Tag: bodybuilding program

28 Day Workout Challenge: Get Fit, Feel Powerful, and Unlock Your True Potential
Irrespective of your experience level, fitness challenges are a great tool for leveling up. Beginners can use challenges to kickstart their fitness journey and build healthy habits, whereas more advanced athletes can use them to break through plateaus.
However, there are a few common problems with most fitness challenges. Some challenges are so overly ambitious that people detect a hint of deception and refrain from embracing them; ‘Build six-pack abs in seven days’ is one example of such a fitness challenge. On the other hand, some fitness challenges are so excessively fixated on results that they repel exercisers; for instance, no beginner (in their right mind) will ever sign up for a “Learn to squat 315 pounds in 30 days” challenge.
Process goals should be the way to go for most people, especially beginners. Process goals are milestones that comprise smaller, controlled accomplishments that help you achieve a larger objective. “Hit the gym six days a week for 28 days” is a process goal. Most beginners will be more receptive to this objective as there are no overwhelming expectations here. We will focus on a process goal in this program.
The 28 day workout challenge will help you kickstart your transformation journey and get fitter, faster, and healthier. This training program includes a balance of strength, hypertrophy, and conditioning exercises to help you get in the best shape of your life and improve your overall functioning.
The following 28-day workout regime is broken into four weeks. The programming for each week will change to help you build a well-rounded physique. You will require a pair of light dumbbells and an iron grit for this program.
Although this is a challenge, the objective here is not to bench 225 pounds or run 5K at the end of these 28 days. The test is to stick to the workout regimen for 28 days and do your best. The results will follow. I promise.
Prerequisites For The 28 Day Workout Challenge
The benefits of an exercise program go far beyond improved aesthetics. Following a training regime can boost your overall health and mental well-being, enhance your daily functioning and heighten your productivity. [1]
Since this is a beginner-friendly workout challenge, the barriers to entry are shallow. Here are a few requirements of the 28 day workout challenge:
You don’t need to know every exercise in the Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding to start this exercise program. That said, it would make a world of difference if you knew how to perform some of the most basic compound movements correctly.
If you are a rookie, I recommend turning this four-week program into a five-week program and using the first week to learn the exercises in this program. I will link each exercise to a detailed guide. Please feel free to explore those guides to drill the movements. Learning the correct exercise technique improves your exercise form and significantly reduces your risk of injury.
Basic Equipment
Don’t worry; I won’t ask you to drop a bundle on a squat rack or a treadmill. This 28 day workout challenge requires minimum training equipment, such as a pair of dumbbells and a resistance band. You can also switch the dumbbells with kettlebells if you have a few lying around your house.
People that lack the budget to buy new training equipment can use water jugs, backpacks, and suitcases. Think outside the box and use anything in your home to challenge yourself.
Diet and Recovery
Although training is a crucial aspect of building muscle and losing fat, it is not the be-all and end-all of a transformation program. You must focus on your nutrition and recovery program to make the needle budge in the right direction.
Begin by determining your daily calorie goal and using an appropriate macro intake target to help you move toward your body recomposition objective. Further, you must sleep seven to eight hours each night to allow your body enough time to rest and recuperate from your workouts.
Remember, you cannot outwork a bad diet, and you break muscle tissue while training. Your muscles grow back bigger and stronger when you are resting.
28 Day Workout Challenge Program Outline
Burning workouts are one of the most common reasons why people give up on their transformation journey without achieving their objective.
This 28-day workout program is different. This training regimen is programmed to ensure the exercises deliver enough stimulus to build strength and muscle mass and boost fat loss and will keep you on your toes with consistent volume and intensity changes over the four weeks.
Outline of the 28 Days Workout Program
Although the exercises will remain the same in this four-week workout challenge, you will perform a different number of reps and sets and use different weights (if possible) to boost muscle fiber stimulation. It will help you drill the form of these exercises, which will set you up for better performance down the line.
If you are a rookie, you should spend the first week, let’s call it “Week 0,” learning the correct exercise form and building a foundation. Although one week will probably not be enough to drill the movements, it will be enough to make you feel comfortable. Since you’ll not be using heavy weights in this 28 day workout challenge, these four weeks will also help you master the exercises without putting you at risk of injury.
Without any further ado, here is a brief outline of this four-week workout challenge:
Week 1: Build a Foundation
We will use the first week to ease into the 28 day workout challenge. Week one is not the time to go pedal to the metal. You want to keep muscle soreness to a minimum, as you don’t want to sit out of a workout because of restricted joint and muscle range of motion due to stiffness. Avoid lifting heavy and focus on familiarizing yourself with the exercises.
Week 2: Increase the Reps
You will increase the intensity slightly in the second week by ramping up the number of reps you perform in each exercise. Limit the rest time between sets and exercises to 60 seconds to keep your heart rate up. Doing more sets with the same weights as week one should result in better muscle pumps.
You will remain in the 8-12 rep range in the first, third, and fourth weeks. However, you must bump up your reps to 15-20 in the second week. You might have to use lighter weights to achieve the new rep goal.
Week 3: Lift Heavier
Two weeks of training will improve your form and develop muscle memory, making it the right time to go heavier. If you train at home and want to purchase dumbbells, I recommend getting adjustable ones, as they are more versatile and take up less space. Folks that do not have heavier weights can get creative with resistance bands to make the exercises more challenging.
Beginners can go up to 20% heavier in the third week. Ensure you don’t compromise your form while chasing bigger weights. Use a weight that allows you to complete eight reps with perfect form. Feel free to reduce the reps to six as fatigue starts to set in.
Week 4: Boost the Volume
Three weeks of training will condition your muscles enough to handle more volume. For the fourth week, you will increase the training volume by doing an additional set of each exercise. Plus, we will be adding one exercise to each workout. Following the same training program for too long can lead you to a plateau. Programming progressive overload into your training regimen ensures you are making consistent gains.
