Tag: bodybuilding shows

2022 IFBB Pro Masters Legion Results

2022 IFBB Pro Masters Legion Results

The 2022 IFBB Pro Legion Masters and 2022 IFBB Pro Open Legion Athlete list is here! Check out the awesome line-up we have coming up for October 7th and October 9th during the Legion Sports Fest at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center! The post 2022 IFBB Pro Masters Legion Results appeared first on Center Podium.

2022 NPC/IFBB Pro Legion Feedback

2022 NPC/IFBB Pro Legion Feedback

Follow the detailed instructions below to receive feedback from the 2022 IFBB Pro Masters, NPC, and IFBB Pro Open Legion Sports Fest.

Please email the following to the judges for feedback:

NameCompetitor NumberDivision(s)Class(es)Official Stage Photos (this will arrive in your email in 1-2 weeks after the show)DO NOT DM JUDGES ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR FEEDBACKATHLETES (not coaches) must request feedback


Etila Santiago- etilaa@gmail.com

Sandy Williamson- sandyonsandylane@gmail.com

Allen Sizemore- sizemore365@yahoo.com

Ivan Ribic- ivanribic79@gmail.com

2022 IFBB Pro Legion List

2022 IFBB Pro Legion List

October 3, 2022
The 2022 IFBB Pro Legion Masters and 2022 IFBB Pro Open Legion Athlete list is here!

Check out the awesome line-up we have coming up for October 7th and October 9th during the Legion Sports Fest at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center!

Tickets are on sale online or available at the door! Make sure to grab your tickets here!

Can’t make it to the show?? Grab yourself a Livestream for the whole weekend!

Filed Under: Blog Tagged With: bodybuilding show, bodybuilding shows, fitness competition, ifbb pro bodybuilding, npc competition, physique competitionReader Interactions

Регистрация российских спортсменов

Регистрация российских спортсменов

Для наших друзей в России мы понимаем, что вы не можете оплатить онлайн регистрацию на NPC Worldwide INVICTUS Pro Qualifier 3 декабря 2022 года.

Мы сделали специальные предложения, чтобы вы могли подтвердить свою регистрацию и получить специальные скидки за раннюю регистрацию.

1. Свяжитесь с одним из наших представителей в России.

2. Сообщите нашему представителю, в какие классы вы будете поступать и какие услуги вы хотели бы приобрести.

Стоимость ранней регистрации 50 000 ₸ (около 6 300 ₽ )

Услуги, которые вы можете приобрести, включают в себя:

Солярий: 30 000 ₸ за 1 слой, 40 000 ₸ за 2 слоя, 50 000 ₸ за 3 слояМакияж: 30 000 ₸Пропуск тренера: 50 000 ₸Фотография: 47 165 ₸Видео: 47 165 ₸

(дополнительную информацию вы можете посмотреть на нашем сайте)

3. Для бронирования цены ранней регистрации необходимо внести залог в размере 1200 ₽ до 9 октября. Залог НЕ возвращается ни при каких обстоятельствах.

После 9 октября стоимость регистрации вырастет до 70 000 ₸ (8 814 ₽)

Регистрации, сделанные после 21 ноября, будут включать штраф за просрочку платежа, в результате чего общая стоимость составит 90 000 ₸ (11 332 ₽).

Когда вы идете на регистрацию, вы должны оплатить причитающийся остаток либо в долларах США, либо в евро.

Жуковский и Международного аэропорта Внуково в Нур-Султан есть прямые рейсы авиакомпаний Red Wings Airlines, Belavia и Scat Airlines.

New Late Check-In Penalty

New Late Check-In Penalty

Starting August 1, 2022 athletes who miss check-ins must pay a $400 CASH late penalty if they wish to still compete.

Unfortunately, it is becoming all too common that athletes are expecting to be checked in up just minutes before pre-judging begins, demanding to be admitted to the show. We understand that they have worked hard and do all that we can to get them added. However, this creates havoc with the score sheets, expediting, and judging. The software and accounting must be updated, and scripts, medals, and trophies need to be modified. New expediting packets must be printed for 15 team members. This all takes place at a time the team is preparing to make sure everything is ready for a smooth and on-time show at the beginning of what will be an 18-hour work day.

To be accepted, the tardy athlete must arrive at least 1 hour prior to the beginning of pre-judging. If their division has a posing routine, house music will be played as it will be too late to add new music into the programming. Additionally, if height and or weight measurements are required, the athlete must be ready, wearing their competition trunks as mandated by NPC regulations.The penalty must be paid in cash as there is no point of sale systems set up at this time.

The best option is to be on time for Friday check-ins as the show schedule indicates.

What is a Bodybuilding Competition?

What is a Bodybuilding Competition?

What is a Bodybuilding Competition? – Center Podium ×