Tag: Dorian Yates

Dorian Yates Explains Why ‘You Don’t Need To Do Squats’ & Training 4x a Week for Mr. Olympia
Bodybuilding legend Dorian Yates stood out from the pack during his days of professional competition with his intense training methods. The English talent led one of the most successful careers in the IFBB Pro League by going against the grain when it comes to training philosophy. In a recent interview with Escaped Fitness, Yates explained why there is no need to do squats for muscle growth and opened up on training four days a week for the Mr. Olympia competitions.
Dorian Yates rose to prominence for his shocking muscularity, size, and stellar conditioning as a Men’s Open contender. He presented arguably the best back muscle development of any competitor in the history of the sport. After taking silver in his Olympia debut, Yates secured his maiden Sandow trophy in 1992. He proved to be a dominant champion who racked up a total of six Mr. Olympia wins until 1997.
Yates was renowned for staying away from the spotlight in the off-season and only making his presence known for competition. His tendency to stay on the sidelines and avoid media attention earned him the nickname ‘The Shadow.’ While most bodybuilders used the traditional approach of working for a fixed number of sets and reps, Yates focused on pushing himself to near failure in every single training session.
In Nov. 2022, Yates reflected on the beginnings of his bodybuilding journey as a troubled teenager in prison. He opened up on the intense mindset he adopted in which he was completely obsessed with bodybuilding. He credited the sport for helping him turn his life around at a crucial point.
Bodybuilding veteran Rich Gaspari compared the backs of Yates and reigning Mr. Olympia Hadi Choopan to criticize ‘The Persian Wolf’ last December. He used the comparison to prove that conditioning levels had dropped significantly from era to era.
Dorian Yates maintains a high level of personal fitness. He reported excellent findings after undergoing a health check and VO2 max test earlier this year. Despite being in his 60s, his biological age was estimated to be between 30 and 39.
‘The Shadow’ offered barbell rows with an underhand grip as his favorite exercise for building a jacked back two months ago. Then, he stressed the importance of keeping proper nutrition and rest for optimizing hormone balance.
In another offering to fans, Yates provided a few of his high-intensity training techniques to increase the difficulty of workouts. His next update encouraged his fans to focus on completing a full range of motion and using slow negatives to boost muscle growth in the lower body.
Related: Ten Ways to Boost Your Squat
Dorian Yates Explains Why ‘You Don’t Need to do Squats’
In a recent YouTube video, Dorian Yates shared why it is not necessary to include squats in your training plan.
“I always ask why. That’s a big thing with me,” said Yates. “Squats are the best things for legs everyone says. Why? Alright let me try to do something else. I did believe that until squats damaged my hip so I had to try and do something else and I discovered you can do it another way. You don’t need to do squats. Everybody was training six days a week and 20 sets and all this stuff from the Arnold era and didn’t make sense to me.”
Yates revealed he follows the teachings of Arthur Jones, founder of Nautilus when it comes to training frequency and achieving muscle growth.
“I read Arthur Jones’s writings, who’s the guy that built the Nautilus machines and looked into the real science of muscle building and so on and Mike Mentzer of course carried on that high intensity training. So, it made logical sense to me. Then when I applied it in the gym, keeping notes and so on, I got very good feedback from day one. I noticed that if I train more often or increase the volume and time in the gym, I stopped progressing. Okay, let me take a couple of days rest and go back to a more abbreviated routine, train three days a week, no more than an hour, boom, start growing again. There’s the feedback.”
Yates used to train 4 days a week for Mr. Olympia
’The Shadow’ revealed he only trained four days a week with a maximum of one hour per session for the Mr. Olympia contests.
“Three days a week I was training initially when I first started training because I was working a job as well and couldn’t recover training more often than that. That’s what the feedback showed me so I listened to it. Later on, training for Mr. Olympia, I was training four days a week and maximum one hour in the gym.”
