Tag: Dom Mazzetti

Dom Mazzetti AKA Mike Tornabene’s Workout And Diet Routine

Dom Mazzetti AKA Mike Tornabene’s Workout And Diet Routine

Dom Mazzetti is a fictional character portrayed by Mike Tornabene. He is best known as the Bro Science Guy or Brofessor and pokes fun at the typical muscular ‘gym bro’ through his content. Over the years, Dom Mazzetti has become an inseparable part of Tornabene’s identity, at least on the internet. This article explores Mike Tornabene’s journey that led him to Dom Mazzetti and also sheds light on the diet and workout routine that helps him stay in an excellent shape.
Dom Mazzetti Statistics

Full Name: Mike Tornabene


185 lbs (83.9 kg)
6’1” (185.5 cm)
33 years

Date of Birth

May 15, 1989

Dom Mazzetti Biography
First steps into comedy
Mike Tornabene had a flair for the dramatic since childhood. He met Gian Hunjan, a friend for the lifetime and the co-creator of Dom Mazzetti all the way back in the second grade. They immediately clicked together and started their artistic journey then and there. The duo worked together at a restaurant during the senior year of high school. The duo would write comedy pieces together and entertain the restaurant staff when they ate dinner.
“That restaurant was filled with savages and criminals- it was straight comedy. I would say the restaurant was the true start of our comedy partnership,” Mike Tornabene says.

The ‘business partners’ had to part ways to pursue higher studies. While Tornabene went to New York University for college education, Gian called Temple University his home. They continued to write and during the college years, they wrote a few television scripts as well as a feature length comedy screenplay.
While in their senior year of college, Tornabene and Gian decided to kick start their comedy business, which, at the time, started as a mere Facebook page. However, they soon started posting comedy sketches on the page as well as on their newly started YouTube channel. A series of videos called ‘Intern’ was the first piece of work posted on the channel.
Initial struggle and making the ends meet
Gian and Mike graduated from the college in 2010 and decided to move to the city to pursue their dream. However, dreams come crashing down when they are not backed by financial stability. The duo was hellbent on realising their dreams, no matter how distant they seemed to be. As a result, they spent the entire summer of 2010 to make some extra money and raise funds for sustaining the business. In Tornabene’s own words:
“We spent the summer stuffing mailboxes with flyers advertising our willingness to do any job for extra cash to “fund our dream.” We did some pretty strange work that summer, including picking up an autistic kid from camp and driving him home or taking him on trips. We took him to the Shore, we even took him to Denny’s.
At the time I was also studying to get my personal trainer certification so I could work at a gym in the city for my day job. All of which had absolutely nothing to do with what I went to school for. In October 2010 we moved to the Upper East Side, where we worked day jobs and did the comedy thing at night.”

Inception of Dom Mazzetti and subsequent success
Around a year after starting their business, Mike and Gian had the idea of making a sketch around the UPS bomb scare in 2010. It used Dom Mazzetti as a character and satirized the process of dealing with a bomb scare. The video was a huge success and the duo decided to use him for another video.
The Dom Mazzetti content started getting viral across all platforms. Realizing the huge potential this idea had, Mike and Gian started posting the Dom Mazzetti content every couple of weeks and the views started pouring in.
The character eventually developed different facets and became a multi-layered complex act as time passed by.
“We started to focus more on aspects of college life, and that was where Dom Mazzetti was definitely influenced by my time at NYU,” Tornabene said in an interview with NYU Local.

