Tag: deca

Deca-Durabolin Side Effects, Cycles and Its Uses
How Does Deca-Durabolin Work? Deca-Durabolin’s generic name is Nandrolone Decanoate. However, some people refer to Deca-Durabolin simply as Deca. This anabolic steroid is one of the most recognized anabolic steroids in the whole world. This injectable anabolic steroid is second to none, as many bodybuilders and power-lifters claim. There’s no rookie gym enthusiast who didn’t […]
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Need Help on TRT But Planning T-Cyp / Deca / Anavar Cycle
Testosterone is often prescribed as replacement therapy for a particular deficiency like hypogonadism or androgen deficiency syndrome. With so many testosterone formulations that are available these days, it is indeed essential to consider in mind public concern. On the part of pharmacists, they will need to be fully aware of […]
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D-bol Versus T-bol – Which Is Best
Q: Doc D, how about a debate between D-Bol and T-Bol? I am on 1iu of GH everyday almost year around, and am currently doing 500mg Test Cyp/ 1x week for 12 weeks and 400mg Deca for 10 weeks. I want to add either D-Bol or T-Bol and not sure which is going to be best. Care to weigh in?
A: Well, figure out your PCT and CT therapies ahead of time, because you risk a whopping case of gyno here. But you also risk some very good benefits too. First off, do a week of HCG, continue with Clomixyl for 4 weeks + AIFM. Start Nolvaxyl about 2 weeks into Clomixyl, PCT.
But do Aromaxyl throughout too. T-Bol is a good choice if you are close to a contest because it’s hard to detect. But in my opinion, I think D-Bol still blows T-Bol away in terms of results for mass gains. If you are cutting up and close to a contest, however, T-Bol is the way to go, though I think some of you already know my stance on D-Bol: That with a good diet you can get extremely hard and cut up, without water retention. Still, it is a personal preference and you should try both and decide for yourself. T-Bol is D-Bol without the potential to convert to estrogen. This is a good thing for most bodybuilders.
Oral Turanaxyl (OT) has experienced a lot of popularity since Kalpa Pharmaceuticals brought it out. Then it was a rush to produce it in other labs. It is Dianoxyl (D-Bol) with a 4-chloro modification to it. It lacks a 1-2 double carbon bond that D-Bol and T-Bol has and is aromatase resistant, so you don’t get the water retention and potential gyno. That’s another option. Why not try D-Bol this cycle and then replicate it 5 or 6 months later with the same elements, but with T-Bol. I’m not suggesting not to do another cycle in between, but if you’re going to do this exact cycle, and trade T-bol for D-bol, then take a break from this particular cycle for half a year when you next try.

Getting The Most From Nandrolone and Phenylpropionate
Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate (NPP) Explained and why Its a Much Better Steroid Choice Than Long Estered Nandrolone Decanoate.

Anabolic Steroid Cycles and Compounds Every Beginner Should Know About
Anabolic Steroid Cycles and Compounds Every Beginner Should Know About TRAIN YOUR MIND TO BUILD YOUR BODY – BEGINNERS BASICS: The very basics every beginner should know before starting an anabolic steroid cycle. First I would like you to take a moment and ask yourself why your about to begin using steroids? Are you a…

How To Train While On An Anabolic Steroid Cycle
How To Train While On An Anabolic Steroid Cycle Weight Training During A Bulking Cycle Your specific training routine will depend on your fitness level and exactly what your trying to sculpt. But for the main purpose of building mass (and making sure that mass is actual lean muscle instead of fat), there are a…