28 Day Workout Challenge: Weekly Split
Here is the weekly split of this training challenge:
Day 1: Upper Body Strength
Day 2: Full-Body HIIT
Day 3: Lower Body Strength
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Full-Body Strength
Day 6: Cardio and Core
Day 7: Mobility and Skill / Rest
This 28 day workout challenge involves training six days a week. Although the seventh day of the week is reserved for mobility and working on developing new skills, you can also use it as a rest day if you feel sore.
Workout Plan
Although the exercises will remain the same week-over-week, keep an eye on the sets and reps and adapt your workouts according to the weekly outline described above.
Day 1: Upper Body Strength
You can swap the dumbbells with resistance bands in each exercise in this workout. Furthermore, if you don’t have access to a flat bench, you can swap the first exercise of this workout with the dumbbell or resistance band floor press.
Day 2: Full-Body HIIT
After the upper body strength workout, you will perform a full-body HIIT workout focusing on increasing your heart rate and burning calories. This will be a 14-minute bodyweight workout. Complete three circuits of these seven exercises. You are allowed a 15-second rest between exercises and a 60-second rest after completing each circuit.
Feel free to break up your sets if you cannot perform an exercise for the stipulated time. For example, take a five-second breather if you cannot perform pull-ups continuously for 30 seconds.
Perform four circuits of this full-body HIIT workout in the fourth week.
Day 3: Lower Body Strength
Spend 5-10 minutes warming up before each workout. It will get your blood flowing, improve your range of motion, and significantly reduce your risk of injury. Your warm-up routine should include a combination of static and dynamic stretches.
Day 4: Rest
Rest days on this 28 day workout challenge are not a free pass to becoming a couch potato. You must keep your body moving on your rest days as well. Go for a 20-30 minute walk, bike ride, or hike on your off days.
Day 5: Full-Body Strength
Most exercises in this workout program are compound movements, which demand greater energy input than single-joint exercises. However, you must limit your rest duration between sets to 60 seconds to maintain a high intensity.
Day 6: Cardio and Core
You’ll be doing a 15-minute HIIT cardio session and five core exercises on day six of this training program. Training your core will help develop a six-pack, improve your overall functionality, and reduce your risk of lower back pain and injury.
Day 7: Mobility and Skill / Rest
The seventh day of each week is reserved for mobility drills. Working on your flexibility will improve your range of motion, leading to greater muscle stimulation. You can also use this day to drill exercises you have difficulty performing. CrossFitters can work on their Olympic lifts or gymnastics techniques on day seven. Feel free to take this day off if you feel sore and tired.
Tracking Progress
Twenty-eight days is a relatively short time to see any significant improvement in your physique. However, you must track your progress weekly to ensure you are on the correct path. Recording body weight, anthropometric measurements, workout performance (sets, reps, and weights used), and taking physique photos are the most popular ways of tracking your progress. Seeing the needle budge in the right direction can boost your motivation and push you to work harder.
Common Obstacles
These are the most common problems faced by people on a transformation program:
Diminishing Motivation
Many people lose their motivation to train and eat healthy when they do not see progress within a few weeks. To avoid this, set measurable short-term objectives. For example, you can set a new goal to do 20 sit-ups in a set by the end of two weeks if you can only do 15 right now. Routinely ticking off goals will keep you excited about your workouts.
Lack of Support
The importance of a support system is often overlooked in a training program. A support system can keep you accountable and motivated. A support group consisting of individuals who share common goals can be invaluable. Your friends and family can also be a part of your support group.
Unplanned Events
Major life events, emergencies, and other unplanned events can disrupt your workout program. Some of these events are unavoidable. However, you must ensure that you return to your transformation program after dealing with the situation at hand.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to lose weight?
Losing weight boils down to calories in vs. calories out. You must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, meaning you must burn more calories daily than you consume. According to the CDC, you can lose 1-2 pounds weekly by cutting 500-1,000 calories from your daily diet. [2]
Can I build a six-pack in 28 days?
Technically, yes, you can. If you have a low body fat percentage, you can improve the definition of your six-pack by performing ab exercises. However, folks with a body fat percentage of 20% or more usually require more than a month to build washboard abs, as they must first lose the excess fat by running a calorie deficit.
Is it possible to spot-reduce belly fat?
No. You cannot spot-reduce fat from your abdomen. Most people lose fat in a generalized manner across their entire body while in a calorie deficit. Genetics can also play a role in your fat loss pattern.
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Congratulations on seeking a challenge. Following a 28 day workout program requires you to leave your comfort zone, try new things, and test your limits. You should be proud of yourself for making this decision to explore your potential and work toward your best self.
Remember, the challenge here is not to build a six-pack in record time or maximize your VO2 performance. This 28 workout challenge has just one goal — hit the gym for four weeks and complete your workouts. Give yourself a pat on the back after you complete this challenge. On the other hand, don’t hang your head low if you can’t achieve this objective for some reason. Shake off the unpleasant emotions and try again. Best of luck!
Ruegsegger GN, Booth FW. Health Benefits of Exercise. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2018 Jul 2;8(7):a029694. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a029694. PMID: 28507196; PMCID: PMC6027933.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html

Build a Better Butt: Three Glute Workouts for Women
For years, six-pack abs were the fitness-fashion must-have. Actors, pop stars, athletes, B-listers – everyone had shredded abs and was happy to show them off. Entire workout programs revolved around getting a washboard stomach, and abs training exercise machines were on everyone’s Christmas list.
While ripped abs are still popular, they’ve been somewhat overshadowed by another muscle group – the glutes. Since the Kardashians hit the big time, glutes have become the fitness accessory that no woman can be seen without.
Unfortunately, prolonged sitting means that a lot of women’s glutes are flat, soft, and weak instead of rounded, strong, and firm. Glute amnesia is the term often used to describe how some people have literally forgotten how to contract their butts.
