Veteran bodybuilder Seth Feroce is following an arduous training regime a decade after retirement. He recently partnered with Fitness Olympia winner Missy Truscott for a shoulder workout and posted the video on his YouTube channel.
Feroce competed in the 2000s era and he is a prominent voice in the sport of bodybuilding. A vocal critic of the bodybuilding lifestyle and steroid use in the sport, the 39-year-old has leaned in to high-intensity functional training in recent years to be able to do the physical activities he loves doing. However, he has reinserted weight training in the routine for complete development. In recent months, Seth Feroce has opened up about a health scare and also teased a return to the competitive stage. However, he is yet to update about the further developments.
Feroce partnered with IFBB Pro bodybuilder Missy Truscott for his recent shoulder training session. One of the foremost names in the IFBB Pro League’s fitness division, Truscott has a solid resume to boast about. She is a two-time Fitness Olympia winner and secured the wins at the 2020 and the 2022 Olympia.
Her two other Olympia appearances in 2019 and 2021 resulted in a runner-up finish. Truscott has never finished below the top two in any of the Pro shows she participated in. She has the 2021 Arnold Classic, the 2022 Boston Pro as well as the 2021 Legion Sports Fest Pro wins on her record.
Feroce acquainted Truscott with his training methods and shared some unique tips to get round and muscular shoulders. So let’s get straight to the business and see what Feroce has in store for us.
Seth Feroce and Missy Truscott collaborate for a shoulder workout
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
The bodybuilders started off with the dumbbell shoulder press to work the anterior deltoid muscles. They pushed through some heavy sets of the exercise to pump the delts with blood and jumped into the next exercise.
Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Feroce and Truscott performed this exercise to work the lateral / medial delts. While anterior and posterior deltoids are activated during most pushing and pulling exercises, medial delts need specific exercises to get activated.
Feroce admitted that he had the habit of swaying his upper body during the lateral raises but addressed this problem by slightly modifying the technique. He explained:
“So I hug a tree so that my arms are like this (bent in the elbow to form a circle) and they come down so they wouldn’t be straight, they’d be bent. Then I just come up.”
This way, Feroce ensured that he was doing the exercise the right way. Additionally, he feels that keeping straight arms never appealed to him because he wanted to ‘get jacked’.
The 39-year-old always wanted to push himself beyond failure to make more gains. However, he wanted to find ways other than drop sets to go beyond failure. His pursuit led him to this technique:
“I would pick a weight and I would go to absolute failure with it and then I would cut that weight in half and do double the reps.”
“Say I’m doing the incline dumbbell press with the 140s and I get 15 reps, now I go do the 70s for 30 reps. It doesn’t matter how long I take to do it but I got to do those 30 reps.”
While this method may not be the perfect way to work for everyone, it has definitely worked for Feroce. The training partners annihilated some heavy sets of dumbbell lateral raises and moved on to the posterior deltoid muscles next.
Superset – Bent Over Dumbbell Lateral Raises and Bent Over Cable Rear Delt Rows
The duo took to this superset for working the posterior deltoids / rear delts. Rear deltoids are a small muscle group. While most people advise utilizing a full range of motion on the rear delt exercises, Feroce has a completely different lookout to work this muscle group. He explained his idea of working the rear delts using bent over lateral raises as an example.
“I found out that whenever I do the bent over dumbbell lateral raises out here like this (doing only partial reps at the bottom with approximately 40 percent range of motion) using heavier weights but a small movement, I just got them to fire up.”
Feroce is not a fan of doing six to eight reps of any exercise as he loves to get in more volume. Therefore he supersets the bent over dumbbell lateral raises with the face pulls – BUT with a twist.
Unlike the standard face pulls, Feroce bends over to this exercise so that his head is exactly between the arms.
“Then I pull down like I am doing the rear double biceps,” Seth Feroce said.
He added:
“So this is that movement right here and I pull with my rear delts that are already full of blood from getting engaged from the bent over dumbbell lateral raises. So I pull back right here, hang out here and beat the sh** out of my rear delts.”
Feroce and Truscott performed all the sets within this superset in rapid succession and minimal rest periods to activate the posterior deltoid muscles. After this they took to the final exercise of the day.
Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises
The duo chose this anterior delt movement as the finisher to this training session. Feroce found a unique technique for doing this exercise by simply trying out different arm positions to figure out the one position where the anterior delts looked most muscular.
“So I’m like how can I position myself so that I see this nasty feathered front delt and it comes into its most muscular…” Feroce stated.
He realized that the anterior delts were most engaged when the dumbbells were raised in front while bending forward at the hips. However, Feroce does perform both variations of front raises – bent over and upright.
Truscott and Feroce cranked out some solid sets of alternating dumbbell front raises and wrapped up the training session.
Overall, the workout consisted of following exercises:
You can watch the full workout video here, courtesy of Seth Feroce’s personal YouTube channel: