Seth Feroce Shares Intense Functional Workout For Massive Gains

By Presser
January 31, 2022
3 min read

Seth Feroce is getting in great shape with this functional training plan.

One of the most interesting personalities in the game, Seth Feroce has never been afraid to speak his mind. The retired 212 competitor has been on a mission recently. After choosing to get off gear, Feroce has made it his mission to get in top form using less extreme means. While he may not be one hundred percent natural, Feroce has the kind of otherworldly work ethic that will see him get absolutely ripped and shredded in no time.

8 Week Challenge

Seth Feroce has taken it upon himself to undergo an 8 week training camp. This camp will consist of intense training and smart dieting to see if he can be in top condition without the aid of dangerous performance enhancers. As it stands now, Feroce is looking well on his way to completing his mission.

8 weeks. ⚒

The @axeandsledge HWMF Challenge has kicked off!

8 weeks to see what I got left in the Tank ??

Shredded sub 200 is the goal!

212lbs is the starting point.

Functional Training for Massive Gains

In order to get into his best shape yet, Seth Feroce is using functional training to get the job done. The IFBB Pro isn’t relying solely on classic exercises like the bench press and squats. Feroce has decided to use exercises that push the body in a very different way.

We can already see that Feroce means business. One of his most recent Instagram posts eluded to the type of training he’s putting himself through during this 8 week camp.

Functional & F⚒ckable Workouts!

Don’t think of it as cardio.

It is just lifting weights fast!

With a little cardio mixed in there….

Still doing sets and reps with some weights!

So It’s still Cool! ?

You’re gonna sweat like crazy.

You’re gonna build up that stamina and endurance.

Breath better.

Look better.

Function better.

You will Be Functional and F⚒ckable!

You’re gonna love it!

Below is Seth Feroce’s functional training regimen. He’s not only getting jacked and shredded, but building awesome strength along the way.

Seth Feroce’s Functional Training Regimen

  • 15-yard Sprints – 5 back-and-forth rounds
  • Spiderman (Sidekick) push-up / Push-ups with mountain climbers – 10 each leg, 20 total push-ups
  • Pull-ups – 10 reps
  • Handstand push-ups – 10 reps
  • Sit-Ups – 10 reps
  • Squat Presses / Back Squats – 10 reps
  • Sled push with 3 plates – 15 yards
  • Sled pull with 3 plates – 15 yards
  • Burpees over the bag – 15 reps

To see the full workout, check out Feroce’s YouTube video here.

What do you think of Seth Feroce and his 8 week functional training camp?

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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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