Tag: Cutting

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15 Best Foods to Eat on a Cut: Unveiling Fat Loss Secrets
Achieving a ripped physique is a process. It requires month after month of dedication, discipline, and hard training. And it requires that you are 100% on top of what you eat daily. When it comes to the cutting phase of your program, nutrition becomes more important than ever. However, knowing just what to eat on a cut can be confusing. After all, there’s a lot of conflicting advice out there.
In this article, we will identify 15 key foods and four super herbs and spices that should form the foundation of your cutting phase. Whether you’re zeroing in on a competition or trying to get in the best shape of your life, you’re about to learn what you must eat during those final three months to achieve your dream physique.
Understanding a Bodybuilding Cut
Cutting is a bodybuilding term that refers to a period when you reduce your caloric intake and carefully monitor your food with the goal of stripping as much excess body fat from your physique as possible. It follows a bulking phase, which aims to increase calories beyond the maintenance level to add as much muscle mass as possible.
Bulking and cutting, therefore, go hand in hand. Bulking can be considered like packing slabs of clay onto your frame. During the cutting phase, you sculpt and refine that clay to bring out the detail and eliminate the excess.
The success of a cutting phase often depends on how the bodybuilder went about the bulking phase. If they choose to go on a dirty bulk, where they pay little attention to the quality of the calories they’re putting into their body, they are likely to start the cutting phase with a high level of body fat. It will take a lot of work for them to first get rid of the extra fat they gained during the bulk and then burn their normal fat stores to improve their muscle definition.
On the other hand, a bodybuilder who follows a clean bulk, where they stick to lean protein sources and clean carbs, will put on minimal fat during the phase. It will allow them to start making immediate inroads into their fat stores.
During the cutting phase, your primary goal is to strip the maximum amount of body fat from your frame so that your muscles are more defined. You want every muscle fiber to be clearly visible. Ideally, cross striations in the muscle fiber should also be visible when you flex.
At the same time that you’re getting ripped, your secondary goal is to preserve the hard-earned muscle mass you’ve gained during the bulking phase.
So how long does each phase last? There is nothing set in concrete regarding the length of the bulking and cutting phase, but most bodybuilders tend to follow each phase for 10-12 weeks. We will work on a three-month cutting period for the rest of this article.
Calculating Caloric Needs
The most important thing to understand when you’re on a cut is that you can’t simply wing it. You have got to determine your numbers and stick with them. So, what numbers are we talking about?
It all starts with your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). That number represents the total energy your body needs to meet its needs over a day. This includes your resting metabolic rate, physical activity, and the thermic effect of food (how many calories it takes to digest it). Once you know how many calories you need to function, you can then make adjustments to that number to create a caloric deficit.
Creating a caloric deficit will force your body to take action to meet the energy shortfall. Without enough energy from food, your body will turn to its reserve energy source — stored body fat — to meet the shortfall. And that is how the fat loss process takes place.
So, let’s begin by determining your TDEE.
There are several calculations to work out your TDEE, each based on a slightly different formula that considers your activity level. I recommend using this convenient online TDEE calculator.
You now know how many calories you must consume daily to maintain your physique. You must create a modest caloric deficit to start shedding body fat without sacrificing hard-earned muscle mass. I recommend reducing your intake by 10-15%. So, what does that look like?
If your TDEE is 2,500 calories, you should cut back by 250-375 calories. Start with a 250-calorie reduction to take your daily calorie goal to 2,250. Assess your progress over the first couple of weeks. If you’re not losing fat at the desired rate, reduce it by another 125 calories per day.
Macronutrient Breakdown
Let’s now narrow things down to the makeup of your daily calories during your cutting phase. Here’s what you need to consider regarding each macronutrient:
Sources Healthy Protein
During your bulking phase, protein is the key nutrient for muscle growth. When it comes to cutting, protein is just as important. Of the three macros, protein is the most satiating, meaning that it fills you up faster than either carbs or fats. Protein also has the highest thermic rate. While it takes about 10% of the energy in fat or carb to digest that food, that percentage skyrockets to around 30% for protein.
Ensuring you get a plentiful supply of protein during your cutting phase will also help preserve your muscle mass while dieting.
As a result, protein should remain the foundation of your diet during a cutting phase — you’ll simply be eating less of it. You should consume one gram of protein per pound of body weight during your cutting phase. Aim for 30-35% of your calories from protein.
Related: Find your daily protein intake.
When it comes to carbohydrate intake during your cutting phase, you need to be strategic about your timing. Carbs can power your workouts, so you should consume them around your training sessions. You should emphasize complex carbs such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
Adjust your carb intake according to your activity level and how your body responds to them. Aim for 40-45% of your calories from carbohydrates.
Related: Find your daily carbs intake.
Healthy fats are an essential part of a successful cutting diet. They help fill you up while promoting nutrient absorption and hormone production. Go for sources of unsaturated fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Aim to get 20-30% of your calories from fats.
Related: Find your daily fat intake.
Focus on Whole Foods
Even though it can be tempting to grab processed foods, especially when you’re on the go, whole foods should be your priority on a cutting diet. When we talk about whole foods, we’re referring to foods in their natural, unprocessed state. Examples are fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, and seeds. Here are five reasons why you should prioritize whole foods on your cut:
Nutrient Density: Whole foods provide a lot more bang for your buck in terms of nutrient density. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber to meet your body’s daily needs.
Satiety: Whole foods don’t contain empty calories. As such, they are more filling, ensuring you get the maximum benefit from your calorie cost.
Better Digestion: Natural whole foods are easier to digest than processed foods, putting less strain on your digestive system. They also better promote a healthy gut microbiome and provide valuable fiber.
Lower Calorie Density: Whole foods tend to be lower in total calorie count than their processed alternatives. That allows you to eat more while staying within your calorie goal, making you feel more satisfied and less deprived.
Greater Ingredient Control: When you focus on natural foods, you have more control over the quality and composition of your food. You can avoid sugar, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives added to processed foods.
15 Superfoods To Add To Your Cut
During your cut, you’re looking for every advantage you can get to strip fat from your body. That means you need to be smart about the foods you eat. The 15 foods in this section have all been shown to maximize fat burn while supporting muscle mass and promoting optimum health. Use these foods as the foundation for your cut:
1. Grapes
Grapes are a wonderful snack you can overindulge in without feeling bad since they provide a potent combination of health-improving and weight-loss advantages.
Grapes are a fantastic hunger suppressant when trying to lose fat. They can also help control blood sugar levels. By doing this, they lower insulin levels and stop leptin, the hormone that causes hunger, from being released.
Because of a high concentration of polyphenol phytochemicals, grapes have a hidden healing ability. Although the precise process is still unclear, polyphenols can protect us against cancer.
Additionally, grapes offer more nutrition per calorie than almost any other food. Beta carotene, lutein, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E are just a few of the abundant antioxidants in them.
In addition to all these health benefits, grapes contain a chemical that turns them into a superfood. The skin and seeds of the grape contain the plant-derived substance — resveratrol. It has been demonstrated to have a strong, advantageous impact on the cardiovascular system. It is an effective tool in the fight against blood clots that can cause a heart attack or stroke because it can prevent blood platelets from clumping together.
Resveratrol has emerged as a crucial tool in the battle against breast, colon, and esophageal cancer since it inhibits numerous crucial processes that result in tumors. Resveratrol also has potent anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that it helps regulate blood sugar levels, lowering insulin levels and preventing binge eating and cravings. [1] [2]
2. Nuts
Healthy Nuts
Nuts, which are packed with healthy fats and protein, represent the ideal cutting snack. When you eat nuts as a snack, they will keep you full while also working to improve your health.
Consuming any kind of nut significantly lowers the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, consuming almonds has been demonstrated to lessen the risk of colon cancer. If that’s not amazing enough, scientists predict that eating nuts daily can add two years to a person’s lifespan. [3]
Naturally, nuts may provide you with the amino acids you require, devoid of cholesterol and saturated fat, since they are a plant-based source of protein. Magnesium, a vital mineral that aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure, is also abundant in nuts. Additionally, they offer a first-rate supply of B vitamins like riboflavin and niacin.
Omega 3 fatty acids, which are chronically undersupplied in the Western diet, are also abundant in nuts. Omega 3 fatty acids can significantly increase your ability for fat loss.
Nuts are an excellent healthy carbohydrate source for weight loss because they lower leptin levels, improving fat burning by reducing insulin resistance.
Nuts are also a great source of fiber, which plays a significant role in losing weight. It slows down carbohydrate absorption and digestion, enabling a more regulated rise in blood sugar levels.
The best nuts to eat as a cutting snack are:
Macadamia Nuts
3. Berries
According to scientists, berries are now considered among the world’s top foods for fighting disease. That results from their abundance of antioxidants, which also contributes to their brilliant colors. Berries’ antioxidants have been linked to reducing the incidence of certain malignancies, improving cognitive conditions, and fending off the effects of aging.
In addition, berries are a fantastic source of nutritional fiber. Blueberries have got to be the best disease fighter among all the berries. Antioxidants included in blueberries help lower cholesterol levels, which lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Berries contain a lot of flavonoids as well. Flavonoids have positive effects on the circulatory system and can lower cardiovascular risks. Blackberries, in particular, have a high flavonoid content. [4]
Although berries are a seasonal food, frozen berries are accessible all year round and have the same health benefits as fresh berries.
A super fruit that offers the antioxidant properties of other berries boosted by a factor of five has recently been made known to the Western world. This extraordinary food has more antioxidants than any other food identified so far. It is raised in the remote Tibetan Himalayas, which have some of the highest elevations on earth. It’s the goji berry.
Researchers refer to goji berries as the Rolls Royce of berries, and they are currently becoming a sensation in the nutritional world. Here are several reasons to eat goji berries:
Boosts testosterone and libido
Contain 19 amino acids, including the essential ones
Comprise 22 trace minerals, including zinc, calcium, and selenium
Lower blood sugar levels and satisfy cravings faster than other berries
Contain 500 times more Vitamin C than oranges, vitamin E, which is extremely rare in fruit, and more beta-carotene than carrots. [5]
4. Apples
Apples are among those common foods that are easy to take for granted. If you’re one of those folks who overlooked the apple’s benefits, it’s time you sat up and paid attention.
Antioxidants can be found in abundance in apples. Additionally, they are an organic source of phytonutrients that support the health of your bones.
They contain both soluble and insoluble forms and are also a fantastic source of fiber. Because of how incredibly full the insoluble fiber in apple skin is, it is fantastic for weight management. Roughage is another benefit that aids in preventing and treating constipation.
Pectin, found in apples, is extremely helpful for detoxifying the body. It is a wise choice when you sense a cold coming on because it also reduces throat swelling and pain.
Blood sugar levels can be effectively managed by eating apples. Fructose, a naturally occurring fruit sugar, is present in them. These sugars are delivered into the bloodstream very gradually due to the high fiber component of the apple. This is a fantastic tool for ensuring consistent blood sugar levels, making apples great for losing weight. [6]
5. Salmon
Salmon provides your body with the perfect one-two power punch to knock fat for six — it is a fantastic source of protein and a rich source of omega-3 essential fatty acids.
To appreciate the amazing health-giving benefits of salmon, we must look to the Inuit Eskimo peoples of Greenland. Half a century ago, scientists were puzzled at these people’s low incidence of heart disease. Now they know why — it is all down to their diet, which is extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Studies of Eskimo people compared to those who follow a typical Western diet have made it clear that the risk of heart disease decreases as the amount of fish in our diet increases.
Salmon is also an effective stress fighter, as it can suppress the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone. And, with stress being a critical factor in binge and craving eating, the link between salmon and fat loss is obvious. [7]
6. Avocado
If you had to choose just one food to eat for the rest of your life, you couldn’t do much better than the avocado. Avocados have all the nutrients you need to survive, thrive, and quickly reduce weight.
A typical avocado consists of 60 calories and 9 grams of carbohydrates, with 7 of those grams being fiber. Additionally, it contains 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fat. Plant sterols, which have been demonstrated to decrease cholesterol levels, are abundant in avocados. Studies have shown that avocados’ high monounsaturated fat content reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
Additionally, researchers think that substituting avocado oil for vegetable and palm oils when cooking can reduce visceral body fat in the abdomen area. The avocado is not only low in calories, nutrition dense, and packed with healthy fats, but it also speeds up metabolism and stabilizes blood sugar.
One of the best-known ways to satisfy hunger is a scoop of guacamole. According to a Nutrition Journal study, half a fresh avocado with lunch reduced participants’ appetite by 40% for the next four hours.
According to a 2012 study from Chile, eating half a medium-sized avocado per day was highly connected with better diet quality overall and a 50% lower chance of developing metabolic syndrome. In addition to reporting a lower body mass index and smaller waist circumference, the avocado eaters also reported eating more fruits and vegetables and fiber and vitamin K, two nutrients linked to weight loss.
Your metabolism will continue to run smoothly after eating an avocado, allowing you to burn calories even while you sleep. [8]
7. Tea
Amazing thermogenic characteristics in green tea can aid in your natural fat loss. Green tea can increase body temperature naturally, which helps burn calories. So, why is green tea so good at accelerating your metabolism? It’s down to two essential compounds — caffeine and a catechin known as epigallocatechin (EGCC).
These two substances cause the release of epinephrine, which in turn accelerates metabolism. EGCC is a very potent antioxidant. Without endangering healthy tissue, it can destroy cancer cells. The prevention of heart disease has also been demonstrated to be greatly aided by EGCC. Additionally, it aids in maintaining normal cholesterol levels.
Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that promote the body’s use of fat as a source of energy. Green tea “increases your daily fat-burning rate by 43%,” claims Dr. Nichola Perricone, a well-known weight loss specialist and the author of three books.
Green tea’s catechins compel the body to produce heat. Because of this, the body absorbs carbohydrates into the bloodstream more slowly after eating, which helps control your insulin levels. [9]
One particular variety of green tea stands out as the best for losing weight — oolong tea. Another name for oolong tea is Wu-Ling Tea. If you thought that green tea’s capacity to increase metabolism by 43% was impressive, get ready to be astounded. Oolong tea burns fat 220 percent faster than green tea.
Numerous studies conducted in China have revealed that individuals who consume 2-3 cups of oolong tea daily lose weight at a pace that is 8% higher than those who drink green tea. According to one study, this amounted to a one-pound weekly weight loss from simply drinking two cups of oolong tea! [10]
Oolong tea can help your body burn more fat for energy, speeding up fat burning and causing weight loss. Drinking two to three cups of oolong tea each day will strengthen your immune system, lower your risk of developing some malignancies, and accelerate weight loss.
8. Grapefruit
Grapefruit Slices
Recent studies on grapefruit have shown its effectiveness as a fat-loss stimulant. Half a grapefruit was consumed before each meal by a volunteer group in a 2006 trial at the Scripps Clinic in La Hoya, as opposed to a control group. The grapefruit-consuming group shed almost twice as much weight as the other group. [11]
Grapefruit’s secret weapon is its capacity to regulate insulin. Balanced insulin levels, in turn, regulate blood sugar, which then regulates hunger. Insulin regulates the amount of stored fat because it is also a hormone that causes the body to store fat.
You should include half a grapefruit as a mainstay in your cutting diet plan.
