Tag: cluster

CrossFit Cluster Exercise Guide: How To, Benefits, Muscles Worked, and Variations

CrossFit Cluster Exercise Guide: How To, Benefits, Muscles Worked, and Variations

CrossFit is a unique sport. It involves beginner-friendly simple movements like the air squat, shoulder press, and kettlebell swings. On the flip side, it also incorporates demanding exercises such as rope climbs, pig flips, and Olympic lifts (clean and jerk and snatch) that get elite athletes on their knees. 
Most CrossFit WODs (workout of the day) consist of circuits that combine two or more movements. The CrossFit cluster takes this a step further, merging the thruster with the clean into a single exercise.
Interestingly, the thruster is a combination of two exercises — the front squat and the push press. Adding the clean to the mix makes the cluster a blend of three compound (multi-joint) movements. 
CrossFit has set itself apart by requiring its athletes to perform unique and challenging compound exercises that help you work your entire body in a short time. The cluster fits the bill perfectly. 
In this article, we go over the fundamentals of the CrossFit cluster, and everything you need to know about it to master the movement, including its benefits, correct form, common mistakes, variations, and the muscles worked during this exercise. 
What is a CrossFit Cluster?

A CrossFit cluster combines two exercises — the clean and the thruster. The compound exercise works your entire body. Most WODs have just the right amount of clusters as chippers or in a circuit to destroy you by the end of the workout.
Each cluster begins from the ground. You must lift the bar to your hip height and catch it in the front rack position at the bottom of a squat. The rest of the movement is the same as the thruster. From the bottom of the front squat, stand up by extending your knees and driving through your midfoot. As you’re about to achieve full knee extension, use the momentum to drive the bar overhead and lock out your elbows. Return the bar to the front rack position. 
In the thruster, you would go right into a squat after catching the bar and repeat for the recommended reps. However, you will return the bar to the floor with each rep while doing the cluster. Adding the cleans makes the cluster much more demanding than the thrusters. 
You must follow the perfect form while performing the cluster to avoid unnecessary strain on your lower back. Lifting with a rounded back is one of the most common mistakes while doing this exercise. 
Muscles Worked During CrossFit Cluster
The CrossFit cluster is a full-body exercise, recruiting almost every muscle fiber in your body. It is such an effective compound exercise that we think this section should be titled “Muscles not worked in a CrossFit Cluster.” Nonetheless, here are the muscles stimulated in this exercise:
The cluster works your quads during the initial lift off the floor; your glutes and hamstrings are activated as you get into the squat after catching the bar. This exercise is a complete leg builder that will help you add strength and size to your lower body. 
While performing the cluster, you’ll experience latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, teres major and minor, and trapezius muscle engagement. Since this is a hip-hinge movement, you’ll also feel lower back stimulation. 
From pulling the bar off the floor and pressing it overhead, you’ll experience shoulder engagement. Cycle through the cluster reps, and you’ll feel a sick anterior and lateral deltoid pump. 
The first half of the movement involves pulling the bar to the front rack, resulting in biceps engagement. The second half requires you to press the bar overhead, which will fire up your triceps. 
Performing a clean, especially while lifting heavier, requires a strong core. Your midriff and stabilizers will also be in action as you press the bar overhead and complete a lockout. Folks that lack a solid core will have trouble completing a heavy overhead lockout. 
Benefits of CrossFit Cluster
Adding the cluster to your exercise arsenal entails the following benefits:
Boosts Your Skills
CrossFit involves a lot of skills. Most WODs involve a healthy chunk of high-skill weightlifting moves such as the Olympic lifts and gymnastics moves like handstand walks and ring muscle-ups.
The cluster helps you improve at Olympic lifts by incorporating the clean, front squat, and overhead press into a single movement. It will aid in improving your technique and get you better results faster. 
Full-Body Exercise
The cluster is a full-body exercise that will help you build overall strength and muscle mass. This compound exercise will improve your functionality, making you better at other exercises and day-to-day activities.
The cluster will also improve your metabolic conditioning, boosting your performance in demanding workouts. 
Helps Build Strength and Muscle Mass
The compound exercise will boost your strength and muscle mass. You must, however, program your workouts accordingly. Stay in the 1-5 rep range to focus on strength. On the other hand, the 8-12 range is optimal for hypertrophy. [1]
Enhances Endurance and Stamina 
Perform high-rep sets of clusters, and you’d be gasping for breath. Adding cluster ladders to your WODs will help you build stamina and endurance, translating to better performance in demanding workouts. 
Improves Coordination
There are several moving parts in the cluster. You need to clean the barbell off the floor, perform a squat, and then do an overhead press. Doing this exercise regularly will help improve your hand-eye coordination. 
How To Do a CrossFit Cluster
The CrossFit cluster is a complex lift. You must dial in your technique to get the best bang for your buck. There will be a lot of tips and tricks, so pay close attention. Here is how to perform the cluster with the perfect form:

