you want to try to understand her reasoning with an objective point of view...

If the reasons make sense.. then of course you should definitely make a real decision, because if you choose to stay on after saying you won't... she'll know, and it will come back to haunt you.. no ifs/ands/or butts.
Funny How You Call It A "bad Habbit" While Its Nothing Of The Sort, And On Top Of That Ur A Representative Of This Site, Just Curious How Thats Going To Work?
she calls it a bad habit.

I know its wrong for her to make an ultimatum. Specially about something she agreed with before. Believe me, If I have to chose, Ill show her the door.

I do believe in what im doing. I do believe im healthier now, then I was before I started taking gear. But, Its a bad habit when you consider the legal aspect of obtaining the product. There is risk involved. No matter what you do, there is risk involved.
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Presser .. i think when talking as in regards to a "bad habbit"... lets face it, more people look at it negative than positive.. the general public see it as a bad habbit.. education changes perspective, or at least gives 'reason' to a choice, and hopefully adds the credibility this lifestyle deserves (when done correctly)...

the pros and cons on this lifestyle may determine for someone if it's the kind of life they want.. it might be BAD for them because of a job title/description, etc... but that doesn't make it bad altogether. The one thing I can say is that habbits/lifestyles are 'closely' related and have a fine line.

Habbits are something you fall into, but bodybuilding is something you develop and refine.
does she know about you cheating? Cause if she does, then that is probably why she wants you to quit.

just a thought
no. I think she'd be out the door if she knew about even 1 of the women.

She's also full of crap. Big talker, made it seem like she was leaving, then when it came to packing her stuff... she caved.
normalsucks said:
no. I think she'd be out the door if she knew about even 1 of the women.

She's also full of crap. Big talker, made it seem like she was leaving, then when it came to packing her stuff... she caved.

ahh, aren't they all big talkers?

Things usually get better when you hold your ground.
i think you guys arnt ment to be... seriously, not just because you cheat and use, but because you have already broken down the respect barrier, and i have no problem w/ " your habbit" , my husband has the " bad habbit" , i only care about the cheating and respect !!!
What I find interesting is that ppl will place the gear before there wife. We cant use forever and there will come a point in time when we will all have to stop. I have talked to my fiance and we both will have to stop someday and we both realize that. I also know I wouldnt place the gear before her. I think ppl rely on gear to much an think they cant train without it. FOOD is the most anabolic substance not gear.
fuck a bitch at least with the gear you have something to show for it after everything is said and done, what do you have to show for a whore when she hits the road? MEMORIES :arcade:
and a very weak bank account
hype up on the gear and get a call girl once a week

put in a MAX HARDCORE movie and say, "this is how it is ,this is what we are going to do and there is an extra $50 in it for you and if your not down with that fucking leave"

dorian123 said:
fuck a bitch at least with the gear you have something to show for it after everything is said and done, what do you have to show for a whore when she hits the road? MEMORIES :arcade:
and a very weak bank account
hype up on the gear and get a call girl once a week

put in a MAX HARDCORE movie and say, "this is how it is ,this is what we are going to do and there is an extra $50 in it for you and if your not down with that fucking leave"


I must commend you for such a post.

That's all i am going to say.

n.v.s .... i hope you wernt serious about that last post, you were being sarcastic right ? lol
he must be jelous, should we ask him to post his stats, cause i bet i can think of a few chicks around her who could give him a little compotition !!! lol
yea girl power !!!
i guess that would be ok, since many people have given me second chances after i have said ignorant stuff, but if that dont work its smack down time ... for sheezy ( is that some pimp talk for ya ) lol