Tag: Charles Glass

Charles Glass Shares ‘German Volume Training’ Lesson for ‘Maximum’ Chest Muscle Growth
As a former gymnast, engineer, and bodybuilder, Charles Glass has a unique understanding of human anatomy. In a recent video on his YouTube channel, Glass discussed German volume training which commonly practices 10 sets of 10 reps on three exercises.
Generous with his wisdom, Charles Glass has made a career out of helping people inside the gym. Whether it’s assisting a legendary four-time Arnold Classic winner like Flex Wheeler, a Bikini International Champion or just helping an average gym-goer, his understanding of body mechanics makes him an invaluable resource to the fitness and bodybuilding communities.
Charles is known for his ability to teach fitness education. He has taken part in numerous training demonstrations designed for muscle growth, such as the back and shoulders but also detailed an array of other workouts that focus on areas such as the calves, triceps, and abs.
Charles Glass / Instagram
Sometimes, it’s just about achieving a slimmer waist, and Glass has answers for that too. In his latest undertaking, Glass shared a ‘German Volume’ training routine for maximizing chest muscle growth.
Charles Glass Shows How To Build Chest Using ‘German Volume Training’
With this particular strategy, Charles Glass says he always employs 10 sets of 10 reps on three different exercises.
“German volume training. Which is 10 sets of 10 on three exercises. So, I’m going to use these three,” said Charles Glass. “Once in a while [I deploy this strategy], I wouldn’t do it every time. That’s preference [the wrist wraps]. Me, I like to wear them, it strengthens me and reminds me to keep my wrists tight.”
Aside from training, Glass has also taken aim at counterfeit drugs and fake steroids. He believes the problem has gotten much worse since the 1990s. Moreover, he said competitors need to practice caution because these fake substances can cause considerable damage to health.
Charles Glass isn’t the only seasoned pro who has pointed out steroid use in the IFBB Pro League. Popular 1990s Open bodybuilder Rich Gaspari tackled the subject as well. In a Fitness, Fame & Fortune podcast, Gaspari highlighted that current dosages are ‘way higher’ than what was used during his time on stage.
Other veterans of the sport, such as eight-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney have said athletes are 60 pounds overweight on stage because they’re pushing too much food. Haney explained that athletes used to fuel their bodies with healthier foods but now resort to ‘garbage’ like cheese and bacon.
Despite his busy schedule, Glass continues to give back to the sport. He’s an asset to anyone willing to learn from the techniques he developed after decades of grinding inside the gym.
RELATED: Godfather of Bodybuilding Charles Glass Shares A Push-Up Hack to Build Chest Muscles
Watch the full video from Charles Glass’ YouTube channel below:
Published: 9 June, 2023 | 2:08 PM EDT

Charles Glass Targets ‘Fake Drugs’ in Bodybuilding: ‘You’re Taking Something That Will Totally Mess You Up”
Bodybuilding trainer Charles Glass has developed a keen eye for the sport over the years. In a recent series of Instagram posts, Glass discussed counterfeit steroids and encouraged athletes to attend regular check-ups with doctors.
As one of the world’s top bodybuilding coaches, Charles Glass has used his engineering background to design effective workouts for people with different fitness goals. In addition to posting workout demonstrations, Glass teaches his students how to contract the muscles properly for optimal results.
The role of steroids in bodybuilding has always been controversial. Over the last three years, fans and bodybuilders alike fear that drugs have contributed to a rise in deaths. In 2021, former Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden died due to suspected heart troubles. Then, a year later, former Arnold Classic champion Cedric McMillan died at 46.
Following McMillan’s passing, athletes Seth Feroce and Kali Muscle warned up-and-comers about the dangers of steroids. Feroce believes the ‘bodybuilding lifestyle’ is to blame, which operates around exorbitant amounts of food and steroids. And now Charles Glass is addressing the touchy topic, who argues that fake drugs have become more prevalent than ever.
Charles Glass Warns Against Fake Steroids: ‘Do It Right & Your Blood Won’t Be Like Molasses’
According to Charles Glass, fake insulin and steroids are being produced in underground labs.