9. Dark Chocolate
It may sound too good to be true, but eating chocolate can help you lose belly fat. Research from the University of Copenhagen shows that dark chocolate reduces the urge for sweet, salty, and fatty foods. In another study, people who ate a candy bar’s worth of dark chocolate for 15 days straight decreased their insulin resistance potential by 50%. This is due to the flavonoids and healthy fats that dark chocolate contains. [14]
10. Broccoli
Broccoli is an extremely nutritious, fiber-rich vegetable that is also very low in calories. That makes it a smart choice if you’re trying to curb belly fat. It also contains high vitamin C and folate levels to help ward off heart attack and stroke.
11. Yogurt
Yogurt is a rich source of protein and calcium. According to a 2015 study, obese study participants who were given three servings of fat-free yogurt daily lost 22% more weight and 61% more body fat than those who merely reduced caloric intake. The yogurt eaters also lost 81% more belly fat than the control group!
12. Peanut Butter
Peanut butter makes a great snack option. A single serving provides you with 8 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber, which assist with fat loss. It is also a rich source of L-arginine, which helps counter fluid retention.
13. Peas
Peas are one of the most nutrient-dense foods you will ever come across. A single cup delivers 8 grams of protein, along with antioxidants and phytochemicals, all at a very low calorie cost. Peas are also rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and iron, making them a genuine nutritional powerhouse.
14. Eggs
Eggs are among the most digestible forms of complete protein available. They also contain healthy fats with virtually no carbs. Eggs also have good amounts of calcium, zinc, and vitamins D, E, K, and B6. They are among your best options for breakfast. High protein breakfasts have been linked to enhanced weight loss.
15. Asparagus
Asparagus is filled with prebiotics which positively affects your gut biome. This will increase your levels of healthy bacteria, boosting digestion and helping to eliminate bloating. Asparagus spears are also an excellent source of the B vitamin, folate, which is essential for synthesizing key mood-influencing neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
4 Herbs & Spices to Ramp Up Your Fat Loss
You can significantly increase your fat-burning potential by strategically adding herbs and spices to your cutting diet plan. Here are four herbs and spices that deserve to be part of the equation:
1. Turmeric
In terms of weight loss, turmeric has established itself as a wonder spice. It is rich in essential nutrients like fiber, protein, potassium, calcium, iron, and vitamins C, E, and K. It is known as the “Queen of Spices” because of its many anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
The capacity of turmeric to stop fat storage is its most remarkable quality. Curcumin, the turmeric root’s active component, binds to fat cells and induces their contraction and shrinkage by inhibiting the blood arteries necessary for forming fat tissue.
Additionally, turmeric has a thermogenic, metabolism-boosting impact and is very good at lowering blood sugar and insulin resistance.
You should use turmeric as your go-to herb for weight loss during your cut. This golden, powdered spice helps accelerate your weight loss efforts with just one teaspoon consumed daily. You may either consume turmeric as a supplement or utilize it to make scrumptious soups and curries that burn fat.
2. Basil
Basil is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb with great therapeutic properties. It considerably facilitates digestion, which boosts the calorie-burning process. Basil also kills the dangerous bacteria that cause food poisoning. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that this herb aids in stress reduction, which in turn helps with weight loss. Basil leaves also replenish your energy levels and promote the production of new blood cells.
Use fresh and dried basil liberally to reap the most rewards from this incredibly useful herb.
3. Cumin
The spice cumin has gained popularity among people who follow the most recent studies on weight loss. In a recent Iranian study, 88 obese women were divided into study and control groups. Both groups completed nutritional education while consuming 500 fewer calories daily for 12 weeks. The study group also consumed 3 grams, or roughly one teaspoon, of cumin powder daily. Five ounces of yogurt was combined with the cumin. The yogurt was also given to the control group but without the cumin.
After the 12-week research, the study group’s percentage of fat reduction was three times higher than that of the control group (14.64% vs. 4.91%). [12]
Along with these remarkable fat reduction findings, the cumin groups’ triglyceride levels had plummeted by a staggering 23%, as opposed to a 5% drop for the control group. Additionally, compared to the control group, the cumin group’s LDL (bad cholesterol) values were reduced by an average of 10 points.
Consider how such outcomes came about from consuming just one teaspoon of cumin daily.
Researchers have identified that it is high in phytosterols, which are substances derived from plants that can absorb cholesterol. Cumin also can significantly increase metabolism.
4. Capsaicin
For years, people have applied capsaicin topically to relieve pain. However, recent research has shown that it also has a ton of weight loss potential.
The naturally occurring spicy substances in red hot peppers are known as capsaicinoids. One particular member of the capsaicinoid family is capsaicin. It is the primary active ingredient that gives red hot peppers their heat.
In a 12-week trial conducted by the University of Maryland Medical School, obese men and women received 6mg of capsaicin daily. At the conclusion of the study, the capsaicin group had not only lost more weight than the control group, but a significant portion of that weight had come from visceral fat in the abdominal regions. [13]
The researchers concluded that using capsaicin supplements increased metabolism, leading to faster calorie burn. They also hypothesized that capsaicin stimulated the production of adrenal hormones, causing a strong burst of energy.
7 Tips for Next-Level Leanness
Ready to take your leanness to the next level? If you’re already under 15% body fat and want to drop even lower, these proven tips, in conjunction with hard training and a clean diet, will get you there.
Tip #1: Energy Flux
When it comes to fat loss, the amount of calories you turnover is crucial. This is called energy flux and is the relationship between calorie intake and expenditure.
Most people look at fat loss as calories in (eaten) versus calories out (burned). While that basic model can get you by, using the energy flux method improves upon it. It demonstrates that when you eat more and exercise more — even at the same calorie balance — you maintain a faster metabolic rate and a better lean mass-to-fat mass ratio.
Research shows that a high energy flux can significantly increase your resting metabolic rate. In other words, when your energy flux is increased, there is a corresponding boost in sympathetic nervous system activity. This causes an upward shift in metabolic rate and improved nutrient partitioning.
Let’s say you are dieting, eating 2,000 calories daily while burning 2,500 calories. Because you’re in a negative energy balance of 500 calories, you should be losing weight. Yet, if you were to add 1,000 calories to your diet (3,000 calories total) and burn another thousand calories (3,500 calories total), you would see improved body composition benefits.
First, your metabolism would be about 10 to 15% higher since it won’t detect a reduction in calories.
Second, you’d increase your lean mass because your muscles would be constantly supplied with amino acids through your protein intake.
Both of these factors contribute to significant fat loss.
Third, you’d avoid feelings of deprivation since you’d be eating more. In fact, some bodybuilders consume more calories at the onset of a fat-loss phase in conjunction with increased exercise volume.
So, the take-home message is this: when kicking off an advanced nutrition program, boost both your total calorie burning and your total food intake. As a general rule, the best fat loss happens when you exercise 7 to 10 hours a week and eat the right foods at the right times.
Tip #2: Time your Nutrients
If you’re not familiar with nutrient timing, you are missing out. It could be a limiting factor in improving your health, physique, and performance.
Traditional exercise nutrition focuses on what to eat and how much. Research over the last few years, however, shows that when you eat may be equally important. Think of your daily food intake as falling into one of these three categories:
Before strength training
After strength training
Rest of the day
Before you hit the gym, your focus should be to consume a whey protein shake with 5 to 10 grams of added branched-chain amino acids for cellular energy and the initiation of muscle recovery. Since maximal fat loss is your goal, avoid carbs at this time.
Within 2 to 3 hours after your workout, you should focus on consuming meals high in protein and carbohydrates and low in fat. This combination helps quickly stimulate muscle protein synthesis as well as glycogen resynthesis. The first of these meals should be a whey protein shake with added branched-chain amino acids. Have this within half an hour of finishing a workout. You can also eat some fast-digesting carbs (20-40 grams), such as white bread or a banana.
Have a whole food meal 1.5 to 2 hours after this that is rich in protein and moderate in slow-digesting carbs (sweet potatoes, brown rice, or beans).
All of your other meals will fall into the rest of the day category. Keep them high in protein and healthy fats and low in carbs. This helps keep insulin levels down while preserving muscle mass.
In the end, nutrient timing allows you to take advantage of specific windows of opportunity when protein and carbohydrates are most efficiently used. Under these conditions, the perfect balance between fat loss and muscle preservation can be achieved.
Tip #3: Burn Fat with Fish Oil
Omega-3 fats such as flax oil and fish oil can boost resting metabolic rate by 300 to 400 calories per day. In addition, research indicates that fish oil can improve carb tolerance and decrease inflammation, and it has been found to provide a host of benefits across the health and wellness spectrum.
However, be aware that the minimal doses recommended by most manufacturers are too low to offer the physique benefit that most hard-training people seek. To get maximum benefit in fat loss, take about 1 gram of fish oil per body fat percentage up to a maximum of 30 grams. So, if your body fat is 15%, you should take 15 grams of fish oil.
After about four weeks, drop the dose to about 0.5 grams per percentage of body fat. If you don’t know your body fat percentage, go with 12 to 15 grams for the first four weeks and then cut it in half to 6 to 7 grams afterward.
Tip #4: Cycle your Calories
As your diet progresses and your calories drop, your exercise volume will have to increase. This creates a highly negative energy balance that will eventually cause a metabolic slowdown. But that’s not all; sex hormone and anabolic hormone output will also diminish. This means your fat loss progress will drop while muscle begins to waste away.
To prevent this from happening, start cycling your calories in the later stages of the fat loss program (about the 8 to 10-week mark). But instead of just cycling calories, cycle your macronutrients as well. One great way to do this is to devise four different menu plans, such as those below.
Menu 1: Low calories, lower carbs, low fat: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
9 calories per pound of bodyweight
50-70 grams of carbs per day
30-60 grams of fat per day
·Protein makes up the rest of your calories
Menu 2: Moderate calories, higher carbs, low fat: Thursday
11 calories per pound of bodyweight
100-140 grams of carbs per day
30-60 grams of fat per day
Protein makes up the rest of your calories
Menu 3: High calories, high carbs, high fat: Sunday
13 calories per pound of bodyweight
200-280 grams of carbs per day
60-120 grams of fat per day
Protein makes up the rest of your calories
Menu 4: High calories, low carbs, high fat: Thursday
13 calories per pound of bodyweight
30-50 grams of carbs per day
60-120 grams of fat per day
Protein makes up the rest of your calories
By varying your amounts of calories, carbs, and fats, you prevent falling into starvation mode and make your fat loss more continuous. In addition, a varied diet like this one is psychologically easier to follow.
Tip #5: Supplement with BCAAs and Creatine
Many dieters find that their muscle mass starts to drop off as a diet continues. To help combat this, try supplementing with BCAA’s and creatine. The BCAAs, especially leucine, have powerful anti-catabolic effects that can help stimulate protein synthesis and a positive protein balance.
Creatine can assist in the preservation of muscle cell volume as well as performance during a low-calorie phase. Both supplements can also aid fat loss, and together, they can help prevent muscle loss during a strict diet.
The best strategy is to take 5 to 10 grams of BCAA’s with breakfast, pre-and post-workout shakes, and a meal late in the day. Take 3 to 5 grams of creatine with your pre-and post-workout shakes. On rest days, take your creatine with your BCAAs at breakfast.
Tip #6: Eat More Whole Food
When you follow advanced dieting principles that aim to take you into the land of single-digit body fat percentages, you will be hungry. In fact, sometimes you’ll be famished. So ensure that most of your calories come from whole foods instead of shakes.
Whole food meals consisting of lean meats, healthy fats, vegetables, and unprocessed carbohydrates are slower to digest, keeping you satisfied longer. In addition, these foods deliver a steady supply of blood glucose and amino acids between meals.
Although protein shakes are more convenient, they can leave you feeling unsatisfied, causing you to reach for a snack much sooner. As your calorie intake decreases, fill up on whole foods for an easier time sticking to your diet. Of course, you should continue drinking protein shakes around workouts, as they will help build more muscle.
Tip #7: Improve your Sleep
Most people do not associate fat loss with sleep quality. There is, in fact, a huge link between the two. Not getting enough sleep not only triggers carbohydrate cravings but also stimulates appetite-increasing hormones and muscle-wasting stress hormones such as cortisol.
Interestingly, many dieters find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep as their energy balance declines. That is bad news for fat loss. If you begin to suffer from sleep abnormalities, try one of these two courses of action:
If you think you might suffer from elevated levels of evening cortisol, try taking 100 to 200 mg of Phosphatidylserine at dinner and another 100-200 mg before bed. Phosphatidylserine effectively decreases cortisol levels so you can fall asleep again. It is a phospholipid molecule found in cell membranes, particularly in the brain. It is important for normal cellular function and has been shown to have potential benefits for memory and cognitive function.
If you don’t believe it’s a cortisol issue, try supplementing with ZMA. Magnesium will help improve your sleep quality, while zinc and magnesium together can help boost fat loss and size and strength gains.
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only. Do not take it as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
By building your cutting diet around the foods, herbs, and spices profiled in this article, you’ll ensure that you optimize every calorie you put in your body. Be sure to get plenty of lean protein spread throughout the day, along with those complex carbs around your workouts, and aim for a 10-15% calorie reduction of your TDEE. Then adjust as needed to get the results you’re after. Remember, experimentation and adaptability are keys to a successful cutting program.
Bertoia ML, Rimm EB, Mukamal KJ, Hu FB, Willett WC, Cassidy A. Dietary flavonoid intake and weight maintenance: three prospective cohorts of 124,086 US men and women followed for up to 24 years. BMJ. 2016 Jan 28;352:i17. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i17. PMID: 26823518; PMCID: PMC4730111.
Galiniak S, Aebisher D, Bartusik-Aebisher D. Health benefits of resveratrol administration. Acta Biochim Pol. 2019 Feb 28;66(1):13-21. doi: 10.18388/abp.2018_2749. PMID: 30816367.
Tey SL, Brown R, Gray A, Chisholm A, Delahunty C. Nuts improve diet quality compared to other energy-dense snacks while maintaining body weight. J Nutr Metab. 2011;2011:357350. doi: 10.1155/2011/357350. Epub 2011 Aug 10. PMID: 21845219; PMCID: PMC3154486.
Kalt W, Cassidy A, Howard LR, Krikorian R, Stull AJ, Tremblay F, Zamora-Ros R. Recent Research on the Health Benefits of Blueberries and Their Anthocyanins. Adv Nutr. 2020 Mar 1;11(2):224-236. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmz065. PMID: 31329250; PMCID: PMC7442370.
Vidović BB, Milinčić DD, Marčetić MD, Djuriš JD, Ilić TD, Kostić AŽ, Pešić MB. Health Benefits and Applications of Goji Berries in Functional Food Products Development: A Review. Antioxidants (Basel). 2022 Jan 27;11(2):248. doi: 10.3390/antiox11020248. PMID: 35204130; PMCID: PMC8868247.
Oyenihi AB, Belay ZA, Mditshwa A, Caleb OJ. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”: The potentials of apple bioactive constituents for chronic disease prevention. J Food Sci. 2022 Jun;87(6):2291-2309. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.16155. Epub 2022 May 3. PMID: 35502671; PMCID: PMC9321083.
Ramel A, Martinez JA, Kiely M, Bandarra NM, Thorsdottir I. Effects of weight loss and seafood consumption on inflammation parameters in young, overweight and obese European men and women during 8 weeks of energy restriction. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010 Sep;64(9):987-93. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2010.99. Epub 2010 Jun 16. PMID: 20551965.
