Tag: Exercise Guides

The Stomach Vacuum: What It Is, Benefits, & More From Bodybuilding Experts
In 1979, bodybuilder Frank Zane made physique sports history when he struck a now-iconic pose on stage at that year’s Mr. Olympia (history buffs will recall that Zane won that competition), captured at the exact right moment by his wife, Christine. Sure, Zane looked great under the lights, as he always did. But a large part of why…
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How to Do Heel Touches to Strengthen Your Obliques
The heel touch exercise is simple, but it ain’t always easy. It targets your oblique muscles, builds core strength and stability, requires no barbells or other equipment, and is scalable for all fitness levels. This guide will bring you through how and why to do alternating heel touches, give you variations and alternatives to try, dig deep into…
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The 12 Best Mobility Exercises From a Physical Therapist (+ Tips)
Mobility training is a bit like eating your vegetables. You don’t particularly want to, but your parents insist — “you need them to grow up big and strong,” they probably said. As it turns out, they were right. If strength training is the meat and potatoes of your exercise routine, mobility exercises are your “micronutrients”. The right mobility…
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How to Do Triceps Pushdowns: Form Tips, Best Variations, & More
Believe it or not, your triceps take up about two thirds of the total mass in your upper arm. If you’re into building muscle and want to ensure your arms aren’t a weak point, you need to train your triceps. But you can’t just do dozens of sets of bench presses a week and expect to blow up…
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How to Do the Back Squat: Learn Form, Variations, and Benefits
Everyone squats. There are very few exercises that athletes and gymgoers alike, regardless of their sport or goal, all practice in some form. But the squat is one of them. Barbell back squats — which means holding the resistance across your upper back — are just about the best compound exercise you can do for your lower body….
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How To Do the Frog Pose for Better Hip Flexibility and Posture
Whether you spend all day confined to your workdesk or are a full-time powerlifter, there’s a good chance you’ve got tight hips. Luckily, the right mobility work can help you open up your hips and alleviate discomfort both in everyday life and during your workouts. The frog pose comes from Sanskrit yoga, where it is known as Mandukasana….
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How to Do Hip Thrusts the Proper Way: Variations and Benefits
Few exercises compare to the hip thrust when you’re on the mission of building strong and powerful glutes. In the fitness world, the hip thrust has grown in popularity due to the increased understanding of how strong glutes carry over to pretty much every aspect of life, especially performance in sport and the gym. This article breaks down…
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How to Do Glute Kickbacks to Build Your Butt
If you’ve been on board the bigger butt train, certain lower body exercises stand out. Squats, deadlifts, lunges, and hip thrusts have the center stage. But when you’re likely too tired for another set of squats, the glute kickback is ready to target your backside — without the added strain of another heavy barbell. Here’s how this glute…
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The Power Clean Exercise: How To, Variations, and Fix Common Mistakes
One issue with Olympic lifts is that they take much time and skill to master. This sucks because the snatch and clean & jerk are fantastic movements with benefits that extend beyond the sport of weightlifting. That said, you can reap many of those benefits in a fraction of the time by performing the power clean, a simpler,…
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How to Overhead Press: Technique, Variations, and Benefits
Whether you’re a powerlifter, strongman, weightlifter, a CrossFitter, or bodybuilder, you know about the big three; the bench press, deadlift, and squat. There is, however, one more movement that you should consider a must-do — the overhead press. A staple in every strength sport, the overhead press has more aliases than Danny Ocean. You may know it as…
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