Tag: fat loss

How to Stick to Your Fat Loss Resolutions

How to Stick to Your Fat Loss Resolutions

How to Stick to Your Fat Loss Resolutions
Alrighty, we’re at the tail end of January. You know what that means? That means you either spent the month lifting and dieting like a champ or you spent the last month dorking around as you reach your hand into the bottom of the Doritos bag for another straight night.
Scary how I know where you’re at huh? Fortunately, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with sticking to their fat loss resolutions. This is more of an issue of psychology and behavior change rather than a physical fitness or dieting concern.

You know you’re supposed to diet and exercise. Those things are good for you. That’s a no brainer. What you don’t realize is your psychology is stubborn and rationalizes poorly on your behalf.

Here’s why.
Humans think that a New Year will bring change. However, the only change is the calendar year switching. Apart from that, you yourself have to change. More specifically, your behaviors, environment, intentions, and even relationships have to change.
If you expect to suddenly change because you set a New Year’s resolution, you’re gravely mistaken. That’s not to say setting New Year goals are bad. In fact, some research even finds it helpful, but there is so much more to it (1). The real objective is not to have cool goals. The objective is to actually accomplish cool goals.
So with the tough love mostly out of the way, let’s get into how you can actually stick to your New Year’s resolution and  get the lean body you want.
Form Better Habits
Everybody wants change, but nobody wants to change. Unfortunately, your behavior is what determines where you’ll be in a few months. It’s about doing, not talking.
Furthermore, it’s not only about what you do today, it’s about what you do tomorrow and the day after that.
Repetitive behaviors are what we call habits (2). We all have endless habits without realizing it whether It’s as simple as brushing your teeth or as nuanced as buying a dozen donuts and binge eating every time you think about your ex.
What you do consistently is essentially the train that you’re taking towards a destination. If you’re looking to lose body fat, you have to reverse engineer that goal and break it down into a few key habits to practice.
These habits will make or break your results because it’s this simple:

Either put in the work and eventually ride your way to victory.
Or you don’t and your lack of action takes you on a train away from your goals.

Fortunately, when it comes to fat loss, a few key changes is all you need to start melting fat off your body.
For example, it could be as simple as tracking all your calories, eating 2 fistfuls of vegetables at every meal, and working out four times per week.
If most people could do the above, the world would be an infinitely leaner place. It’s not rocket science, but I get it. You’re a human. You’re prone to mistakes and while the game plan is simple, it’s not always easy. Do this next.
Make It Specific
When you’re struggling to reach your goals. You have to make your habits more specific (3). Being specific is not disordered behavior. There is nothing wrong with drinking the same exact protein shake between meals or working out at the exact same time/day each week.
It’s not obsessive, quite the opposite actually. Specific routines and behaviors take the guesswork and stress out of things because you know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it.
Vagueness will kill your goals. Think about it. Which of these people will stick to their training program better?

Person A who will try to workout 4 days per week.
Person B who has scheduled 4 workouts into his calendar each week at specific times.

You’ve been person A for too long. Get specific with your behaviors. Preciseness will hold you accountable.

Start Small
Another way to increase the likelihood of behavior change is to start small. We want big grand changes, but it’s quite hard to go from couch potato to training 7 times per week.
Don’t aim for big changes. They don’t work because your ambitions don’t match your actions.
If you’re struggling to stick to your New Years Resolution, you don’t need to try harder, you need to lower your expectations.
The funny thing is, when you start small, it can grow into bigger habits with bigger results. This is how successful dieters do it. They don’t actually seek to lose 30-40 pounds right away. They seek out to lose 1-2 pounds. Then they try to lose another 1-2 pounds. Eventually, this snowballs into something bigger.
But you have to start small. Do what you can manage and then scale from there. If you’ve never worked out before, aim for 3 workouts per week for 45 minutes each.
If you suck at dieting, focus on eating more protein and veggies instead of doing some extreme diet.
Get Accountability
There’s nothing like personal accountability. You need to have people to prevent you from falling off the deep end into another dozen donuts. Put your ego on the line.
You may think you can do it by yourself, but you’ve tried that for years. You need someone to hold you accountable because your own biology doesn’t find diet and exercise comfortable. It would much rather lay on the couch and inhale a bucket of fried chicken.
To mitigate that, find a coach, friend, or family member to hold you accountable. Get clear on what you want to accomplish and the exact habits that you will practice to take you there. Accountability is not just on them, but also on you. You have to be willing to accept the consequences and be vulnerable with any shortcomings.
A good rule of thumb is to find somebody who is empathetic and encouraging, but also willing to call you out on your bs.
You do that and watch your life change.
Modeling Behavior Change
So reaching your New Year’s Resolution comes down to changing your behaviors. Changing your behaviors comes down to practicing habits. And successful habit practicing comes down to starting small, being specific, and staying accountable.
There’s no shortcuts around this. In the words of Montell Jordan, “This is how we do it.“


