Tag: aesthetics

5 Ways to Live Healthier and Look Better Naked
Ways to Live Healthier and Look Good Naked
Ask the people around you if they want to live healthier, and almost all will reply affirmatively. If we take the right steps, the majority of us can lead a happier and healthier lifestyle.
Looking good naked can be the result of following a healthy lifestyle. For most people, being in shape and having toned muscles is aesthetically appealing which can win you some brownie points in the bedroom.
Work Out
It’s no secret working out can help you live healthier. Most people who workout are in it for the longevity. Lifting weights can also help you build muscles and lose fat which can make you good look with and without clothes.
Depending on your physical activity goals and schedule, you need to set aside time for working out. Your training routine can be anything from hitting the gym to going for a 1K run.
Eat Right
Food arguably has the biggest impact on how you look. While junk food can be a quick and easy way to curb your hunger, it’ll only harm your overall health in the long run. Following a diet is the only way to live a healthy lifestyle.
Making small adjustments like adding green tea, broccoli, chicken breast, etc. to your diet can help you reach your health goals. Supplementing can be a good idea if you’re not meeting your daily micro and macronutrient goals.
Get Proper Rest
If you have a busy schedule, not taking proper rest can burn you out and leave you exhausted. Sleeping is the only time when your body can recover from the day and rejuvenate you for the next day.
If you lift weights, sleeping is when your body will undergo changes and add muscle or lose weight. You need anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep every night. If you can’t get six hours of sleep in a single stretch, adding a mid-day nap can do wonders for you.
Keep Your Testosterone Levels High
Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for the development of the sexual organs in men and promotes secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair.
On the other hand, lower test levels can cause a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, abnormal EKG, type 2 diabetes, and a higher death rate from all causes, including cardiac mortality. You can regulate your testosterone levels through supplementation or test boosting food like honey, almonds, spinach, etc.
Be Stress Free
Stress and hypertension are one of the biggest reasons why people today have bad health. Stress can also lead to a rise in estrogen levels which further reduce the testosterone levels and can cause health problems.
Living a healthy lifestyle and working out can lead to a release of endorphins in your body. Endorphins are the hormones which are responsible for making you feel happy and relaxed. Many people use their workouts as stress busters as you can’t feel sad or stressed after a good training session.
Do you follow the tips mentioned above? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Golden Era Lifts: 5 Exercises From The Iconic Era You Need To Try
5 Exercises From The Golden Era of Bodybuilding That You Need To Try
Many physique aesthetic fans will tell you the golden era of bodybuilding was the best time for the sport. They might be right as the kind of symmetry and conditioning the bodybuilders had in the golden era are almost non-existent now.
The quality of muscle and shape in those days was a result of some lifts which were the favorites of the bodybuilders. With time and introduction of new equipment, the golden era exercises have almost been forgotten.
Concentration Curls
The concentration curls turned into an iconic exercise after Arnold Schwarzenegger was seen performing them in the classic documentary, Pumping Iron. The concentration curls are an isolation exercise which works the peak of the bicep.
There are many variations of the concentration curls. If you’re a beginner, you should perform the exercise while sitting on a chair or a bench. Bend over and place your right elbow on the inside of your right knee while holding a dumbbell in your right hand.
Without swinging your arm, curl the dumbbell by flexing at your elbow. Keep the eccentric motion of the exercise slow and controlled. Switch to the left arm after completing the recommended repetitions on the right side.
Cross-Bench Dumbbell Pullovers
Cross-bench dumbbell pullovers can help you better isolate your lats by letting you drop your hips below the level of the flat bench. Lie down across a flat bench and place your upper back on the bench while holding a dumbbell with both your hands over your chest.
While keeping your elbows and lower body locked in place, take the dumbbell towards the floor. You should feel a contraction in your lats at the bottom of the movement. Bring the dumbbell back to the starting position and repeat for the recommended reps.
Sissy Squats
Sissy squats are an incredibly effective exercise when it comes to building the teardrop in your quads. With the advancement in training machines, sissy squats have unfortunately lost their charm amongst the Gen-X lifters.
Hold onto a machine or a column with one arm as you get in position to perform the sissy squats. Squat down while leaning your torso back so all the stress is on your quads. Always keep your hips forward while performing the exercise.
If you’re doing the sissy squats correctly, you won’t need any additional resistance. In case you do need to use weight, you can hold a weight plate in front of your chest with your free arm.
T-Bar Rows
The T-Bar rows are one of the most brutal back exercises which have been wiped out of the modern exercise guides. There are only a few other back exercises which can build the thickness in your back like the good old T-bar rows.
If you don’t have access to a T-Bar rows machine at your gym, you can use a barbell by putting one end of the barbell in a corner so it doesn’t move while you perform the exercise. Make sure you maintain an arch in your back while performing the exercise.
Forearm Roller
Most people treat their forearm workouts like accessory work and train them if they have some time to spare after their workouts. The golden era bodybuilders considered symmetry and muscle proportions to be the most important aspect of the sport and gave equal importance to all their muscle groups.
The forearm roller is one of the easiest exercises to perform but will leave you with a nasty forearm pump. While keeping your arms fully extended, raise the weight by rolling the bar until the weight reaches the top. Slowly unroll until the weight reaches the starting position and repeat for the recommended repetitions.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements
Who is your favorite golden era bodybuilder? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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