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Maron DJ, Lu GP, Cai NS, Wu ZG, Li YH, Chen H, Zhu JQ, Jin XJ, Wouters BC, Zhao J. Cholesterol-lowering effect of a theaflavin-enriched green tea extract: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med. 2003 Jun 23;163(12):1448-53. doi: 10.1001/archinte.163.12.1448. PMID: 12824094.
Ng KW, Cao ZJ, Chen HB, Zhao ZZ, Zhu L, Yi T. Oolong tea: A critical review of processing methods, chemical composition, health effects, and risk. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2018;58(17):2957-2980. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2017.1347556. Epub 2017 Aug 24. PMID: 28678527.
Silver HJ, Dietrich MS, Niswender KD. Effects of grapefruit, grapefruit juice and water preloads on energy balance, weight loss, body composition, and cardiometabolic risk in free-living obese adults. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2011 Feb 2;8(1):8. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-8-8. PMID: 21288350; PMCID: PMC3039556.
Zare R, Heshmati F, Fallahzadeh H, Nadjarzadeh A. Effect of cumin powder on body composition and lipid profile in overweight and obese women. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2014 Nov;20(4):297-301. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2014.10.001. Epub 2014 Oct 13. PMID: 25456022.
Zheng J, Zheng S, Feng Q, Zhang Q, Xiao X. Dietary capsaicin and its anti-obesity potency: from mechanism to clinical implications. Biosci Rep. 2017 May 11;37(3):BSR20170286. doi: 10.1042/BSR20170286. PMID: 28424369; PMCID: PMC5426284.
Sørensen LB, Astrup A. Eating dark and milk chocolate: a randomized crossover study of effects on appetite and energy intake. Nutr Diabetes. 2011 Dec 5;1(12):e21. doi: 10.1038/nutd.2011.17. PMID: 23455041; PMCID: PMC3302125.

Best Vegan Bodybuilding Meal Plan For Bulking and Cutting
Over the past few years, one of the biggest nutritional movements has been a massive shift to vegetarianism and veganism. That trend has affected all sectors of society. Bodybuilders have been especially keen to embrace the vegetarian lifestyle. Going meatless, of course, flies in the face of the traditional bodybuilding diet of chicken, eggs, and tuna. So, how can you still pack on quality muscle when you can’t eat meat?
This article answers that question by laying out a seven-day vegan bodybuilding meal plan for bulking and cutting. It will also address the benefits and drawbacks of vegan bodybuilding, consider the best sources of the key macronutrients and address the most frequently asked questions about vegan bodybuilding.
What is Vegan Bodybuilding?
Vegan bodybuilding involves developing your body to enhance lean muscle mass and minimize body fat while eliminating all animal-based foods from your diet. Veganism is a stricter form of animal-based food exclusion than vegetarianism, which excludes meat, fish, and seafood.
Vegans avoid animal products. This includes everything vegetarians avoid but adds dairy products such as milk and cheese, eggs, honey, gelatin, and food additives derived from animal sources.
Vegans fall into two categories — raw-food vegans and whole-food vegans, who only consume unprocessed or minimally processed plant-based foods.
A vegan bodybuilding meal plan differs from a standard vegan meal plan in its macronutrient content. Bodybuilders require more proteins and fats to build muscle and provide energy. The carbohydrate counts will be about the same.
Read also: 12 Vegan Bodybuilders That Will Motivate You To Go Plant-Based
Vegan Dieting for Muscle Gain & Fat Loss
Whether you are following a vegan or carnivore diet, calorie intake is a key consideration. To build muscle, you must create a caloric surplus, where you take in more calories than you expend. Conversely, to lose body fat, you need a caloric deficit so that your caloric intake is less than your body’s energy needs. This forces your body to use stored energy (body fat) to meet its daily energy needs.
The first step to determining your caloric needs is to determine your maintenance calorie level. You must consume this number of calories daily to meet your energy needs. Check out this calculator to determine your ideal daily calorie intake.
You should consume 10-15% more than your maintenance level to build lean muscle mass. So, if you require 2,500 calories per day to meet your energy needs, you should aim for between 2,750 and 2,875 calories per day to add muscle mass.
To lose body fat, consume 10-15% fewer calories than your maintenance level. At a 2,500-calorie maintenance level, you should consume between 2,125 and 2,250 daily calories.
Vegan foods are generally less calorie dense than animal-sourced foods. That means vegans may have to eat more to reach their daily calorie goal. Rather than eating three huge meals, I recommend having five or six smaller meals spread approximately three hours apart over the course of the day.
Vegan Bodybuilding Protein Sources
Vegan proteins are derived from plants. The category ‘plants’ include everything from vegetables like corn and spinach to legumes like nuts and seeds and wholegrains such as oats and rice. In fact, provided that the protein source is not an animal, it is considered a plant protein.
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams per pound of body weight. That is fine for sedentary people. However, gym goers require more than that, depending on their goals. If your goal is to build muscle mass, you should increase your protein intake to between 1.2 and 1.5 grams per pound of body weight. [1]
Benefits of Plant-Based Proteins
The biggest adjustment you’ll have to make when you turn vegan is to find new protein sources. Getting complete amino acid profiles from vegan protein sources is more challenging. Here are three reasons why it may be well worth the effort:
Weight Loss
Some research suggests that plant-based proteins are more effective than animal-based proteins at encouraging weight loss. One study published in the 2016 Journal of General Internal Medicine found that following a general vegetarian diet, including vegan protein powders, was more effective in achieving weight loss goals than non-vegetarian weight loss diets. [2]
Protein, in general, is excellent for encouraging weight loss. It is the most satiating macronutrient and takes the most energy to digest. Plant-based proteins are even better for weight loss because they have far less saturated fat and fewer calories. [3]
General Health
Many people, especially young guys, who are determined to bulk up, eat too many animal proteins. This can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and kidney complications. Another problem with too much animal protein is that it is rich in heme iron. Too much of this iron can cause oxidative stress and free radical damage.
When you choose plant-based proteins, you reduce the risk of these complications. In addition, plant proteins supply your body with important phytonutrients. These natural chemicals help prevent disease, strengthen the immune system, and help offset the natural health declines associated with aging.
Environmental Friendliness
Switching to plant-based proteins is a smart move in terms of helping the environment. Reducing animal product consumption helps reduce the carbon footprint, saves precious water, and creates far less waste.
Best Plant Protein Sources
Black Bean: 15 grams of protein per 1 cooked cup
Chickpeas: 15 grams of protein per 1 cooked cup
Edamame: 17 grams of protein per 1 cooked cup
Tempeh: 31 grams of protein per 1 cooked cup
Tofu: 20 grams of protein per 1 cooked cup
Lentis: 18 grams of protein per 1 cooked cup
Plant-Based Protein Powders
Although most plant-based sources of protein do not contain all of the essential amino acids, many plant-based protein powders include a blend of sources that work together to provide you with your full complement of the essential amino acids. Of all the plant-based protein powders, brown rice protein powder is one of the best. It includes peptides that boost weight loss more than white rice or soy protein. It has also been shown to reduce the glycemic index response and improve liver function.
Related: Best Vegan Protein Powders Reviewed
Vegan Bodybuilding Carbohydrate Sources
Carbohydrate sources for vegan bodybuilders will not differ significantly from those of a meat-eating bodybuilder. That’s because the best sources of healthy, muscle-building carbohydrates for bodybuilders are rice, fruits, and vegetables.
Unlike other types of food, carbohydrates become immediately available as energy as soon you put them into your mouth. If we don’t require the energy immediately, it is stored for later use. The body stores carbs as glycogen in the muscles and the liver as a source of energy for movement and daily function. [4]
However, the human body can only hold around 100 grams of glucose in the liver and about 400 grams in the muscles. When energy intake is abundant with very little energy output, the muscle and liver stores rapidly fill up, and the excess is stored as body fat.
Carbs prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue. They do this by promoting an anabolic environment, thanks to their ability to stimulate insulin release. This helps counter the catabolic state you get into when you train heavy with weights. [5]
By eating the right sorts of carbs at the right times, you can prevent muscle tissue loss and keep your metabolism revved up for optimal anabolic response and fat loss. High-intensity activity, such as weight training, is fueled by carbs through a process called glycolysis. In fact, carbs are the body’s preferred energy source for vigorous exercise. It will help you to most efficiently generate adequate energy by promoting ATP production, which is the body’s primary energy system.
When you work out, you quickly use up your body’s limited glycogen stores. Taking in carbs after your workout will restore these levels, providing the energy you need to recover and rebuild your body.
Here are some exceptional carbs sources for vegan bodybuilders:
Sweet Potatoes
Brussels sprouts
Related: Carbohydrate Calculator
Vegan Bodybuilding Fat Sources
Fats are an important macronutrient for bodybuilders. Containing more than double the number of calories per gram than proteins or carbs, they represent a nutrient-dense way to up your calorie count when bulking. Fats are involved in the production of many hormones, including testosterone. They’re also a concentrated energy source, providing long-lasting energy for workouts lasting more than an hour.
Fats can be classified into three groups:
Trans Fats
By far, the worst of the three is trans fats. These have been shown to raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while, at the same time, reducing HDL (good) cholesterol. You can eat saturated fats in moderation, but the show’s real star is the unsaturated kind. These healthy fats have been shown to act in just the opposite way to trans fats — they increase HDL and lower LDL cholesterol. The more unsaturated fats you get into your day, the healthier you will be. [6]
Switch Up Your Oils
One of the best ways to add healthy fats to your meals is to remove your old cooking oil and replace it with olive oil. The active ingredient in olive oil is oleic acid, which has been shown to produce a whole host of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and fighting free radical damage.
Omega-3 fatty acids are a superstar when it comes to healthy fats. They will benefit your body and your brain, having the ability to bring down triglyceride levels, improve the symptoms of many diseases such as arthritis and Parkinson’s and improve memory and cognitive ability. The best source of omega-3 is fatty fish. You can also get them from avocados, chia seeds, walnuts, and flaxseeds. To ensure a steady daily supply of omega-3s, you can also take them in supplement form. [7]
Here are half a dozen healthy fats to include in your vegan meal plan:
Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds
Coconut oil
Nut butter
Plant-based oils
Olive oil
Related: Fat Intake Calculator
7-Day Vegan Bodybuilding Meal Plan for Bulking
Here is the seven-day vegan meal plan for bulking:
Day 1:
Protein (g)
Carbs (g)
Fats (g)
Meal 1 (8:00 AM)
Vegan protein pancakes with maple syrup and a side of fruit
Meal 2 (11:00 AM)
Tofu scramble with vegetables, whole wheat bread, and avocado
Meal 3 (2:00 PM)
Quinoa and black bean bowl with mixed veggies and guacamole
Meal 4 (5:00 PM)
Vegan protein smoothie with almond milk, banana, and peanut butter
Meal 5 (8:00 PM)
Lentil curry with brown rice and steamed vegetables
Meal 6 (11:00 PM)
Chickpea salad with mixed greens, veggies, and tahini dressing
Day 2-7: Follow a similar pattern as Day 1, adjusting the food choices and portion sizes as desired.
Here are some food options for each meal:
Meal 1 (8:00 AM): Vegan protein pancakes made with plant-based protein powder, oats, almond milk, and topped with maple syrup. Serve with a side of fresh fruit.
Meal 2 (11:00 AM): Tofu scramble cooked with vegetables (such as bell peppers, spinach, and onions), served with whole wheat bread and sliced avocado.
Meal 3 (2:00 PM): Quinoa and black bean bowl with a variety of mixed vegetables (such as roasted sweet potatoes, corn, and bell peppers) and a dollop of guacamole.
Meal 4 (5:00 PM): Vegan protein smoothie made with almond milk, a ripe banana, plant-based protein powder, and a spoonful of peanut butter.
Meal 5 (8:00 PM): Hearty lentil curry prepared with coconut milk and spices and served with brown rice and steamed vegetables (such as broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots).
Meal 6 (11:00 PM): Chickpea salad with mixed greens, colorful vegetables (such as cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers), and a creamy tahini dressing
Related: Bulking Calculator
7-Day Vegan Bodybuilding Meal Plan for Cutting
Use the following meal plan to get peeled:
Day 1:
Protein (g)
Carbs (g)
Fats (g)
Meal 1 (8:00 AM)
Overnight oats with almond milk, chia seeds, and berries
Meal 2 (11:00 AM)
Whole wheat toast with avocado and tomato slices
Meal 3 (2:00 PM)
Quinoa salad with mixed vegetables and chickpeas
Meal 4 (5:00 PM)
Rice cakes with almond butter and sliced banana
Meal 5 (8:00 PM)
Tofu stir-fry with broccoli, bell peppers, and brown rice
Meal 6 (11:00 PM)
Mixed nuts and seeds
Day 2-7: Follow a similar pattern as Day 1, adjusting the food choices and portion sizes as desired.
Here are some food options for each meal:
Meal 1 (8:00 AM): Overnight oats with almond milk, chia seeds, berries, and a sprinkle of nuts.
Meal 2 (11:00 AM): Whole wheat toast topped with mashed avocado, tomato slices, and a drizzle of lemon juice.
Meal 3 (2:00 PM): Quinoa salad with mixed vegetables (such as cucumber, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes), chickpeas, and a light dressing.
Meal 4 (5:00 PM): Rice cakes spread with almond butter and topped with sliced banana.
Meal 5 (8:00 PM): Tofu stir-fry with broccoli, bell peppers, snap peas, and brown rice, seasoned with low-sodium soy sauce or other preferred spices.
Meal 6 (11:00 PM): A handful of mixed nuts and seeds (such as almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds).
Related: Weight Loss Calculator
Vegan Bodybuilding Pros
Many people turn to a vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons. There are, though, some very practical benefits that come with adopting a vegan bodybuilding lifestyle. Here are four benefits of becoming a vegan bodybuilder:
Nutrient Density
A diet built around plant-based foods will overflow with essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Eating such a wealth of health-giving compounds daily will fortify your immune system, boost your natural energy reserves and keep you running on all cylinders.
Low Saturated Fats
Foods sourced from animals are much higher in saturated fats than plant-based foods. By eliminating meats and dairy products from your diet, you will reduce your LDL cholesterol level while promoting low body fat levels. Cutting out unhealthy fats will also benefit your cardiovascular system.
High Fiber Content
Plant-based foods tend to have high levels of fiber. This helps fill you up, making you less likely to snack between meals. Fiber also helps regulate blood sugar levels, cleaning the digestive system.
Reduced Disease Risk
Several studies have shown that a vegan diet can reduce a person’s risk of contracting chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Certain types of cancer risk may even be reduced when you follow a vegan diet. [8]
Vegan Bodybuilding Cons
Along with the benefits of going vegan for bodybuilders, several potential drawbacks exist. Here are four challenges that vegan bodybuilders face.
Vegan Diets are Low in Vitamin B12 & Iron
Vitamin B12 is essential for health and vitality. It affects our energy level, mood, thinking, and even memory. When we are Vitamin B12 deficient, we will suffer from fatigue. Yet plant sources are largely deficient in B12. Those said to contain them, such as seaweed, fermented soy, and spirulina, actually include analogs of B12 known as carbamides. These actually block the absorption of B12.
It’s hardly surprising that studies consistently show a Vitamin B12 deficiency among vegans. To maintain healthy B12 levels, you must eat animal food sources or supplements.
