Powerlifting icon Larry Wheels is a man of many talents with experience in multiple fitness sports, such as strongman, powerlifting, and arm wrestling. In a recent Bradley Martyn’s Raw Talk, Wheels discussed his transition to Classic Physique and how he’d stack up against reigning four-time champ Chris Bumstead.
Larry Wheels is one of the most popular figures in the fitness space, boasting over 4.4 million followers on Instagram. He first gained attention for his muscle-bound physique and crazy strength. Larry has proven himself already as an aspiring bodybuilder. He earned gold in his amateur debut at the NPC Gold Coast Muscle Classic in Feb. 2018.
Wheels redirected his focus after a sudden training mishap. He picked up an injury while preparing for the 2022 Middle East’s Strongest Man contest and decided to quit steroids. Since he had been using performance-enhancing drugs for about a decade, he tapered off slowly and with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).
Earlier this year, Wheels opened up about the origins of his steroid use. He credited using TRT at the age of 17 instead of delving further into the world of illicit drugs. He revealed TRT helped him pack on over 32 pounds in two months.
After abstaining from steroids, Wheels began tracking his strength. He conducted a powerlifting mock meet to measure his lifts on the squat, bench press, and deadlift. While he did not record his all-time best lifts, he managed to pull off some spectacular lifts.
Larry Wheels teamed up with fitness influencer Lexx Little for a heavy lower-body strength training session. He crushed a massive set of 505-lb (229-kg) squats for a 16-rep AMRAP (as many reps as possible). Then, Wheels pushed Lexx to achieve a new PR on the squat after two years of stalled progress.
The 28-year-old was enlisted to help IFBB Pro Joe Mackey achieve his goal of lifting 1,000 pounds (453.6 kilograms) on the deadlift. Mackey targeted becoming one of the strongest IFBB Pros in history and used Wheels’ expertise to get closer to his goal.
Wheels left the fans stunned with his insane strength two months ago. He smoked past a huge 200-lb dumbbell bench press for three reps. Additionally, he showed off his jacked physique while performing 100-lb hammer curls for reps.
Wheels declared his plan to switch to bodybuilding as a Classic Physique competitor last month. He gave fans a look into his preparations for making the transition and even received help from William Bonac and Andrew Jacked with posing instructions.
Larry Wheels backed himself to be competitive in Classic Physique, ruled by Chris Bumstead
In a recent YouTube video, Larrry Wheels shared his thoughts on pursuing a run in the Classic Physique division and his chances of challenging four-time Olympia champ Chris Bumstead.
“Classic bodybuilding because since 18, I went on Open bodybuilding stage,” said Wheels. “I was just too small for my height not competitive whatsoever but now that you know CBum really took the division to new heights. The division is more popular than ever and I don’t have to be on even more than TRT to be as big as him right now meaning I can actually be competitive according to my coach.
“From what I can see on just TRT and the absolute bare minimum so without a major compromise to my health like Open bodybuilding being a mass monster or pursuing what records in powerlifting where I can shrink down to 230 which is the cut off for my height on stage, look phenomenal and have content ready.”
Wheels said he felt burned out in powerlifting and expressed his excitement about fulfilling his potential in bodybuilding.
“I believe I can be competitive in Classic but I want to see if I really dedicate myself as I am now the last couple months I’ve been here, the next couple of years, how my physique can transform because training as a powerlifter gave me a very different physique to I was training all this time. I want to see what that looks like. I’m not saying I’m going to be next Mr. Olympia but at the very least I want to get my Pro card, win overalls, and see a transformation within myself. I want to see what it looks like a couple years of bodybuilding.
“Now that I’m focusing on bodybuilding, I just don’t care about putting how many plates, whatever on the bar, I just want to change my physique, so it is not an obsession like it was with powerlifting but the fire is there whereas the power thing I’ve been burned out.”
Larry Wheels provided an insanely ripped physique update while preparing for his Classic Physique debut last month. If his track record is any indication, Wheels will dedicate 100% effort into bringing his best package possible.
RELATED: Larry Wheels Shares Shocking Physique Comparison Using 175 mg of Testosterone vs 500 mg