Your Anadrol Experiences


New member
I will comment on this later today. Love drol and have used in cutting and bulking phases. Max dosage for has been 150mg/day, normal is 50mg split up.
I experienced greater appetite, not really any water retention, increased strength and size. I was at the same as MMX2, 150mg/day split up during the day. Would love to do it again.
i personally dont like it
it makes me bloated, it gives me head aches and high blood pressure
it also decreases my appetite
take doses of 100 mg ed and you will see great results. avoid the more is better mentality with oxymetholone. i have done as much as 300 ed, doesn't work any better. split dosages 50 morning, 50 6 hrs later. good luck
no, no acne...I will run it 100mg/ED for 2 weeks at the begin. of a cycle to kick start things...notice that it works the best at the start of a cycle

great for size and strength
only side effect that I get from it is SEVERE cotton mouth at night when I sleep...then again I have sinus problems so I breath/snore through my mouth when I sleep at night
girlfriend fucking hates it-I couldn't tell ya how bad it was I slept through the whole thing :drooling:

FUCKIN elbow in the kidneys hurt at 3am :curse:
never used a-bombs. i have done d-bol but find that i preffer not to use orals. not to mention the fack that a-bombs are prolly one of the roughest on your body.
Definitely don't take it at the same time as a statin drug for cholesterol. That combo can really fry your liver. Oddly enough, I think the statin is harsher than the anadrol is.
Sorry, statins are what they call cholesterol controlling drugs, i.e. pravastatin, simvastatin, etc. The name of the actual drug (not brand name) always has the word, "statin" in it.
10/4 good buddy...
I thought that maybe was some sort of sub-catagory for a particular type of AAS
Many other drugs such as the statin drugs Saud mentioned affect your liver function worse than most any oral "hepatoxic" AAS. I'm not saying that they are safe by any means but you need to be careful if you are mixing AAS with blood pressure/cholesterol meds or any other ones that may effect your liver or other organs.
I cant take the stuff, It makes me very sick. I took 100mg ed for about 2 weeks of the androlic (green monsters) and I got big and strong but I stayed so nauseous that i couldnt work out much. So I stopped the cycle and sold the rest of what I had. I believe It gave me stomach ulcers, was puking up blood. Also a lot of nausea and a general feeling of non well being. Although D-bol is exactlly the opposite for me, I tolerate it very well.
AnabolicAgent03 said:
I cant take the stuff, It makes me very sick. I took 100mg ed for about 2 weeks of the androlic (green monsters) and I got big and strong but I stayed so nauseous that i couldnt work out much. So I stopped the cycle and sold the rest of what I had. I believe It gave me stomach ulcers, was puking up blood. Also a lot of nausea and a general feeling of non well being. Although D-bol is exactlly the opposite for me, I tolerate it very well.

How strange it is that people can react so differently to a particular steroid. I, too, had the androlics--LOVED them. I react completely opposite of you. I get the well being and a huge appetite from anadrol, but not dbol. Dbol makes me feel nauseous with a sense of non-well being.
i loved it the few times i ran it, great strength gains, some mild blood pressure issues but strength gains were great and i ran it with igf so i was hungry as hell
MMX2 said:
What more information are you specifically looking for?

Really any pros or cons , Ive never done it and this thread was a few months old so I thought I might get some more info on it and add to it. Im still up in the air either Anadrol or Dbol. I dont have an injectable at the moment to run with my test cyp. so Im trying to make good with what I can get.
Reading through this again makes me really want to get those androlics again.