Both Hafthor Bjornsson and Eddie Hall show off their boxing skills on the heavy bag during training.
Hafthor Bjornsson or Eddie Hall. Who appears to be the better boxer heading into their September clash? A recent video of both men working on the heavy bag has proven to be illuminating.
The battle between strongman rivals Hafthor Bjornsson and Eddie Hall is fast approaching. Both men have been prepping hard in the gym ever since the fight was first announced. Now that the date is drawing near the question is becoming who looks to have done the better work in their preparation?
As it stands Hafthor Bjornsson has been putting in more diverse work than Eddie Hall. While Hall has no doubt been training hard for the match, there seems to be a lack of training variety (at least from what we’ve seen). Bjornsson is an entirely different story however. The Icelandic strongman has competed in a number of exhibition matches with pro boxers in the lead up to his bout with Hall. That kind of preparation has likely gotten Bjornsson not only physically but mentally prepared to take on Hall.
Recent videos of both Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson recently dropped online. Both men can be seen working on the heavy bag and getting some solid rounds in. This has proven to be the perfect opportunity to compare and contrast both men’s styles and approach to training.
Hafthor Bjornsson
12 minutes on the bag with a resistance band. My god my shoulders were pumped after that! ?
We can see that Hafthor Bjornsson is more fleet of foot in his video. What is also clear is that he appears more technically sound than Hall. There’s definitely a smoothness and high quality to his punches that are cleaner than his counterpart’s.
Eddie Hall
1000’s of hours in my basement just plodding away getting s**t done! My cardio level is insane and I loving my new passion for Boxing ?
RDX heavy bag weighs 150kg ?
348lbs / 158kg bodyweight ?
What Eddie Hall lacks in clean technique he clearly is making up for in raw power. The sound of his punches exploding on the heavy bag shows clear signs of massive punching power. If he’s able to hit Bjornsson with one of those bombs, it could end up being a short night.
At the end of the day it remains a toss up as to who will win. It is intriguing to see that both men are focused on different aspects of the game. Where Hafthor Bjornsson appears more technique focused, Eddie Hall is embracing his incredible power. It should prove to be an interesting bout.
Who do you think looks more impressive in their training, Hafthor Bjornsson or Eddie Hall?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.