More details arise in the Jon Jones arrest story and UFC champion Israel Adesanya weighs in.
It appears more details are coming out about the recent Jon Jones arrest. According to the arrest report the situation is far more complicated than it was first given credit. Israel Adesanya, the UFC middleweight champion and budding rival of Jones, had quite a bit to say about the incident.
The arrest of Jon Jones occurred in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jones was there as his first fight with multiple-time UFC title challenger Alexander Gufstafsson was inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame. What was meant to be a celebratory time for the talented UFC great would devolve in a truly embarrassing arrest for Jones.
A number of news outlets have reported on the former UFC light heavyweight champion’s arrest. But now details of the reason for the arrest and the entire incident are now coming to light. According to TMZ, Jon Jones was apparently very aggressive and violent during the arrest.
During his arrest, Jon Jones allegedly pulled his fiancee’s hair and then headbutted a police car, leaving a dent in the hood and chipping paint.
The Details
UFC middleweight champion Israel Adesanya recently weighed in on the harrowing incident. Adesanya pulled no punches in his own assessment of the situation and had some bold words to say about Jon Jones.
You can see the full arrest details and what Adesanya had to say in the Tweet below.
I’m sure y’all will give him “one more chance” lol. I swear I said he’s gonna fuck up again, he can’t help it. Now here we are. I’ve made mistakes in my time, I learn from them. I don’t think this is the first time this has happened in his house. But yea…posi vibez goiz ?
— Israel Adesanya (@stylebender) September 28, 2021
From the looks of things, Jon Jones has a bit more than just a drinking problem.
Some of the rash actions of Jon Jones have been captured in the past in the documentary The Hurt Business. It appears that the former UFC champion is still battling demons.
Do you think this latest incident should get Jon Jones released from the UFC?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.