“People was using insulin then but not as much, less [the 80s]. Oh my God, yeah, [the drugs have changed] there’s more counterfeit drugs out, there’s more fake drugs out, you think you’re taking this but you’re not taking it. You’re taking something totally different that will mess you up. Why would you take it? You don’t know what’s in there. You buy test for $30 and this guy sells it for $50, who are you going to buy it from? The $30 person because it’s cheaper. It doesn’t mean it’s good but it’s cheaper. Most of the time, if it’s that cheap it’s an underground lab,” Charles Glass shared.
As a gymnast, Glass said he was able to bench press 425 pounds with a natural physique.
“I was a gymnast in college I was already strong. I wasn’t taking any drugs and I was able to lift heavy. Considering how much I weighed I was lifting heavy. You’d be surprised what you can do. The thing of it is the mid to late 30s you start seeing [better] performance. I could bench 425 without anything.”
Lastly, Glass highlighted that bodybuilders today are too concerned with size instead of regular health screenings.
“Most of the bodybuilders of today, all we just think about getting big and we don’t think about all the other stuff that goes with it. You always always always got to see a doctor. How many of see doctors now? I have to save my money to buy this buy that, but if you take the time to do it right, you’re still going to grow and your blood won’t get thick like molasses.”
Charles Glass isn’t the only veteran of the sport who believes steroid protocols have changed. Rich Gaspari competed as a Men’s Open pro in the 1990s and suggested that dosages today are ‘way higher’ than what he used during his heyday. Moreover, Gaspari took to a different Fitness, Fame & Fortune podcast, where he argued that competitors today rely on the overuse of drugs rather than training.
Given Glass’ meticulous training approach, he continues to be a valuable source of knowledge to the bodybuilding community. Above all else, he encourages athletes to always take their time building muscle.
Watch the other Instagram videos from Charles Glass below:
RELATED: Bodybuilding Coach Charles Glass Shares a Must-Try Shoulder Superset
Published: 27 May, 2023 | 11:20 AM EDT

Charles Glass Leads Arnold Classic Bikini Champion Lauralie Chapados Through Leg Workout
Charles Glass continues to be an elite coach and this time, he is leading one of the best Bikini competitors in the world.
Charles Glass is a legendary bodybuilder who is now one of the best coaches there is. He continues to work with some elite talents and this includes Bikini competitor Lauralie Chapados. Glass recently led the 2022 Arnold Classic Bikini champ through a leg workout at Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach.
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Vertical Leg Press Machine
Bulgarian Split Squat From Deficit
Reverse Hyperextensions
blockquote >”Finishing this trip on the highest note ; Leg Day with @thecharlesglass / GodFather of BodyBuilding at my old home ?? #Mecca“
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Greg has covered the four major sports for six years and has been featured on sites such as Sports Illustrated, Fox Sports, SB Nation, NJ.com, and FanSided. Now, he is transitioning into the world of bodybuilding and strength sports.

Charles Glass Explains Must-Try Superset Performing Many Actions On One Machine
Charles Glass shared a way to use one machine for multiple purposes during a superset.
Charles Glass knows a thing or two about building size and strength in the gym. As a bodybuilder, he developed a shredded physique with great size. Now, he is sharing his knowledge as a coach for others to try. Recently, Glass shared a superset to try during shoulder that can be done on one machine.
Glass is one of the best coaches in the sport because of his incredible attention to detail. During his career, Glass has put many workouts together and figured out which movements make muscles grow effectively. This time, he is doing so by cutting time and doing multiple things at once.
Charles Glass’ Shoulder Superset
Charles Glass took to YouTube to share this video. The super set consists of the plate-loaded deltoid and shoulder press machine. Glass positioned the arms underneath and then went across the body. He believes that turning the shoulders inward helps during the movement.
[embedded content]
“That shoulder should come toward me a little bit. Glass said. “You turn your body in as you move across. A little higher than that but keep pressing the arms back so they don’t go forward. There you go, now you’re on that delt. Now take a breather and do all three again.”
Glass continues to explain how machines can be used in different ways. this particular video focused on shoulders and the shoulder press machine.
“I was just trying to show how you can take one machine and do multiple things on it, that’s all. So, we did all three. Actually, we could have done four because she could have done rear delts by facing in and pushing up.”
