workout length

i usually don't go over an hour although i do three sets as fast as most do one...only rest about 15-30 seconds between.
i go home when i get dizzy...
depends on how many body parts you do in one session.
If you are doing only 1 body part - then a 45 minute work out is plenty. BUt if you only workout 3 days a week and want to hit all the major areas, you need to hit 3 body parts in 1 session (which sucks) so you need a bit more time... like 1.5-2 hours.
Years ago I would lift for close to two hours, doing two body parts each workout, but I was drained to the point that the second body part I was hitting was getting cheated because I had no energy. Yeesh, that was a mouthful. It depends though. If you only want to lift four days a week and no more, then you are somewhat trapped into doing two body parts in one training session on some days, which will certainly be more than one hour. The drawback is possibly being a little tired in the middle of your extended workout; the upside is that you have more days off to rest and grow.
average one hour not including cardio which increases time. I try to split the workout if it gets over 1.5 hours. do cardio in the morning and weights in the evening to avoid problems such as overtraining, burn out, muscle breakdown, etc.
I stay in the gym for 1-2 hours, but part of the time my jaws are flapping more than the iron is being lifted
dizzy or can't walk without help, LOL, Usually 45min to 1hr depending on if any assholes are there just to socialize, even then I put on the headphones and ignore the guy.