Place a barbell against your shins and stand upright with a shoulder-wide stance.
Grab the bar using a shoulder-wide hook grip. Your hip crease should be below your knees crease. This will help you use your quads in the initial phase of the lift.
Your chest should be open, and you should look straight ahead while at the bottom of the lift.
Pull the bar to your hip level while keeping it close to your body by driving through your midfoot.
Pull the bar faster as it crosses your knees, and you stand upright by extending your knees.
The bar should make contact with your hips. At this point, lean back slightly, generate momentum by getting on your heels, and pull the bar toward your shoulders.
In one motion, jump your feet wide and get under the bar to catch it in the front rack position at the bottom of the squat.
Get out of the hole explosively by driving through your midfoot.
Press the bar overhead as you reach the top of the movement.
Move your head through your arms to achieve a lockout.
Lower the bar to a front rack position.
Repeat for reps.

CrossFit Cluster Tips

Pull the slack out of the bar at the bottom by pulling the bar slightly off the floor. This will help ensure a smooth upward movement.
You can skip jumping your feet out if you are comfortable with your initial stance and can use it to push the weight overhead.
Your elbows should trace over the bar in the initial part of the lift and drop below the bar as you catch it in a squat. This will help you keep control of the barbell.
Avoid rounding your back or looking down in the initial phase of the cluster, as it can put unnecessary strain on your neck.
Driving through your heels or toes will throw you off balance. Drive through your midfoot to maintain your center of gravity.

This Exercise:

Target Muscle Groups: Back, Legs, Shoulders, Arms, and Core
Type: Strength
Mechanics: Compound
Equipment: Barbell
Difficulty: Intermediate
Best Rep Range: 8-12 Reps

Common Mistakes While Performing a CrossFit Cluster
Stay clear of the following cluster errors for optimal gains and to avoid injuries:
Improper Form
Like all the other exercises, you only get better at the cluster with practice. Since this is a compound movement, lifters tend to make several mistakes initially. You must not yank the bar off the floor in the first half of the lift, as it can throw you off balance. 
Keep your chin tucked and your eyes locked straight ahead throughout the exercise. Tilting your head toward the ceiling or the floor will again make the lift unstable. Plus, many lifters get on their toes too soon. You must wait for the bar to reach your hip level before using your feet to generate extra momentum. 
Not Warming Up
The cluster is a full-body exercise, meaning a lot can go wrong while performing this exercise. Many people increase their odds of injury by not warming up before a workout. You must spend 10-15 minutes warming up before a training session for optimal performance. 
Furthermore, compound lifts like the cluster require a decent amount of mobility. You must work on improving your flexibility and mobility to get better at the Olympic lifts. 
Going Too Heavy
This is one of the most common mistakes lifters make while doing the cluster. Since this exercise is a combination of three lifts, many people load the bar with more weight than they can handle, assuming that they can muscle through the lift. However, letting your ego get the better of you jeopardizes your form and puts you at a greater risk of injury. 
Variations and Alternatives of CrossFit Cluster
Use the following cluster variations and alternatives to add variety to your training regimen:
Dumbbell Cluster
This cluster variation uses dumbbells instead of a barbell. Although many lifters might think it is easier than the conventional cluster, it is not the case. The dumbbell cluster requires a different skill. 

Grab a dumbbell in each hand and stand upright with a shoulder-wide stance.
Push your hips back, hinge at your hips, and bend your knees to lower the dumbbells to your floor. Place the dumbbells on the outside of your feet at the starting position.
Lift the dumbbell to your knees by driving through your quads and midfoot.
Drive your hips forward and extend your knees as the dumbbells cross the knees.
Generate momentum by lifting your heels off the floor when the dumbbells reach your hip level.
Drop under the dumbbells and catch them over your shoulders.
Explode out of the hole and push the dumbbells overhead as you complete the movement.

