Zn Thymulin Guide – Best Peptide for Hair Loss?

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Anti-aging regimens have quickly gained popularity in the recent decade and compounds have popped up for all kinds of treatments whether it is for shiny nails, to firmer skin and even hair!

Zn-Thymulin is a naturally occurring peptide that can promote hair growth and is especially recommended for men who may be suffering from male pattern baldness, commonly known as androgenetic alopecia.

Since it is relatively a newer peptide, research on it has been limited but I must say that it is promising so far. It has also been shown to reduce the graying of hair and may have immunomodulatory functions that are still unexplored.

Therefore, we will go through all the available evidence and see if this peptide really is legit!

Key Takeaways

  • Zn-Thymulin reduces hair loss and regenerates hair follicles.

  • It can decrease the graying of hair by stimulating melanogenesis and therefore increasing pigmentation.

  • It stimulates the differentiation of T-cells and thus has immunomodulatory potential.

What is Zn-Thymulin?

Zinc-Thymulin is a metallopeptide composed of Zinc (Zn) and Thymulin. Zn is a trace mineral while Thymulin is a well-defined nonapeptide hormone that is produced by the thymic epithelial cells. (1)

The biological activity and antigenicity of Thymulin depends on the metal zinc, and is therefore conjugated with it to form Zn-Thymulin. (2)

How does Zn-Thymulin work?

Thymulin is a hormone which is isolated from the thymus gland mainly has two functions that have been studied so far.

Firstly, it is known to induce intra and extra thymic T cell-differentiation which makes it an immunomodulatory molecule. It especially has the most potent effect on the suppressor T-cells. (3)

Secondly, Thymulin has the ability to extend anagen, which is the active growth phase of the human hair follicle. As the body ages, the anagen phase of the hair cycle tends to get shorter as a result of which hair follicles cease and are unable to grow. Thymulin in particular prevents this from happening. (4)

It is important to understand that while the mechanism of action of Thymulin in stimulating hair growth is fairly simple, it would not yield any result without Zinc. Thus Thymulin and Zinc are combined in equimolecular ratio for the optimum working of this peptide.

Research has shown that the deficiency of zinc alone resulted in a lack of T-cell differentiation. Furthermore, other symptoms included hair loss, diarrhea, impaired wound healing and weight loss. (5)

This goes on to show that Thymulin would not be able to achieve its effect in the absence of the mineral Zinc and hence is used in conjugation, as Zn-Thymulin.

Benefits of Zn-Thymulin

Zn-Thymulin has a fairly direct mechanism of action and having understood them, it is quite easy to deduce the benefits now!

  • Zn-Thymulin can regulate hair growth by improving hair follicle growth as well as the quality of hair. (4)

  • It can treat hair loss, specifically in older individuals who may be going through a naturally reduced anagen hair growth phase.

  • It also improves endogenous hair pigmentation by stimulating melanogenesis, thus minimizing the amount of gray hair.

  • Research shows that Zn-Thymulin was especially effective when it was used to treat androgenetic alopecia in men who used this peptide for at least 6 months. (6)

  • Due to its effect on T-cell differentiation, it can potentially be used as an immune modulator.

Is Zn-Thymulin Legal?

There is very little scientific literature available that assesses the efficacy of Zn-Thymulin in the adult human population.

Therefore, it has not been approved by the FDA as of yet.

Who should use Zn-Thymulin?

Zn-Thymulin is a unique peptide which is targeted at both females and males who want to get rid of bald patches on their scalp, even though it is more commonly used to treat male-pattern baldness.

Hair loss occurs as a result of progressing age and Zn-Thymulin counters this effect, therefore it can be used as an anti-aging peptide.

Thus it is especially for people who want to look a few years younger because not only does it improve hair quality but it can also improve endogenous hair pigmentation, thereby defying gray hair!

Furthermore, it can be used to achieve fuller looking hair and in the treatment of androgenic alopecia which is more commonly seen in men due to excessive response to androgens. Evidence suggests that Zn-Thymulin was efficacious in reducing the effects of this condition. (7)

Forms of Zn-Thymulin

Zn-Thymulin is available in the form of spray which is the most preferred method of application. Other forms include Zn-Thymulin drops and foam.

