Would you date a girl with a fake leg/arm??


New member
Oh hell yes...I can imagine the great positions after removing the fake leg. Man I've gotta find me one so I can do some experimenting.

The arm would be strange for me for some reason, no offense intended to any amputees or others...but the leg I would definately try.
Sorry bro, but that's just a little fucked up. lol. I mean I might have said something a few years ago myself. So I guess I don't have much room to talk, but sure why not. You only live once. lol.
ehh sure why not after what i fucked last night i think i should stick to sheep and other farm animals they are better looking.
I think now that I've matured quite a bit I wouldn't have any problem with it but in my younger days I probably would have joined in with the teasing and laughter to some extent. In college there was a girl who was missing an arm from the elbow down and she was gorgeous so I think that taught me a lesson :)
oh and i have to admit I selected - "I would email her the Bionic Arm thread..."
because that's fucking hilarious!
mikeswift said:
oh and i have to admit I selected - "I would email her the Bionic Arm thread..."
because that's fucking hilarious!
yea, that shit had me rolling too!

I guess a chick minus a limb is better than a fat chick....and Im guilty of popping one or two of those. Hell, with enough test, I'd bang damn near anything.
MANY,MANY advantages to dating a girl w/a fake limb. Say if someone breaks into
your place and attacks you, you can grab the arm/leg and beat the shit out of them!
Also, if you didn't want them to go out you could hide the leg!!
Seriously, the older I get the more I roll w/the punches and dont trip
on things as much right off the bat but just see how things pan out.
Much more tolerant then when I was younger.
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so you're saying that now that you're older you can roll with the punches and you won't trip on her leg?
mcgaret said:
Also, if you didn't want them to go out you could hide the leg!!


-Dammit, can you just imagine that conversation.....
-Honey...have you seen my leg?

Im prolly going to hell, but think its hilarious.
Hey Calibaby1, thanks for having a sense of humor. I saw your name in the
response and I said "oh no". A lot of women think men are insensitive jerks and
dont relate to our crude humor. If you're not having fun your in the wrong place.
(Yes, we are insensitive jerks but that's because of our immaturity that we never
grow out of) Again, nice to have you aboard.
Oh, don't u worry..

I see it like this...if it's funny I am going to laugh, even if its might not be appropriate...

I think alot of females have this false sense of maturity to them, like its beneath them to get down and dirty and have a good time every once in awhile.

Anywhoo, just my .02
"a false sense of maturity," good phrase! I have a few chick friends I'd like to use that on.
i guess i would have to change what i say around her. no more "honey im just pulling your leg..off" lmfao
Im gonna burn in hell with calibaby1..lol
I would if she were still very mobile, might make sex interesting..lol
I have to say I dated a girl about 10 years ago with only one arm. She was beautiful and didn't ever attempt to get a fake one put on there. Her arm was cut off just below the shoulder. I gotta say, some things were a little odd...but she was always very polite. When we went out for dinner she never-everput her elbows on the table and I respect that!!! I feel bad now...I hope she never reads this!!! :)