“People struggle with that because they don’t understand the key. The key to stimulating muscle growth is the intensity of the exercise and the fact that you’re progressively overloading and giving your body something that it’s not used to and it needs to react. Muscle Growth is just a reaction to a stress that the body’s trying to protect itself from.”
The 61-year-old laid out a straightforward approach for building muscle with efficient training and recovery.
“This is the process, stimulate, overload, recovery, after recovery, overcompensation, growth, so if that recovery or stimulus period isn’t sufficient, you’re not going to grow. There needs to be a balance between all that. Intensity and recovery. So if you’re going in there hammering your legs. You’re breaking them down and damaging them and they’re sore, and then four days later you train them again and still sore, damaged, how are you getting anywhere? You’re not really getting anywhere.”
Dorian Yates offered the training and steroid cycles he utilized while preparing for contests in his heyday. He also opened up on his reasons for using TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) after retiring from the sport. As of late, Yates described his experience using ayahuasca in the Amazon rainforest, which he says helped him achieve a new level of mental clarity.
Yates’ latest offering goes against the common belief that squats are a must in any training plan for muscle growth. Given his experience and accolades, Yates continues to be a service to the bodybuilding community.
You can watch the full video below:
RELATED: 6x Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates Guides Junior Mr. Universe Kaya Yusuf Through Brutal Back Workout
Published: 28 May, 2023 | 1:27 PM EDT

Dorian Yates Shares Optimal Time for High-Intensity Training: ‘Give Your Body Stress It’s Not Used To’
Legendary bodybuilder Dorian Yates carved out his own space in the sport with his intense workout philosophy. He dominated the Men’s Open division with unreal back development during his days of competition. In a recent Instagram post, Yates shared the optimal time for performing a high-intensity workout for muscle growth.
Dorian Yates made a name for himself with insane muscle mass, size, and stellar conditioning in the 90s. Starting his career on the national circuit, he earned a qualification to the Mr. Olympia competition in 1991. He turned in a strong performance and took silver behind eight-time champion Lee Haney in his Olympia debut.
Yates returned with a vengeance the next year and secured the coveted Sandow trophy. He went on to defend the title successfully five times in a row and moved on from professional competition after his sixth win at the 1997 Mr. Olympia. Besides his package, he was also renowned for his intense training techniques and tendency to stay away from the spotlight.
Yates laid out his favorite bodybuilding cycles he used in competition last October. He revealed Dianabol as his steroid of choice and detailed his use of TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) by micro-dosing daily. He opened up on the strong mindset which never allowed him to compromise on training, diet, or recovery. Although he doesn’t have any regrets, he admitted he could’ve taken things a bit easier.
The 61-year-old Brit set a high bar for the Men’s Open division. His impact can be felt to this day. In Dec. 2022, bodybuilding veteran Rich Gaspari invoked Yates’ back to bash Hadi Choopan’s back conditioning after the 2022 Mr. Olympia.
Dorian Yates offered fans his favorite exercise for building muscle in the back earlier this year. He encouraged using barbell rows with an underhand grip while giving some intensity tips to pack on the pounds. Then, he gave tips on properly performing lat pulldowns by pulling with the elbows.
Yates gave fans a look into some of his staple high-intensity training techniques to optimize workouts last month. He differentiated high-intensity from high-volume training and laid out the difference in using free weights versus machines.
‘The Shadow’ promoted incorporating lying hamstring curls with a full range of motion and a slow negative weeks ago. He believes in controlling the weight at each point to activate muscle growth.
Dorian Yates shares the optimal time for high-intensity training
In a recent Instagram post, Dorian Yates shared the optimal time for performing high-intensity training. Since the sessions are more exhausting, he suggested limiting workout times to 45 minutes.
“Overtraining and under recovering!” wrote Yates. “You need to give your body a stress that it’s not used to in order to get a response.
Bodybuilding is not an endurance sport, the aim is to train hard, heavy and intense to stimulate muscle growth.
If you train too much then your progress will come to a halt.
“It’s not possible to train with high intensity for too long, 45 minutes is enough.
Go to the gym, train… and get out. Each minute of my training was incredibly intense but with purpose and focus.”
Dorian Yates revealed his diet and training routine in the off-season and contest prep along with the steroid cycles he used last month. He revealed he quit steroids altogether and credited TRT for helping improve his mental health after retirement.
RELATED: Bodybuilding Legend Dorian Yates Breaks Down What Mr. Olympia Judges Look For
Yates opened up on his experience taking ayahuasca in Brazil as well. He argued against focusing solely on success and highlighted the need to practice self-love to achieve happiness. Considering the success Yates achieved, many will look to follow in his footsteps to level up their fitness game.
Published: 26 May, 2023 | 6:50 PM EDT

Dorian Yates Shares Keys to Happiness and Reflects on Ayahuasca Spiritual Journey
Dorian Yates is one of the most successful talents to emerge from the IFBB Pro League. In a recent interview with Rob Lipsett, Yates talked about his spiritual journey on ayahuasca, a psychoactive brewed drink chemically similar to DMT (dimethyltryptamine).
During a tenure that saw him compete mostly during the 1990s, Dorian Yates established himself as a frontrunner in the Men’s Open division. Following eight-time Olympia winner Lee Haney‘s reign, Yates ushered in a new era of mass monsters. He used dry conditioning, size, and impeccable detail to cement his dominance.
Yates adopted a unique training style en route to becoming one of the best bodybuilders in the world. He refused to tailor his workouts around reps or sets. Instead, Yates trained to near failure on the regular and pushed his body to extremes when he made time for the gym.
Dorian Yates / Instagram
While Yates left the sport on top in 1997, his love for bodybuilding is evident in retirement. At 61 years old, he maintains an incredible physique and often showcases training sessions and techniques online. In his latest endeavor, he discussed what it was like consuming ayahuasca at a retreat deep in the Amazon rainforest.
Dorian Yates Talks Hallucination on Ayahuasca Journey: ‘I Thought It Was Poisoning Me’
While staying in Brazil, Yates said he was introduced to ayahuasca by a local.
“We got a guide and went on a boat down on the Amazon [forest] for a couple of days to get out with nature. So, she came with me. We just met but I was still half in the party zone still there. I’m in Brazil, and I thought, ‘Wow I’m in the Amazon.’ I said to the guy, ‘Oh can we get some coke?’ He’s like, ‘Of course, it’s the best.’ It’s raw shit there, from the plant! I head there and we’re going out, do a bit of that, a bit of vodka, I don’t think I even knew, just keeping it quiet.”
“That’s where I was at. We’re out on the boat. I’m like, ‘Hey when we go out on the boat, can you get that stuff, I heard about that stuff ayahuasca, that drink stuff.’ He’s like, ‘Yeah, I’ll get it.’ You know, I don’t know what he got, whether it was ayahuasca or really strong ayahuasca, I don’t know you know. Please kids, don’t do this at home. It’s not a recommendation here. This was wild west stuff. I didn’t know what I was doing. He didn’t know what he was doing. He got me some ayahuasca, apparently, I believe it was.”
Yates said the ayahuasca caused him to violently throw up. Moments after, he could hear and feel a ‘female entity’ who told him to stop poisoning himself.
“I had a guide that was Indian, and the guy said to me, ‘So you’re doing the ayahuasca tonight?’ He said, ‘Don’t smoke any weed then today,’ because you’re not supposed to. I didn’t do any of that shit I was smoking and drinking vodka the night before.”
“I’ve gone and I’ve done the ayahuasca, I drank it; and I’m just being violently vomiting, violently sick [after taking it],” said Yates. “I thought this ayahuasca poisoning me but actually what it was was a female entity, something you can hear or feel [hallucinations], it’s talking to me, [saying], ‘Stop poisoning yourself.’ So that was that. That was my experience.”
Yates Defines Success and Breaks Down What Happiness Means
Yates defined success as having a positive impact on the world and said happiness is achieved by ‘loving yourself.’
“What’s success? How do you define success? I mean, some people define it by material possessions, ‘Oh that guy is very successful, he’s got a big yacht and this and that.’ But that’s not necessarily success, it’s not necessarily happiness because there’s a lot of rich people who are very miserable. So, what is happiness? I think it’s being comfortable and being in love with yourself.
And projecting that out to the world, and what success is that you learned a lot and ultimately you had a positive impact on the world and the people around you that you came in touch with during this life. So, when you check out of here, if somebody asks you or you ask yourself and I’ve spoken to a lot of other people who have clinically died because it was something I was interested in at some point, what happened to them? Normally, they go to this place of total peace and then they’ll see their life in front of them. But they don’t see it they feel it as well,” Dorian Yates said.
‘The Shadow’ isn’t the only bodybuilding icon from the 90s who uses hormones to stave off aging. Bodybuilding veteran Rich Gaspari, who built a legacy with conditioning and striated glutes, continues to share various anti-aging peptide stacks he takes to preserve his body.
RELATED: Dorian Yates Shares High-Intensity Training Strategies: ‘Make it Harder for Your Body to Recover
As of late, Yates gave an update on his health and revealed he was weighing 235 pounds. He used the update as an opportunity to underline the dangers associated with bodybuilding and said he was grateful to reap the benefits of hormone replacement therapies.
This wasn’t Dorian Yates’ first hallucinogenic experience. Last summer, the 61-year-old received a ‘new perspective on life’ after trying out the popular compound DMT, which he described as a ‘powerful life-changing medicine.’
Watch the full video below:
Published: 29 April, 2023 | 1:45 PM EDT

Dorian Yates Reveals His Contest Prep, Training, Steroid Cycles & TRT Use after Retirement
Bodybuilding legend Dorian Yates stands out as a six-time Mr. Olympia champion with a distinct training philosophy. In a recent Rob Lipsett interview, Yates revealed his competition prep, training, and the steroid cycles he used as a competitor. He also opened up about his reasons for getting on TRT after stepping away from professional competition….

Dorian Yates on Building Legs with Hamstring Curls: ‘Use a Full Range of Motion & Slow Negative’
Legendary bodybuilder Dorian Yates made a name for himself with his arduous training techniques. In a recent Instagram post, Yates shared a demonstration of how to effectively perform hamstring curls for lower-body muscle growth.
Dorian Yates emerged as a bodybuilding superstar from the United Kingdom in the early 90s. He started his run in regional and national competitions before earning an invite to the Mr. Olympia contest in 1991. He proved his potential by bagging silver in his debut, falling short of eight-time champion Lee Haney.
After narrowly missing out on the win, nobody could stop Yates in his second appearance. He won his maiden Sandow trophy in 1992 and led a commanding reign that saw him capture six titles. He retired after his final Olympia win in 1997.
During his heyday, Yates earned a reputation for staying away from the limelight. He would spend the off-season away from the camera and let his physique do the talking when he returned to the stage for competitions. ‘The Shadow’ was also renowned for his challenging workout routines. He pushed himself to near failure in every single training session instead of focusing on following a certain number of reps and sets like many other traditional bodybuilders.
Dorian Yates opened up about his journey as a competitor last November. He candidly talked about his deep passion for the sport and credited it for saving his life. His impact on the game can be felt to this day. After Hadi Choopan won the 2022 Mr. Olympia, bodybuilding veteran Rich Gaspari used Yates’ incredible back development to bash Choopan’s conditioning levels.
The 61-year-old maintains a regular schedule and stays healthy in his later years. He reported positive findings after undergoing a health check and VO2 Max test that determined his biological age to be approximated at 30-39 earlier this year. Two months ago, Yates left fans stunned with a ripped physique update. He boasted his lean core and arms while performing a workout on a beach in Brazil.
Yates laid out some of his favorite exercises that helped him craft a barn door back last month. He placed barbell rows with an underhand grip at the top of the list along with some intensity tips. Then, he provided a guideline for balancing hormones and staying fit after moving on from competition.
Dorian Yates strengthens lower body with hamstring curls
In a recent Instagram post, Dorian Yates shared his demonstration of effectively performing lying hamstring curls to achieve optimal muscle growth.
“Hamstring curls!
Performing a set of lying hamstring curls, controlled with a short squeeze at the top.
With hamstring curls, think of them as performing bicep curls but for your legs.
As always, control the weight and use a full range of motion with a slow negative.”
He added that he still lifts weights twice a week; one upper body and one lower body training session for 30 minutes.
RELATED: Tom Platz Reflects on Training ‘Unknown’ Dorian Yates: “He Surpassed Everything I Taught Him”
One of the last times fans heard from Dorian Yates, he gave tips on how to execute the lat pulldown, a staple in his training routine. He stressed the need to pull with your elbows to take the load off the biceps. He followed that up by offering some tips on how to incorporate other high-intensity training strategies.
Published: 19 April, 2023 | 5:46 PM EDT

Jay Cutler Compares His Workout Tempo to Dorian Yates’ Heavy Duty Training Intensity
Mr. Olympia winners like Jay Culter and Dorian Yates reached the top of the sport utilizing different training methods. In a recent JayCutlerTV appearance, Cutler examined Yates’ intense training style and revealed some of his goals for later this year. Before Cutler’s rise in the IFBB Pro League, Dorian Yates dominated the 1990s with stunning…

Dorian Yates Explains What Bodybuilding Judges Look For During Mr. Olympia
Dorian Yates is a bodybuilding legend who recently shared some insight on judge’s thoughts.
There are certain bodybuilders that carry a lot of weight when they speak. Dorian Yates is one of those legendary competitors that has remained an influence in the sport. During a recent interview, Yates discussed the process that judges go through during the biggest competition of the year.
Yates won the Olympia six times during his career. He became known for the insane mass in his back. There are many who believe Yates has the most impressive back of all-time during his career. In retirement, Yates has remained active in the gym and has even started coaching the next generation.
Yates certainly knows a thing or two about how to be successful on stage and it is important to get into the minds of the judges.
Dorian Yates Explains What Judges Prioritize During Competition
As the shows go on, there are many stages where judges can get a good look at competitors. They are looking for different areas during each part and Dorian Yates recently let listeners in on the process.
“There are seven compulsory poses. The double bicep, the lat spread, all that kind of stuff. There’s seven of those and then there’s four relaxed poses or strictly semi-relaxed poses. From the front, from the side, from the back so you see all the angles in a relaxed state. Then you see all the poses, the seven compulsory poses,” Yates said.
“You see all the muscles when they’re posing. Everyone has to do this. That’s why they are called compulsory, obviously. You compare Mr. A to Mr. B.”
The process begins when competitors are seen for the first time on stage. Judges get a chance to callout different athletes in order to compare them to each other. Of course, this comes before bodybuilders put together their final routine.
Dorian Yates explains that judges are looking for the entire package — proportion, conditioning, and size.
“They’re looking for the best guy in each pose and it’s a combination of proportions, size, and conditioning. If you got all those and put them in a pot and mix them together, that’s what you are looking for.”
Dorian Yates was one of the best competitors during his time on stage. Because of this, he had the confidence and was able to use it to his advantage.
“Fun fact, I was the last one to take off my tracksuit. I knew everyone was waiting to see my physique so I’d be playing little mind games. I let them wait so they’d think about me more than they thought about what they would do on stage.”
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Dorian Yates Leads Fitness Star Mike Thurston Through Intense Bodybuilding Leg Workout
Dorian Yates pushed Mike Thurston to failure with his latest leg routine.
Dorian Yates became known for his massive back during his time on stage. His overall passion and motivation in the gym built a championship physique. Yates continues to work in the gym and lead some intense workouts. Fitness star Mike Thurston joined Yates for an insane leg workout.
Yates won the Olympia title six consecutive times from 1992-1997. He is now 60 years old and maintains a shredded physique in retirement. Thurston has built a huge following on social media eclipsing millions of followers. This is not the first time that the two have gotten together, hitting a chest and bicep workout previously.
Below, checkout the full details of the workout between Dorian Yates and Mike Thurston.
Dorian Yates and Mike Thurston Leg Workout
Deep Wall Squat
The warmup portion of the workout was a deep wall squat. This was to stretch out the muscles before taking on some heavy weight. To get the most out of the warmup, you should keep your legs close together.
“You can feel the bottom of the glutes stretching. You’re just going to sit there for two minute. Well, I tend to do the static stretching more after the workout these days. When the whole body loosens up, then I’ll do some mobility movements with you.”
Lying Bent Over Knee Oblique Twist/Leg Raise Twist
The next exercise was done by swinging hips side to side. Dorian Yates led Mike Thurston through this part of the workout and demonstrated it himself.
“It’s working around your lower back and your glutes, it’s warming that up. Now we’ll start with the first one now.”
Leg Extension Machine
Following two exercises that could be categorized as warmups or stretches, Yates and Thurston hit the major parts of the workout. It began with the leg extension machine. Yates suggested that you remain standing following sets on this machine.
“If you sit still, you delay the recovery because you’re just sitting there and letting all the waste sit in your legs. If you move around a little bit and breathe.”
Dorian Yates explained that he does 10 minutes of cardio per week. Also, during leg day, Yates focuses on performing strong reps rather than a high number. This is why he focuses on reps before hitting failure.
Lying Leg Press Machine
The lying leg press machine is up next. This is an exercise that hits hamstrings, quads, and glutes. There are certain instances where legs can be hit all at once and this is one of those workouts.
“You’re going to get more out of this as far as quad work. You’re going to feel this a lot more. We’re not going to need to warm up too much, one or two sets to warm up, and then all-in.”
Yates is an advocate of warming up before workouts but he believes there is such thing as “excessive warmups.”
Hack Squat Machine
The hack squat machine is one of the best to activate the quads. To get the best out of this machine, it is beneficial to work slowly on the way down before exploding up.
“Find your foot position, it’s going to be dependent on your leg length generally. We’re going close yeah. Toes are bent out like that. We’re going to go down deep here.”
Prone Leg Curl
The penultimate workout was prone leg curls. This is another workout to hit hamstrings. Dorian Yates explained to Mike Thurston that he does not have to go to failure in every exercise.
“The lesson to be learned there is: you don’t necessarily need to go to absolute failure beyond failure with every single body part.”
Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift
To end the day, the duo hit barbell stiff leg deadlifts. The workout lasted close to an hour and both were exhausted at the end. Dorian Yates continues to be an influential name in bodybuilding and shared his wisdom with Mike Thurston during this workout. Now, others can take it on and see how taxing it can be.
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Bodybuilding Legend Dorian Yates Trains Fitness Star Mike Thurston During Chest And Biceps Workout
Dorian Yates took Mike Thurston through an insane bodybuilding workout.
Bodybuilding legend Dorian Yates is known as one of the best bodybuilders of all-time. Many consider his back as the biggest spectacle the sport has ever seen. With his combination of size and conditioning, Yates won six consecutive Olympia titles. He remains extremely active in the gym and recently trained fitness star Mike Thurston through a chest and biceps workout.
The 60-year-old Yates has remained shredded during his retirement years. During his time off stage, he has focused on his health in many ways. Thurston decided to take on a workout with Yates in his recent video.
Thurston is a fitness star that has built a massive following on social media. He met with the bodybuilding legend at the M13 gym in Marbella, Spain for a huge workout.
Dorian Yates Shares Wisdom During Chest And Biceps Workout
Dorian Yates walked Mike Thurston through this workout and provided his wisdom during each exercise.
Decline Bench Press
Seated Chest Press Machine
Neutral Grip Incline Dumbbell Fly
Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curl
Standing EZ Bar Curl
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Decline Bench Press
Dorian Yates began this workout with a medium-grip decline bench press. He explained that he likes to start chest days with a compound exercise. It depends on which day it is when Yates is determining which exercise to use first. Yates instructs Thurston to pre-exhaust certain body parts.
“Some body parts like back and legs, I do pre exhaust…I prefer to start with a compound exercise on chest,” Yates said.
While performing the exercise, Yates makes sure to work his chest over his triceps. This can be done by keeping his hands in a medium grip. This grip also makes sure that the range of motion is not limited with the grip being too far apart.
Seated Chest Press Machine
The next exercise on the list is the seated chest press machine. Yates focuses on the negative movements, as these provide results. Also, he continues to explain how different muscles react differently depending on the rest period.
“My pecs were not my strongest body part. My chest was not my strongest body part. So I used super intensity techniques, whereas my back I would just go to failure. It’s not something to be overused because it’s very stressful on your nervous system.”
Neutral Grip Incline Dumbbell Fly
Mike Thurston moved onto neutral grip incline dumbbell flys as his next exercise. Again, Yates wants to make sure that all of the work is being placed on the chest and not the triceps.
“You don’t want to lock out at the top. That’s more triceps. We’re trying to keep the tension on the pecs. You’ll notice, you’ll get to a certain point and the resistance is falling off.”
Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curl
Dorian Yates moves onto an exercise that is meant to isolate the bicep. He was extremely conditioned during his time on stage, despite his massive size. Yates is a believer in pushing some exercise uses to failure in order to exhaust the muscle. He remains interested in aesthetics in bodybuilding, as well.
Standing EZ Bar Curl
The final exercise of the day was a standing EZ bar curl. Dorian Yates has been able to remain fit in retirement and does it by maintaining his routine.
“I do the weight training to maintain my muscle mass not to try to increase it, just to maintain it at a certain level. Then, I do some high intensity cardio intervals on the bike. Something like that. Yogo or Pilates for stretching or movement.”
Mike Thurston ends the video by asking Dorian Yates to train legs with him next. In retirement, Yates has continued his passion for fitness and health. He explains how he used steroids for over 12 years and believes that bodybuilders now are pushing too many compounds.
Yates is no longer taking steroids but he has tried some other recreational drugs. He is beginning to see life in a different way but has maintained his love for the gym.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Dorian Yates Reflects On DMT Experience: ‘I Was Able To See Through The Machine Of Reality’
Dorian Yates admits that his psychedelic experience on DMT was “life-changing.”
Dorian Yates is a pioneer in bodybuilding for creating a new meaning for the term “mass monster.” Today, there is size all over Men’s Open but Yates was one of the first to bring that different level of size and conditioning. He remains influential in the sport but recently shared a post on social media in a different avenue. Yates explained his “life-changing” experiences while using Dimethyltryptamine.
Yates decided to share what he felt, along with a picture of a picture of his intense back tattoo. In a recent Instagram post, Yates explained his psychedelic experiences while on DMT. He claims that he has “a new perspective on life.”
“My first time taking DMT gave me a new perspective on life.
I felt like I had all the answers, that there was nothing to stress about.
That there was no death, no end and no beginning, that life is just a game that we’re all playing.”
Dorian Yates continued in his caption discussing how this experience changed his views on life and what he saw during this time.
“No need to take it so seriously.
I was able to see through the machine of reality.
It’s like seeing through a computer’s code and you see all these numbers.
I saw numbers and geometric shapes, like I was seeing the construct of what’s behind our reality.
Psychedelics can be powerful, life changing medicines but of course, must be taken under supervision.”
Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster
Dorian Yates was the topic of the Generation Iron film Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster. He was able to achieve the highest level of success during his time on the bodybuilding stage because of this mass.
There are only four competitors ahead of Yates when discussing the most Olympia victories of all-time. He was able to win six consecutive titles from 1992-1997 and completely dominate the sport. While the entire package was elite, Yates became known for his massive back at his peak.
What we have seen from this Instagram post is that Dorian Yates is enjoying his retirement in many ways. He has taken on psychedelics and believes that they can be used to clear your mind and give a new outlook on life.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.