By G Says
January 18, 2024
3 min read


0:00 – Intro
1:25 – Dave on TA-1 Thymosin Alpha 1 Peptide from Titan Medical.
3:05 – Mass cycle, what’s your logic on running tren in the middle of the cycle, and deca at the end? Would you get less results if you ran deca in the middle and tren in the end?
5:38 – Safe for females to use topical finasteride on their scalp for hair loss?
7:43 – Do you think that American food labels should change the way fiber and net carbs are listed?
9:00 – For someone over age 50, not on TRT, is better to train a bodypart once or twice a week?
11:07 – What was Dave’s training split (Sunday-Monday) during his career?
12:32 – Tight hips and lower back (from driving a truck) – what exercises should I do that would be helpful and which should I avoid?
13:30 – Examples of PCT protocols – and differences between HMG and HCG usage.
16:12 – Any negative effects of stacking HGH and T3 together?
17:50 – Safe to inject 2 ml into the shoulder (1 ml test, 1 ml eq)? Trying to avoid seperate injections.
19:55 – Does including a vacuum (open class) get you “extra” points or is it unnecessary?
22:09 – Does a competitor do better (in the eyes of the judges) if you’re more vascular?
23:30 – Glutathione protects against cancer cells?
25:24 – Cause of massive lower back pumps? Solutions?
27:12 – If the hematocrit is too high 58-60 . is a good idea take one adiro ( ac. acetil salicilico ) a baby aspirin, every day.
29:25 – I recently switched to a 400mg cyp/Enanthate and my 1mL shots are swelling my shoulders a bit. Any Recommendations?
31:14 – Safest compounds and doses for muscle growth for women?


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