Getting iron from plant sources is another problem. Iron derived from plants is not as well absorbed as that from animal meats. This is another contributor to low energy levels among vegans.
Vegan Diets Provide Lesser Quality Proteins
The amino acids in proteins are the body’s building blocks. The nine amino acids the human body cannot manufacture are essential and must be derived from the diet. Unlike animal protein sources, few plant sources provide all nine of them. Even with those few that do, the amino acids are not absorbed by the body like animal proteins. To absorb the essential amino acids, your body needs all of them in the same amounts and at the same time. In plants, many essential amino acids are not loaded to the quantities required for efficient absorption by the body.
A vegan’s body will compensate for the lower quality of amino acids entering the system by wasting less protein and recycling proteins. This makes the body work a lot harder. People actively trying to gain muscle mass or improve strength levels will be negatively affected by the lesser quality of proteins that are part and parcel of a vegan diet.
Vegan Diets Are Low in Vitamin K2
Calcium is required for strong bones. But few people appreciate the importance of Vitamin K2. It transports the calcium to the bones. That means that, without sufficient quantities of this vitamin, all the calcium you consume will never reach your bones. With nowhere to go, it will pile up in your arteries.
You cannot get Vitamin K2 from plants, with the exception of a fermented soybean product called natto. Unfortunately, most people cannot stand the taste of it. To get a healthy dose of K2, you must eat animal fat sources like egg yolks, milk, and cheese.
Vegan Diets Rely on Soy
Although vegan diet options have diversified in recent times, soy is still regarded as a key player. Soy has been recognized as being problematic due to its phytoestrogen content. By mimicking estrogen, phytoestrogen causes a cascade of hormonal imbalances. Among other things, this will escalate your estrogen levels dramatically. In one study, infants fed soy formula were seen to have estrogen levels between 13,000 and 22,000 times higher than those fed cow’s milk formula.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can vegans get complete protein sources?
Yes, vegans can get complete protein sources that contain all nine essential amino acids. This can be accomplished by adding the following complete plant-based protein sources to your diet:
Soy products
Chia Seeds
Vegans can also consume two or more complementary protein sources at one meal to ensure they get all the required amino acids. For example, they can combine legumes with whole grains.
Can I retain my existing muscle if I switch to a vegan diet?
Yes, it is possible to retain your existing muscle when you switch to a vegan diet. Many bodybuilders have found they can keep their current muscle mass and add new lean muscle tissue after turning vegan. To do so, however, you need to pay careful attention to your protein intake, ensuring that you get a plentiful supply of complete proteins through protein complementing or focusing on complete proteins such as soy, quinoa, and chia seeds.
You must also ensure that you eat a caloric surplus to provide your body with the building material for new muscle. This can be challenging because plant-based foods tend to have fewer calories and fill you up faster due to their high fiber content.
How much protein do I need on a vegan bodybuilding diet?
To build muscle on a vegan bodybuilding diet, you should consume at least a gram of protein per pound of body weight. A 180-pound person should aim for around 180 grams of protein per day. If this is spread out over six meals, that averages 30 grams of protein per meal.
Is it easier to get lean on a vegan bodybuilding diet?
Many bodybuilders who have switched to a vegan diet find it easier to get lean than when eating animal-sourced products. Plant-based foods have a higher fiber content, providing a satiating effect that fills you up and helps reduce snacking and cravings between meals when you’re dieting. Vegan-friendly foods are also much lower in saturated fats than animal foods. This helps with fat control and improves your cardiovascular health. Finally, vegan-friendly foods generally have a much lower calorie density, allowing you to eat to satisfaction while still maintaining a low caloric intake.
How does a vegan bodybuilding diet differ from a standard vegan diet?
The main differences between a vegan bodybuilding diet and a standard vegan diet are that the bodybuilding diet is higher in proteins and fats, and the caloric intake is targeted to create either a caloric surplus or deficit based on a person’s training goals. Vegan bodybuilders are also likely to follow a precise nutrient timing protocol. They increase protein and carbohydrate intake around their workouts for optimal protein synthesis and muscle glycogen replenishment.
By following a high-quality vegan bodybuilding plan, you can maximize your muscle-building potential while ensuring your body receives only the best plant-based foods. This will make it easier to stay lean while optimizing your energy output and enhancing your overall well-being.
Follow either one of the seven-day vegan bodybuilding meal plans, depending on whether you are in a bulking or cutting phase. Then, use it as a template and general guide, substituting your favorite plant-based foods to add variety and taste. After 12 weeks, transition into the opposite phase (cutting or bulking), adjusting your training accordingly and switching to the other seven-day vegan bodybuilding meal plan provided above. Follow this plan for another 12 weeks, again substituting your favorite vegan meals. Combine your vegan bodybuilding meal plans with consistent, hard training and plenty of rest and recovery, and you’ll be well on your way to realizing your goal physique.
Schoenfeld BJ, Aragon AA. How much protein can the body use in a single meal for muscle-building? Implications for daily protein distribution. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2018 Feb 27;15:10. doi: 10.1186/s12970-018-0215-1. PMID: 29497353; PMCID: PMC5828430.
Huang RY, Huang CC, Hu FB, Chavarro JE. Vegetarian Diets and Weight Reduction: a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Gen Intern Med. 2016 Jan;31(1):109-16. doi: 10.1007/s11606-015-3390-7. PMID: 26138004; PMCID: PMC4699995.
Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Nieuwenhuizen A, Tomé D, Soenen S, Westerterp KR. Dietary protein, weight loss, and weight maintenance. Annu Rev Nutr. 2009;29:21-41. doi: 10.1146/annurev-nutr-080508-141056. PMID: 19400750.
Schneeman BO. Carbohydrates: significance for energy balance and gastrointestinal function. J Nutr. 1994 Sep;124(9 Suppl):1747S-1753S. doi: 10.1093/jn/124.suppl_9.1747S. PMID: 8089744.
Alghannam AF, Gonzalez JT, Betts JA. Restoration of Muscle Glycogen and Functional Capacity: Role of Post-Exercise Carbohydrate and Protein Co-Ingestion. Nutrients. 2018 Feb 23;10(2):253. doi: 10.3390/nu10020253. PMID: 29473893; PMCID: PMC5852829.
Harrison S, Lemieux S, Lamarche B. Assessing the impact of replacing foods high in saturated fats with foods high in unsaturated fats on dietary fat intake among Canadians. Am J Clin Nutr. 2022 Mar 4;115(3):877-885. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqab420. PMID: 34958344; PMCID: PMC8895210.
Simopoulos AP. The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids. Biomed Pharmacother. 2002 Oct;56(8):365-79. doi: 10.1016/s0753-3322(02)00253-6. PMID: 12442909.
Hever J, Cronise RJ. Plant-based nutrition for healthcare professionals: implementing diet as a primary modality in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2017 May;14(5):355-368. doi: 10.11909/j.issn.1671-5411.2017.05.012. PMID: 28630615; PMCID: PMC5466942.

How To Lose 5 Pounds in a Month: 15 Healthy and Effective Tips To Lose The Flab
There is a big event coming up (it could be a much-deserved vacation at a beach resort, a wedding, or a photoshoot), and you want to shed a few pounds quickly to look dapper. Most of us find ourselves in such situations quite often, but let’s be honest, how many of us end up achieving our objective?
I can’t say about you, but I can do it ten out of ten times. No, I’m not bragging; okay, I’m bragging a little bit, but I digress. The point is that I don’t have a magic potion that helps me shed weight overnight. I follow a tried and tested approach that allows me to drop weight on demand.
In this article, I share everything you need to know to lose weight as quickly as possible while staying healthy. You’ll also learn about the science behind weight loss and what is possible on a long-term weight loss program. We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get started.
How Much Weight Should I Expect To Lose in a Month?
Many people never achieve their weight loss goals because of their unrealistic expectations. On the other hand, many folks do not know what to expect. If you join a gym with the vague goal of ‘losing weight,’ you will most likely be unsatisfied with your progress. Conversely, exercisers that aim to ‘lose 15 pounds in a month’ will crash and burn.
Your transformation objective should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound). You should be able to throw concrete numbers at whosoever asks you about your transformation goals. For example, losing 5 pounds in a month ticks all the right boxes. It is specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bound. However, is it attainable? Let’s find out.
The Science of Weight Loss
To lose weight, you must be in a calorie deficit, meaning you must burn more calories in a day than you consume. Of course, there are other things that you must consider for a successful weight loss journey, for example, eating nutrient-dense whole foods and avoiding empty calories or eating refined calories, and adhering to a suitable macronutrient split. But maintaining a calorie deficit (calories in vs. calories out) is the most crucial factor when it comes to weight loss.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cutting your daily calorie intake by 500-1,000 kcal can help you shed 1-2 pounds weekly. On the flip side, adding 500-1,000 calories to your diet will result in a 1-2 pounds weekly gain.
As per the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a 3,500-calorie deficit results in a body fat loss of one pound. Sticking to these calorie increases and cutting limits will keep your physique transformation journey gradual, steady, and sustainable. [1][2]
Going by the CDC guidelines, your goal of losing 5 pounds in a month is attainable and safe. Furthermore, a month technically has 4.3 weeks (30 days). To lose 5 pounds in a month, you need to cut approximately 583 calories from your daily diet, which is absolutely doable.
Weight loss not only improves your physique aesthetics but also boosts energy levels, enhances self-confidence, and improves mental health and overall well-being.
How To Find How Many Calories To Cut From Your Diet To Lose 5 Pounds in a Month
Here is the step-by-step process of determining your calorie intake goal to lose 5 pounds in a month:
Find Your Daily Average Calorie Goal
There are two ways of doing this:
1. Use a TDEE Calculator
Total daily energy expenditure estimates how many calories your body burns daily by accounting for three major contributing factors: your basal metabolic rate (BMR), your activity level, and the thermic effect of food metabolism.
Don’t worry; you don’t have to buy a scientific calculator to determine your TDEE. Use our neat TDEE calculator to determine how many calories you need daily for optimal functioning.
2. Find Out Your Daily Average Calorie Intake For Five Days
The TDEE calculator requires your gender, age, weight, height, activity levels, and body fat percentage (optional) to calculate the calories you need in a day. However, many people do not find it reliable, as no calculator can account for your lifestyle.
Alternatively, you could go the manual route and do all the hard work yourself. For this step, you will need a calorie-tracking app, such as MyFitnessPal. You must log your daily food intake for five days in the app.
Ensure that you are logging meals for typical days. Avoid recording meals and snacks on days when you’re out partying.
Take an average of these five days; this will be your average daily caloric intake, which accounts for your lifestyle.
Cut Calories
After determining your average daily caloric intake, deduct 583 calories to enter a calorie deficit. Remember, this is a generic recommendation, and your exact calorie reduction will depend on your lifestyle. People dealing with medical issues should consult a healthcare provider before starting a transformation program.
Also, this calorie cut is optimal for folks that consume more than 2,000 calories daily. Individuals that eat fewer calories than 2,000 should opt for a smaller daily calorie deficit, as it will ensure a more stable fat loss progress and prevent excess muscle loss.
You can enter a deficit by cutting calories, exercising, or combining the two. We recommend adjusting your diet and starting an exercise regimen, as it will get you faster results.
Weight Loss Timelines
Once people learn about what is possible in a month, they want to know what they can achieve long-term by sticking to the 500-1,000 daily calorie deficit. This section answers just that. Here are the weight loss estimates and timelines for up to a year based on the CDC weight-loss guidelines:
Expect Weight Loss Results
1 Day
0.14–0.28 pounds
1 Week
1–2 pounds
1 Month
4–8 pounds
3 Months
12–24 pounds
6 Months
24–48 pounds
12 Months
48–96 pounds
Factors That Determine If You Can Lose 5 Pounds in a Month
No two people will have the same weight loss results by following the same fitness regimen. For example, your training partner might lose the required 5 pounds in a month by cutting 583 calories from your diet, whereas you might only manage 4 pounds.
Multiple factors can influence your weight loss progress. You can tweak some of these factors but must make peace with the others. Here are the factors that affect your weight loss progress:
Experience Level
Your training and dieting experience will influence how much weight you can lose in a month. People that are just starting their fitness journey shouldn’t expect to lose 5 pounds in their first month. Your body needs some time to adjust to your diet routine before you can see the needle budge in the right direction.
Beginners hit the weight loss sweet spot within a couple of months of starting their transformation journey. However, once you get the knack of things and have successfully dropped 5 pounds in a month, you will have no problems replicating the results in the future.
Men usually shed body weight and fat faster than females. It is primarily because of the male sex hormone — testosterone. Low testosterone levels are also the reason women cannot gain the same amount of muscle mass as men.
Furthermore, the essential body fat storage in men is 2–5%, whereas it is 10–13% for the ladies. The essential body fat is required to maintain life and reproductive functions. That said, females can still attain a shredded physique quickly by following the correct training and diet regimen.
Metabolism is how your body changes food and drink into energy. The energy generated through metabolism powers essential body functions, such as breathing and digestion. Your body needs a minimum amount of calories to carry out these functions, known as the basic metabolic rate (BMR).
Your age, sex, muscle mass, and physical activity determine your BMR. Some people have a higher metabolic rate than others, which helps them burn more calories throughout the day. Regular exercise to build muscle mass can help boost your metabolic rate.
The natural testosterone levels in men and women decline with age, which can slow down their weight loss progress. Your metabolic rate also declines with age, which further hampers your fat loss progress.
Furthermore, we tend to lose muscle mass with age. Greater muscle mass helps you burn more calories throughout the day, even when you are physically inactive. The dip in the metabolic rate will require you to work harder to achieve a calorie deficit.
Your genetic makeup will determine how you react to your training regimen and how quickly you lose weight. Some people will lose weight faster than others simply because they are genetically blessed.
However, people who are not born with Greek god genetics do not need to hang their heads. Your genetics might slow down your weight loss progress, but it won’t stop you dead in your tracks.
Your unique genetics is also why you should always use a personalized diet and training regimen. Following a cookie-cutter training regimen or using your best friend’s fitness program will return suboptimal results and can lead to strength and muscle imbalances.
Training, Nutrition, and Recovery Program
These three are the holy trifecta for losing weight and building muscle mass. To achieve your dream physique, you must follow a customized diet, training, and recovery program. We recommend working with a personal trainer and a registered dietician to help design your transformation program.
A personal trainer can give you a workout regimen that fits your strengths and weaknesses. He can also build a solid physical foundation by teaching you the correct exercise form. A dietician will provide you with a suitable nutrition regimen that will help speed up your weight loss progress.
Remember, you don’t have to do everything on your own in a transformation program. Seeking a professional’s help can save you a lot of time, energy, and frustration. Hiring coaches might cost you some money upfront, but it will pay dividends in the long run.
Consistency, dedication, and commitment are implacable in a transformation program. You must be consistent with your diet, training, and recovery routine to ensure you lose 5 pounds in a month. You might get through your first one-month fitness regimen without much friction, but if you want to continue your weight loss progress, you must adopt military-like discipline.
15 Tips To Lose 5 Pounds in a Month
Many people adopt fad diets, such as the boiled egg diet and the cabbage soup diet, for quick weight loss. These diets promise mind-boggling results in a short period. However, they have little to no scientific research backing them. Following these fad diets or other obnoxious weight loss methods can lead to chronic health conditions.
