Iron Game

Gold Member
Some of you may already know this but this thread is to inform the misinformed about the toxicity of oral anabolic steroid use. I'm writing this thread because I was running anadrol @ 100mg ED and had to stop because my food wasn't digesting and led to becoming constipated, had really bad gas, and when I was able to go to the bathroom my stool would float, or have a little bit of oil in it, this as some of you know is called Steatorrhea, which is caused by the lack of bile acids (we will get to that in just a second) And YES I was taking liver protectant but not TUDCA. Liv-52 is garbage, everything but TUDCA for liver protectant is garbage! (Keep in mind Im on 500mg of tren enth and have really bad insomnia, couple Unisom tablets to the face and no effect, so this will help kill time)

First things first, when you run an ORAL AAS, be sure to have Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid AKA TUDCA on hand. If you cant get TUDCA, then dont run the oral. There is research on TUDCA being highly effective in treating specific steroid induced cholestasis. You can find it anywhere, its cheap & IT WORKS. Don't be CHEAP. IF YOU DONT TAKE PROPER PRECAUTIONS, REALITY WILL SET IN.

"By failing to prepare, you prepare to fail."

Taking TUDCA can maybe even absorb more of the oral AAS you digest. YES! It can possibly increase the bioavailability of the oral anabolic BECAUSE it prevents CHOLESTASIS. Meaning it helps keep the liver working how its supposed to work without stopping or slowing down bile flow.

SO WHATS CHOLESTASIS? Cholestasis is an enlargement of periportal hepatocytes, high levels of AST, ALT, & GGT (as some of you may know already; a not so good liver) and also happens when the bile flow in your liver gets all FUCKED UP, and slows down or possibly STOPS. And BILE is an extremely important element in our liver, because bile acts as a waste removal. It removes all the shit, good and bad, that your liver creates from all the work it is doing all day everyday. BASICALLY IT CLEANSES YOUR LIVER. SO YOU NEED BILE MOVEMENT FOR A FUNCTIONAL LIVER. Bile is also very crucial to our digestion, especially of fats. When you eat food, it is stored in the gall bladder and then pumped into this upper section of this small intenstine called duodenum, and in turn this helps digest the food being eaten and helps break down the fats and all that other good stuff.

Remember when I said I was constipated because my food couldnt digest? This is what was happening. YOU DO NOT WANT THAT. But I was smart enough to know what was happening and what I needed to do.

Now when a liver gets DAMAGED by running oral anabolics, the liver is PUTTING IN TOO MUCH DAMN WORK from processing the shit you decided to swallow that supposedly turns you into Superman or a fucking Greek God. In result, this causes a slooooooow down of the bile flow in the liver. Remember how important bile flow was? And what is this impairment of bile flow called? THATS RIGHT! Cholestasis! Now youre listening.

Now when cholestasis happens, BILE ACID (which acts as soaps that carry away the toxins and flush them into the intestines for excretion, theyre known as the liver's cleansing agents), will start to damage and fuck up your liver cells, so bile acid is VERY toxic to the liver if its not doing its thing since its restricted, after it fucks up your liver cells, then comes apoptosis, which is when the cells start dying, after that comes necrosis; this is when all the cells in your beautiful loving reddish brown rubbery-to-the-touch 3lb liver are dead....

All you have to do to avoid all this is keep the bile flowing & working the way its supposed to. The liver needs to keep whipping the bile through the liver itself and its cells in order to clean out all the shit, good and bad, from all the biochemical processes the liver itself is doing all day everyday.

Miberlone, Superdrol, M1T all that "good shit", some of you guys like to talk about every now and then is obviously extremely difficult for the body to clear. One more thing about miberlone or cheque drops, it is known as the non-metabolizable androgen. Do you know what the metabolite of cheque drops in humans is? UNCHANGED MIBERLONE. Think of it as like the ONE HITTER QUITTER for you liver..Dude, seriously you only have ONE liver. You fucked that one up, and in return that shit is going to fuck YOU up.

How do you avoid all this horror? Easy. You can take your TUDCA, TUDCA can increase the synthesis of hydrophilic bile acids from cholesterol, which in turns decreases the toxins of the entire bile pool. Its proven to activate the PXR/SXR nuclear receptors in your liver cells, which activates bile acid metabolizing enzymes. Now IDK what exactly are PXR/SXR nuclear receptors, but to me they sound like they are something you want activated, for the sake and health of your liver. TUDCA is POTENT at preventing 17 AA oral induced liver damage. The dose is usually 1g to 1.2g, before during and after cycle/blast.

DO NOT RUN ORALS WITHOUT TUDCA. FORGET YOUR MILK THISTLE, FORGET SILYMARIN & SILYBIN. Yes theyre great ANTIOXIDANTS, but they are WEAK protection and aren't a considerable treatment for cholestasis since they cant do shit on bile impairment.

NAC on the otherhand is also a nice antioxidant, but its BUNK. It suffers extremely poor bioavailability. Liv-52? BUNK TOO, its just a blend of weak ass antioxidants. These are all a waste a money. TUDCA is what you NEED. TUDCA is what you WANT.

Jaundice, reduced appetite, amber colored piss, fever or nausea, and bloody stool are all signs that are telling you you have to go to the ER. These are symptoms of a serious liver issue. And if this does happen it means you have waited too long.

But this should not happen to any of you, my brothers, since intellect is power, and the power here is the ability to control your own health, and choose your own destiny. You only have one liver. Take care of it and it'll take care of you.
Great info Iron. Thanks for sharing. I've never used TUDCA but am buying it now. I rarely use orals and has been limited to Anavar to date. Can't be too safe when it comes to your organs. What do you recommend for kidneys?

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Yah, Udca or Tudca is the only liver supplement i bother with. I prefer pharma grade udca. I like to use it off and on regardless of whether i use orals.

Interestingly, a friend of mine and I both keep having the same problem. We're having the same symptoms as you but almost immediately.

I havent been able to use an orals in over a year because as soon as i start taking them i suffer from what feels like my digestive system shutting down. Im talking on the cwry first day! Ill take a few dbol or tbol, and later that afternoon notice i have this big distended gut. I have this really nasty full feeling. Its as if the prior meals simply havent digested. It sucks because not only is it a god awful feeling but it causes me to miss meal after meal because the food is basically just sittinf in my stomach.

I actually cant make it anymore then 3 days tops before i have to quit because im so absolutely fucked up from it. My friend says hes having the same exact problem right after starting. We're both using different products from different labs.

I can totally understand it happening in your situation, where youve already been on orals for a while and toxicity is rising, but i cant understand why its happening after literlly the very first dose.

Ive gotten bloodwork a few times and liver enzymes havent been elevated. Even after running tbol for like 6 weeks ( this was before i started having this problem) my liver enzymes never actually came out of the normal range.

Ive pretty much just given up on using them. I got away with it for a while, for some reason my system just doesnt agree with them anymore. Thought it was weird he was javing the same problem. Like i said, its understandable id youve been on them for a while, but i havent heard too many people complain about this right off the bat.

Such a terrible feeling.
Good thread.
I too feel orals overload my digestive system at a point I've got the fulness only with 450g carbo, 300g pro 100g fat.

I'm starting a UDCA (pharma grade) therapy 1 tabs 225mg every day. Not so expensive. I hope UDCA is gtg almost like TUDCA here absent in pharmacy.