The good news is that the glutes are highly trainable and will quickly respond to regular workouts. You don’t even need a fancy gym to train your glutes – bodyweight and freeweight exercises can be very effective. When it comes to glute training, consistency is the key.
In this article, we share three tried-and-tested glute workouts for women. And yes, men can do them too!
Glute Anatomy Basics
When most people mention their glutes, they’re talking about their gluteus maximus. However, there are three glute muscles, each of which deserves your attention if you want to develop a muscular, aesthetically pleasing butt.
Gluteus maximus
The gluteus maximus is the most prominent muscle in the human body. It’s also potentially the strongest. Located on the rear and lateral aspect of your hips, the functions of the gluteus maximus are:
Hip extension
Hip abduction (superior/upper fibers)
Hip adduction (inferior/lower fibers)
Hip lateral rotation
Gluteus medius
The gluteus medius is found near the iliac crest of the pelvis, above and under the gluteus maximus. It works alongside the gluteus maximus and also has some additional functions of its own, too:
Hip abduction
Hip rotation
Pelvis stabilization
Gluteus minimus
The gluteus minimus is a small, triangular muscle located toward the back of the hip. Gluteus minimus also works with the gluteus maximus, but has some additional functions:
Hip abduction
Hip medial rotation
Pelvis stabilization
Bonus glute muscle: Tensor fascia latae
The tensor fascia latae, or TFL, is part of the glute complex, even though gluteus isn’t part of its name. The TFL a biaxial muscle, meaning it crosses two joints – the hip and the knee. As part of the glute group, TFL plays an essential role in the following:
Hip internal rotation
Hip abduction
Pelvis stabilization
To develop your best ever butt, you must pay attention to all the glute muscles. So, while the gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle in the glute complex, the other muscles also deserve your attention. After all, they’re vital for hip stability and performance. That’s why we’ve included a variety of exercises in the following glute workouts for women.
The Benefits of Glute Training for Women
Weak glutes are a modern-day epidemic. Prolonged sitting for work and leisure means that many people have feeble, flat, soft, underdeveloped glutes. Most women train their glutes because they want a better-looking butt. While this is no bad thing, there are several additional benefits to working your glutes hard and often.
These benefits include:
Less lower back pain
Back pain is a common problem affecting a significant percentage of adult women, and a lot of back pain is caused by weak glutes. If your glutes are weak, much of the work they should do falls on your lower back, e.g., bending and lifting objects off the floor. Stronger glutes mean less stress on your lower back and a lower risk of back pain.
Glute-related lower back pain is especially common during pregnancy, as the shift in your center of gravity pulls you forward, and you’ll need strong glutes to counter this effect. Stronger glutes will also help stabilize your sacroiliac (SI) joint, which is another common cause of lower back pain for women.
In many cases, stronger glutes are the most effective way to prevent and treat lower back pain – with your doctor’s approval, of course.
Better posture
Posture is the alignment of your joints, which can be good or bad. Good posture puts minimal stress on your joints, ligaments, and muscles and is very efficient. In contrast, poor posture puts far more pressure on your joints and connective tissue and is very inefficient. Poor posture can lead to muscle tension, fatigue, and chronic pain.
Weak glutes can affect the alignment and position of your lumbar spine or lower back. It can also reduce pelvic stability. Stronger glutes can help prevent common postural problems such as hyperlordosis or an over-arched lower back.
A better-looking butt
While training your glutes has a lot of functional benefits, there is no denying the aesthetic appeal of a strong, firm, muscular butt. Great-looking butts don’t happen by accident; if you want a rear you can be proud of, you must train it hard, often, and consistently.
Increased hip and knee stability
The hip is a very mobile ball and socket joint capable of a wide range of movements, including flexion, extension, medial and lateral rotation, abduction and adduction. However, that mobility comes at a price – reduced stability.
While increased mobility is generally a good thing, uncontrolled movement of the hip can cause hip pain and injuries and even affect your knees. For example, if your hips cave in while you are walking or running, you may experience pain in the medial part of your knees.
Strengthening the muscles around your hips will enhance joint stability and function, leading to more efficient movements and a lower risk of hip and knee pain.
Three Glute Workouts for Women
Here are your three glute workouts for women. But, before doing any of them, you must prepare your joints and muscles for what you’re about to do by warming up. Start with 5-10 minutes of easy cardio, e.g., air bike, rower, jogging, or jumping rope, followed by a few dynamic mobility and flexibility exercises for knees, hips, and lower back.
A ten-minute warm-up can save you months of lost training caused by an otherwise avoidable injury, so don’t skip it.
Ready? Then let’s get to work!
Bodyweight-Only Glute Workout
No time to go to the gym? Prefer home workouts? No problem! You can train your glutes almost using just your body weight. Do this workout at home, in your hotel room, in your garden, at the park – anywhere you want!
Glute bridge marches
60-90 seconds
Prisoner good-mornings
60-90 seconds
Frog pumps
60-90 seconds
Reverse lunges
12-20 per leg
60-90 seconds
Side leg raises
12-20 per leg
60-90 seconds
1. Glute bridge marches
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, core.
Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat. Brace your abs. Drive your feet into the floor and push your hips up so your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line.
Without lowering your hips, lift one leg up and push your knee up toward the ceiling.
Lower your foot to the floor, swap legs, and repeat.
Continue alternating legs for the prescribed number of reps.
2. Prisoner good-mornings
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, core.
Stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Bend your knees slightly.
Place your hands behind your head and push your elbows back to open your chest. Brace your core.
Hinging from your hips, lean as far forward as possible without rounding your lower back. Push your butt backward as you lean.
Drive your hips forward and stand up.
That’s one rep – keep going!
3. Frog pumps
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, hip abductors, hamstrings, core.
Lie on your back with your legs bent and the soles of your feet pressed together.
Push your knees apart.
Drive the outside of your feet into the floor and lift your hips up to form a straight line with your knees and shoulders.
Lower your butt back down to the floor and repeat.
Read more: Frog Pumps Exercise Guide: How To, Benefits, Muscles Worked, and Variations
4. Reverse lunges
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps, core.
Stand with your feet together and your arms by your sides. Pull your shoulders down and back, and brace your core.
Take a large step backward, bend your legs, and lower your rearmost knee down to within an inch of the floor. Lean forward slightly to increase glute engagement.
Push off your back leg, bring your feet back together, and repeat on the opposite side.
Alternate legs for the required number of reps.
5. Side leg raises
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius.
Lie on your side so your body is straight and your head is resting on your outstretched arm.
Raise your uppermost leg to about 45 degrees, turning your hip slightly inward to maximize glute engagement.
Lower your leg and repeat.
Roll over and do the same number of reps on the other side.
You can make this exercise more challenging by putting a booty band around your knees or wearing an ankle weight.
Freeweight Glute Workout
Freeweights provide a low-tech way to overload your glutes and build more strength. Barbells and dumbbells are available at almost every gym. They are also ideal for home workouts as they’re cheap, compact, and easy to store between workouts.
Barbell Romanian deadlift
60-90 seconds
Barbell hip thrust
60-90 seconds
Dumbbell side leg raise
12-20 per leg
60-90 seconds
Dumbbell high step-up
12-20 per leg
60-90 seconds
Dumbbell sumo squat
60-90 seconds
1. Barbell Romanian deadlift
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, core.
Hold a barbell in front of your hips with a double overhand grip. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
Pull your shoulders back and down and brace your core.
Push your hips back and hinge forward, lowering the bar down your legs.
Descend as far as you can without rounding your lower back.
Push your hips forward, stand back up, and repeat.
2. Barbell hip thrust
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, core.
Sit on the floor with your back against a sturdy bench. Rest and hold a barbell across your hips. Use a folded mat or squat par pad for comfort if required.
Push down with your feet and lift your hips up to form a straight line between your knees and shoulders.
Lower your butt back down to lightly touch the floor and repeat.
3. Dumbbell side leg raise
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius.
Lie on your side with your legs straight and your head resting on your lowermost arm.
Hold a dumbbell in your other hand and rest it on your uppermost thigh.
Raise your top leg to about 45 degrees, lower it, and repeat.
The further down your thigh you hold the weight, the more challenging this exercise becomes.
On completion, roll over and do the same number of reps on the opposite leg.
4. Dumbbell high step-up
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps, core.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms by your sides. Stand in front of a bench or step that’s about knee height.
Place one foot on the top of the platform, drive your foot down, and step up. Try not to push off with your trailing leg.
Step back down, switch legs, and repeat.
Continue alternating legs for the duration of your set.
5. Dumbbell sumo squat
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps, core.
Stand with your feet about 1.5 shoulder widths apart, toes turned slightly outward.
Hold a single dumbbell in front of your hips.
Pushing your knee outward, squat down as deeply as possible without rounding your lower back. Keep your weight on your heels to maximize glute engagement.
Drive your feet into the floor and stand back up.
Continue for the prescribed number of reps.
Gym Glute Workout for Women
Having access to a gym means there are lots of ways to train your glutes. In fact, there are so many choices that it can be hard to know where to start! Keep your training on track with this tried-and-tested gym-based glute workout.
Barbell booty band back squat
60-90 seconds
Cable machine pull-throughs
60-90 seconds
Dumbbell single-leg Romanian deadlift
12-20 per leg
60-90 seconds
Cable hip abduction
12-20 per leg
60-90 seconds
Barbell glute march
60-90 seconds
Reverse hypers
60-90 seconds
1. Barbell booty band back squat
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, hamstrings, quadriceps, core.
Put a booty band around your knees. Rest and hold a barbell across your upper back. Step out so your feet are about shoulder-width apart. Push your knees out against the resistance offered by the band.
Bend your knees and squat down until your thighs are roughly parallel to the floor. Keep pushing your knees outward. Do not round your lower back.
Stand back up and repeat.
2. Cable machine pull-throughs
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, core.
Attach a rope handle to a low pulley machine.
Stand astride the cable with your back to the machine. Hold the handle in both hands in front of your hips. Take 1-2 steps forward to tension the cable.
Push your hips back and lean forward, reaching back and through your legs.
Drive your hips forward and stand up straight.
Continue for the prescribed number of reps.
You can also do this exercise with a resistance band.
3. Dumbbell single-leg Romanian deadlift
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, core.
Hold a dumbbell in one hand and stand with your feet together.
Shift your weight over onto one leg. Bend your supporting knee slightly.
Hinging from your hips, lean forward and lower the weight down toward the floor. Extend your non-weight-bearing leg out behind you for balance.
Stand back up and repeat.
Use your non-working arm for support if required.
Switch legs and do the same number of reps on the other side.
4. Cable hip abduction
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius.
Wrap a strap around your ankle and attach it to a low pulley machine.
Stand sideways onto the weight stack with your working leg furthest from the weight stack. Hold the machine for balance. Brace your core.
Keeping your leg straight, lift your foot out to the side, taking care not to twist your hips.
Lower your leg and repeat.
Do the same number of reps on both sides.
5. Barbell glute march
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, core.
Lie on the floor with your legs bent and feet flat. Rest and hold a barbell across your hips. Use a folded mat or squat bar pad for comfort if required.
Drive your feet into the floor and raise your hips so they form a straight line with your knees and shoulders.
Keeping your hips up, extend your right leg.
Lower your foot back to the floor, swap legs, and repeat.
Continue alternating legs for the prescribed number of reps.
6. Reverse hypers
Target muscles: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, core.
Lie on the machine so your hips are in line with the lever arm pivot point. Place your lower legs behind the restraint. Hold onto the support handles.
Extend your hips and legs out behind you, taking care not to hyperextend your spine.
Lower your legs and repeat.
No reverse hyper machine at your gym? Don’t worry; you can also do this exercise with a regular workout bench, like this:
Glute Workouts for Women – FAQs
Do you have a question about these workouts or glute training for women in general? No problem, because we’ve got the answers!
1. How often can I train my glutes?
While it might be tempting to train your glutes more often, 2-3 workouts per week should be sufficient for most women. Muscles take on average 48-72 hours to recover between workouts, so training them more often could impede rather than accelerate your progress.
So, train your glutes every 2-3 days for best results, e.g., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or Monday and Thursday.
2. Will these exercises and workouts fix my violin hips?
Violin hips, aka hip dips, are where your lower glutes/upper thighs curve slightly inward. Contrary to what a lot of influencers believe, this is NOT something that can be fixed with exercise or diet and is caused by your bone structure. Hip dips are perfectly natural and not something you need to try and alter.
While training your glutes will enhance your general butt shape, your hip dips are here to stay. So, don’t worry about them, and focus on the things you can control instead.
3. Do I have to stick to the 12-20 rep range?
To build maximal strength, you must train using heavy weights and low reps, typically 1-5 per set with 85% or more of your one-repetition maximum. However, if you aren’t training for strength, it really doesn’t matter how many reps you do per set.
In fact, studies suggest that you can perform anywhere from 5 to 35 reps per set and still make progress (1). Almost any rep count will work if you take your set close to failure.
12-20 is just a general guideline, and you can do eight, ten, twenty, or thirty reps per set if you wish.
4. What is the best diet to build a better butt?
Building a bigger, stronger butt is a type of hypertrophy training, better known as bodybuilding. As such, you’ll need to provide your body with the energy it needs for your workouts as well as muscle growth and repair.
Invariably, this means eating a slight calorie surplus, consuming enough protein, and eating mostly natural, clean foods.
It’s beyond the scope of this article to provide you with a diet to follow, but you can find all the information you need to write your own healthy eating plan in this step-by-step guide.
5. Can I just do core workouts to get in shape?
Your glutes are just a small selection of the 600+ muscles that make up the human body. Trying to get in shape by just training your glutes is like trying to keep your car running by only ever checking the tire pressure!
While these glute workouts will certainly help, you need to train the rest of your body if you want to be in good shape. That means including upper body, cardio, and core training in your weekly workout schedule.
Glute training IS undoubtedly important, but it’s just one of the things you need to do to be fit and healthy.
Glute Workouts – Closing Thoughts
Whether you are training for better health, improved athletic performance, or want to look your best, glute training can help. Unfortunately, many women have weak, soft glutes, often because they spend too much time sitting.
Use these workouts to sculpt your perfect butt. However, remember that while the glutes ARE important, the rest of your body deserves the same amount of care and attention. Nature abhors imbalances, and going all glutes all the time will probably cause more problems that it cures.
More Glute Workouts:

The Best Cable Hypertrophy Workout Program
Most hypertrophy training programs are built around compound freeweight exercises. There is a firmly held belief that movements like squats, bench presses, and deadlifts are superior for building muscle.
However, the truth is that your muscles cannot differentiate between freeweight, machine, and bodyweight exercises. Rather, they just know tension and work.
Providing you train hard enough, long enough, and often enough, your muscles will grow and get stronger. It doesn’t matter if you lift barbells, kettlebells, or your own body weight. As far as your muscles are concerned, work is work (1).
That’s not to say that the classic freeweight exercises are ineffective. After all, they provide a convenient if low-tech way to overload your muscles. However, they are not the only training tool available for building the body of your dreams.
In this article, we reveal how cable machines can help you reach your hypertrophy goals and provide you with a cable hypertrophy workout to try.
What’s So Great About Cable Machines?
Cable exercises can offer several advantages and benefits over other types of resistance training. These include:
More constant tension on your muscles
When you do freeweight training, the tension on your muscles tends to vary depending on leverage and the angle of your limbs.
For example, squats are hardest when your knees are deeply bent but get easier as your legs straighten. With biceps curls, the tension on your arms is greatest as your elbows approach 90 degrees. This means some parts of your reps are more effective than others.
With most cable machines, the workload is distributed more evenly, and your muscles are kept under more constant tension. This means every rep performed is potentially more effective.
Less joint stress
During many freeweight exercises, you have to support the load on extended joints, which pushes the ends of the bones together. This can cause discomfort and even severe injury. Cable exercises tend not to do this, so they’re often more joint-friendly. You can also modify your chosen exercise based on your unique biomechanics, adding to your workout comfort.
So, if years of heavy freeweight training have given you painful elbows, hips, knees, or shoulders, doing more cable exercises could be a good option.
Hit your muscles from a variety of angles more easily
When it comes to building an aesthetic physique, training angles matter. For example, you must develop your upper, mid, lower, inner, and outer pecs to sculpt the perfect chest. Using cables makes it easy to alter the angle of your limbs and target the muscle fibers you want to develop.
In contrast, doing the same thing with freeweights invariable means using different-angled benches and different grips. Cables make training muscles from a variety of angles much more straightforward.
A safer workout
Building muscle invariably involves training close to failure. For this reason, most freeweight exercises are best performed with a spotter or in a power rack. Even then, you could still find yourself pinned under a heavy weight, possibly getting injured in the process.
Cable exercises are much safer as you are never beneath a weight – heavy or otherwise. Instead, you can just drop the weight if you cannot perform more reps. The worse thing that can happen is you make a big clanging noise.
Perfect for muscle-building drop sets
Drop sets are a bodybuilding technique that allows you to train your muscles beyond failure. You rep out with your chosen weight, and then, on reaching failure, you lower the load by 10-20% and crank out a few more reps. Bodybuilders use drop sets to wring the last bit of energy from their muscles and make their workouts more intense.
Cable machines with selectorized weight stacks are perfect for drop sets. In contrast, drop sets are usually less convenient with barbells as reducing the weight takes too long.
Quicker transitions between exercises
If you like doing supersets, you’ll love training with cables. Supersets involve moving quickly from one exercise to another. Delaying your transition between movements makes supersets less effective. Switching pulleys or changing handles on a cable machine takes no more than a few seconds, so your superset workouts will go more smoothly.
Suitable for all levels of exerciser
Beginner, intermediate, and advanced exercisers can all benefit from training with cables. In contrast, some beginners find freeweight exercises tricky. There are also exercises that are best learned under the tutelage of a trainer or coach because they’re so technical, e.g., power cleans, front squats, and barbell bent-over rows. However, most cable exercises are quite straightforward, so even raw beginners can quickly get to grips with them.
A more functional workout
A functional exercise is a movement that replicates everyday or sporting activities. The best functional exercises are performed standing because that’s how your body usually works in nature.
Most cable exercises can be considered functional as they closely mirror the demands of everyday and athletic activities. However, the same cannot be said about some freeweight exercises.
For example, when was the last time you had to lie on your back and press a heavy weight off your chest? In contrast, standing cable chest presses are much more common, e.g., pushing open a heavy door or shoving an opponent in football.
Cable Hypertrophy Workout Overview
While you could just add a few cable exercises to your current workout, you can also immerse yourself completely in cable training. That way, you can fully experience and appreciate the power of cable exercises.
Here is cable machine hypertrophy training plan to try.
Upper body cable workout
Cable crossover
60-90 seconds
Single-arm cable chest press
60-90 seconds
Straight arm cable pulldown
60-90 seconds
Single-arm cable row
60-90 seconds
Cable lateral raise
60-90 seconds
Single-arm biceps cable curl
60-90 seconds
Cable triceps pushdown
60-90 seconds
Lower body + core cable workout
Cable goblet squat
60-90 seconds
Cable stiff-legged deadlift
60-90 seconds
Cable single-leg extension
60-90 seconds
Cable single-leg curl
60-90 seconds
Cable lunge
60-90 seconds
Kneeling cable crunch
60-90 seconds
Cable Paloff press
60-90 seconds
This program utilizes an upper body/lower body (and core) split so you can train your major muscle groups one, two, or three-times a week according to your preferences and the time you have available.
Your training frequency options are:
Option 1
Upper body
Lower body
Option 2
Upper body
Lower body
Upper body
Lower body
Option 3
Upper body
Lower body
Lower body
Upper body
Lower body
Choose the training frequency that best matches your experience and energy levels.
Of course, before you start either of these workouts, you should take a few moments to prepare your muscles and joints for what you are about to ask them to do. Begin with 5-10 minutes of easy cardio followed by dynamic mobility and flexibility exercises for the body parts you’re going to train.
Read more about warming up for strength training here.
Cable Hypertrophy Workout Exercise Instructions
There are two ways to perform an exercise – the right way and the wrong way. The right way is safe, productive, and time efficient. The wrong way increases your risk of injury and is less effective.
Use these instructions to ensure you perform all the exercises in your workouts correctly.
Upper Body Workout
1. Cable crossover
Cable crossovers are an isolation exercise for your chest. Doing this exercise before the following chest pushing exercise will pre-exhaust your pecs and make that second exercise more challenging.
Muscles worked:
Pectoralis major, anterior deltoids.
Set your cables to shoulder height and attach a D-shaped handle to each pulley.
Grab the handles and stand between the cables with your arms extended to the sides. Use a split stance for balance. Brace your core.
Keeping your elbows slightly bent but rigid, sweep your arms forward and down so they meet in front of your hips.
Open your arms, get a stretch in your chest, and repeat.
Move smoothly to keep the tension on the target muscles.
Pause at the midpoint of each rep to maximize muscle engagement.
You can also do this exercise horizontally or go from low to high to hit different parts of your chest.
2. Single-arm cable chest press
Most chest exercises work both sides of your pecs at the same time. Unfortunately, this can disguise left-to-right strength imbalances and lead to uneven chest development. Using one arm at a time means you can fix these imbalances and prevent them from happening in the first place.
Muscles worked:
Pectoralis major, triceps, anterior deltoids.
Attach a single D-shaped handle to a cable machine set to chest height.
Hold the handle in one hand, turn your back on the weight stack, and then adopt a split stance for balance. Brace your core.
Drive your arm forward at shoulder height.
Return to the starting position and repeat.
Do the same number of reps with both arms.
Use a neutral or palms-down grip as preferred.
Push your arm upward to hit your upper chest more, or push downward to work your lower chest if you wish.
You can train both sides of your chest simultaneously if you have a narrow dual cable machine.
3. Straight arm cable pulldown
Like doing cable crossovers before single-arm chest presses, doing straight-arm pulldowns before single-arm rows will pre-fatigue your lats to make the subsequent exercise more effective. In addition, this sequence of events will help strengthen your mind-muscle connection for a more effective workout.
Muscles worked:
Latissimus dorsi, triceps, posterior deltoid.
Attach a straight bar to a head-high cable machine.
Hold the handle with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Brace your abs.
Keeping your arms straight, use your lats to push the bar down to your thighs.
Raise your arms and repeat.
You can do this exercise on a cable crossover or a lat pulldown machine.
Pause with the bar lightly touching your legs to maximize muscle engagement.
Think about leading with your elbows and pulling them down and back to contract your lats as fully as possible.
4. Single-arm cable row
As with single-arm chest presses, single-arm cable rows allow you to train one side of your body at a time. Not only is this an excellent way to ensure both lats are developed equally, but it also provides your core and lower back with a welcome additional workout.
Muscles worked:
Latissimus dorsi, biceps, posterior deltoids.
Attach a single D-shaped handle to a cable machine set to chest height.
Hold the handle and take 1-2 steps back to tension the cable. Brace your core and pull your shoulders down and back.
Bend your arm and pull the handle into your lower ribs.
Extend your arm and repeat.
Do the same number of reps on both sides.
Lead with your elbow and drive it back to fully engage your lats and upper back muscles.
Experiment with an underhand and neutral grip to see which you prefer.
Use a staggered stance for extra balance if required.
5. Cable lateral raise
Cable lateral raises target your medial or side deltoid. This is the deltoid head that gives your shoulders their width, contributing to your V-taper. Using cables instead of dumbbells makes this exercise much more effective because it keeps your muscles under tension for longer.
Muscles worked:
Medial deltoids.
Attach a D-shaped handle to a low pulley machine. Stand sideways onto the weight stack and hold the handle in your furthest hand so the cable runs in front of your hips. Brace your core.
Keeping your elbows slightly bent but rigid, raise your arm to the side until your hand is level with your shoulder.
Lower your arm and repeat.
Do the same number of reps on both sides.
Try doing this exercise with the cable behind you to change the feel of the movement.
Lead with your elbows and not your hands to get more from this exercise.
You can also do this exercise with both arms at the same time if you wish:
6. Single-arm biceps cable curl
When it comes to building bigger biceps, your range of motion matters. Single-arm biceps cable curls start with your upper arm extended behind you, putting your biceps into a stretched position. This move is the cable equivalent of incline dumbbell curls, which is another renowned arm builder. This exercise is also known as a Bayesian curl.
Muscles worked:
Biceps, forearms.
Attach a D-shaped handle to a low cable pulley. Grab the handle with one hand and turn your back to the weight stack. Take 1-2 steps forward and adopt a split stance for balance. Your arm should be extended slightly behind you.
Keeping your hips and shoulders square, bend your arm and curl your hand up to your shoulder.
Extend your arm, getting a stretch in your working biceps, and repeat.
You can also do this exercise with a resistance band.
Use a neutral hammer grip to emphasize your brachioradialis and brachialis muscles.
Adjust the height of the pulley to hit your biceps from different angles.
7. Cable triceps pushdown
Cable triceps pushdowns are a classic cable arm exercise. While they’re simple and ideal for beginners, more experienced lifters will benefit from this exercise which is why it features in so many triceps workouts. As the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Muscles worked:
Attach a straight bar to a high cable pulley. Grip the bar with a shoulder-width overhand grip.
Pull your upper arms into your sides, brace your core, and set your shoulders down and back.
Extend your arms and press the bar down to your thighs. Pause for 1-2 seconds.
Bend your arms as far as you can without letting your upper arms move away from your sides.
Continue for the specified number of reps.
You can also perform this exercise with a V-shaped bar or a rope handle if preferred.
Try using an underhand grip for variety.
Keep your torso uptight to avoid turning this into a pressing exercise. Instead, isolate your triceps, and don’t use your abs and shoulders to push the weight down.
Lower Body Workout
1. Cable goblet squat
Most people do goblet squats with a dumbbell or kettlebell. However, they work just as effectively with a cable machine. As an added advantage, using cables means you can adjust the weight more quickly, making them good for drop sets.
Muscles worked:
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, core.
Attach a handle to a low pulley. Hold the handle in front of your chest, just below your chin. Set your shoulders and brace your core.
Take a small step backward and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly outward.
Bend your legs and squat down until your thighs are roughly parallel to the floor. Do not round your lower back.
Stand back up and repeat.
Work your glutes harder by putting a booty band around your knees.
Hit your quads harder by placing your heels on weight plates.
Experiment with different bars and handles to see which feels the most comfortable.
2. Cable stiff-legged deadlift
The hamstrings are a biaxial muscle, meaning they cross and affect two joints. As such, you need to do knee flexion AND hip extension exercises to fully develop your hammies. Cable stiff-legged deadlifts are a very effective hip extension exercise working not just your hamstrings but your entire posterior chain.
Muscles worked:
Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, core.
Attach a bar or rope handle to a low pulley.
Take hold of the handle, stand up, and take 1-2 steps back to tension the cable.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Brace your core and pull your shoulders down and back.
Push your butt back and lean forward from your hips, reaching out with your arms. Do not round your lower back.
Push your hips forward and stand back up, squeezing your butt as you do so.
Continue for the required number of repetitions.
The further back you stand from the weight stack, the more effective this exercise becomes.
Experiment with your stance width to see which works best and feels most comfortable.
You can also do this exercise with just one leg – single-leg cable stiff-legged deadlifts.
3. Cable single-leg extension
While there is nothing inherently wrong with seated leg extensions, they put one of your quads (rectus femoris) in a relaxed position which means they can’t contribute much to the movement. This standing variation hits the rectus femoris much harder, making it a more complete quad-builder.
Muscles worked:
Quadriceps, hip flexors, core.
Put on an ankle strap and attach it to a low cable machine. Turn your back to the weight stack. Take 1-2 steps forward to tension the cable.
Bend your knee and move your hip backward.
Next, drive your leg forward and extend your knee against the load.
Return to the starting position and repeat.
Change legs and do the same number of reps on the opposite side.
Brace your core to stabilize your lumbar spine and hips.
Hold onto the back of an upright exercise bench for balance.
For home workouts, you can do this exercise with a resistance band.
4. Cable single-leg curl
While most gyms have seated and prone leg extension machines, standing leg curls are not as common. That’s a shame because the standing leg curl is a superb hamstring exercise. Don’t worry, though; you can replicate this classic old-school hamstring exercise with a cable machine and your trusty ankle strap.
Muscles worked:
Hamstrings, gluteus maximus, core.