In this article, we go over 15 tips that will help you lose 5 pounds in a month safely and steadily. Plus, unlike in the case of extreme weight loss methods, the weight you lose by following these tips won’t return as quickly as it came off.
Without any further ado, here are the 15 tips that will help you lose 5 pounds in a month:
Fix Your Diet
If you are dealing with excess weight, chances are that your diet is out of place. A weight loss program must always begin with fixing your diet. You must enter a calorie deficit to kickstart your weight loss journey.
Determine your average daily calorie intake and deduct a suitable amount of calories to lose weight. You must cut 583 calories from your daily intake to lose 5 pounds in a month.
After arriving at a daily calorie intake goal, you must use a suitable macronutrient split to shed the excess weight and develop a chiseled physique. Plan and prep your meals in advance so you don’t find yourself scrolling through your favorite fast food restaurant’s menu while you are starving.
Eat Protein and Fiber Rich Foods
Following a high-protein and high-fiber diet can help you lose weight quickly. A high-protein diet will help you build muscle. Muscle mass is more metabolically active than fat, meaning it requires more calories to sustain itself. People with higher muscle mass have a higher BMR and burn more calories throughout the day.
Eating fiber-rich foods can speed up your weight loss progress as it will keep you feeling satiated for longer, a quality it shares with protein. Furthermore, it improves your gut health and slows down your digestion.
You must switch to a moderate-carb and low-fat diet on a weight loss program. However, eating carbs two to three hours before a training session will ensure you have enough energy to crush the workout.
Track Your Calories
Losing weight requires you to be in a calorie deficit. You must track your food intake to ensure you are maintaining a calorie shortfall. Using rough estimates isn’t going to cut it. Eating one extra bread slice can disrupt your weight loss progress if you are not careful.
Get in the habit of logging your meals in a calorie-tracking app to stay on top of your diet. Folks that eat the same meals daily can stop logging them after ensuring they are in a deficit by recording their meals for at least a week.
Try Fasting
Fasting is an excellent weight loss method. Beginners can use intermittent fasting to achieve their goal of losing 5 pounds in a month. Intermittent fasting involves cycling between voluntary fasting and non-fasting over a given period.
The 16/8 method is the most common intermittent fasting protocol. It requires you to fast for 16 hours in a day and meet your daily caloric needs within the remaining eight hours. You could also use more advanced IF methods such as OMAD (one meal a day) and ADF (alternate-day fasting).
Intermittent fasting focuses on eating within a particular period. It doesn’t restrict your food choices. Nonetheless, you should avoid junk food and get your calories through nutrient-dense whole foods while fasting to ensure optimal results.
Eat Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods
Consuming 2,000-2,500 calories is extremely easy if you consume a soda and a burger daily. However, it requires considerable effort when limiting yourself to whole foods.
Whole foods are packed with nutrients that will help you achieve your weight loss goals. Refined foods digest quickly and lead to more cravings. On the flip side, whole foods keep you feeling satiated for longer, which will keep you from snacking on junk food throughout the day.
Add Cardio To Your Weight Loss Routine
Although working out is not mandatory in a weight loss program, exercising can help speed up your progress by boosting your calorie expenditure and putting you in a deficit. Since one month is a short time, you should ideally do two daily cardio sessions for optimal results.
The first cardio workout will be a 30-45 minute low-intensity steady state (LISS) session on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Perform a 15-20 minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio session after your weight training session in the evening.
Many people despise cardio as they find it boring. If you are one of these people, you could spice up your training program by incorporating different equipment into your training regimen. Furthermore, you could switch training intensity and intervals to spice things up.
Avoid Liquid Calories
Most people lose track of their calorie intake while consuming liquid calories in the form of carbonated soft drinks. These can also cause blood sugar spikes and crashes, leaving you feeling tired and drained. During your weight loss program, you must also limit energy drinks and fruit juices.
Instead, you should opt for metabolism-boosting beverages such as green tea. Remember, water is the only beverage you need. Drinking a couple of glasses of water whenever you crave an energy drink or a sugar-laden beverage will curb your urges.
Capitalize on HIIT Resistance Training
You shouldn’t limit your HIIT workouts to cardio sessions. HIIT resistance training workouts can help fast-track your weight loss progress by improving your metabolism. They can also improve your physique aesthetics by toning your muscles.
A HIIT strength training workout lasts 15-30 minutes, making it a perfect fit for people with a packed schedule. Since most HIIT resistance workouts require minimal equipment, you could do them in your garage gym.
Cut Out Cheat Meals
Although losing 5 pounds in a month is possible, safe, and sustainable, it won’t be a walk in the park. You must stick to your guns for 30 days to achieve the desired results.
Most people consume anywhere between 500-1,000 extra calories in a single cheat meal. Burning these excess calories can take up to an additional week. Since we are on a tight deadline, you must cut out cheat meals on this program. You will sacrifice four cheat meals, but the results will be worth it.
Focus on Your Recovery
Sleep seven to eight hours each night to give your body enough time to rest and recuperate. You build muscle mass and shed weight while sleeping. Sleeping four to six hours each night doesn’t allow your body appropriate time to work its magic.
Use self-myofascial release, cold plunges, and weekly massages to improve your recovery. Plus, do not hold back from taking a day off from training if you feel sore and tired. Learn to listen to your body.
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol is a no-go if you want to lose 5 pounds in a month. It is a source of empty calories, makes you retain fluid, shuts down your digestive system, and disrupts your sleep, which can hamper your recovery.
Alcohol increases your appetite, which is why folks tend to overeat while sipping their favorite drink. It can also lead to dehydration and decrease your exercise performance. Just like fast food, you must cut out alcohol for 30 days to achieve your weight loss objective.
Drinking water throughout the day can help you avoid dehydration. Furthermore, it can improve your metabolism, regulate your appetite, boost your training performance, flush out toxins, and improve your digestion. Drink at least a gallon of water daily to ensure optimal body function and performance and lose 5 pounds quickly.
Follow an Active Lifestyle
A sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest reasons behind weight gain. Staying active throughout the day improves your metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories. Become more active by being mindful of your choices. Take the stairs, bike to work, and use a standing desk for work.
Control Your Stress Levels
Your body release cortisol whenever you are under stress. Cortisol and adrenaline are the stress hormones that make you hold onto excess fat. Use relaxing activities like yoga, meditation, reading, or listening to calming music whenever you are stressed. Seek a medical professional’s help if you are dealing with chronic stress.
Find Your Support System
It is your friends and family’s fault if you cannot achieve your weight loss goal in the desired time. No, I am just kidding. But really, your near and dear ones, directly or indirectly, play a vital role in your transformation journey.
You must find a support system that helps and motivates you on your transformation journey. Surround yourself with people who are trying to lose weight and can understand what you are going through.
Keep yourself accountable by sharing your goals and progress with your friends, family, and coaches. It will keep you motivated and push you to achieve your objectives. It might also push others to join you, which is a win-win for everyone involved.
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Losing 5 pounds in a month might sound like a gargantuan ask for newbies. It might sound impossible and borderline offensive. However, you must not let this big goal stun you. All you need to do is take that first step.
Start by limiting your portion sizes or cutting out the soda from your lunch, and with this, you’ll have taken the first step toward losing 5 pounds. You don’t have to adhere to all the 15 steps mentioned in this article at once for a successful weight loss campaign.
Begin with making one small change and steadily incorporate other steps until the first pound comes off. After that, it is all about doubling down on your strengths, and you’ll achieve your goal before the 30 days are up. Now, go, get it, tiger!
Wishnofsky M. CALCULATION OF DIETS. JAMA. 1957;163(5):384–385. doi:10.1001/jama.1957.02970400056024
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html

How to Burn 1000 Calories A Day
Burning 1000 calories might sound like a lofty goal, but most people burn 1000 calories every day even if they don’t exercise.
Your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR, is the number of calories you burn at rest in 24 hours, and it’s probably higher than 1000 calories. Your BMR is the energy your body uses just to keep functioning.
For example, a 180-pound, 30-year-old man has an estimated BMR of 1814 calories per day, and a 135-pound, 40-year-old woman has a BMR of 1267 calories. Some people may have a BMR of less than 1000, but they tend to be elderly or very small/light.
So, for most folk, it’s actually quite hard NOT to burn at least 1000 calories per day!
So, the real question, and what you probably want to know, is how to burn an EXTRA 1000 calories per day. This increased calorie expenditure could help you lose weight faster.
In this article, we explain why and how to burn 1000 extra calories per day and discuss whether such a challenge is healthy or even necessary.
The main, if not the only, reason to try and burn 1000 extra calories per day is to create a calorie deficit to lose weight and body fat. It’s only by creating a deficit that your force your body to use fat for fuel. No deficit means your body has no reason to use stored fat for energy. Hence, a calorie deficit is critical for fat loss and lowering your body fat percentage.
One pound of excess fat is said to contain 3,500 calories. So, in theory, burning an extra 1000 calories per day means you should lose just under a pound in three days or a little over two pounds per week, which is a good rate of weight loss.
However, for burning 1000 calories to lead to significant weight loss, your calorie intake must match the number of calories needed to maintain your current weight. Otherwise, even burning an additional 1000 calories per day may not help you lose weight.
So, for example, if it takes 2,000 calories to maintain your weight, but you eat 3,000 and burn 1000 through exercise and general physical activity, your weight will remain relatively unchanged.
Use this calculator to determine your maintenance calorie intake, also known as your TDEE or total daily energy expenditure.
It’s also important to note that there is nothing magical or significant about burning 1000 calories. For example, you can achieve weight loss by burning considerably fewer than 1000 calories. However, 600 or 800 don’t make sure a good article headline!
Related: How Many Calories To Eat Per Day Calculator
Burning 1000 extra calories will be easier for some people than others. For example, very fit individuals will be able to burn that much energy in a single workout. In contrast, others will probably need several hours and even all day.
Factors that affect your rate of calorie expenditure include:
Age – younger people tend to have a higher hourly caloric expenditure than older people. Metabolism tends to decrease with age, especially from the sixth decade onward.
Weight – the heavier you are, the more calories you burn per hour. This is true for both fat and muscle weight. Body mass has a significant impact on caloric expenditure.
Gender – men are generally heavier and more muscular than women, so they can potentially burn more calories per hour.
Fitness – the fitter you are, the harder and longer you can exercise, and the more calories you can burn. For example, a competitive runner who can cover 10 miles in one hour can expect to burn close to 1000 calories in a single workout. However, such a feat is well beyond the fitness of a recreational jogger.
Lifestyle – being sedentary, e.g., working in an office, makes it much harder to burn 1000 extra calories compared to someone with a physically demanding job, e.g., manual laborer. The more sedentary you are, the more you’ll have to rely on exercise to burn those surplus calories.
Consistency – while burning 1000 calories could help you lose weight, it’ll only work on the days you actually do it. For example, if you burn an extra 1000 calories per day for a week, you can expect to lose a little over two pounds. But, if you only manage this goal twice a week, you may not even lose one.
Unfortunately, burning an extra 1000 calories can be quite challenging, and doing it every day could be exhausting.
10 Examples of How to Burn 1000 Calories A Day
So, you want to burn 1000 extra calories per day to lose weight faster? Here are some of the ways you can do it. However, you must understand that these are estimates only, and your precise caloric expenditure will depend on your weight, age, gender, etc. Check out our library of calorie calculators to see how much energy different workouts use.
Running burns an average of 10-15 calories per mile, depending on how fast you run plus the other factors discussed in the previous session. The great thing about running is that it’s cheap and readily accessible. All you need is a suitable pair of shoes and someone to run.
That said, running is a high-impact activity, and doing too much, especially on asphalt roads, can cause injuries. As such, it may be impractical to burn 1000 calories every day by running.
Here’s a rough guide to the time you’d need to run at various speeds to burn 1,000 calories:
100-lb. person
150-lb. person
200-lb. person
5 miles per hour
2.8 hours
1.8 hours
1.4 hours
6 miles per hour
2.2 hours
1.5 hours
1.1 hours
7 miles per hour
1.9 hours
1.3 hours
1 hour
8 miles per hour
1.6 hours
1.1 hours
0.8 hours
10 miles per hour
1.4 hours
0.9 hours
0.7 hours
Related: Discover how many calories you will burn during a run with this calculator.
Cycling is a low-impact activity, so it’s more joint-friendly than running. However, calorie expenditure is generally lower for cycling than for running, so you’ll need to put in a longer workout to burn 1000 calories. Plus, you’ll also need access to a suitable bike.
Here’s a chart showing how long you’d need to cycle at various speeds to burn 1,000 calories:
100-lb. person
150-lb. person
200-lb. person
5.5 miles per hour
5.5 hours
3.7 hours
2.8 hours
12–13 miles per hour
2.8 hours
1.8 hours
1.4 hours
16–19 miles per hour
1.8 hours
1.2 hours
0.9 hours
Related: How many calories can you burn during a bike ride? Use this calculator to find out!
Your calorie expenditure while walking is very low. However, because walking is easy, you can do a lot of it. It’s entirely possible to spend all day walking, covering many miles. The easiest way to track how far you’ve walked is by counting steps.
It’s generally accepted that walking 1000 steps burns around 30-40 calories, so you’ll need to clock up about 25,000 per day to burn 1000 calories. However, the actual number of steps you need to do to burn 1000 calories will depend on your height/stride length.
Related: Use this calculator to determine how far you’ll need to walk to burn 1000 calories.
Rowing is a great full-body workout that’s also low-impact, so it’s relatively easy on your joints. Most gyms have rowing machines, and they’re also suitable for home use. You can also row outdoors, although this is a tricky skill to learn without a coach on hand to tell you what to do. Plus, you’ll also need a suitable boat.
There are lots of different workouts you can do on a rower, from ultra-intense Tabata intervals to time trials to easy-paced training, and they’re all great calorie burners.
Rowing for 100 minutes at a moderate pace should burn close to 1000 calories.
Related: Find out how many calories you can burn by rowing here.
A lot of CrossFitters are convinced they can burn over 1000 calories an hour. Unfortunately, this is not usually true. While many CrossFit exercises and workouts have a very high energy cost, they’re too intense to do for more than a few minutes at a time.
As such, you’ll probably spend as much time resting as you do working out when you do CrossFit. Most CrossFit workouts are completed in 10-30 minutes. Needless to say, this will significantly lower your hourly calorie expenditure.
That said, if you can stomach it, doing CrossFit for two non-stop hours will burn about 1000 calories.
Related: See how many calories you can burn doing CrossFit with our easy-to-use calculator.
Swimming is arguably one of the best full-body exercises you can do. The water supports your weight, so it’s completely non-impact and very easy on your joints. Whether you do laps in a pool or swim in the sea or a lake, swimming is not just a good workout but is also a life-saving skill.
On the downside, you’ll have to swim fast or far to burn 1000 calories, and some strokes use more energy than others. That said, swimming freestyle for three miles in about 90 minutes should burn 1000 calories.
Related: Use this calculator to estimate how long you’ll need to swim to burn 1000 calories.
Strength training
While cardio is most people’s go-to calorie-burning workout, lifting weights can also be effective. However, like CrossFit, strength training involves as much resting as it does working out, which limits how many calories you can burn. Maximize your caloric intake by focusing on freeweight compound exercises, as they tend to burn the most calories.
Two hours of intense strength training, including calisthenics or bodyweight exercises, should burn about 1000 calories.
Related: Use this calculator to determine more accurately how many calories you can burn lifting weights.
Zumba is a dance-based cardio workout that many people enjoy. It involves a mix of high and low-impact movements performed to different styles of music. Like any group exercise class, it’s up to you how hard you work, and it’s possible to cruise and take it easy or go for it and work really hard.
That said, the average person will need to Zumba non-stop for one and three-quarter hours to burn 1000 calories.
Related: Find out how many calories you burn during Zumba here.
Gardening might seem like an odd choice of calorie-burning activity, but, like general household chores, it can be pretty energetic. Light digging, planting, trimming, mowing, and carrying all use big muscle groups and plenty of energy. Gardening might not feel like a workout, but it does burn plenty of calories.
The average person will burn 1000 calories during three hours of general gardening.
Related: Discover how many calories you burn while gardening here.
Some people LOVE to shop! They enjoy trawling around stores in hunt of bargains or the latest fashions. Invariably, this pursuit involves a lot of walking and a fair bit of carrying, too.
Providing you don’t stop at every coffee shop you come to for a muffin and a cappuccino, it’ll take five hours of shopping to burn an extra 1000 calories.
Related: Find out how many calories you can burn by shopping here.
Contrary to what many influencers and fitness personalities might have you believe, you don’t need to burn 1000 extra calories a day to lose weight. In fact, for many people, doing this on a regular basis may be impractical or even unhealthy.
After all, burning 1000 calories takes a lot of time and effort, and doing it every day could become exhausting. Too much exercise with too few rest days is a recipe for overtraining. This chronic condition can cause aches, pains, and even immune system impairment.
So, instead of trying to burn 1000 extra calories per day, most people find it more practical to eat less AND expend a more moderate number of calories. In studies, combining dietary interventions with exercise has been shown to be more effective for weight loss than diet or exercise alone (1).
For example, instead of creating your 1000-calorie deficit by running for 90 minutes, you could cut 500 calories from your caloric intake, and burn 500 through more modest exercise. The total deficit would be the same, but you’d be less reliant on training to achieve it.
Doing 1000-calorie workouts might make for entertaining social media posts, but for most people, they are impractical and unsustainable.
Also, a 1000-calorie deficit is pretty big, and while it will result in significant weight loss, it may be too large to sustain long-term. In fact, most experts suggest a 500-calorie-per-day deficit, which should be more manageable. So while weight loss will be slower, you won’t have to work as hard, so the chances of quitting are lower.
Exhaustive workouts and extreme diets are usually tough to stick to, even though they can produce rapid weight loss. It doesn’t matter how effective a diet or exercise program is; if you can’t maintain it for as long as it takes to reach your target weight, it’s pretty much useless.
Sustainable diet and workout habits are the best way to lose weight and keep it off.
How to Burn 1000 Calories A Day – FAQs
Do you have a question about burning 1000 calories extra per day or weight and fat loss in general? No problem, because we’ve got the answers!
1. Can I burn 1000 calories in a single workout?
It is entirely possible to burn 1000 calories in a single workout. However, you’ll have to train very hard or for a long time to do it. For example, you can burn 1000 calories by running ten miles, doing two hours of CrossFit, or rowing at a moderate pace for 100 minutes.
However, unless you are a fit, experienced exerciser, you probably won’t be able to do this every day, and any missed workouts will mean no calorie deficit, which could delay weight loss.
For this reason, it’s usually best to combine exercise with a reduced-calorie diet.
Your body burns calories constantly, and most people expend 1000-1500 per day just to stay alive. That said, the more you move, the more calories you burn. As such, you can burn an additional 1000 calories simply by being more active each day.
For most people, this is more manageable and sustainable than doing 1000 calories of exercise. For example, the following activities should take you close to burning 1000 extra calories per day:
Calories burned (male)
Calories burned (female)
Cleaning gutters
30 minutes
Cleaning or sweeping
1 hour
Moderate walking
60 minutes
Shoveling snow
30 minutes
Washing dishes
30 minutes
3.5 hours
Burning 1000 extra calories could help you lose weight, but it might not. It all depends on your diet. For example, if you need to eat 2,000 calories to sustain your weight but eat 3,500, burning 1000 calories will mean you still have a calorie surplus, so you’ll actually gain weight instead of losing it despite your workouts.
However, suppose you lower your food intake to 2,500 and burn an extra 1000 calories. In that case, you’ll create a daily deficit of 500 calories, which should lead to one pound of weight loss per week.
Exercising off 1000 calories is no guarantee of weight loss.
4. What is the highest number of calories burned in one day?
Studies suggest that the maximum number of calories an average human can burn in 24 hours is equal to 4-5 times their Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR (2). So, if your BMR is 1200 calories, your maximum theoretical daily energy expenditure will fall between 4800 and 6000 calories.
Of course, in extreme athletic events, the participants can burn vast amounts of calories. However, such fitness feats are far beyond most recreational exercises’ reach. For example, ultra-runners can burn 8000-13,000 calories running 100km (62.5 miles), and endurance cyclists can burn 14,000 during a 24-hour bike race.
This is why nutrition is a such a critical part of endurance sports and why athletes still lose weight during very long events despite eating many thousands of calories. It’s almost impossible to consume 10,000 or more calories when running or cycling huge distances.
5. What is the best workout for weight loss?
All types of exercise increase your caloric expenditure, so in theory, any workout can help you lose weight. That said, some workouts burn more calories than others. Caloric expenditure is usually higher when you work out at a high intensity level or for a long time.
This means there is no single best workout for weight loss, and there are lots of options to choose from. Some of the best calorie-burning include:
Ultimately, the best fat loss workout is one you enjoy, can do frequently, and that you can do for long enough to burn the requisite number of calories in a reasonable timeframe.
6. What is the best fat-loss diet?
The best diet for fat loss is the one you can stick to. Not for a week or a month, but for as long as it takes to reach your goal weight or body fat percentage. Unfortunately, some diets are either too strict or too boring for long-term use.
The main thing to look for in a fat-loss diet is that they provide a modest calorie deficit, and you enjoy the foods you’ll be eating. No deficit means no fat loss, and unpleasant foods mean you have a readymade excuse to quit your diet once your initial motivation wears off.
In fact, you may not even need to follow a regimented diet, and can lose fat just by controlling the size of your portions.
Combined with a sensible and sustainable workout regimen, eating less than your maintenance level of calories should result in fat loss.
Closing Thoughts
Burning an extra 1000 calories is entirely possible and may help you lose weight. You can burn these calories through exercise, general physical activity, or a combination of these two things. However, if you eat less, you may not need burn an additional 1000 calories each day. After all, you can create a caloric deficit just through dieting. However, most studies suggest that the combination of diet AND exercise work best.
The bottom line is that developing sustainable eating and exercise habits is almost always the best strategy for long-term weight loss and health. Focusing just on burning 1000 calories means you may be missing the big picture. And, if you are eating too much, even a 1000-calorie workout won’t help you lose weight.
Joseph G, Arviv-Eliashiv R, Tesler R. A comparison of diet versus diet + exercise programs for health improvement in middle-aged, overweight women. Womens Health (Lond). 2020 Jan-Dec;16:1745506520932372. doi: 10.1177/1745506520932372. PMID: 32597335; PMCID: PMC7325539. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7325539/
Thurber C, Dugas LR, Ocobock C, Carlson B, Speakman JR, Pontzer H. Extreme events reveal an alimentary limit on sustained maximal human energy expenditure. Sci Adv. 2019 Jun 5;5(6):eaaw0341. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw0341. PMID: 31183404; PMCID: PMC6551185. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6551185/

Losing 50 Pounds in 6 Months: Tips and Tricks To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals
Most people join a gym or start dieting to lose weight. However, most of these folks quit the fitness lifestyle before meeting their weight loss objective. There are several reasons for these weight loss lapses.
Failing to set a weight loss goal is one of the biggest reasons most people never make progress. You must have a definite objective and a plan to achieve it before you embark on your fitness journey.
Ask a newbie in your gym about their fitness goal, and they probably reply with ‘lose weight’ or ‘build muscle.’ However, these goals are too vague to set you on the right path. Your fitness goals must be more actionable and specific to push you in the right direction. For example, you must switch from ‘lose weight’ to ‘lose 50 pounds in six months.’ The new goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
The new goal gives you the exact amount of weight you must lose in a particular period. Before we go any further, let’s take a step back. Most dieters have no idea what to expect from a weight loss program. They know they need to lose weight but are unsure of what is attainable.
Tell a newbie exerciser that he must lose 50 pounds in six months, and they will look like they’ve seen a ghost. In this article, we will give you 23 tips for losing 50 pounds in six months. Additionally, you’ll learn about how much weight you should aim to lose safely in a given period. There is a lot to cover, so sit tight and read on.
23 Tips For Losing 50 Pounds in Six Months
Losing 50 pounds in 26 weeks might sound impossible to people struggling with weight loss. However, it is entirely possible with the right approach. Here are the 23 tips for weight loss that will help you see the needle budge in the right direction:
Set Realistic Goals
Most people falter on the first step of their weight loss journey as they have no clue about setting an achievable goal. Some people start exercising without a specific goal, whereas others begin with a vague objective.
Your weight loss goal should be realistic, objective, and actionable. Trying to lose too much weight too soon will lead to disappointment, and most people in this category drop off their weight loss journey as they are overwhelmed with the big numbers staring them in their faces.
You must break your main objective into smaller goals to make your weight loss journey less intimidating. Furthermore, checking smaller goals off your list each week will work as positive reinforcement and keep you motivated.
Related: Weight Loss Target Date Calculator
Run a Calorie Deficit
You must enter a calorie deficit to shed excess weight, meaning you have to burn more calories daily than you consume. However, most people have no idea how many calories they should cut out from their diet to lose the spare tire.
It is believed that you can lose a pound weekly if you cut 500 calories from your daily diet. Similarly, reducing 1,000 calories from your diet will help you lose two pounds each week. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends limiting your daily calorie cut to 1,000 kcal to keep your weight loss journey gradual, steady, and sustainable. [1]
Cutting 1,000 calories from your daily diet will help you lose 50 pounds in 25 weeks (2 kcal X 25). Notably, six months roughly consist of 26 weeks, meaning you can safely lose 52 pounds in half a year. This proves that our goal of losing 50 pounds in six months is attainable and safe.
Notably, you don’t have to cut 1,000 calories exclusively from your diet to enter a deficit. If this was the case, losing two pounds every week would be near impossible for folks consuming 2,000-2,500 kcal daily.
To achieve the 1,000-calorie deficit, you should cut 500 calories from your diet and burn the remaining 500 calories through an exercise program. This is why following an effective diet and exercise program is a must for achieving your weight loss goals.
Nutrient-Dense Foods
You must follow a personalized diet program to meet your weight loss goals. Plus, your diet should consist of nutrient-dense whole foods as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which keep you feeling full throughout the day.
Depending on your dietary preferences, your meals should comprise veggies, fruits, grains, non-starchy carbs, and a source of lean protein. Furthermore, you must reduce your sugar intake to limit visceral fat buildup.
Controlling your portion sizes can help ensure you don’t overshoot your calorie intake goals. Invest in a food scale or measuring cups to ensure you eat the correct portions of each food. Additionally, switching to smaller plates and bowls can help curb the risk of overeating.
You must also develop the habit of reading nutrition labels before buying packed foods. It will ensure that you only buy foods that fit your macro goals and stay away from ‘dirty calories.’ Whole foods are generally lower in calories than processed and junk foods, making them a perfect fit for your weight loss journey.
Calculate Your BMR
The role of basal metabolic rate (BMR) is often overlooked in a weight loss program. BMR determines the calories your body needs to accomplish its most basic (basal) life-sustaining functions. BMR is often used interchangeably with resting metabolic rate (RMR).
Your BMR depends on multiple factors, including age, body size, amount of lean muscle tissue, gender, genetics, etc. According to the BMR calculations, a 25-year-old, 180-pound, 5-foot-10-inch male burns 1,910 daily calories when not working out or moving around.
To lose a pound of body weight weekly, this individual will have to cut 500 calories from his diet, meaning he’ll be consuming 1,410 daily calories. Furthermore, if this individual wants to shed an additional pound, he should burn an extra 500 calories during an exercise regimen.
Alternatively, you could determine your average daily calorie intake using a calorie-tracking app, such as MyFitnessPal, by analyzing your calorie intake for the last five days. Once you have your average calorie intake number, deduct 500 calories from your diet by reducing your serving size across all meals or skipping a meal. This will help you lose a pound of body weight weekly.
Remember, everyone is built differently and responds to different stimuli uniquely. Finding the right amount of calories to cut from your daily routine might require some trial and error.
Related: Weight Loss Calculator
Reevaluate Your Macros
Understanding the three macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) is a must for fitness enthusiasts. You must limit your carb and fat intake during a weight loss program and follow a protein-rich diet.
Notably, many people consider carbs their arch-enemies in a weight loss program. However, cutting out carbs entirely from your diet will be a blunder as your body relies on glycogen (which comes from carbohydrates) as its primary energy source.
Minimize the intake of refined carbohydrate foods such as white bread, white rice, pasta, baked goods, sugary drinks, sweets, and junk food. You must consume at least 130 calories daily to maintain your overall health and performance. [2]
According to a study, your macronutrient split should be between fat (40%-20%), carbs (35%-65%), and protein (25%-15%) to promote weight loss. [3]
Although exercising is not mandatory on a weight loss program, working out three to six days a week can help speed up your results. A 150-pound individual can burn around 500 calories in about 40 minutes if they maintain a 12-minute mile pace (5 mph).
You must include cardiovascular and strength training into your training regime for optimal weight loss results.
Your training sessions should consist of aerobic and anaerobic workouts to optimize weight loss. Furthermore, HIIT workouts (high-intensity interval training) are incredibly effective at burning calories. They are also usually shorter than conventional cardio workouts, making them an excellent fit for people with busy schedules. [4]
Strength Training
Many people leave gains on the table by staying away from the free weight section during their weight loss program. Strength training helps burn calories during a workout and increases your metabolic rate, which enables you to burn more calories throughout the day, even when you’re physically inactive. [5]
Check Out: Calories Burned Running Calculator
Hire a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer
Contrary to what most people think, designing a diet program falls out of the scope of practice for a certified personal trainer. While a personal trainer can help you with a personalized training plan according to your physical fitness levels, limitations, and goals, you must seek a registered nutritionist’s help for a customized diet plan.
You could ask your trainer for a dietitian’s reference. The nutritionist and trainer can work together to streamline your training and recovery program and maximize your output.
You could design a training and diet program on your own; however, it will require significant trial and error. Hiring a nutritionist and trainer can help save you a tremendous amount of time, effort, and money in the long run.
Furthermore, a personal trainer can help you build a solid training foundation by teaching you the correct exercise form, which can lower your risk of injury.
Lifestyle Changes
Your weight loss program should not be limited to your diet and training program. Losing 50 pounds in six months demands a lifestyle change. You must make healthier choices in every aspect. For example, always take the stairs instead of the elevator, eat more vegetables and fruits in each meal, and go to bed on time each night.
You should also clear out all the junk food from your kitchen cupboard. Remember, what is in the cupboard, will eventually end up in your stomach. Minimize the chances of going off track by snacking on junk food.
Furthermore, you must keep moving throughout the day. Schedule a 5-10 minute walk break every couple of hours. Setting a 10,000 daily step goal can push you to walk more throughout the day. Notably, 10,000 daily steps can be a little overwhelming for most people; you could start with a 5,000-step goal and slowly build on it.
Water is your best friend on a fat loss program. During your cardio exercises, you’ll lose a lot of water through sweat, increasing your risk of dehydration. You must drink at least a gallon of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated.
It also has several other benefits, such as regulating your body temperature, protecting your tissues, spinal cord, and joints, helping excrete waste through perspiration, urination, and defecation, improving digestion and blood oxygen circulation, boosting cognitive function, and enhancing skin quality.
Furthermore, drinking water throughout the day will keep you feeling satiated, which will reduce your probability of feasting on junk food. You should drink a glass of water before meals when you feel extra hungry, as it will help curb your appetite. [6]
Stay Away From Fad Diets
The fitness community regularly witnesses new fad diets that promise mind-boggling results. Some of these diets include the boiled egg diet and the cabbage soup diet.
Fad diets rapidly gain popularity, but they are equally quick to disappear. Since these diets encourage extreme dietary choices, some people believe that fad diets can help them achieve their weight loss goals faster.
Most fad diets claim extraordinary results; however, they have little to no scientific evidence backing them. Sticking to a fad diet can not only lead you to a weight loss plateau, but it can also cause chronic health issues as these diets comprise restrictive and imbalanced eating patterns, such as eliminating entire food groups or severely limiting calorie intake. Plus, the weight loss achieved through fad diets is often not sustainable.
You must only follow a diet protocol with scientific research supporting it and a proven track record.
Fasting is one of the best ways to enter a calorie deficit and lose weight. The rise of intermittent fasting has breathed new life into fasting. Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating. [7]
You could choose between several intermittent fasting (IF) protocols depending on your preferences and schedule. The 16/8 method is the most popular IF schedule; it involves fasting for 16 hours daily and eating during the remaining eight hours.
Besides its weight loss benefits, intermittent fasting can improve insulin sensitivity, help fight against chronic inflammation, improve heart health, boost cognitive function and immunity, and reduce the risk of cancer.
In contrast to the typical diet programs that dictate what you should and shouldn’t eat, an intermittent fasting program focuses on your eating schedule. Although your dietary choices aren’t restricted on an IF plan, you should stick to healthy dietary choices to speed up your weight loss progress.
Do Not Starve
In defiance of popular opinion, you aren’t supposed to starve yourself on a weight loss program. Going too harsh on yourself during a diet can lead to developing a negative relationship with food, where you might experience feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, or fear related to food and eating.
A negative relationship with food can have the opposite effects on your weight loss progress as it can result in a pattern of disordered eating habits such as binge eating, purging, or using food as a coping mechanism for emotional stress. Further, it can have negative consequences on your physical and mental well-being.
Starving can also hamper your performance in physiological and psychological tasks as it can leave you feeling weak, drained, and exhausted throughout the day. Even on a weight loss program, you should eat small but regular meals throughout the day if you are not following a fasting protocol.
Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time
Leaving your meals to chance is a sure-shot way of falling off track on your weight loss journey. If you want to lose 50 pounds in six months, planning at least a week’s worth of meals in advance will help minimize your risk of giving in to cravings and sticking to your diet. It also saves you the stress of coming up with meal ideas on the fly.
Planning your meals helps you meticulously break down your calorie goal into an ideal macro split. On the other hand, if you enter a restaurant feeling insanely hungry, you’ll probably end up ordering the most unhealthy dish on the menu. Remember, you must control your environment and not be controlled by it.
Plus, planning your meals can save time and money by reducing the need for last-minute meal decisions. It allows you to buy your food in bulk, significantly reducing your grocery bill. Not to mention, it also minimizes food wastage.
Reduce Stress
Chronic stress is one of the biggest factors behind weight gain. Stress increases cortisol production in your body, leading to increased body fat stores.
Many people resort to eating unhealthy and binge eating junk food when stressed, leading to a bulging waistline.
If all this isn’t enough, chronic stress increases your appetite and can interfere with your sleep. It can also lead to decreased physical activity, contributing to weight gain and difficulty losing weight.
Exercise, meditation, and yoga are some of the best ways to manage cortisol levels, combat stress, and improve overall health and well-being. Seek a medical professional’s help if you cannot control your stress levels with these three methods.
Adding a fat-burning supplement to your routine can help speed up your weight loss progress by increasing your metabolism, suppressing your appetite, boosting the fat-loss process, and blocking dietary fat absorption.
Notably, the effects of a fat-burning supplement can change depending on its ingredients. You must thoroughly analyze a supplement’s ingredients before making a purchase.
Whey protein supplements can boost your metabolism and curb your appetite by keeping you feeling full throughout the day. Furthermore, protein supplements will ensure you don’t lose muscle mass during your weight loss program.
Natural supplements, such as caffeine and green tea extract, can also help expedite your fat loss progress. Plus, caffeine can temporarily boost your metabolism by up to 16% over one to two hours, which can help burn more calories. [8]
You must consult your healthcare provider before starting a new supplement. Also, you should favor natural fat burners over synthetic formulas to ensure safe weight loss and that the weight doesn’t come back on shortly after stopping the supplement.
Cheat Meals
If losing weight was easy, flabs would be a thing of the past. Most people start craving junk food a few days after starting a weight loss diet. When discussing a weight loss diet with a newbie, their first questions usually revolve around permitted weekly cheat meals.
Although six months is a long time, you must stay away from cheat meals to achieve your goals and avoid derailing from your weight loss journey.
Plus, if you do eat a cheat meal, you must account for its calories. Deduct the excess calories you consumed in your cheat meal from your weekly calorie goal. Since eating a cheat meal on this program can be a hassle, we recommend avoiding junk food until you meet your objective. Cheat meals can also increase your cravings as calorie-dense, highly palatable foods can stimulate your brain’s reward centers.
Sleeping seven to eight hours gives your body enough time to recuperate, helping you shed excess weight. Getting a good night’s sleep is especially important for exercisers and folks with a hectic schedule.
It is no secret that getting adequate sleep each night can help you wake up feeling fresh and energized. Focusing on your recovery will help you perform better in your workouts and reduce your risk of injury.
Sleep deprivation can increase cravings for unhealthy foods, resulting in overeating and weight gain. There is a high probability that you will end up at your favorite fast-food restaurant for dinner if you are fatigued because of a lack of sleep.
Furthermore, a lack of sleep can spike ghrelin levels (hunger hormone) in your body and decrease leptin levels, which can increase your appetite and make it harder to lose excess weight. Besides the hunger hormones, sleeping for seven to eight hours daily can improve your body’s hormone balance.
Alcohol can be detrimental to your weight loss journey. It is packed with empty calories, meaning alcohol has no nutritional value, and the calories you consume through alcohol will end up as body fat.
Alcohol can increase your appetite. Not only that, it makes it harder to resist unhealthy food choices, leading to overeating. This is one of the reasons why you’ll never see grilled chicken breast as a bestseller in a pub. Fries, pizzas, and beer are a match made in heaven — the unhealthy kind.
Alcohol can also disrupt your sleep, wreaking havoc on your recovery and weight loss progress. Waking up tired can negatively affect your motivation to follow a healthy lifestyle, which can lead you to eat junk food and skip exercising. If losing 50 pounds in six months is a priority for you, you should stay away from alcohol until you meet your weight loss objective.
Track Your Progress
Tracking your fitness progress is underrated. Putting your goals on paper will give you a sense of urgency. Furthermore, most people that track their progress also have detailed daily and weekly action steps to help them achieve their objectives.
You don’t need fancy tech to track your progress. A pen and paper or the notes app on your phone will work wonders. Before starting progress tracking, you must write down your weight loss goal, “lose 50 pounds in six months,” on the first note.
Track all your details, including body weight, body measurements, meals, workouts, weights used, sets, reps, and RPE for each exercise. You can use a calorie-tracking app like MyFitnessPal to count your calories.
Tracking your progress ensures that you are heading in the right direction. It also allows you to steer your ship in the right direction as soon as you find out that you are heading down the right path or if your weight loss progress is unsatisfactory.
Find a Support System
A support system can be a game changer in achieving your physique transformation goals. Most people think exercising is a one-person sport and overlook the importance of a support system.
A supportive system can help you stick to your goals and pick you up when you lack motivation. Your support system can consist of your family and friends. Furthermore, you could also make friends at your gym who can keep you accountable a part of your support system.
Your closest circle plays a crucial role in your transformation journey. If your best friends eat out five days a week and like partying until late, you’ll probably end up giving up on losing 50 pounds in six months.
The right company can help help you achieve your goals by sharing their own experiences and resources, such as healthy recipes and exercise tips.
Losing 50 pounds doesn’t happen overnight. You must set realistic goals, make necessary lifestyle adjustments, follow a personalized diet and training program, and stay consistent with them until you achieve your objectives.
Most people lose a few pounds relatively quickly in the form of water weight; however, they soon hit a weight loss plateau and give up on their weight loss goals. A physique transformation will test your grit and determination. Only the people that have the courage and the perseverance to put in the work even when they do not see the needle budge in the right direction will succeed.
You have to be consistent with every aspect of your lifestyle to achieve your transformation goals, including your diet, training, sleeping, and hitting the gym at the same time every day. Slacking in any area can lead to suboptimal results.
A physique transformation program involves several rounds of tinkering. After every two to four weeks, you must analyze your progress and make necessary adjustments.
Practice Mindfulness
Weight loss is as much a psychological challenge as it is physiological. You must remain mindful and conscious of your lifestyle to achieve your objectives.
Paying close attention to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations at every moment is crucial to controlling your environment and ensuring it doesn’t control you. Practicing mindfulness can help recognize the triggers that lead to unhealthy eating habits. It will also help you monitor the self-talk that may lead you to skip a training session.
Conscious eating can help avoid overeating and consuming excess calories, aiding in maintaining a caloric deficit. Incorporate mindful practices, such as meditation, yoga, exercise, and journaling, into your daily routine for a more positive mindset and reduce stress.
Be Patient
The proverb ‘patience is a virtue’ is apt for a physique transformation. Most people give up on their weight loss goals after losing patience, as it can take too long. For example, losing 50 pounds in six months is not a short-term goal. Only a handful of people have the poise to stick to a strict diet and training program for 25 weeks.
Furthermore, losing too much weight too soon can be healthy. Some people use fad diets to drop a significant amount of weight in a short period; however, this weight comes back on just as quickly after you stop following the radical diet.
You must avoid the temptation of following crash diets or engaging in excessive exercise, as it can hinder your progress and increase your risk of injury. Instead, focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes that you can follow for the long term that will help you achieve your goal physique.
Also read: How To Lose 1 Pound a Day: Shedding Pounds Made Easy
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you need to exercise to lose weight?
You must be in a calorie deficit to shed excess body weight. Exercising for weight loss is not compulsory, and you could lose weight just by cutting calories from your daily diet. However, combining working out with a calorie-restrictive diet can help expedite your weight loss results.
Is losing two pounds of body weight each week by cutting 1,000 calories safe?
The CDC recommends losing 1-2 pounds weekly to ensure your weight loss progress is gradual, steady, and sustainable. Cutting 500 calories from your diet will help you lose around a pound of body weight each week. Similarly, deducting 1,000 calories from your daily calories can result in shedding two pounds weekly.
However, you should not cut 1,000 calories from your diet. You must cut 500 calories from your diet and burn the remaining 500 calories through exercise. Remember, you must consult a qualified healthcare professional before starting a new diet.
Can I continue my weight loss journey after losing 50 pounds in six months?
Depending on your starting weight, you might experience your weight loss progress tapering close to the end of the program as your body gets used to your new diet regimen. Ideally, you must give your body a little break from dieting after six months and switch to a maintenance diet. Sticking to the same diet for a prolonged period can lead you to a plateau. Take some time off from dieting, regroup, and begin your weight loss program again after a 2-4 week break.
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
From optimizing your diet to increasing your physical activity, this article provides you with 23 wholesome tips and tricks that will help you in losing 50 pounds in six months and start living a healthier, happier life.
Following these weight loss tips is easier said than done. Adhering to these demands requires a strong mindset, determination, and patience. Remember, you might experience quick weight loss in the initial part of your weight loss journey; however, your progress might seem like it is stalling after you have shed your water weight. Nonetheless, you must keep your head down and put in the work. The results will follow.
Best of luck!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight.
Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Carbohydrate Goals.
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D’Amuri A, Sanz JM, Capatti E, Di Vece F, Vaccari F, Lazzer S, Zuliani G, Dalla Nora E, Passaro A. Effectiveness of high-intensity interval training for weight loss in adults with obesity: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2021 Jul 20;7(3):e001021. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2020-001021. PMID: 34367654; PMCID: PMC8292807.
Bellicha A, van Baak MA, Battista F, Beaulieu K, Blundell JE, Busetto L, Carraça EV, Dicker D, Encantado J, Ermolao A, Farpour-Lambert N, Pramono A, Woodward E, Oppert JM. Effect of exercise training on weight loss, body composition changes, and weight maintenance in adults with overweight or obesity: An overview of 12 systematic reviews and 149 studies. Obes Rev. 2021 Jul;22 Suppl 4(Suppl 4):e13256. doi: 10.1111/obr.13256. Epub 2021 May 6. PMID: 33955140; PMCID: PMC8365736.
Stookey, J.D., Constant, F., Popkin, B.M. and Gardner, C.D. (2008), Drinking Water Is Associated With Weight Loss in Overweight Dieting Women Independent of Diet and Activity. Obesity, 16: 2481-2488. https://doi.org/10.1038/oby.2008.409
Welton S, Minty R, O’Driscoll T, Willms H, Poirier D, Madden S, Kelly L. Intermittent fasting and weight loss: Systematic review. Can Fam Physician. 2020 Feb;66(2):117-125. PMID: 32060194; PMCID: PMC7021351.
Hollands MA, Arch JR, Cawthorne MA. A simple apparatus for comparative measurements of energy expenditure in human subjects: the thermic effect of caffeine. Am J Clin Nutr. 1981 Oct;34(10):2291-4. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/34.10.2291. PMID: 7293955.

How To Lose 1 Pound a Day: Shedding Pounds Made Easy
Most people would be willing to shed a few pounds at the drop of a hat. Losing weight not only makes you look better, but it can also reduce your risk of contracting chronic health issues. These benefits make losing weight alluring, and it is also what sells gym memberships.
However, the weight loss process can be slow and meticulous, and most people do not have the patience to stick to a weight loss program in the long run. This is also why fad diets that promise significant weight loss in a short period are such a hit.
‘How to lose 1 pound a day’ is a common question personal trainers get asked by beginners. Before we dive into this subject, let’s get the record straight. Losing a pound each day is not entirely safe or sustainable. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends limiting your weight loss to 1-2 pounds weekly to keep your physique transformation journey gradual, steady, and sustainable. [1]
According to JAMA, you must burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound of body fat. As you can probably tell, burning 3,500 calories daily is not sustainable, safe, or even possible for most folks. Furthermore, a pound of body fat doesn’t necessarily translate to a pound of body weight. [2]
Losing a pound each week means a daily weight drop of 0.14 pounds, which is a far cry from the goal of shedding a pound each day. Also, weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. It might take up to a couple of weeks before a beginner starts seeing progress after switching to a weight loss program.
