Tag: Arnold Schwarzenegger workout

Arnold Schwarzenegger Details Anti-Aging Secret for Youthful Skin & Fan-Fav Workout of the Week
Arnold Schwarzenegger is on a mission to reverse the aging process at 75 years old. In recent excerpts from his Arnold’s Pump Club Newsletter, Schwarzenegger revealed a free and easy skincare solution and detailed his latest circuit workout of the week.
With a colossal chest, wide shoulders, and huge biceps, Schwarzenegger was a visionary in the 1970s, who sculpted a physique ahead of his time. Building one of the best résumés in the sport, Schwarzenegger pushed himself to the brink in the pursuit of excellence, having shared the stage with rivals such as three-time Mr. Olympias Frank Zane and Sergio Oliva.
Schwarzenegger was near unstoppable in his prime and would ultimately collect a total of seven Mr. Olympia trophies. His final victory was not without a fight as he returned after a five-year hiatus for the 1980 Mr. Olympia. This contest saw him narrowly take first place even though some thought the late fifth-place finisher Mike Mentzer deserved the nod. In the aftermath, a frustrated Mentzer decided to retire from the sport.
Aside from a life of competition, Schwarzenegger broke barriers in the 1980s after he became famous following his roles in action-themed films. His contributions to the Terminator franchise has stood the test of time and is still appreciated today. And while he served as the governor of California and a philanthropist, it appears Schwarzenegger’s focus is health, wellness, and longevity as he gets older.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Study-Supported Anti-Aging Strategies for Better Skin Elasticity
Despite its simplicity, Arnold credits sweating as one of the best methods for improving skin health.
The Anti-Aging Secret
“A little bit of sweat might be the skincare solution you didn’t realize you needed.
Recent research suggests that the best way to have more youthful skin might be a consistent workout routine.
In the study, participants performed 16 weeks of either aerobic workouts or weight training. The scientists found that both forms of exercise resulted in skin improvements, such as better skin elasticity, dermal structure, and skin tone.
Schwarzenegger noted that a combination of cardio and weight training helps produce an inflammatory response that defends the skin against the natural aging process.
Exercise is likely so effective because does so much more than burn calories and build muscle. Both cardio and weight training help an inflammatory response that defends your skin against the natural aging of the cells in your skin. And, while supplementation gets all of the hype, exercise can also help increase your natural production of collagen, which is a key protein that supports healthier skin.
And for the record, you don’t need to train like Mr. Olympia to see the benefits. Both groups trained twice per week. The people doing cardio trained at a moderate intensity (about 65 to 75 percent of their maximum heart rate) for 30 minutes and performed a 5-minute warmup and cooldown. And the weight training group performed a 6-exercise full-body workout consisting of 3 sets of 10 reps each.”
Workout of the Week
In his latest ‘Workout of the Week’, Schwarzenegger revealed a circuit of seven exercises performed with a weighted vest or backpack of 30 pounds.
“This was such a fan-favorite in The Pump app, that we had to share it here.
We talk a lot about making workouts that fit into your life. And you guys ask for workouts you can do while traveling. Daniel was recently short on time, so he grabbed his ruck pack, put a 30-pound weight in it, and then did an amazing workout.
If you don’t have a ruck pack, you can put a few books in a backpack. Load up your backpack and then give it a try.
Each exercise is performed for a single set of eight reps each. Once completed, rest for 1-2 minutes and then repeat the circuit.
How to do it: Perform this workout as a circuit, which means you’ll do one set of each exercise. For each exercise, you’ll perform 8 reps. Do all reps of the first exercise, then with as little rest as possible, move to the next exercise. Continue this until you complete all 7 exercises. Rest for 1 to 2 minutes, and then repeat the circuit again.
Stiff legged deadlift
Bent-over row
Front squat
Overhead triceps extension
If you want to see what the workout looks like in action, Daniel filmed himself doing “the backpack workout.”
If you’re a beginner: aim for 2 to 3 rounds.
If you’re intermediate: perform 4 to 5 rounds.
If you’re advanced: complete 6 to 7 rounds.
Give it a try, and let us know what you think!” Arnold Schwarzenegger shared.
Schwarzenegger has prioritized health and longevity in retirement. On top of offering fans unique training plans on a weekly basis, Schwarzenegger also tackles other important barometers for health such as grip strength, endurance, recovery, and dieting.
He’s one of the most famous actors/bodybuilders of this generation, but it wasn’t always that way. Schwarzenegger has kept true to his roots and is known for looking back on his illustrious career. He admits his participation in 1977’s hit Pumping Iron with Lou Ferrigno set him and the sport up for long-standing success. He also credits the film for helping change the negative perception of bodybuilding at the time.
Just like his bodybuilding career, Arnold faced struggles in acting as well. In a recent interview with Academy Museum, the 75-year-old said he was discouraged initially because some industry pros mentioned his huge build and German accent would get in the way of landing roles. In the end, Schwarzenegger said those liabilities became strengths as he went on to achieve worldwide fame with a number of acting projects.
