wtf, junk not working long.


New member
So after just running some winstrol oral for only couple weeks but at extremely high dose my junk has stopped working. Meaning I cant keep it up during sex for long. Havent tried cialis consistently and am going to but any thoughts on what to use. Labido completely shut down after that. Still runing 700+ test prop a week. I have mast e but I dont think that will bring me back to life. Any ideas would be helpful.
So after just running some winstrol oral for only couple weeks but at extremely high dose my junk has stopped working. Meaning I cant keep it up during sex for long. Havent tried cialis consistently and am going to but any thoughts on what to use. Labido completely shut down after that. Still runing 700+ test prop a week. I have mast e but I dont think that will bring me back to life. Any ideas would be helpful.

So your saying you don't get horny at all? Thats what Shut down labido Means, but if u are getting horny and can't get hard, than thats an entirely different problem, so which is it??
1st thing i would do is cut the winny dose or drop it all together. If your libido/junk starts working you'll know it was the winny doing it. I had to drop winny today after 4 weeks actually
becouse it totally Fucked my lipids up. I would be out of breathe just going up a flight of stairs.getting bloods today to see for sure.
Yeah it tanked my lipids too. Well at first my labido was fine and my stuff would just not work after a few 10 min or so. Nit now my labido is gone and all. Still running test but I dropped the winny at leadt a month ago. At first I thought it was a blood pressure issue bit o continually check it and its fine. Except durring the moment. Was thinking of prov. Dont know though
I'd get blood work done and see how your estrogen is.
I take it your running an ai? Maybe donate some blood.
I'd rule out everything else before you throw more drugs at the problem.
We will need to review the girl in question and make determinations from there

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We will need to review the girl in question and make determinations from there

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lmao! Your fucked up man!!! lol, But hey I guess it could be the issue lol
Easy...Its his wife... I think your dealing with an ED problem not a libido problem Buddy. If it works for a min and then stops, then its dysfunction. If your wanting it and not being able to finish then its not libido. Masteron and Proviron will increase libido, but I dont think thats the issue. You still taking Tren????
No Tren buddy. Im only running 700+ test prop. It all happened after that winstrol. I need to give blood for sure. My h&h is up. Havent ran blood work in a month or so so I should prob check it to see how it compares to before all this happened. Of course around that time it stopped working I stopped using madteron. I wad runing 1200 week of masteron.
I'll say this again. Your doses are way too high. So High, that when you come off its a shock to your system. If I went from 1200 a week of Mast to nothing, my junk wouldnt work either. Same with the Winny dose. No way you should have to use more than 800 a week of Mast or over 100 a day of Winny
Easy...Its his wife... I think your dealing with an ED problem not a libido problem Buddy. If it works for a min and then stops, then its dysfunction. If your wanting it and not being able to finish then its not libido. Masteron and Proviron will increase libido, but I dont think thats the issue. You still taking Tren????
1st thing i would do is cut the winny dose or drop it all together. If your libido/junk starts working you'll know it was the winny doing it. I had to drop winny today after 4 weeks actually
becouse it totally Fucked my lipids up. I would be out of breathe just going up a flight of stairs.getting bloods today to see for sure.

That's exactly what happens, you will feel alpha as hell and confident, but if you are overuse DHT compounds and completely annihilate estrogen levels with them, then you will have cardio capacity issues, bad lipid profile and libido will go out the window.
Although the reasons vary, the largest reason and most plausible explanation between low E2 and super high DHT - is that you get an adrenaline overload and this depletes nitric oxide levels quickly....

Ways to counteract would be either drop the winny, or take a mixed alpha blocker plus some Cialis.......
Also beneficial might be an oxytocin peptide or something of that like.

...but, it's probably easier to just drop the winny.
That being said, there are some positives with low E2 and you can manage the sides it's just going to cost you a lot more, and in addition to thing is you will have trouble gaining mass with super low E2.
That's exactly what happens, you will feel alpha as hell and confident, but if you are overuse DHT compounds and completely annihilate estrogen levels with them, then you will have cardio capacity issues, bad lipid profile and libido will go out the window.
Although the reasons vary, the largest reason and most plausible explanation between low E2 and super high DHT - is that you get an adrenaline overload and this depletes nitric oxide levels quickly....

Ways to counteract would be either drop the winny, or take a mixed alpha blocker plus some Cialis.......
Also beneficial might be an oxytocin peptide or something of that like.

...but, it's probably easier to just drop the winny.
That being said, there are some positives with low E2 and you can manage the sides it's just going to cost you a lot more, and in addition to thing is you will have trouble gaining mass with super low E2.

This is exactly what has happened. Hoping time off and a small cruise will help it all come back. Im not responding to the test prop right now I dont think. May have to throw a peptide in there.
Ive never had that issue, I take the proper pct and don't stay on cycle for more than 16 weeks with the same amount of time off. I still respond well to low dosages for my size.
I did ask around for you bro and you need to get the blood work done, your liver may be out of wack and the amount of DHT you stuffed in your system is not good.
The test prop is high to be honest you are creating more sides. more is not always better, the same goes for women, more of a woman is not better hahaha
So drop the prop down to 100mg EOD, winny 50mg day, b12 and take a mixed alpha blocker. This is jut my opinion but considering you overdosed your body it will take time to return to normal. Go get that blood work done my friend
Another thing guys don't seem to relize is that not all gear today is what your sources say it is. You could have been running something like low dose Anadrol and not have even known it. But my point is. Sometimes ED problems are not always estrogen related, poeple forget prolactin can also be raised in some poeple suseptable to increased levels.
Not only is Arimidex good to have on hand but Dostinex or pramipexole also.
Running test your body should have not expirience any ed. Winstrol is total dht. Should have helped erections.