Pro Tip: Ensure you’re using your quads to power off the floor by getting your hip crease below your knee crease at the bottom of the movement. 

The thruster is a great exercise to forge a more robust cluster. It is just like the cluster, minus the cleans while doing multiple reps. 

Take a shoulder-width stance and stand upright with a barbell against your shins.
Grab the bar at shoulder-width using a hook grip.
Clean the bar into a front rack and get into a squat.
Explode out of the hole by driving through your midfoot.
Press the bar overhead as you extend your knees.
Lower the bar into a front rack.
Perform a squat.
Repeat for recommended reps.

Pro Tip: Hold the bar in the front rack position using a full grip. Balancing the bar using only your fingers can make the lift unstable. 

The clean is an Olympic lift, which needs a lot of practice to master. However, sticking with this exercise will make you better at most other CrossFit compound lifts, as it will help develop a stronger base. 

Stand with a shoulder-wide stance with a barbell placed against your shins.
Grab the bar with a hook grip.
Maintaining an open chest and flat back, pull the bar to your knees using your quads.
Drive your hips forward and extend your knees to bring the bar to your hip level.
From here, lift your heels off the floor to pull the bar toward the ceiling.
Get under the bar and catch the bar in a front rack position while jumping your feet out.
Stand upright.

Pro Tip: Drive your knees outward during the initial phase of the lift, as it will help engage your legs to generate power. 

Front Squat
The next two exercises on the list are among the nine basic movements of CrossFit. The front squat is a compound exercise that primarily works your quads. 

Start with the bar in a front rack position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Use a shoulder-wide stance and turn your toes slightly outward.
While maintaining an upright torso, lower into a squat and go as deep as possible.
Return to the starting position.
Repeat for reps.

Pro Tip: You must have decent upper body, overhead, hip, and lower body mobility to perform a front squat with an upright torso. 

Push Press
The push press is a basic CrossFit movement that will help you build upper body strength and explosiveness. 

Start in the front rack position and a shoulder-width stance.
Drop into a shallow stance.
Extend your knees rapidly and push the barbell overhead while raising your heels off the floor.
Lock out your elbows at the top and drive your head through your arms.
Lower the bar to the front rack position.

Pro Tip: Your elbows should be under the bar at the starting position, as it will help you generate power. 

Wrapping Up
CrossFit is a high-intensity sport that combines weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio. Olympic weightlifting exercises form the basis of the CrossFit resistance training WODs and help work your entire body in a short time. 
The CrossFit cluster is one of the most effective functional exercises to help you build strength, muscle, endurance, and balance. Use the cluster alternatives and variations listed in this article to take your WODs to the next level. Best of luck!

Krzysztofik M, Wilk M, Wojdała G, Gołaś A. Maximizing Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review of Advanced Resistance Training Techniques and Methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Dec 4;16(24):4897. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16244897. PMID: 31817252; PMCID: PMC6950543.

Master the Art of Cluster Sets: Boost Your Workouts and Unlock Your True Potential!

Master the Art of Cluster Sets: Boost Your Workouts and Unlock Your True Potential!

The set is the basis of everything you do in the gym. It comprises a certain number of reps, after which you rest briefly before moving on to your next set. But, just as there’s more than one way to skin a cat, there are several ways to structure your sets. If your goal is to lift as heavy as possible and turn up the intensity, then you need to know about cluster sets.
Cluster sets are an advanced training technique, but there is some confusion surrounding them. Some people confuse them with rest-pause training, while others mix them up with drop sets. In this article, we’ll clear up the confusion as we explain exactly what cluster sets are, why they’re a good technique for increasing strength and muscle, and how you can program them into your routine. 
What are Cluster Sets?

Cluster sets are like a series of mini-sets within a larger set. You do a certain number of reps, then rest for a few seconds before doing the next cluster of reps. Typically, a cluster set will consist of three or four of these mini-sets. Cluster sets are considered an inter-set form of training.
Cluster set training is popular among powerlifters and other strength athletes. There is a large body of research investigating its benefits to enhance strength and power. That research tells us that different forms of cluster training are more beneficial for different outcomes.
There are three primary reasons that you would include cluster set training in your routine:


When it comes to power training, the goal is to develop explosiveness. You should use a reduced weight that is 40 to 65% of your one-rep max. The focus will be on completing three to five clean, explosive reps. You then rest for around 20 seconds before completing the same number of reps again. You will usually complete three of these many sets while focusing on maintaining excellent form and producing as much explosive power as possible.
Power training cluster sets aim to train for power rather than exhausting your muscle fibers. This type of training has also been shown to improve the neurological pathways between your muscles and brain.
Cluster sets for strength training should see you working with between 80 and 90% of your one-rep max. So you might take a weight that you can perform four reps on and do two reps. You then rest for around 30 seconds and then do two more. If you did this for a total of four mini-sets of two reps each, you would end up doing eight reps within that cluster set. That represents double the volume and a substantially increased amount of intensity compared to if you were to just do a traditional set of four reps. 
When it comes to hypertrophy, cluster sets are an excellent intensity-enhancing tool. That is because it allows you to train with heavier weights than you could usually do to complete the set. It also increases your time under tension. But unlike traditional sets, where it’s usually only the last two or three reps that could be described as high threshold time under tension, with cluster sets, every rep is a high threshold time under tension rep. 
Finally, cluster sets allow you to achieve muscle overload. For example, you might choose a weight with which you could normally do eight reps and perform a cluster set of six, four, and three-rep mini sets. That’s a total of 13 reps — five more than you previously would have done. 
Cluster Set Research
The vast majority of the research into cluster sets focuses on strength and power training. This research highlights five key benefits of cluster set training. 

Rep Quality
According to some research, cluster set training improves the technical precision of each rep within the cluster set. That makes sense because, unlike with straight-set training, there is no fatigue accumulation to impair performance on the last few reps. Doing a technically demanding exercise like the clean and jerk or snatch using the standard high rep approach can lead to form breakdown. However, when you’re only doing a couple of reps and then having a short rest, you are far more likely to maintain correct form. [1]
Greater Power Output
Research suggests cluster sets can result in greater power output on each rep than straight-set training. Again that’s because there is less accumulated fatigue going into each new rep. Greater power output means more explosiveness in sports like basketball, football, and powerlifting. [2]
Reduced Inter-Set Fatigue
Cluster set training, when done in power training and strength training style, will reduce the cumulative fatigue effect from set to set and exercise to exercise. This is beneficial when you want to move to a new exercise fresh and relatively unaffected from the previous exercise. That is what you want when you are training for power and strength. With hypertrophy training, of course, your goal is the opposite — you want to increasingly fatigue the muscle as the workout progresses. [3]
Power Endurance
A 2008 study showed that cluster set training could help develop power endurance very effectively. This type of muscular endurance is needed by cyclists, soccer players, and people who play racquet sports. [4] 
Increased Strength and Power
Cluster sets have been shown to produce superior results than traditional straight sets in terms of power and strength gains. In a 2013 study, 22 men were assigned to either a cluster set or a traditional set training protocol. Each group followed a 12-week training program. At the end of the study, the cluster set group showed significantly greater improvement in the bench press, vertical jump, and squat. However, the two groups had no significant difference in lean mass gains. [5]
What a Hypertrophy Cluster Set Looks Like

When using cluster set training as part of your muscle-building routine, you should select a weight that allows you to perform eight reps if you were lifting in traditional set form. On the first set, perform six reps, even though you know you could do a couple more. 
Now rest for exactly 20 seconds. During that rest period, put the weight down and let go of the bar. 
On the next mini-set, leave one rep in the tank. So, if you know that you can get five reps, stop after the fourth rep. Rest for another 20 seconds, then go to failure, which will probably be around three or four reps.
You can also experiment with higher starting reps. So you might begin with the weight you can do for 12 reps. In this case, you perform ten reps, rest for 20 seconds, then do your next mini-set, stopping with one rep in reserve. In the final mini-set, you go to failure.
What Exercises Should You Use for Cluster Set Training?
The exercises you choose for cluster set training will depend on your objective. If you’re using it for power or strength training, compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses are ideal. With this type of training, you’re using 50 to 65% of your one-rep max. That means your risk of injury due to muscular failure and form breakdown is relatively low.
However, when using cluster sets for hypertrophy training, your muscular fatigue goes through the roof. That increases the likelihood that you will fail on the last rep or two of the cluster set. You want to avoid that from happening when using maximum weights on compound movements like the squat or bench press. For that reason, you should select exercises that are relatively safe if you fail on a rep. 
So, rather than doing a cluster set on squats when training quads, do it on the leg press. If you fail on the last rep of a leg press, you won’t injure yourself the way you could on a squat. Similarly, when training the chest, you are better off using dumbbells or a chest press machine than a barbell. All those options will allow you to bail out of a rep without ending up with 90% of your one-rep max crushing down on your rib cage.
What an Explosive Power Cluster Set Looks Like
When using cluster sets for explosive power development, you should reduce the weight to about 50-65% of your one-rep max. Compared to hypertrophy or strength training, your reps will be relatively high. 
For example, if you were doing squats, you might choose a weight with which you can do 10 quality reps. Perform five clean reps, concentrating on an explosive drive out of the hole on each rep. Now re-rack the weight and rest for exactly 30 seconds. Now do another five reps. Complete for a total of three mini sets within the cluster set. 
Perform three or four cluster sets as part of your power training program one or two times per week. 

