Jay Cutler’s fit-for-50 challenge is officially underway as the bodybuilding legend admits he’s now eating six meals a day again. In a recent JayCutler TV video, Cutler challenged some bulking misconceptions in bodybuilding and revealed he’s weighing 239 pounds.
During his illustrious career, Cutler managed to take home a total of four Mr. Olympia titles. He’s the only man in history to win back an Open title that was lost on the Olympia stage. Cutler also holds the distinction of having dethroned the eight-time Olympia-winning machine Ronnie Coleman in 2006.
Cutler’s last competition came in 2013, but his passion for the sport carried into retirement. Aside from breaking down threats of today’s Men’s Open class, the 49-year-old announced late last year his plans to transform his physique. Initially, fans thought he might be interested in a return, but Cutler explained that he’s taking these measures in hopes of getting in the best shape possible before turning 50.
While rebuilding his body, Cutler has routinely stressed that he won’t use performance-enhancing drugs except for testosterone. In addition to physique updates, Cutler has offered fans a look into several of his training sessions.
Jay Cutler: “It’s a Misconception That You Have to Bulk In Order to Put Size On”
According to Cutler, those looking to add size should emphasize meals four, five, and six. However, if leanness is the goal, Cutler advocated for morning workouts and fasted cardio.
“So this is kind of crazy, I’ve actually be training after my first meal, this is the first day that I’ve actually eaten a bunch of meals and then headed to the gym. Even when I was in Boston recently, I ate usually one meal and then went a trained. Like I said, I always felt my best after four meals, so if there’s a specific time a day I favor… I would always say that after four meals is most beneficial if you’re trying to put on size, but if you’re trying to lean out, I think that the early morning workouts or even fasted workouts can be particularly more helpful in my eyes.”
“Ideally, ideally, what I’d like to do is hit the metabolism several times a day, that’s why when we trained for contests and a lot of times when I was at my absolute best, I did cardio first thing in the morning. I trained one session, ate two meals, came back to the gym, trained with weights then did cardio before I went to bed, so I was actually hitting the metabolism four times a day.
Sometimes, you know, that can be a bit taxing. If that’s like the last eight weeks in preparation where I would train basically for four months, this time around, I’m doing this whole fit-for-50 thing and I’m doing a transformation over 12 weeks. Why I chose 12 weeks is that I’m already at a pretty decent level of body fat. But ideally, my goal is to get bigger and get leaner at the same time,” said Jay Cutler.
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Cutler says it’s a misconception that size can only be added with a bulk. He plans to add size and lean down simultaneously.
“For you out there with the misconception that you have to bulk in order to put size on, I’m going to prove you can put size on and lean down at the same time. The workouts are important but the nutrition is absolutely more important, to eat with more consistency.”
“I am 239 and a half. 239 and a a half, so getting up there. Remember I said I wanted to be 235 for this so,” Cutler added.
This isn’t the first time that Cutler has brought up bulking. In a Cutler Cast podcast last year, the Massachusetts native disclosed that he favors ‘lean bulking’ over dirty bulking. At the time, Cutler wasn’t concerned with muscle mass but highlighted that most people nowadays prefer to maintain leaner physiques.
At almost 240 pounds, fans are looking forward to seeing Cutler’s physique in the near future. He won’t be competing, but recently promised he would step on stage with his shirt off at the 2023 Masters Olympia contest, taking place in Romania this August.
You can watch the full video below courtesy of the JayCutlerTV YouTube channel:
Related: Jay Cutler Details High-Protein Diet and Gives Update on Fit for 50 Physique Goal