You-tube ads


New member
Google owns You-tube and they have just changed the way they put ads up before the video. Before you could just click it off. Now you are forced to watch the entire ad. Some are 5 minutes long. It looks like Google is getting greedy for higher profits. Some of these videos have views in the 10's of millions. I did a search on one subject and it said 6 million responses. I wonder how many millions of videos there are on You-tube?:dizzy:
We'll never be able to watch every minute of every video on YT... and with this stupid ads... I think we should stop wasting our time on youTube, let's start reading books or something :)
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Seems someone told me how to opt out seeing those annoying commercials, but this was a while back, not so sure you can anymore.
They keep advertising You Tube Red. I think it's $9.99 a month no commercials. Fuk that. There is a bunch of new start up video channels to look into.
Ah, no wonder they made that change. They think they can get more revenue by getting people to sign up for Red. Either way they win.