What an Explosive Power Cluster Set for Strength Looks Like
Cluster sets for strength training typically involve the use of heavier weights than for hypertrophy or power. Choose a weight that is between 80-90% of your one-rep max and keep each mini-set to 1-2 reps. Here’s what that might look like for deadlifts:

Load the bar with 85% of your one-rep max.
Perform two reps.
Rest for 30 seconds.
Do your second mini-set of two reps.
After another 30-second rest, complete your third and final mini-set of two reps.

Complete a total of three cluster sets to complete your deadlift workout. Your rest between cluster sets should be 3-5 minutes.
How To Program Cluster Sets into Your Routine
When training for muscle gain, you don’t want to do cluster sets at the beginning of your workout. That’s because they are so fatiguing that your performance on the rest of the workout will probably be compromised. You should add a cluster set on the third exercise for a body part. For example, if you are training your chest, you might begin with three or four sets of dumbbell bench presses, then go to the incline barbell bench press for four sets before moving to the Hammer Strength machine chest press. This is the exercise you should do a cluster set on. Make it the final set for that exercise.
So, if you are doing the Hammer Strength machine chest press, you might do two sets of 10 reps. The third and final set is going to be a cluster set. If you were doing a traditional set with the same weight you did on the previous set, you might be able to get eight reps. It is because you’re fatigued and can’t get to the 10 reps of the previous set. For the cluster set, though, you will pump out six reps. You then rest for exactly 20 seconds and do another four reps. After another 20-second recovery, you keep going to failure. That might be three or four reps, taking your total for the cluster set to 13 or 14 reps.
At this point of your workout, your chest muscle fibers will be on fire. However, you may choose to do a final exercise. This will likely be an isolation move like dumbbell flyes or the pec dec. If you can handle it, do a final cluster set on the last set of that exercise to max out the intensity of your chest workout.
So, as you can see from the example, just one or two cluster sets per workout are all you need. This is an extremely intense form of training that places exceptionally heavy demands on your muscle fibers. If you overuse the technique, you will overtax the muscle and inhibit your ability to recover fully between workouts. 

Who Should Use Cluster Sets?
Cluster set training is not designed for beginners. If you are still within your first two years of consistently working out, you should stick with traditional sets. They will give you all the muscle stimulation you need for growth. Then, once you’ve been training for a couple of years, have built your strength base, and are able to develop the mind-muscle connection that you need to know how many reps you’ve got left in the tank, then you can start experimenting with cluster sets. 
The more advanced you become, the more beneficial cluster sets will be for you. The longer you’ve been training, the harder it will be to keep making strength and muscle gains. So an advanced technique like this will help you to push the envelope. 
Are cluster sets the same thing as rest-pause training?
Though cluster sets and rest-pause training are very similar, the key difference is that cluster sets are pre-programmed. At the outset, you know how many reps to do in all but the last mini-set (which is to failure). You also know how long your rest between each mini-set will be. When it comes to rest-pause training, though, you do reps to failure, then rest for just long enough to allow you to pump out another 2 or 3 reps. 
How do cluster sets differ from drop sets?
Drop sets and cluster sets are both an extended set form of training. With drop sets, though, you start with a weight that will allow you to perform 6-8 reps. You then immediately decrease the weight slightly and pump out another few reps. You continue doing this for further drops until you reach muscle failure.
In contrast, cluster sets involve using the same weight for each of the mini sets that make up the cluster set.
Are cluster sets effective for building muscle?
Yes, cluster sets are an effective muscle-building strategy. It allows you to increase your training volume and time under tension while pushing a muscle to maximum fiber stimulation. This advanced technique can help you break through a muscle-building plateau and continue making progress. 
How are cluster sets written on an exercise program?
Cluster sets can appear a bit like an algebra equation when you first see them. Here’s what they look like:
1(4 x 4) -20s w/ a 6RM
This means you will do one cluster set consisting of four mini-sets of four reps. Your rest between each mini-set will be 20 seconds. You will choose a weight that you can do six reps with. 
Wrap Up
Cluster sets are a safe, effective way to maximally stimulate your muscle fibers for muscle gain. They are also great for increasing strength and power with load and rep modifications. This is a tool to be used in a careful, targeted manner. If you aim to build muscle, you don’t have to do more than one or two cluster sets in your workout to achieve results. Program them towards the end of the workout, during the third or fourth exercise, for maximum benefit. 

Haff, Guy & Hobbs, Ryan & Haff, Erin & Sands, William & Pierce, Kyle & Stone, Michael. (2008). Cluster Training: A Novel Method for Introducing Training Program Variation. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 30. 67-76. 10.1519/SSC.0b013e31816383e1.
Lawton TW, Cronin JB, Lindsell RP. Effect of interrepetition rest intervals on weight training repetition power output. J Strength Cond Res. 2006 Feb;20(1):172-6. doi: 10.1519/R-13893.1. PMID: 16503678.
Lawton, Trent & Cronin, John & Lindsell, Rod. (2006). Effect of Interrepetition Rest Intervals on Weight Training Repetition Power Output. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association. 20. 172-6. 10.1519/R-13893.1.
Haff, Guy & Burgess, SJ & Stone, Michael. (2008). Cluster training: theoretical and practical applications for the strength and conditioning professional. Prof. Strength and Cond.. 12. 12-17.
Oliver JM, Jagim AR, Sanchez AC, Mardock MA, Kelly KA, Meredith HJ, Smith GL, Greenwood M, Parker JL, Riechman SE, Fluckey JD, Crouse SF, Kreider RB. Greater gains in strength and power with intra set rest intervals in hypertrophic training. J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Nov;27(11):3116-31. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182891672. PMID: 23736782.

Cite this page: Theunissen, S. (2023) ‘Master the Art of Cluster Sets: Boost Your Workouts and Unlock Your True Potential!’, Fitness Volt. Available at: https://fitnessvolt.com/cluster-sets/ (Accessed: 5 May 2023).

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Workout of the Week Using Intense Cluster Sets

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Workout of the Week Using Intense Cluster Sets

Bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to inspire generations after an astounding career. In a recent edition of The Daily Pump Newsletter, Schwarzenegger shared an intense workout of the week using cluster sets for added difficulty.
Arnold Schwarzenegger first gained attention in the 1970s and early 80s for his impressive muscle mass, symmetry, and conditioning in the Men’s Open division. He dominated the stages of the IFBB Pro League, winning seven Mr. Olympia titles, and is remembered for epic battles against three-time champion Sergio Oliva, three-time winner Frank Zane, former champ Samir Bannout, and Franco Columbu.
Schwarzenegger emerged as an international superstar following his bodybuilding career. His dynamic personality was on full display in the 1977 docudrama Pumping Iron alongside Lou Ferrigno. The film found mainstream success and elevated the sport to a new level.
Schwarzenegger continued to expand his creative footprint in the world of entertainment after stepping away from bodybuilding. Using the same discipline and work ethic he developed as a competitor, Schwarzenegger established himself as a bona fide Hollywood sensation with lead roles in several blockbuster franchises.
‘The Austrian Oak’ commands a huge following of 23.6 million followers on Instagram. He has not lost his passion for working out and encourages his fans to lead a healthy lifestyle. He suggested the use of about 200-300 milligrams of caffeine as a pre-workout to boost your performance in training sessions.

