Tag: Brad castleberry

Brad Castleberry Bares All On How He Deals With Depression
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Brad Castleberry talks about the lowest moments of his life and how he deals with depression to this day – in hopes of inspiring and helping others.
In a previous interview we did with Brad Castleberry last year, we discussed the lowest moment in his life. It was a devastating moment of his business career that left him broke on Christmas day. Since then he’s recovered but he still struggles with anxiety and depression. The feeling of never being good enough often looms in his mind. Castleberry has found healthy coping mechanisms that have gotten him through low points. In our latest GI Exclusive, Brad Castleberry reveals all about his inner thoughts and how he overcomes depression and anxiety.
2020 was a tough year for nearly everyone in the world to different degrees. It’s been reported that depression and anxiety are on the rise after such a turbulent time. While things do seem to be getting better globally – the mental struggles of many individuals could continue to press on for quite some time.
That’s why we asked Brad Castleberry how he deals with depressive thoughts and anxiety. Castleberry has dealt with many past traumas in his life between a business partnership that left him penniless, personal family struggles, and being a controversial online persona that receives extensive online hate.
Over the past few years, Brad Castleberry has grown into a very different kind of bodybuilder and man. What used to be of value to him today is very different than just five years ago. Most notably, he is open to speaking about it candidly and at length. In our latest interview, Castleberry held nothing back discussing not only his past struggles – but how he continues to have be, in his own words, “crazy in my mind a lot of the time.”
Brad Castleberry starts off by expressing the importance of communication and finding help. He cannot stress enough how much unloading depressive thoughts can be towards finding stability. Keeping it bottled up inside can only lead to more torment and possible dangerous actions – including self harm.
Brad Castleberry also understands that some people are in tough situation. They may be lonely with no one to turn to for an open conversation. He presses that therapy or counseling should not be taboo. It should be something everyone has access to and should not be ashamed to engage in.
Brad Castleberry also shares some small habits that can help bring out more calming thoughts. When Castleberry faces darker thoughts of feeling unsuccessful or incomplete – he takes a walk, goes hiking, and simply makes sure to be outside in nature. While this isn’t medical advice – breaking bad habits and entering out into the world, even alone, could have healing affects on a moment of crisis. Or at least, that’s what works for Castleberry.
He also points out how even the most basic principles of bodybuilding are helpful in keeping a more stable foundation both mentally and physically. Eating healthy and finding a routine in training that betters your body can bring a sense of progress at times when a person might be feeling lost. Small incremental improvements day by day can make a big difference in dealing with anxiety and depression. Bodybuilding provides exactly that. Daily small improvements to your health and physique
But the true crux of Brad Castleberry’s advice doesn’t necessarily come from his specific tips – but more from how earnest and honest he is in this conversation. More than anything, he seems like a person who hopes to make some sort of connection through his transparency. A far cry from the viral bodybuilder who was often dodgy and accused of lifting fake weights.
You can watch Brad Castleberry bare all about his past experiences with depression and how he continues to find healthy ways to cope to this day. Watch it all in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Brad Castleberry Reacts To Recent Videos Defending Against Ongoing Fake Weight Criticism
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Brad Castleberry talks about his new viral videos and reflects on recent big names such as Joe Rogan defending him against fake weight accusations.
Brad Castleberry has stepped slowly away from massive weightlifting viral videos. Instead, he now focuses on different kind of athletic feats beyond the weights. He focuses more on a calisthenic approach with videos that continue to go viral. Somewhat removed from his older videos, Castleberry spends some time with us reflecting on the fake weight criticism he has received over the years. In our latest GI Exclusive, Brad Castleberry reacts to recent videos, such as Joe Rogan, defending Brad against fake weight critics.
Brad Castleberry has alway brought controversy in the bodybuilding world. This is almost exclusively because of his viral weightlifting videos. Many fans in bodybuilding believe that his videos are staged with fake weights. Some YouTubers have even gone to great lengths to analyze the videos and prove that the weights are, indeed, fake.
Of course, due to these critics not being able to inspect the weights in person – there is no conclusive evidence that can prove Brad Castleberry lifts fake weights. This causes the criticism to continue in loops indefinitely. Bodybuilding fans criticize, Castleberry fans defend, and then repeat.
Over time, Brad Castleberry has moved away from the ego lifting viral videos of the past and move towards more calisthenic viral videos. These, of course, hard harder to fake and in general the criticism against him has subsided. Yet his reputation for lifting fake weights after criticism for years has stuck.