RELATED: Terrick El Guindy On Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ‘Forever Legacy’: ‘He’s an Icon of Modern Times’
Schwarzenegger encourages anyone to try his seven-exercise circuit workout routine. As for skin health, Arnold stressed that strength training, cardio, and a good sweat are among the best weapons for reversing the aging process.
Published: 4 July, 2023 | 9:03 PM EDT

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares ‘Get a Grip’ Strength Test & Circuit Workout for Improved Longevity
At 75 years old, longevity has become vitally important for bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger. In a recent Daily Pump Newsletter entry, Schwarzenegger discussed the importance of grip strength with age and revealed a circuit workout he designed to increase the likelihood of living longer.
Navigating a wildly successful bodybuilding career, Arnold Schwarzenegger proved himself throughout the 1970s and 80s with exceptional balance and muscle proportions. En route to earning a total of seven Mr. Olympias, Schwarzenegger faced off against mainstays such as Frank Zane, Franco Columbo, and Sergio Oliva.
In retirement, Schwarzenegger still has a vested interest in the sport’s evolution. He co-founded the Arnold Sports Festival with the late Jim Lorimer, which serves as the second biggest show in bodybuilding behind Mr. Olympia. In March, Samson Dauda laid claim to the event’s 35th title.
In addition to hosting bodybuilding competitions, Schwarzenegger remains busy with acting obligations and workout demonstrations. Given his status as one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time, athletes and fans take notice when Arnold is training. He recently tackled a circuit workout and stressed a lesson to his followers: “Don’t think, just do.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals Grip Strength Test for Living Longer
In his latest offering, Schwarzenegger underlined a two-step grip strength test created for boosting longevity.
Get A Grip
There are many ways to test how well you’re aging. But one test, in particular, is worth taking because it provides a clear path for improvement.
Research suggests that grip strength is one of the best predictors of longevity.
One study even claims that grip strength is better at predicting premature death than blood pressure. The reason could be that a lack of strength indicates accelerated DNA aging, which is linked to disease and disability.
Is your grip strong enough? According to Dr. Andy Galpin, there are two ways to test your grip.
Test #1: The hand-grip dynamometer
You want a minimum grip strength of 40 kilograms (about 88 pounds). But, ideally, you’ll be able to hit 60 kilograms (152 pounds). You’ll also want to make sure your hands are similarly strong. Dr. Galpin suggests no more than a 10 percent difference between your hands.
Test #2: The dead hang
Grab a pullup bar by wrapping both of your hands completely around the bar and gripping tightly. Your goal is a minimum of a 30-second hang. Ideally, you’ll be able to hold yourself for 60 seconds.
Considering that grip strength is associated with longevity, Schwarzenegger offered a workout that capitalizes on that fact.
Workout of the Week: The Longevity Workout
Schwarzenegger said the first circuit is a combination of farmer’s walks and pushups. For the second demonstration, the bodybuilding icon practiced farmer’s walks and squats.
“You just found out that grip strength is associated with longevity. Previously, we shared that pushups are also associated with fighting off premature death. This workout includes the exercises you need to become stronger and increase the likelihood that you can live longer.
The workout consists of 2 circuits, each consisting of 2 exercises. The first circuit is a combination of farmer’s walks and pushups. And the second circuit is more farmer’s walks and squats. If you’re keeping score at home, the farmer’s walks will help improve your grip.
Pick up the weights, and walk 20 to 30 steps with a weight that’s heavy. Set the weight down, and then do your pushups.
If you don’t have weights, you can fill two backpacks or totes with books, hold one in each hand, and perform the carries. All you need to do is make sure the bags are heavy and hard to grip.
Circuit 1: 3-4 rounds
Complete the first exercise and immediately do the second exercise. Then rest for 2 to 3 minutes and repeat.
1A. Farmer’s Walk: 20 to 30 steps
1B. Pushups: 10 to 30 reps (your strength will determine how many reps you perform
After you complete all the rounds of the first circuit, then move to the next circuit.
Circuit 2: 3-4 rounds
Follow the same approach as the last circuit. Complete the first exercise and immediately do the second exercise. Then rest for 2 to 3 minutes and repeat.
2A. Farmer’s walk: 20 to 30 steps
2B: Bodyweight squats: 10 to 30 reps (You can also add weight if you want; your strength will determine how many reps you perform)”
During Schwarzenegger’s Mr. Olympia tenure, fans have long wondered about his potential steroid cycles. Those burning questions were finally answered recently when the bodybuilder took to a Men’s Health interview. According to ‘The Austrian Oak,’ he used a two-compound protocol of Dianabol and testosterone to sustain himself when he was at the height of his career.
Whether the topic is sleep, alcohol consumption, or weight loss, Schwarzenegger has the answer. Similar to Joey Swoll, Schwarzenegger says he’s on a mission to make fitness a priority worldwide for everyone regardless of body type.
RELATED: Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares 4 Ways to Strengthen Your Routine
Health and longevity are paramount for Schwarzenegger, who has made it clear that anti-aging is one of his top priorities. Given his health and vibrancy at 75, perhaps bodybuilding is the closest outlet athletes have to the fountain of youth.
Published: 29 May, 2023 | 3:10 PM EDT