Tag: Exercise Guides

The Best Arm Exercises to Add to Your Workout Routine
It’s ok to want big, strong arms. Lifting weights can boost your confidence, improve your health, and make you stronger — but wanting to look buff in a sweater is a perfectly acceptable goal, too. Aesthetics aside, bigger stronger arms can help you lift more weight. After all, you use your arms in some fashion whenever you train…
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How to Do the Sumo Deadlift, According to a CPT
The sumo is the dark horse of deadlifting. The first time you saw someone split their legs in the gym and yank a bar-bending amount of weight, you were probably more than a little puzzled. It may have even made you wonder if you’d been approaching your deadlift workouts the wrong way all along. The question, then, is just…
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How to Do the Nordic Curl to Power Up Your Hamstrings Without Weights
The Nordic curl is not for the faint of heart… or hamstrings. Don’t be misled by the fact that this move is “merely” a bodyweight exercise. Once you truly dive into this move, thoughts of adding weight will likely leave your mind. Instead, you’ll have to focus on one rep at a time — that’s how much focus,…
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How to Do the Perfect Dumbbell Row: Variations & Alternatives
The dumbbell row, also known as the single-arm dumbbell row, is one of those exercises that will stay in style. It’s also simple as heck to do — you kneel on a bench and row your arm to your side — and it requires just a dumbbell to load the movement. There’s a reason bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger and…
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How to Do Hammer Curls — Benefits, Variations, and More
If there’s one unifying fact among strength athletes from different sports, it’s that’s they all appreciate (or at least have) a large pair of arms. Though different athletes train for different feats of strength, bigger and stronger arms help them in their pursuits. The hammer curl offers a simple twist on the traditional dumbbell curl, fortifying an athlete’s…
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How To Do the Inchworm Exercise Correctly (+ Guides and Tips)
When it comes to warm-up exercises and drills, the good ol’ KISS principle — that’s “keep it simple, stupid” — applies. Sure, there are times when you might need to break out a specific movement to tackle a nagging injury or warm-up a particularly stubborn joint before your exercise session. But if you just need to break a…
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How to Do the Kettlebell Halo for a Stronger Core and Better Shoulder Mobility
It might not be the halo Beyoncé was talking about, but it’ll still give you a glow in the gym. The kettlebell halo may look a little unconventional, but this highly functional kettlebell exercise will be a positive ray of light for your core and shoulders. This move is an excellent ab exercise to promote core stability, while…
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How to Do the Wall Sit for Core Stability (+ Best Variations)
Every core exercise has its place. Planks, for example, are a great introduction to ab workouts that you can do just about anywhere. You can then strengthen your abdominals quite a bit by performing moves like the hanging leg raise, cable crunch, or ab rollout. But there’s something to be said for taking things back to basics once…
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The 17 Best Glute Exercises for Size, Strength, and Activation
The gluteus maximus — that’s your butt for the uninitiated — is the largest muscle in your body. Even if filling out a pair of jeans isn’t at the top of your priority list, bigger, stronger glutes will help you build better squats, deadlifts, and everything in between (yes, even overhead lifts). If you can’t figure out the most efficient…
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