He added the caveat of not consuming caffeine at least nine hours before sleep to avoid any disturbances. Then, Schwarzenegger detailed a simple yet effective tip to shed pounds by incorporating meal replacement shakes instead of whole foods.
Schwarzenegger recommended the use of wave training to push through plateaus in the gym a few weeks ago. He credited the intensity technique for breaking through training obstacles. He followed that up with a brutal nine-minute core workout that required no equipment. As of late, Arnie detailed the benefits of using bodyweight workouts to build leg strength and improve cardiovascular health.
The 75-year-old gave fans a look into his bodyweight workout of the week to build muscle last month. He stressed the importance of focusing on resistance as opposed to weights for achieving muscle growth. His next workout used Myo-Reps, a training method used by Norwegian strength coach Borge Fagerli, to pack on the pounds.
Arnold Schwarzenegger shares workout of the week using cluster sets

In a recent edition of The Daily Pump Newsletter, Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a grueling workout of the week that utilized cluster sets.
“When time is short, one of the best ways to get in a great workout is by supersetting exercises. That means performing one exercise after another with little rest,” explained Schwarzenegger. “You might have seen Arnold train like this when he performed a chest exercise followed by a back exercise.
“But we like to throw in a little wrinkle to help make you stronger. That’s where cluster sets come in. Cluster sets are just like supersets, but you do multiple supersets within one cluster. This technique allows you to use a heavier weight than you normally would because of how you’re staging the reps and sets.”
Here’s how it works:
Select a weight you can lift for 4 to 5 reps for a push exercise (like a chest press) and 6 to 8 reps for a pulling exercise (like rows). Then do the following,

Set 1: 2 reps of push + 4 reps of pull (no rest)
Set 2: 1 rep of push + 2 reps of pull (no rest)
Set 3: 3 reps of push + 6 reps of pull (rest 3 min)

That’s one cluster. You’ll repeat this a total of two to three times, and then you’re done. Two exercises and you’ll be pumped, your heart rate will be up, and you should feel stronger.
Do the math, and you’re doing 6 reps (with your 4-rep maximum weight) on pushing exercises and 12 reps (with your 6 to 8 rep maximum weight) for pulling exercises.
Cluster 2: Pair a lower-body push exercise (like a squat) with a lower-body hinge exercise (like a deadlift).

Here’s how it works:
Select a weight you can lift for 6 to 8 reps for the lower body push exercise and 12 to 15 reps for the hinge exercise. Then do the following,

Set 1: 4 reps of push + 8 reps of hinge (no rest)
Set 2: 3 reps of push + 6 reps of hinge (no rest)
Set 3: 5 reps of push + 10 reps of hinge(rest 3 min)

That’s one cluster. Just like the upper body workout, do two to three total clusters and call it a day.
Arnold Schwarzenegger offered an alternate version using the same technique for those who prefer bodyweight training routines.
If you’re doing bodyweight exercises, here’s how you can make this plan work for you.
Bodyweight Version
The bodyweight idea is very similar. The cluster sets will help you be able to do more reps than usual. But, because no weight is involved, you’re going to do higher reps. And, we’re going to pair an upper body and a lower body exercise. Here’s how it worksCluster Example: Assume you do pushups for your upper body movements and squats for your lower body movement.

Set 1: 7 reps of an upper body exercise + 7 reps of a lower body exercise
Set 2: 6 reps of an upper body exercise + 6 reps of a lower body exercise
Set 3: 8 reps of an upper body exercise + 8 reps of a lower body exercise (rest 3 minutes)

That’s one cluster. You’ll repeat this a total of two to three times, and you’re done with the first cluster.Then, for the second cluster, you would select two new movements such as bodyweight row and lunges and repeat the process, and then call it a day.
NOTE: You’ll want to do a warmup and build up to these weights with 3 sets of each movement. In all, each cluster should take about 20-25 minutes. So, a cluster can be its own workout. Or, set aside 45 minutes to an hour and have an amazing full-body workout with just four exercises.
Arnold Schwarzenegger provided a convenient 5-minute workout routine that could be performed anywhere earlier this month. He suggested using the workout in the morning to start your day or as a warm-up for a more comprehensive training routine.

RELATED: Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares 5-Min No-Equipment Workout of the Week: ‘Get Your Blood Flowing’
Despite hanging up his posing trunks decades ago, Schwarzenegger’s influence on the sport is palpable to this day. Samir Bannout credited him as the greatest bodybuilder of all time and believes he would dispatch the elite contenders of the modern era.
Published: 18 April, 2023 | 11:38 PM EDT