Would this be overkill


New member
I recently bought some immense growth factor (big ups Presser) and liquid solutionz Aqua Burn, and thought about adding some Aqua Dex. Would this be overkill or do any harm if taking all 3 together?
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I recently bought some immense growth factor (big ups Presser) and liquid solutionz Aqua Burn, and thought about adding some Aqua Dex. Would this be overkill or do any harm if taking all 3 together?

Well i guess a first question or two would be ...

Whats your experience with these compounds, what are your goals, what are your stats ... list goes on man

Well lets see I am 220lb 6-1" tall with 15%BF. Age 30. Training 3 years wish I would have got off my dead ass when I was a teen. I have never used any of these before but I have I have a high tolerence to stims. I do not want to be super huge but much respect to those who are. It takes a lot of dedication to get that way. I want to stay between 200-220 with about 9% BF. On the Immense Growth Factor I was told to stay on the low side and only do 20MCG ED Laterally. I can not do oral ProHormones since its I have a bad reaction to the chemicals. Had blood work done and no permanent damage done. As for the other compounds I listed I have never used anything like them before. That is why I am asking before I do something stupid and overload my system. My daily diet between 200-300 grams protein daily, 250grams complex carbs, 150grams simple carbs (pre and post workout) about 200 in fats. I never really measured the fats to be exact just a low side guess.

Current supps taking now.

D-Asparitic Acid
Animal Stak Multivitamins
BCAA powder
Animal Pump
Omega 3 Pills

Only Medical condition I have is low Thyroid which I get blood work every 6 months and adjust my synthroid accordingly. Physical problems is low back injury herniated L3-5 discs. That happened about 7 years ago but flare up every now and then

Anything else that you need to know to answer my question please ask.
you dont need to take the aquadex unless youre taking something that aromatizes, like test.
your goal stated is fat loss. diet is most important factor. make sure youre on a reduced calorie diet and the igf and clen will help along with cardio.
The diet has been revised been working on it since I got off work and gym. Thanks for your honesty about the aqua dex. I am glad to see that this site is not just about making money but honest advice.
What about MC's Ultimate N.O. that was another product that I was thinking about getting. I cant seem to find any preworkout that puts me in the "zone" anymore