But was Mazzetti always intended to be the character he is now? Not really. According to Mike Tornabene, Dom Mazzetti was initially envisioned to be ‘this middle-aged, dumb, italian character’ that they wrote for a sketch about cooking.
Slowly but surely, Dom Mazzetti became one of the most popular characters on the internet. Mike Tornabene weaved many sketches with Dom Mazzetti and ‘bro-science in fitness’. It became Mike and Gian’s most successful venture. So much so that Mike’s name is now literally synonymous with Dom Mazzetti, their identities intertwined seamlessly.
Dom Mazzetti / Mike Tornabene’s advice to young creators
Mike Tornabene was able to build an independent creative career because of a platform like YouTube. The freedom to take decisions and having full control over the content has enabled him to express his creative side with utmost sincerity.
“The biggest upside to YouTube is you have complete control over your content and it is great for getting exposure. More and more people are turning to YouTube as a main source of entertainment, which is very good for people like Gian and I who make a living off of YouTube and are also looking for bigger opportunities through our work,” Mike Tornabene said.
Everything has a downside and so does YouTube and the internet. While advising aspiring people in the industry in an NYC Local interview, Mike Tornabene shed light on some of the downsides of a YouTube career and opined:
“While the rise of YouTube has made it easier to get discovered, the downside to anything on the Internet is it is very easy to get tossed into the fad category. When you live on the Internet, or really anywhere now in the entertainment industry, you have to stay relevant and always be on top of your game or people will forget about you.”

However, Dom Mazzetti has risen way above these factors since his inception in 2011. At the time of this article’s publishing, Mike Tornabene’s YouTube channel BroScienceLife that features Dom Mazzetti has 2.52 million subscribers. The future only looks brighter for Mike and Gian as they are optimistic about their own and the character’s prospects going forward. According to Mike:
“As writers we are always seeking opportunities in the film and television world, whether it’s taking Dom Mazzetti to the next level or just growing the Mike & Gian brand.”
Dom Mazzetti Workout
Mike Tornabene’s character Dom Mazzetti takes a completely different approach to fitness and encourages them to not take life and training routine too seriously. He even makes workout video parodies and takes hilarious jabs at the typical muscular gym bro.
However, that does not mean Tornabene is not serious about health and fitness. He only intends to give a simple message through his funny videos – Take a chill pill and don’t stress too much over workout or any other area of life.
Behind the funny character, lies a fit man with ripped physique in Mike Tornabene. A consistent and serious training routine is at the root of Tornabene’s fitness. He trains five days a week and maintains the routine fairly consistently in spite of a busy schedule.
He prioritizes overall fitness over specific goals like aesthetics etc.

A typical training week in his routine looks like this:
Monday – Biceps Workout
Mazzetti’s training week starts with training those big and muscular guns. He plays with a bunch of efficacious isolation exercises to stimulate different muscles like biceps brachii, brachialis and brachioradialis muscles that form the biceps. All these exercises work the biceps from different angles and emphasize different parts of the biceps muscles.
For instance, dumbbell preacher curls isolate the biceps brachii muscles more than any other exercise because of the arms placement. On the other hand, concentration curls emphasize more on the brachialis and the Brachioradialis muscles and also activate the triceps.
The short but effective biceps workout includes:

Tuesday – Triceps Workout
This session is dedicated to the biggest muscle group in the arms and similar to the biceps workout on the previous day, it includes different exercises that work triceps from different angles and positions to target all three triceps heads for uniform triceps development for hypertrophy and strength gain.
Overhead movements like overhead cable triceps extensions and skull crushers work the muscles from the lengthened position while cable and rope pushdowns work the muscles from neutral position.
The triceps workout looks like this:

Wednesday – Full Body Circuit (3 Rounds)
Fitness is a function of multiple aspects that include but are not limited to strength, flexibility, speed and explosive ability. Therefore, including isolation as well as compound movements and different training methods is the best way for building overall fitness and performance longevity.
After working with isolation movements for two days, Dom Mazzetti focuses his attention on compound bodyweight movements and does the following full body training circuit on Wednesday:

Thursday – Conditioning Workout
A carefully crafted conditioning workout can improve muscle coordination, improve posture, negate strength imbalances, stabilise joints and strengthen the supporting muscles. Mazzetti goes through a vigorous conditioning routine every Saturday. It encompasses:

Friday – Abs Workout
A strong core bestows your body with stability and balance which are required for almost every activity like running, walking, carrying load or performing any other activity or sport. Therefore, having an effective core workout program can translate its benefits into every other area of an active person’s life.
Sadly, most people obsess over the ‘six-pac’ look and take their core training routine in the wrong direction. But not Dom Mazzetti. His abs / core workout focuses on strengthening the core and includes:

Saturday and Sunday – Rest
Dom Mazzetti Diet
Being in the acting / content creation business, Dom Mazzetti has to look a certain way and ensure that his physique adheres to a certain standard. Nothing can influence the body composition quite like a nutritious and healthy diet.
Tornabene / Mazzetti steers clear of processed foods, sugar laden or fried foods that contribute little to health and well being beyond satisfying the taste buds. He follows a strict diet and eats six meals every day to nourish his body and soul.
His diet includes nutrient dense whole foods that provide ample protein, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients to maintain his body in a tip-top shape.

A typical day of eating in Dom Mazzetti’s routine looks like this:
Meal 1

Scrambled Eggs
Fresh Fruits
Steel Cut Oatmeal

Meal 2

Protein Shake with Peanut Butter

Meal 3

Grilled Chicken
Steamed Vegetables

Meal 4

Pre-workout Shake
Banana (1 full)

Meal 5

Grilled Fish
Steamed Vegetables

Meal 6

Peanut Butter
Poached Eggs
Fresh Fruits


Mass Gainer
Whey Protein
Pre Workout Formula

To Conclude
Since the advent of the internet and rise of content creators in the fitness niche, concepts of body transformation, fitness, health and lifestyle have become a lot more complex than they actually are.
Dom Mazzetti or should we say Mike Tornabene, has taught us that fitness, health and life in general does not need to be too serious or mundane. It can have an element of fun to it and still be effective.

Dom Mazzetti Profile & Stats

Dom Mazzetti Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Dom Mazzetti

Dom Mazzetti, whose real name is Mike Tornabene, is known as the “Bro Science Guy”, a comedic fictional character who shares advice on topics like college, fitness, and women. Growing to be an Internet sensation, while working hard and sculpting a shredded physique, Mike is able to use his platform to reach massive amounts of people using Dom Mazzetti as his tool.
Below is a complete breakdown of his profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimens.

Full Name: Mike Tornabene (a.k.a. Dom Mazzetti)

Date Of Birth

185-195 lbs.


Comedian, Fitness Influencer, Online Personality

Dom Mazzetti, whose real name is Mike Tornabene, was always making comedy sketches and writing comedic bits from a young age. Using the Internet as his outlet, he and a friend began building this online brand through high school and even college, working with each other over video chats to continue their journey.
With their videos receiving positive feedback, they needed to get more eyes on them so they decided to start taking it more seriously. Needing money, they worked odd jobs, but Mike decided to get a personal training certificate thinking a gym job would give him good money.
Eventually, the character of Dom Mazzetti was born. With Mike now into fitness and the character of Dom growing more and more popular, success began to happen quickly. Using Dom as his outlet to talk about topics like college, fitness, and women, Mike and his fictional personality took off and are now a huge influence on the online world.

Mike relies on his training to give him that edge when it comes to building a shredded physique. Below are two workouts for triceps and biceps that Mike performs to build those massive, well-defined arms. A great training routine with perfect form can properly develop your muscles for only the best gains.

Skullcrushers: 3 sets, 10 reps
Straight Bar Pushdowns: 3 sets, 10 reps
Overhead Triceps Extensions: 3 sets, 8 reps
Rope Pushdowns: 3 sets, 10 reps
Close Grip Bench Press: 3 sets, 10 reps


Bicep Curls: 3 sets, 8 reps
EZ Bar Curls: 3 sets, 10 reps
Preacher Curls: 3 sets, 10 reps
Concentration Curls: 3 sets, 10 reps

While Mike uses his own supplements of choice, a protein powder is a great supplement in anyone’s regimen. What a good protein powder will do is boost growth and recovery by working to pump you with protein, an essential macronutrient for your muscles. Other notable supplements for increased strength and mass include creatine, mass gainers, and casein protein, all of which can aid in building a massive physique. The best supplements on your shelf will be a game changer for your gains.