In fact, his reputation for fake weights has grown so much that larger online personalities have started to chime in – including Joe Rogan on his podcast. Most interestingly, Joe Rogan has defended Castleberry, believing that the lifts are most likely legitimate. Powerlifter Pitbull Torres has also gone on record to say he believes Castleberry’s lifts are very possible. He sees no reason why they would be fake.
Specifically, both of these men look towards where the videos are being filmed. Namely, these videos are happening largely in commercial gyms. How would Brad Castelberry be able to bring in fake weights to a commercial gym without being caught? Or even more so, without causing trouble with management.
Again, ultimately this is all speculation. We can’t know anything for certain without being there in person. Regardless, we asked Brad Castleberry his thoughts on the more recent videos discussing his weightlifting videos. He feels honored that there are finally credible larger names that are defending him.
While he finds these comments satisfying – he also stands by his original statements. He always knew, in his words, that his videos were not faked. He has grown over the years to learn how to not worry about comments. He simply does what not only makes him happy but what works for his loyal followers. It works for him. He avoids worrying about the criticism and continues to move on.
You can watch Brad Castleberry’s full reaction to defenders against fake weight criticism in our GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Brad Castleberry: “Being Unhealthy But Looking Healthy Isn’t Cool”
Brad Castleberry goes into detail on why he changed his training methods to focus more on health than sculpted muscle.
The very core of bodybuilding is a healthy endeavor in line with fitness. But just like many things in fitness, it can become unhealthy depending on how far you take it. Professional bodybuilding and even modeling can put so much focus on perfecting the physique that it comes at the cost of traditional health standards. Some athletes are okay with taking that risk. But the general public might not realize that a shredded physique does not automatically mean the athlete is healthy. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Brad Castleberry discusses completely changing his training method to focus on feeling good more than looking good.
Brad Castleberry may be a controversial figure in bodybuilding, but one thing that can’t be disputed is that he has an incredible physique. Whether he lifts fake weights or not – it takes hard work to accomplish that kind of shredded look. But during our new interview with Brad Castleberry, he wanted to focus on how he’s been making a change in his fitness life.
After years of ego lifting and powerlifting massive amounts of weight, Brad Castleberry is now focusing on lighter weight and more on cardio. His reasoning for this change is that he wants to focus more on feeling good than looking good. Sometimes the two can come hand in hand. Other times they can be at odds with each other. It depends on how far you want to push the boundaries of your body.

Brad Castleberry: Too Many People Use Bad Genetics As An Excuse To Not Train Hard
Brad Castleberry discusses a frustrating reality in bodybuilding – some people will always have to train harder than others to succeed.
Brad Castleberry is a love him or hate him kind of bodybuilding personality. But one thing that cannot be denied is his impressive physique. It’s a large part of why he built such a massive following as an influencer. And regardless of fake weights in videos or not – it takes hard work to achieve that kind of physique. It also helps that he has incredible genetics.
Brad Castleberry has inspired many to want to follow in his footsteps. Like many other bodybuilders, he becomes an icon that aspiring bodybuilders want to achieve. While the bottom line is that it will always take hard work – Castleberry isn’t ashamed to admit it’s easier for some than others. It call comes down to genetics. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Brad Castleberry explains some individuals simply have to train harder than others to achieve the same level of success. The problem is – too many people use bad genetics as an excuse to avoid hard work.
The unfortunate truth about bodybuilding and fitness is that one size does not fit all. Yes, the core tenets of weight loss and building muscle are universally true. But what works for one person might not work as fast or as well for others. This has been the hardest psychological aspect of fitness. It’s what bars so many people from success. They follow a diet or training plan. They don’t see results as fast as a friend or training partner. They get frustrated and give up.
It’s true that some foods or some training methods react better to some bodies than others. But there is no training program or (well formulated) diet that will even actively NOT work. It might just take more time than you want. It might simply require more trial and error than you want. Fitness and bodybuilding is about the long term. It’s a marathon not a sprint. A lot of people don’t make it that far to really see those kind of results – unfortunately.
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Check out our GI Exclusive segment with Brad Castleberry above!