Charles Glass discusses why he begins with mid delts as well. This is because he believes it is the best place to get warm first and have blood pumped. This will benefit the lifter over the course of the workout.
“I do mid because I’m trying to warm me up a little bit. Trying to get the blood in that area. Facing forward, you’re getting a whole lot of blood in that whole delt area. Now, we want to isolate it a little bit, so we go across the body, the number front delt. You’re not hitting the mid.”
[embedded content]
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Legend Charles Glass Gives Master Class on Calf Training
Charles Glass shares his calf training knowledge.
Top bodybuilding trainer Charles Glass shared his immense knowledge on calf training in a recent video. The guru gave different pointers and approaches to training in one of his latest YouTube videos.
There’s no controversy in saying veteran bodybuilding coach Charles Glass is a genius. A veteran of the Golden Era, Glass has a wealth of experience and knowledge that has seen him produce many a bodybuilding champion.
Variety is a Spice
When comes to building quality muscle one must be open minded to the possibilities. You can’t hope to build superhuman biceps if you do curls only one way. The same is true for any muscle group. Confusing the muscle means providing multiple opportunities to for it to continue to grow. Famed trainer Charles Glass understands this well.
Training variations can completely transform your development. As far as muscle groups that are in need in variation in training it’s the calves. Many train calves in the same way over and over and hope to make incredible development. When development is slow going then it means a change is necessary. Charles Glass understands this well and like any well respected bodybuilding guru has a host of different training variations to break through a plateau.
When a bodybuilding legend like Arnold Schwarzenegger needed to build his calves he needed to try a variety of different methods. Charles Glass implements these different approaches in his system. He explains how changing even the slightest angle in each exercise gives an opportunity to attack a different part of the muscle thus helping it to experience continued growth.
“When I train legs, I train legs one day, hams the next day, I’m going to do calves. It’s tough, but all the blood is where, in the legs, in the quads. That’s the part that you gotta do, you gotta suck it up and go.”
Full Calf Training Program
Below is Charles Glass’ full calf training program.
Calf Press on Leg Machine
Seated Calf Raise
Standing Calf Raises
Donkey Calf Raises
Single Leg Calf Raises
To see and soak up the wisdom of the legend Charles Glass, click here.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Charles Glass Warns About Uncertain PEDs: ‘You’re Taking Something Totally Different That’s Going To Mess You Up’
Charles Glass recently spoke on the uncertainty of certain PEDs out there.
Charles Glass is one of the pioneers of bodybuilding. In retirement, he has built a reputation as an elite bodybuilding coach because of his intense workout programs and attention to detail. Glass always brings different insights and wisdom to his workouts and recently, he did the same regarding PED use.
Glass took some time to discuss the angers of PEDs and it is not what many others have said. It is clear that steroid use has negatively impacted athletes and their bodies over the years. There has been a recent string of deaths that has hit the world hard. This includes Shawn Rhoden and George Peterson at the end of 2021. Recently, Cedric McMillan passed away suddenly.
The effect that PEDs have on internal organs is clear but Glass continued to explain how athletes might not even know what they are putting in their bodies. He explains that it is important to be able to correctly identify a product. This has become more and more difficult.
“There’s more counterfeit drugs out. There’s more fake drugs out. You think you’re taking this, and you’re not taking that. You’re taking something totally different that’s going to mess you up,” Charles Glass said.
Charles Glass goes over the process that athletes take to find the right PEDs. In some cases, bodybuilders will opt for a cheaper version of the drug, even if they do not exactly know what is in it. When it is cheap, Glass explains that it comes from underground labs that are interested in making money.
“Why would you take it, you don’t know what’s in there but if you by testosterone for $30, and this guy sells it for $50, who you going to buy it from? The $30 person because it’s cheaper. It doesn’t mean it’s good, but it’s cheaper.”
The sport of bodybuilding is now judging which competitors can come in with the most size and mass while remaining conditioned. The Men’s Open competitors are larger than life in today’s era and this is because they want to put on as much size as possible.
Charles Glass believes that building size on the body over time is healthier than those who want to get the fastest result possible.