A;, Oscarsson. “A Large-Scale Experiment on New Year’s Resolutions: Approach-Oriented Goals Are More Successful than Avoidance-Oriented Goals.” PloS One, U.S. National Library of Medicine, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33296385/.
Lally, Phillippa, et al. “How Are Habits Formed: Modelling Habit Formation in the Real World.” Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 16 July 2009, onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ejsp.674.
Gollwitzer, Peter M., and Paschal Sheeran. “Implementation Intentions and Goal Achievement: A Meta‐Analysis of Effects and Processes.” Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Academic Press, 7 May 2006, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0065260106380021.

Best Ways To Kick Off Your New Year’s Fat Loss For Gains

Best Ways To Kick Off Your New Year’s Fat Loss For Gains

Start the new year right with the best approach to fat loss.
It’s that time again. New year, new you, right? So often is the new year a time to restart, give ourselves a chance to reset, and launch into a whole new set of goals we think are worth pursuing. Knowing the best ways to kick off your New Year’s fat loss can be massive, for fat loss seems to be a common goal amongst many of us. Maybe you ate a bit too much this past year, or with everything going on you let the diet slip. Fear not, for there are easy and effective ways to ensure your gains continue without a hitch.
Why fat loss matters isn’t solely to look good and have a shredded aesthetic. Sure, for those of us bodybuilders, we can’t afford to have that additional fat lurking around. But what about the average fitness folks, the ones who aren’t counting every calorie, every rep, and every ounce of fat they have put on? With the right approach for them, it is more than possible to see the gains you want most while losing fat and only giving yourself the best chance at physique success.

Let’s jump into the best ways to kick off your fat loss goals to start the new year so you will have a better understanding of just what to do. With the right approach just around the corner, all of the fears and potential insecurities can be solved with no problem at all. Fat loss may be challenging but it is not impossible through taking the right steps.

Best Ways To Kick Off New Year’s Fat Loss
Through each of these steps, you will have a better understanding of just how to lose fat and work towards a leaner, more shredded aesthetic. Losing fat can be hard, but it can also be fun as you see great progress, only leading to bigger and better gains.

Set Realistic Goals

The worst thing we can do for ourselves is to set goals that are out of the range of possibility. We want to make sure the goals we set are realistic and can work for your benefit by not discouraging you, but by empowering you to continue further. Starting small is a great way to see little victories to ultimately win the larger battle.

Don’t Buy Into Quick Weight Loss Schemes

So many people and websites will tout the quick weight loss scheme. You know the one. Lose 50 lbs. in a week. That just doesn’t work and is simply not healthy. Losing weight is a process and those quick weight loss schemes may work for a day or two, but there is no foundation to stand on. Losing fat in the healthiest of ways is what is needed to see effective change.

Eat Slower & More Controlled

We love to eat fast and for some reason find it enjoyable to mow down our plate and not actually enjoy our food. Eating slower will limit the number of portions you consume and actually allow you to enjoy what you are eating, giving you that increased sense of satiety (1). Letting your stomach rest before getting more will be a great way to actually see if you want more.

Up The Protein For Gains

Protein is imperative for not only muscle growth, but also fat loss. By staying full, you limit the amount of snacking and work to kill those unwanted cravings. By putting adequate amounts of protein into your body, you are able to build gains while also working on losing as much fat as possible (2).

HIIT Workouts For Calorie Burn

High intensity interval workouts work to promote fat loss and change your body composition by increasing your heart rate and combining endurance work with strength work. By burning more calories, you increase your metabolic rate and will start to use those fat stores for energy, thus taking inches off. Plus, by building muscle, you start to avoid catabolism and get the most out of a seriously effective workout (3).

Resistance Training For Added Muscle Mass

Through resistance training, you will better build lean muscle, thus taking that fat and turning it into muscle. The increased demand for energy will also pull from stores to constantly take fat away for the best results. Through compound exercises in particular, you will start to see great gains through multi joint movements, thus giving you the benefit of fat loss with more calories needed (4).