How To Use Zn-Thymulin

Zn-Thymulin is a topical peptide and is therefore applied directly to the scalp.

Like any other peptide it is recommended to have a dry and clean scalp before application to receive maximum effects of this peptide.

Zn-Thymulin Dosage

Zn-Thymulin is mostly available in a water based spray of 30ml. Foaming applicators consisting of 50ml liquid have also been recently introduced.

Zn-Thymulin Cycling

1ml or 2 pumps of the Zn-Thymulin spray should be applied to the scalp once in a day, preferably at night.

According to research, Zn-Thymulin can be used for extended time periods without any significant side effects but for visible results, it needs to be applied for at least 6 months.

Zn-Thymulin Stacks

Zn-Thymulin is a peptide that mainly focuses on managing hair loss and is thus stacked with other peptides that have been used in hair restoration methods.

These peptides include GHK-Cu, PTD-DBM, and Thymosin Beta 4 which act through different mechanisms but are all involved in preventing hair loss and in the regeneration of new hair follicles.

Zn-Thymulin User Reviews

Umm, unfortunately, Reddit really has nothing meaningful this time that could give us real insight into whether to use this peptide or not.

I think this is primarily because of the very limited research done so far involving Zn thymulin!

Zn-Thymulin Side Effects

A study done on the safety of Zn-Thymulin concludes that it has no adverse systemic side effects such as redness, scalp irritation, and damage to hair quantity or quality.

Where Can I Buy Zn-Thymulin?

Because it is a relatively new peptide, and still an underresearched one, you won’t really find many big stores selling this peptide.

What I would suggest is that if you are eyeing its use, maybe put your hands on this peptide from wherever you can but make sure that the product is authentic and original.

Zn-Thymulin vs. Other Peptides

Zn-Thymulin vs. GHK-Cu

Zn-Thymulin and GHK-Cu are both peptides that are used in treating hair loss and in enhancing hair regeneration. They however are localized from different sites in the human body.

On one hand, Thymulin is produced by the thymic epithelial cells, whereas GHK-Cu is found in saliva and urine.

Zn-Thymulin vs. PTD-DBM

Both these peptides are used in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, which is known as male-pattern baldness but have different origination sites.

Zn-Thymulin is a naturally occurring peptide produced in the thymus while PTD-DBM is an entirely synthetic peptide.

Zn-Thymulin vs. Thymosin Beta-4 (TB4)

Zn-Thymulin and TB4 are both naturally occurring peptides that can aid in the regeneration of hair follicles but they do so by different mechanisms.

Zn-Thymulin directly acts on the follicles to increase the duration of the anagen phase whereas TB4 stimulates stem cell proliferation and subsequently the formation of hair cells.

Is Zn-Thymulin Legit?

Proven clinical results published suggest that Zn-Thymulin is an upcoming peptide that can bring about anti-aging effects by preventing age-related baldness.

It also has the potential to alleviate not just the quantity but also the quality of hair by stimulating regeneration and increasing hair pigmentation. This means that not only will our hair grow back, they will have the potential to be better than before!

However, one big hindrance in its wide application is the lack of adequate research investigating its safety and efficacy, and consequently reduced number of user experiences as well.

Even though this peptide has been considered safe, it is important to know that there is a lack of sufficient data available to make a conclusive decision.

Therefore, for the time being I think it’s best to wait for further conclusive data that can clearly provide legitimate evidence regarding the use of Zn-Thymulin!


Does low zinc cause hair loss?

Hair loss is a well-known sign of zinc deficiency. Although zinc deficiency is not common, restoring zinc may help reverse hair losses in those who are deficient. This mineral is an essential part of cell growth, protein synthesis, and the immune system.

Can zinc regrow hair?

In another study, 15 alopecia patients with low serum zinc levels were given zinc supplements for 12 weeks. Out of the 15 patients, seven showed a marked recovery, meaning they experienced hair regrowth of more than 60 percent on their hair loss patch.

Which zinc is best for hair?

A study, which involved 100 people with patchy hair loss from alopecia areata, stated that oral zinc sulphate is “one of the most effective treatment options” for alopecia areata, noting that it had a low relapse rate.

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