That’s why Brad Castleberry went into great detail about the realities of how genetics play a role in bodybuilding. It’s foolish to go in thinking you will look like Ronnie Coleman if you just follow his routine. You might not have the genetics to sustain that kind of aesthetic and size. It’s not 100% impossible. It just might take 10 times more work than it actually did for Ronnie himself. And Ronnie certainly trained his ass off.
But the bigger problem Brad Castleberry sees is that people use bad genetics as an excuse. If a training program doesn’t show results fast enough. If a diet doesn’t work as initially intended. If someone simply has more trouble keeping off weight than others. All of these factors become excuses. A person might say “I can never look like an IFBB pro bodybuilder – so why even try?”
Brad Castleberry wants individuals to understand and temper their expectations – but also to have motivation to still succeed. Yes, you may have bad genetics. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t create a fantastic physique. The difference between the best bodybuilders in history are not just genetics. It’s willpower. It’s dedication.
Arnold Schwarzenegger himself has admitted that he has poor genetics. But he worked twice as hard to make up for it and become the best in the world and win seven Mr. Olympia titles. If he let genetics decide his fate – he wouldn’t have become the historic bodybuilder, actor, and politician we know today.
It might be hard to imagine yourself as becoming the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. That’s because the odds are very much not in your favor. But at the same time – someone eventually has to become the next big legend. What separates the icons from the normal folk isn’t fate. It’s having the mental strength.
You can watch Brad Castleberry go into further detail about genetics and excuses in bodybuilding by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Brad Castleberry Explains: Is 24 Hour Intermittent Fasting The Key To A Shredded Physique?
Brad Castleberry explains how 24 hour intermittent fasting can be an extra tool to create a lean and conditioned physique.
Brad Castleberry has his fair share of controversies but one thing that can’t be denied is his fantastic and consistently lean physique. He’s the kind of bodybuilder that maintains great conditioning all year. This can be a true challenge given the twists and turns life throws our way every single day. So how does he do it? We asked Castleberry that very question. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Brad Castleberry details his tactics, including intermittent fasting, for maintaining a shredded physique year round.
Brad Castleberry is the kind of bodybuilder who can throw off his shirt any day of the week at any point of the year and look shredded. While genetics play a big part of that ability – Castleberry doesn’t want to be written off just for good genetics alone. The truth is that maintaining a consistent conditioned physique takes a lot of work. The kind of work you can never take a break from.
In our new video conversation with Brad Castleberry, we asked him how he stays shredded all year round. He explained that it’s all in the diet. Most importantly, it’s about being extremely strict in your diet every single day, 365 days a year. That’s the part that’s a challenge for almost everyone. There’s no days off. There’s no breaks. There’s no turning on and off the diet. If you want to look like Castleberry throughout the year – you need to work throughout the year.
Of course, this isn’t the answer people want to hear. They want to know tips and tricks to make that hard work easier. Or how to optimize their diet habits to make the goal more obtainable. For Brad, his key additional tactic is 24 hour intermittent fasting.
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Check out our latest GI Exclusive with Brad Castleberry above!
Brad Castleberry details how he fasts for a full 24 hours one day per week. Absolutely no food or carb filled drinks for a full day. He swears by it and he claims it’s a helpful tool to bringing in your physique to truly shredded levels. Though he does warn that this is just a cherry on top. It’s not the end-all be-all way to become shredded. If you’re eating like a slob but intermittent fasting – it won’t work.
Beyond helping his physique – Castleberry also shares the benefits of doing a full 24 hour fast once per week. He claims that it actually helps your energy levels rather than depletes them. Many people think that fasting will make you drained and tired. But the opposite is true if you do it intermittently. It detoxes your system and the hunger can help keep you focused. That focused energy can help you stay on track with your goals. This includes eating healthy and keeping your strict diet the rest of the week.
While this advice is purely anecdotal, it’s no secret that intermittent fasting has been proven to help with weight loss (if paired with a healthy diet). Fasting for a full 24 hours is not the only way to intermittently fast. You can also fast for 16 hours and eat within an eight hour window every single day. There are a variety of intermittent fasting tactics available. They all work. For Castleberry, going all in on a 24 hour fast works best for his lifestyle.
If you’re the kind of person who already eats well but has trouble getting your physique to that next level of shred. Consider intermittent fasting as a helping hand to your routine. It might just be the edge you need to become a lean mean bodybuilding machine. Just don’t use it as an excuse to scarf down an extra cheat meal after you fast.
You can watch Brad Castleberry breakdown his full tactic for staying as lean as possible all year in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!