Find A Quality Gym Or Up Your Home Gym

Definitely finding a quality gym is key and can work wonders for your gains. Since gym memberships can get expensive, beefing up your home gym with kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells, and more can be a great way to ensure gains in the comfort of your own home.

Best Supplements For New Year’s Fat Loss
While the above tips are great for seeing fat loss to tackle those goals, supplements can also be of great help and will most certainly give you what you need to see great fat loss. Through diet and training, fat loss will occur, but think of supplements as those little boosts to give you a helping hand. Of course, a fat burner is a great supplement to kickstart your metabolism, used stored fat for energy and work for appetite suppression. Also, CLA supplements are interesting and some people love taking CLA for their fat loss goals. While supplements are based on preference, looking into a premium fat burner will be a great way to see fat loss gains.
Wrap Up
Losing fat can be hard, but the best ways to kickstart those fat loss goals for the new year will be easy with the right approach. We all want that shredded aesthetic so let’s make it happen. By setting goals, following the right steps, and using premium fat loss supplements, we are one step closer to seeing the fat loss we want most become reality.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato


MacDonald, A. (2010). “Why eating slowly may help you feel full faster”. (source)
Leidy, H.; et al. (2015). “The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance”. (source)
Roy, M.; et al. (2018). “High-Intensity Interval Training in the Real World: Outcomes from a 12-Month Intervention in Overweight Adults”. (source)
Westcott, W. (2012). “Resistance training is medicine: effects of strength training on health. (source)

10 Tips To Lose Weight In A Jiffy

10 Tips To Lose Weight In A Jiffy

Lose Weight Quickly With These Techniques
Contrary to popular belief, losing weight isn’t as hard as some people take it to be. Many people make the wrong decisions in their diet, training, and recovery programs which is why they don’t see results.
It might come as a surprise to you, but you can lose a significant amount of weight in a couple of weeks and be on your way to your dream physique. Be it summer or bulking season, you’ll have abs year-round if you follow the tips mentioned in the article.
Count Your Calories

If you want to lose weight, your first goal should be to design a diet for yourself and get comfortable counting your calories and macros. You can’t afford to depend on eyeballing the food and trusting yourself to make the right food choices every time.
Become A Cardio Ninja
If you want to lose weight in a hurry, you need to be doing two cardio sessions in a day. The first session will be a 30-minute fasted low-intensity steady-state (LISS) workout and the second a 10-minute high-intensity interval training session.
Cycle The Carbs

Changing your daily consumption of carbohydrates can have a major impact on your body fat percentage. You should follow a diet plan where you have three low-carb days (100 grams or less), followed by a single high-carb day (2 to 2.5 grams per pound of body weight).
Say No To Dairy
The regular intake of dairy products can hinder the fat loss process. The elimination of dairy products can come as a shock to some people, but if you’re someone who has stubborn body fat, you should consider cutting out dairy products from your diet.

Drink Plenty Of Water
Some people think that their body fat is nothing more than water weight and they try to get rid of it by reducing the amount of water they drink. For a successful weight loss journey, you need to make sure you’re drinking at least a gallon of water every day.
No Cheat Meals
Depending on your fat loss goals and the time duration of your program, you’ll need to stay away from the cheat meals. Eating a single serving of junk food can set you back by weeks if you’re on a schedule.

Have Smaller But Frequent Meals
Since people directly relate food and their body fat percentage, some make the conscious decision of having bigger but less frequent meals. Eating more but less frequently can be counterproductive as it slows down your metabolism which can fasten up the fat storage process in your body.
Use Supplements
With the advancement in sports nutrition, there are many supplements on the market that can aid fat loss. Supplements like fat burning pills, L-carnitine, Citrulline Malate are some of the favorites as they boost thermogenesis.
Say No To High Fat Food
Although food containing high-quality fats is essential for your body’s optimal functioning, you shouldn’t stock up your cupboards with nuts. If you’re looking for something that you can snack on, your options should be made of foods with high carbs and protein, and low-fat content as the latter is much harder for your body to burn.
Rethink Your Beverage Consumption
Whatever your poison of choice might be (beer, whiskey, rum or coffee), if you are a regular consumer, they’re probably hindering your fat loss progress. On the other hand, if you don’t consume caffeine regularly, consuming it before a workout can help in shedding weight.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Are you bulking or shredding? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