Prerequisites For Losing 1 Pound a Day
You must enter a calorie deficit to lose weight, meaning you must expend more calories than you consume in a day. You could achieve a calorie deficit by eating less or exercising more. A balance of both is ideal for losing a pound a day.
Remember, each individual is built differently and will react uniquely to different diets and training stimuli. There is no way to promise a pound of weight loss each day for everyone. For example, your results might differ from your training partner’s.
The tips mentioned in this article will help streamline your weight loss process and ensure you get the best bang for your buck.
In this article, we go over the 15 most effective tips to shed the spare tire. We have also included five training programs to ensure optimal weight loss. To ensure your safety, we won’t recommend radical steps. Contrarily, we will only recommend ways that will help achieve safe and sustainable weight loss in the long run.
Sticking to these steps will help you achieve your body weight goal and promote a healthy lifestyle, which will pay dividends in the long run.
15 Steps To Lose 1 Pound a Day
Sadly, there is no magic pill that will help shave off a pound from your belly each day. Losing a pound a day is an ambitious goal that demands commitment, effort, and patience. The tips mentioned below will help you make sustainable lifestyle changes and improve your overall health and well-being:
Cutting water is one of the fastest ways to shed body weight. It is common to lose a few pounds in a single day by dehydrating yourself.
Most fitness models start cutting water 2-3 days before a photoshoot. It helps them get diced and achieve crisp conditioning. Professional bodybuilders take this a step further and use diuretics to get in shape for competitions. However, hobbyist lifters and the general public should stay away from these methods, as they are unsafe and unsustainable.
Plus, once you resume your regular water intake, you will rapidly regain the weight you had previously lost.
Prolonged dehydration can cause headaches, delirium, confusion, fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth, and constipation. Left untreated, it can contribute to kidney stones, kidney failure, and heatstroke, all life-threatening illnesses. [3]
Tip: Water Intake Calculator
Stay Away From Fad Diets
Many people flock to fad diets, such as the boiled egg diet and the cabbage soup diet, that promise significant weight loss in a short period. However, these diets have little to no scientific evidence backing them. Most of these diets gain popularity rapidly but are equally quick to disappear.
Most fad diets require you to completely cut out some food sources, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Sticking to an imbalanced diet for an extended period can lead to chronic health conditions, which can worsen over time.
While choosing a diet, you must analyze if it follows a balanced approach to nutrition. Cutting out certain foods from your diet can result in developing a negative relationship with food, which can make matters worse. Plus, the weight lost through radical diets often bounces back as soon as you switch to a regular diet.
You must consult your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise or diet program, especially if you are dealing with any health issues.
After your body starts adjusting to the changes, you will experience rapid weight loss in the initial days in the form of water weight. However, you might hit a plateau if you don’t consistently change your diet and training program.
Furthermore, setting more realistic objectives can assist you in cultivating more patience and perseverance in the process. For example, you could change your weight loss goal from losing one pound daily to losing 4-5 pounds in a month. This new goal is achievable and safe.
Checking off a monthly weight loss goal can help keep you motivated. It will also act as a reinforcement that you are on the correct path.
Count Your Calories
Calorie tracking is a must if you want to lose weight. You cannot just eat whatever you like and hope for a weight loss miracle. Based on your current weight, you must set a daily calorie consumption goal to meet your target body weight.
You could determine a calorie goal for yourself by using a TDEE calculator. Alternatively, you could use a calorie-tracking app like MyFitnessPal to account for your average calorie intake.
Log your meals in the calorie-tracking app to find out your macronutrient (carbs, proteins, and fat) split. Most calorie-tracking apps have a robust food and recipe database, which makes tracking your meals easy and convenient. Some apps also come with a barcode scanner for tracking the calories of packaged foods.
Enter a Calorie Deficit
After determining your average daily calorie goal, you must enter a deficit to lose weight. Cutting 500 calories from your diet will result in a one-pound weekly weight drop. Similarly, cutting 1,000 calories will help you shed two pounds a week.
For example, if you consume 2,200 calories daily, you must shift to a 1,700 kcal diet to shed the spare tire. Cutting 1,000 calories from a 2,200-calorie diet is not recommended. If you want to shed two pounds weekly, you should cut 500 calories from your diet and burn the remaining 500 calories through exercise.
Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods
On a weight loss diet, you must get your calories from nutrient-dense whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, non-fat and low-fat dairy, fish and seafood, unprocessed lean meat, and skinless poultry, nuts, and legumes.
Avoid empty calories such as alcohol, sugar-laden beverages, and highly processed foods. Eating nutrient-dense whole foods will keep you feeling full and supply the necessary nutrients to your muscles throughout the day.
Fiber is often overlooked in a weight loss diet. Folks following a 2,000-calorie diet should have at least 28 grams of fiber daily, as it helps with macronutrient absorption and getting the most nutritional value out of your food. It also promotes gut health, reduces bloating and the risk of constipation and diarrhea. [4]
Follow a Personalized Diet Plan
No two people will react to the same diet and training program the same. Your training partner might lose more weight than you while eating the same food and doing the same exercises as you. How your body responds to training and diet depends on multiple factors, including genetics, age, gender, body weight.
You must follow a suitable macronutrient split according to your body type and goals to fast-track your progress. Plus, you must plan your meals in advance to ensure you don’t fall off your diet regimen. Dedicate a day of the week to prepping meals; it will reduce the possibility of you ordering junk food from your favorite fast-food restaurant when you are starving and have nothing to eat at home.
To lose one pound a day, you must also watch your portion sizes. Using smaller plates and cutlery can reduce your meal size and calorie intake, helping you take inches off your waistline. You must eat your favorite healthy foods throughout the week to reduce cravings.
Though not necessary, you can also use dietary supplements, such as a whey protein supplement and fat burners, to help with your goal of losing one pound a day.
Avoid Binge Eating
Snacking on junk food is one of the biggest reasons for weight gain. Folks that do not follow a diet plan are at a higher risk of bingeing on snacks throughout the day. Following a structured diet plan keep you satiated and lowers your cravings.
You must avoid high-calories beverages. It is very easy to overshoot your daily calorie goal by chugging on sugar-laden drinks without even realizing it. Plus, you must switch to low or zero-calorie substitutes when and where possible. Making small changes in your diet can lead to big results in the long run.
When snacking, choose healthy snacks, such as mixed nuts, Greek yogurt and berries, and apple slices with peanut butter.
Read also 7 Ways To Stop Binge Eating
Stay Consistent
Consistency is key in a weight loss program. To lose a pound a day, you must be consistent with your daily meals, workouts, and sleep schedule. Consistency is even more crucial when you have a shorter timeframe to work with.
When you are consistent with your diet and training program, your body burns fat more efficiently. Furthermore, staying consistent with a fit lifestyle minimizes the risk of gaining excess body fat and improves your overall health and well-being.
Choose Healthy Fats
Many people blame fats for their excess body fat. However, this assumption is faulty. Consuming healthy fats is essential for optimal body functioning and health. Furthermore, it provides your body with essential nutrients and promotes the feeling of fullness, reducing your overall calorie intake.
Nuts, seeds, avocados, and fatty fish should be the primary sources of fats in your diet. Fats can help reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity, leading to better weight management.
However, you must ensure that you choose healthy fats over unhealthy fats. Staying away from processed and fried foods can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes while promoting overall health.
Tip: Use Fat Intake Calculator
Stress Less
When you are stressed, your body releases the cortisol hormone into your bloodstream, which makes you hold onto body fat. Chronic stress is one of the leading causes of weight gain and increases the risk of health issues like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Increased cortisol levels can also increase appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. [5]
Chronic stress can also hamper your motivation to train, eat healthily, and stay consistent with a fit lifestyle.
To lose a pound each day, you must keep stress at bay. Meditation, yoga, and exercise are among the best ways of combating stress. Nonetheless, you must consult a healthcare professional if you are dealing with high levels of stress and are unable to control it using these three methods.
Try Fasting
Fasting is an incredibly effective method of shedding body weight. Intermittent fasting (IF) is a rage among fitness enthusiasts. It involves cycling between voluntary fasting and non-fasting. The 16/8 protocol is the most popular IF method, involving fasting for 16 hours a day and eating in the remaining eight-hour window.
Beginners should start with easier fasting protocols, such as the 14/10 method. It involves fasting for 14 hours and a 10-hour feeding window. Advanced lifters can opt for the ‘OMAD’ protocol, which involves eating one meal a day. Fasting protocols with longer fasting windows are more effective at helping you lose a pound each day.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleeping for at least seven to eight hours is essential to allow your body enough time to rest and recuperate. Since losing one pound a day requires you to follow a stringent diet and training program, you must take your recovery just as seriously.
Get ready for what we are about to say next. It is so polarizing that ‘the hardest workers in the room’ might lose sleep over it. Ready? Here we go — don’t hesitate to hit the snooze button. Alarm clocks have a snooze button for a reason. They help you get in the much-needed sleep.
Quality sleep helps balance your hormones, which can help control hunger, satiety, and metabolism. Fatigue due to a lack of sleep increases your risk of feasting on junk food and skipping exercise.
Although you could lose a pound a day just by cutting your calorie intake, it is not sustainable or healthy. Engaging in cardiovascular and strength training can help speed up your weight loss progress and tone your muscles. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an incredibly effective way of promoting weight loss while keeping your workouts short and exciting.
You must follow a personalized training program to optimize your weight loss, meaning you should choose a workout regimen based on your experience level. Punching up your weight class can lead to burnout and increase your risk of injury. Regular exercise can also help regulate hormones related to appetite and metabolism, such as insulin and cortisol.
Move More
Besides sweating it out in the gym, you must ensure that you are constantly moving throughout the day. A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of contracting chronic health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
Set a daily step goal for yourself and reorganize your day to ensure you hit your objectives. You could start with a 5,000-steps-a-day goal and make your way up to walking 10,000 steps daily.
Tip: Try Walking Calorie Calculator
5 Workouts To Lose 1 Pound a Day
Following a balanced training program that includes strength and cardiovascular training will optimize your weight loss. We will focus on HIIT workouts in this article to lose one pound a day.
HIIT Workout 1 — Tabata Workout
Tabata workouts include doing eight rounds of 20 seconds of strenuous exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. Perform each exercise for eight rounds before switching to the next exercise.
Eight rounds of exercise, including working time and rest, will add up to four minutes. Three exercises in this Tabata workout and two recovery periods will take you 14 minutes to complete.
Time (in seconds)
Rest (in seconds)
60 seconds
Jumping Lunge
60 seconds
Spiderman Plank
Many people compromise their form during a HIIT workout to make the exercises easier. However, doing this hampers the effectiveness of the lifts and increases your risk of injury.
HIIT Workout 2
The second HIIT workout in our quest to lose one pound a day includes a balance of strength training and cardio exercises. You will need a pair of dumbbells to perform this workout. This workout comprises performing two rounds of the following circuit:
Time (in seconds)
Rest (in seconds)
Close-Grip Chest Press
Leg Raise
Squat Hold
Renegade Row
Dumbbell Overhead Press
High Knees
Rest for 30 seconds between exercises in the circuit. You are allowed a two-minute rest between circuits. To stick to the rest duration between exercises, keep all the equipment near you before starting the circuit.
Since the rest durations between exercises are short, use that time to take your position for the next lift. You must complete this workout within 20.5 minutes.
HIIT Workout 3 — EMOM
Every minute-on-the-minute (EMOM) workouts are an underutilized form of HIIT workouts. In an EMOM workout, you must complete an exercise within 60 seconds. Your goal with EMOM exercises is to complete each exercise as quickly as possible as the remainder of the 60 seconds is used as rest between exercises.
Minute 1
Dumbbell Squat
Minute 2
Renegade Row Push-Up
Minute 3
Squat Jump
Minute 4
Minute 5
Complete the 15 dumbbell squats as quickly as possible without slacking on your exercise form. Use the remainder of the minute as your rest before moving on to the next exercise at the beginning of the second minute.
HIIT Workout 4 — AMRAP
In the following workout, you must complete as many reps as possible (AMRAP) of the following exercises within nine minutes. AMRAP workouts are excellent for competitive folks. In these workouts, there are no defined rest durations. You can take as long as you want between exercises to rest. Furthermore, you can also break an exercise to catch a breath. Your ultimate objective is to complete as many reps as possible within nine minutes.
Butt Kicks
Jumping Jack
Mountain Climbers
Abdominal Row
After completing 100 reps of butt kicks (50 right side and 50 left side), move onto the jumping jack without stopping for rest — if you can. The total number of reps you can complete will be your final score. Challenge your friends to beat your score. You can also set your score as a benchmark for yourself and try to beat it in a subsequent workout.
HIIT Workout 5 — Ladder Workout
When used correctly, ladder HIIT workouts can melt fat off your body. The rep structure of a ladder workout is like climbing a ladder. You start with a few reps and work up to high-rep sets. The rest between exercises increases with the total number of reps. Like in real life, you must also come down a ladder. After performing the set with the highest number of reps, work towards the small rep sets. Also, you must do all of this within a specific time limit.
In this HIIT ladder workout, you’ll perform two exercises on a single ladder rung. For example, for this workout, you will perform one rep of the wall ball and dumbbell thruster before moving on to the two-rep wall ball and thruster.
Exercise and Reps
Rest (in seconds)
1 Wall Ball and 1 Dumbbell Thruster
2 Wall Ball and 2 Dumbbell Thruster
3 Wall Ball and 3 Dumbbell Thruster
4 Wall Ball and 4 Dumbbell Thruster
5 Wall Ball and 5 Dumbbell Thruster
6 Wall Ball and 6 Dumbbell Thruster
7 Wall Ball and 7 Dumbbell Thruster
8 Wall Ball and 8 Dumbbell Thruster
9 Wall Ball and 9 Dumbbell Thruster
10 Wall Ball and 10 Dumbbell Thruster
After completing 10 wall balls and dumbbell thrusters, continue back down the ladder as far as possible within the remaining time.
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Many people follow fad diets to help them drop their body weight quickly. However, most of these extreme methods are unsafe and unsustainable. To lose one pound a day, you must focus on making lifestyle changes that promote weight loss while improving your overall health.
Although the 15 healthy lifestyle tips and five workout routines detailed in this article might not make you drop a pound daily, it will put you on the right path to sustained weight loss. Now that you have all the knowledge you need to shed the spare tire, go ahead and put it to good use. Best of luck!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html
Wishnofsky M. CALCULATION OF DIETS. JAMA. 1957;163(5):384–385. doi:10.1001/jama.1957.02970400056024
Taylor K, Jones EB. Adult Dehydration. [Updated 2022 Oct 3]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK555956/
Miketinas DC, Bray GA, Beyl RA, Ryan DH, Sacks FM, Champagne CM. Fiber Intake Predicts Weight Loss and Dietary Adherence in Adults Consuming Calorie-Restricted Diets: The POUNDS Lost (Preventing Overweight Using Novel Dietary Strategies) Study. J Nutr. 2019 Oct 1;149(10):1742-1748. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz117. PMID: 31174214; PMCID: PMC6768815.
McEwen BS. Neurobiological and Systemic Effects of Chronic Stress. Chronic Stress (Thousand Oaks). 2017 Jan-Dec;1:2470547017692328. doi: 10.1177/2470547017692328. Epub 2017 Apr 10. PMID: 28856337; PMCID: PMC5573220.
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