Put a cuff around your ankle and attach it to a low pulley machine. Stand facing the weight stack and use your arms for balance. Shift your weight onto your supporting leg and brace your core.
Extend your leg backward and simultaneously bend your knee, curling your foot up toward your butt.
Lower your foot back down and repeat.
You can also do this exercise with a resistance band.
Make sure you do the same number of reps on both legs.
Try to keep your calf relaxed to ensure your hamstrings do most of the work during this exercise. The calves also help flex the knee.
5. Cable lunge
Bodyweight and freeweight lunges are great exercises, but you can add an extra dimension to your leg workouts by doing them with a cable machine. Cable lunges force you to work harder to decelerate and accelerate the load, challenging your lower body muscles in a whole new way.
Muscles worked:
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, core.
Attach a D-shaped handle or rope handle to a low pulley.
Hold the handle with both hands and take 1-2 steps back to tension the cable. Stand tall, brace your abs, and pull your shoulders down and back.
Take a big step forward, bend your legs, and lower your back knee down to within an inch of the floor.
Push off your front leg and return to the starting position.
Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Do all your reps on one leg and then switch or use an alternating leg action as preferred.
You can also do backward cable lunges.
Try holding the handle with just one hand to increase the stability demands of the exercise and work your core a little more.
6. Kneeling cable crunch
While we can’t guarantee that kneeling cable crunches will give you a six-pack, we can say that this is one of the best exercises for overloading your abs and making them thicker. Get your body fat levels down, and this exercise will give you a great-looking midsection.
Muscles worked:
Rectus abdominus, obliques, hip flexors.
Attach a rope handle to a high cable machine.
Kneel down and pull the handles down to the front of your shoulders.
Flex your spine and curl your shoulders down toward your hips.
Kneel upright and repeat.
Exhale as you bend forward to maximize abs engagement.
Kneel on a folded mat or foam pad for comfort.
Try not to flex your hips too much. Most of the movement should come from your spine.
7. Cable Paloff press
Invented by physical therapist John Paloff, the Paloff press is an anti-rotation exercise. As such, you’ll use your abs to stop your body from twisting. This is how your core works during many fitness and general activities, from running to pushing a heavy door open. The Paloff press is a very functional core exercise that will also give you a rock-hard waist.
Muscles worked:
Obliques, rectus abdominus, transverse abdominis.
Set a cable machine to about chest height and attach a D-shaped handle to it. Hold the handle in both hands and stand sideways on. Brace your core and pull your hand into your chest.
Without twisting either your hips or shoulders, extend your arms out in front of you, keeping them parallel to the floor.
Pull your hands back into your chest and repeat.
Change sides and repeat.
Adopt an athletic stance with your knees slightly bent and weight on the balls of your feet for better balance.
You can also do this exercise in a half or full-kneeling position to reduce the tendency to use your legs.
Do this exercise with a resistance band if preferred.
Cable Hypertrophy FAQs
Got a question about our cable hypertrophy workout program? No worries because we’ve got the answers!
1. Is this a cutting or bulking program?
You can use this workout plan for cutting or bulking. That’s because it’s your diet that determines whether you gain weight or lose fat. Create a significant calorie surplus to bulk or a calorie deficit to burn fat and cut weight.
Read more about cutting vs. bulking here.
2. Can I change some of the exercises?
You certainly can! However, ensure you are hitting the same muscle groups with your new exercise. For example, you can do lat pulldowns instead of single-arm rows, as both work your upper back. However, doing cable chest presses instead of cable crunches is not a suitable exchange.
3. What weights should I use?
Unfortunately, this is the one question we cannot answer because we don’t know how strong or experienced you are. So, pick weights that take you close to failure in the specified repetition range of 12-20. If you cannot do 12 reps, your chosen weight is too heavy. But if you can do more than 20, it’s too light.
Determining the correct weights will take a little trial and error, but you should have it figured out within a couple of workouts.
However, you also need to challenge your muscles with gradually harder workouts. To do this, you can either use the same weight but do more reps or keep your reps the same and lift more weight.
This is called progressive overload and is the key to building bigger, stronger muscles.
4. What should I do if one of the exercises causes pain?
Effective bodybuilding training is normally uncomfortable, but there is a big difference between exercise-induced discomfort and pain. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong.
If an exercise causes pain, you should stop what you are doing, check your form, and reduce the load. This may be all you need to do to eliminate the hurt.
But, if that pain persists, you may have an injury, and you should stop training and seek medical advice.
In most cases, muscle injuries are treated using PRICE, the acronym for protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Most mild soft tissue injuries heal in a week or so. However, joint injuries can take much longer.
Depending on the nature of your injury, you may be able to train around it. However, it’s usually a bad idea to train through pain, as that just makes matters worse and delays your recovery.
5. Can I use training systems to make this workout harder?
Training systems are recognized methods you can use to push your muscles beyond failure. Popular training systems for bodybuilding include drop sets, partial reps, supersets, and 21s.
If you are familiar with these methods, you are free to use them in conjunction with this workout. However, there is no need to use them all the time, as straight/standard sets, when performed correctly, are usually sufficient to trigger hypertrophy.
More Cable Exercises:
Closing Thoughts
A lot of exercisers reserve the cable machine for isolation and finishing exercises, preferring to use freeweights for the majority of their workouts. While such an approach can work, there is no need to view cable training as supplementary to your main workout.
In fact, you can do all your training on a cable machine if you wish.
Take our cable machine workout for a spin to experience the power of cable machine training for yourself.
Signorile JF, Rendos NK, Heredia Vargas HH, Alipio TC, Regis RC, Eltoukhy MM, Nargund RS, Romero MA. Differences in Muscle Activation and Kinematics Between Cable-Based and Selectorized Weight Training. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Feb;31(2):313-322. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001493. PMID: 28129277. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28129277/

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