You be the of Flex Pro top 2


MuscleChemistry member
Who do you think should have won? Dexter or Evan?

Evan. Dex is held to a high standard and his back and hams were off...he even admitted he couldnt get the water off...Evan was most complete...wolf was placed too high...
dexter is the baddest mofo in the game to me. NOBODY is touching that dudes waist and taper is sick. Lats from the front are crazy too. Im biased, dex is my favorite.
i agree evan was on.. dex was holding a bit in his hams but sickly shredded in the mid section as usual.

you think dexter would have took it if he was on point? i think so
Evan for sure ... not a fan of either .. but bump for all the water retention comments .. Dex just wasnt on point this time
First thing I noticed was dexters midsection as usual. In most of the poses they had almost the exact same look. Dexter did seem to have a little water in the hams but he also looked a little fuller in the chest to me. Dexter's conditioning is always awesome and like mike said if he comes in where most of the other guys do he seems off though hes better than half the field. Its hard to tell on a youtube video and Im sure in person it would have been at least a little easier.
I think they got it right. Evan beats him IMO. Evan had both size and conditioning over Dexter. I think he needs to continue to bring his chest up though, but it could just be his genetic shape.
From the front, I'd say Dex had a legitment chance. From the back, no comparison. Evan's calves look 10 times better than Dex's and then you can go up from there and although it gets slightly better, not enough to put Dex on top. Evan seemed to dwarf Dex too so that helps a little, but I think the water retention in the back poses was probably the tipping point
Evan. Dex is held to a high standard and his back and hams were off...he even admitted he couldnt get the water off...Evan was most complete...wolf was placed too high...

Yeah, dexter has set his standard conditioning way to high..the judges are so use to him being shredded to the bone, and spitting dust, that when he is slightly off (and I mean just slightly cause I would take that conditioning anyday of the week) he gets pentlized for it pretty hard. If he is on, at the arnold, and I would bet my paycheck (although it isnt that he will blow them all away...only one person could beat him, and his name is VICTOR...:gold: