Tag: exercise balls

Ball Busting: Get Lean With Exercise Balls

Ball Busting: Get Lean With Exercise Balls

Here are some exercises that can help you get in shape using exercise balls!
It is technically winter time but that is no excuse to allow your abs to be covered with all that visceral fat, so put the cookies and milk down and read how to stay or get lean and ensure your abs are on point this year only using exercise balls…. And with it nearly being the holidays I don’t mean borballs. 
So let’s look at different balls you can use to keep those abs on point, starting with one of my favorites:

The Slam Ball
Now the slam ball is sometimes referred to as the medicine ball but that is not correct, as the slam ball is significantly different as it is specifically designed for throwing exercises and can take the impact against hard surfaces and will not bounce back and hit you in the face.
Slam Ball Exercise 1

Standing overhead slam

Feet shoulder width apart
Hold the slam ball with both hands
Extend the ball over your head
Then slam it to the ground with full force
Squat down to pick it up
Repeat accordingly 

Alternative version:
Oblique focused

So rather than going straight on, lift the ball over your head but this time target the left and right side separately. 
So lift over the left hand side
Slam down on that side
Squat to pick up
Then slam down on the right side
And repeat accordingly 

Slam Ball Exercise 2
Slam Ball reverse scoop toss 
This move seems to have a variety of names but this seems to sum it up perfectly, this move can also be done with a wall ball.

Feet shoulder width apart
Holding the ball with both hands
Then squat down and throw the ball over your head and behind you as far as you can 

Add a sprint
After each scoop sprint after the ball and reverse scoop toss in the direction you came from and continue doing so until you complete you desired reps.

The Wall Ball 
Now the next piece of equipment I want to focus on is the wall ball, again the name is a dead giveaway, as it is usually used to hit walls with.
The wall ball is a lot bigger than the slam ball or medicine ball and is not designed for slamming but great for hitting against walls or throwing overhead.
Wall Ball Exercise 1
Wall ball rotational throws

Standing a few feet away from a wall
Hold the wall ball with both hands
If the wall is to your right then take the ball towards your back hip (on the left hand side)
Then while rotating your body throw the ball against the wall 
This should be an explosive movement 
Catch the ball 
The repeat for desired reps
Repeat on opposite side and ensure you do same rep range 

Wall Ball Exercise 2
Wall ball throws

Standing close to a wall 
Hold the wall ball with both hands
Ensure it is chest height
Then squat down 
And drive up and throw the wall ball uo and slightly forward so it hits the wall
Then catch the ball and descend into a squat and back into the next rep
Repeat for desired reps accordingly 

Wall Ball Exercise 3
Wall ball partner squat toss

Standing opposite a partner about 5-6 yards away
One of you will be holding the wall ball
Then squat and toss the ball to your partner
Your partner will catch the ball and then squat and toss back to you accordingly
Keep repeating for desired rep range

This exercise can also be done with a medicine ball.
Make it harder:
Add intensity by mirroring your partner, so squat when your partner squats even when you do not have the ball.

Medicine Ball
So now let’s move onto the most commonly found ball in gyms up and down the country, it is of course the medicine ball.
Medicine Ball Exercise 1
Medicine ball stomach hits
So my first exercise is a real gut buster (pun intended).

Start by lying down on the floor
Have your training partner standing over you with the medicine ball in hand
Have your partner throw the ball towards your abdomen
Ensure you take the hit and try not to catch or block the ball
Once it has hit its intended target area grab the ball and throw it back to your partner 
Then brace yourself again for the next hit
Repeat for desired rep range 

Alternative target area:
Oblique focus

So if you want to only target the obliques only, have your partner stand much closer. 
They will literally be towering over you.
They will be holding the ball constantly and not letting go at any point
Brace your abs 
And ensure they hit the obliques with ‘mini’ hits on one side
Once one side has been annihilated, move onto the other side

Medicine Ball Exercise 2
Medicine ball kneeling partner twists 

Make sure you are kneeling down
And back to back with your partner who should also be kneeling down
One of you should have a medicine ball to hand
Both of your brace your cores 
Then slowly twist to one side and pass the ball to your partner (so your left will be there right and vice versa)
To keep things symmetrical ensure to twist and pass in the opposite direction also, so if you have been passing to your left for 20 seconds, pass to your right for the same duration of time

This can also be done standing up.
So there you have it, some great exercises to get you in tip top shape during the holiday season. And if your gym doesn’t have any of the balls mentioned in this article then you better add it your holiday wish list.
So until next time, keep pumping! 
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