Russel Orhii could be looking to build on his world record in the 83kg category.
Russel Orhii has completely asserted himself as one of the top powerlifters in the 83kg category. He has not competed recently but has continued to gain strength and shows it off on social media. Recently, Orhii shared a video of a massive 342.5kg (755lb) raw squat.
This is a new PR for Orhii and an unofficial world record in the IPF. Orhii won the 2021 IPF World Championship in the 83kg category and currently holds the squat and total world record. According to his Instagram, this lift was 22kg (48.5lb) heavier than that of his current record.
“755LBS/342.5KG ???
All time squat PR. I’m fucking hungry.
Russel Orhii is a two-time IPF World Champion and five-time ISAPL Raw National Champion. In 2021, he set some new PRs in competition and will continue to build upon these numbers. This includes a 323kg (712.1lb) squat and 843kg (1,858lb) total during the 2021 USAPL Raw Nationals. During the 2021 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships, Orhii completed a 333kg (734.1lb) deadlift. His bench press competition PR came back in 2019 with a 195kg (429.9lb) lift.
Orhii has competed in both the IPF and USAPL in his career. For a world record to count as an IPF record, it must be in a sanctioned competition by the organization. This means his world records are actually lower than his competition PRs.
The 2021 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships was the site of both of Orhii’s world records. This includes a 320.5kg (706.6lb) squat and 841kg (1,854.1lb) total.
Russel Orhii will not only focus on powerlifting in 2022 but has plans to compete on the bodybuilding stage as well. His ability to maintain his elite strength while preparing for bodybuilding is extremely impressive. It is unknown when he will make his debut but it is likely to come some time this year. During his training, Orhii has implemented some posing routines and other aspects that will help on stage.
It is clear that Orhii is the top powerlifter in the 83kg category. Right now, it is difficult for other competitors to come close to his lifts. As he continues to transition to bodybuilding, this is a chance for Russel Orhii to show his versatility and overall skill in multiple areas.
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