“Take your time, build slow, let it happen. You gotta understand I was a gymnast in college. I was already strong. I wasn’t even taking no drugs and I was able to lift heavy. Well, considering how much I weigh, heavy.
The thing of it is, I would say about thirty or mid to late thirties is when you start seeing performance because when I got in, I could bench 425 lbs without anything. But it went to 500 (lbs) when I was taking it you know, that’s the difference. Yeah, but I weighed a 138 lbs and I could lift 425 (lbs) easy but people told me you got to gain weight, you got to gain weight. So, in my mind, well if I can get to 155 lbs I’ll be better. I got to 155 (lbs) and my strength went up.”
This recent string of deaths in bodybuilding has made others speak out on the issues as well. This has become a problem and one that many believe must be fixed, whether it is safer practices or better recognition of the drugs. Charles Glass believes it starts with where the drugs come from.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

East Coast Mecca: Charles Glass & Bev Francis Talk Old School Bodybuilding & Training Tips
EAST COAST MECCA: SEASON 3 – Generation Iron returns to the beast coast with an inside look at the Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym one week before the New York Pro 2018. Known as the East Coast Mecca of bodybuilding, Bev Francis’ gym attracts today’s most elite athletes. Featuring superstars and up and comers such as Regan Grimes, Nathan De Asha, Arash Rahbar, Rich Gaspari, and many more! New episodes air every Thursday!
While many know Bev Francis as the owner of the East Coast Mecca along with Steve Weinberger – it’s important to also remember that she is one of the most legendary female bodybuilders to ever hit the stage. You wouldn’t know it by looking at her now – but Bev held one of the most impressive female physique only challenged by 10x Ms. Olympia champion Iris Kyle (albeit many years later).
In this episode of East Coast Mecca, Bev Francis gives us an inside look at her training insights as she coaches Liz Montalbano towards Women’s Physique glory. She also runs into Charles Glass – a legendary bodybuilding trainer & guru in his own right. The two of them talk about their favorite bodybuilding memories… but more importantly, talk about what it takes to become a bodybuilding champion. They’ve seen hundreds of competitors come in and out of their wing – and there is one quality they can both agree on that is always held within a champion.
Check out the full episode of East Coast Mecca above!

Charles Glass Reveals His 4 Best Muscle Building Techniques
Charles Glass reveals his 4 best muscle building methods.
Charles Glass offered up his 4 best muscle building techniques in a recent Instagram post. The legendary bodybuilder and trainer gives some detailed wisdom on how these techniques can completely change your physique.
There are few legends that know the game quite as well as Charles Glass. An accomplished bodybuilder turned trainer, Glass has helped to build some of the most talented bodybuilders of all time. One such competitor is the great Dexter Jackson who was able to secure the 2008 Olympia title with the help of Glass.
Always looking to impart knowledge on the masses, Charles Glass recently made a post detailing the methods he used to get his clients in great shape. Not only is he able to help top bodybuilders, but he also can help the average Joe get into top condition.
Two Step Rep
Like a pause rep the two step rep allows you to recruit even more muscle fiber to that much more out of each rep. You pause at the bottom of the movement, push halfway through the rep then complete it. This makes your muscles work even harder.
Forced Rep
Forced reps are performed with a trainer or training partner’s assistance. While performing the movement your partner helps pushes you through when fatigue begins to set in. This can be done with lighter weight to prevent any injury. The assistance helps a lifter to recruit extra muscle fibers that aids in overall development of the entire muscle group.
By performing two exercises back to back with little to no rest, this doubles the work on the muscles. The more the muscles are put to work the more demand there is on the muscle fibers. This allows for accelerated growth with proper recovery.
21’s Method
The 21’s Method requires the lifter to do partial reps for half the set then lift the weight with a full range of motion for the second half. It’s a pretty brutal method and can be done with 40 percent or less of your max lift. The method is demonstrated by none other than 2008 Olympia champion Dexter Jackson.
Charles Glass Training
To see all the techniques put into action take a look at this workout below featuring the legend Charles Glass himself.
Here are 4 of my favorite intensifying muscle building techniques, that I use to help my clients add muscle tissue faster and get the most out of their training session.
Give them a try and send this video to your friends and gym buddies! Help me spread the word.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.