5 Things About Fat Loss You Need To Know

5 Things About Fat Loss You Need To Know

Things To Know Before You Start A Fat-Loss Program
Most people get a gym membership to shed off the extra kilos but quit the fit lifestyle soon after they don’t see any results. The biggest thing the unsuccessful people lack isn’t a training program or diet, it’s the right knowledge.
You’ll be saving yourself a ton of time and effort if you begin with the right knowledge about weight loss. In this article, we’ll be dropping serious knowledge and busting age-old fat loss myths.
Don’t Rely On One Area

When people start their weight loss journey they tend to give more value to the aspect of the program which feels more comfortable to them. For example, some people will value diet over cardio and the others think cardio is all that matters.
Apart from cardiovascular training and diet, there are other aspects of fat loss like recovery and supplementation which you need to consider. Relying on a single factor will lead you nowhere.
Count Your Calories

Most of the people who want to shed weight think that counting calories is too tedious, boring and isn’t for them. They like to eyeball the quantity of their food and trust themselves to make the right food choices. We all know how it ends.
You should also start following a diet plan or at least keep a food log to track your progress. Don’t be that individual who under-estimates and under-reports their calories by not accounting for snacks, condiments, beverages, or simple “taste tests” throughout the day.

You Can’t Compensate For An Unplanned Cheat Meal
Before eating an unplanned cheat meal, most people think they’ll compensate for it in the gym the next day by training a little harder or longer. A single unplanned cheat meal can throw you off track and send weeks of progress down the gutter.
You need to get rid of the mindset that exercise allows you more leniency with your food choices because of metabolic adaptations. Also, we’re sure most of the people with this mentality have no idea how many extra minutes on the treadmill will burn off the calories from the ice cream they’ll be eating.
Your Mind Will Effect Your Body
Your psychological health plays a vital role in your physical health. If you take on too much stress, get less sleep, or have unhealthy eating habits, it will show in your physique. Mental and physical well-being go hand-in-hand.
High levels of stress boost the level of cortisol in your body which can drop the testosterone levels in your body. Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for everything to do with puberty and building muscle mass.
Don’t Take The Weight Scale Too Seriously
Some people are obsessed with achieving a number on the weight scale. Yes, it is just that, a mere number. There is no set number you should weigh if you want to be healthy, look muscular or athletic.
More than the number on the scale, you should focus on your body composition, energy levels, or some performance markers you want to achieve. Going after some digits on the scale is a close-minded way of approaching fitness.

What is your fitness goal? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

The Best Ways To Reduce Hunger For Better Weight Loss

The Best Ways To Reduce Hunger For Better Weight Loss

Kick those cravings and shed fat.
Picture this. You’re sitting at your desk, typing away or potentially chatting with a co-worker. But that rumble in your stomach is to much to bear. You get up and seek out a snack. But what’s in the drawer? Most likely not the food you need to see and continue to see those gains you want most. Cravings are unfortunate but finding the right ways to reduce hunger can only assist with all your desired goals especially when it comes to weight loss.

So, how do we go about this? Well, it takes a well-thought out routine and the proper approach to training and your diet. Typically those cravings come on because you didn’t eat enough, or maybe you didn’t eat the right food to keep you full. Empty calories and those foods we love to eat are sometimes not the best option when it comes to staying full and seeing all of those gains we love most. While we may enjoy them, they aren’t great at reducing hunger, in fact, they may actually just spur this on.
Let’s take a look at the best ways to reduce hunger so you can efficiently burn fat and not worry about unwanted cravings sneaking in. The right approach to training and nutrition can be an easy and effective way to see those results you want most without dealing with the low confidence of a body you don’t want.

Best Ways To Reduce Hunger
Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to reduce hunger to kill any of those unwanted and undesired cravings.
Protein & Fiber
Foods high in protein and fiber are bound to keep you full, while also giving your digestive system some assistance. The right foods working to keep us full are exactly what we need most to see real gains and those whole foods high in protein and fiber will taste great while offering the best nutritional benefits to reduce hunger (1,2).

Proper Hydration & Water Intake
Making sure you are hydrated and drinking enough water is exactly what you need to succeed and will aid in not only your health, but also keep you full. Drinking water throughout the day, but also before meals is an easy way to feel full so you don’t overeat at said meal and take in unwanted calories (3).
Smaller Portions
Eating those massive portions only a couple times in the day can lead to consuming to many calories. Of course, weight loss happens when more calories are burned than taken in so looking to eat smaller meals throughout the day will keep you eating, but in a healthy way, and reducing your desire to snack. Plus, this will keep your metabolism moving efficiently and constantly burning for fuel.
Try To Lower Stress
Stress can kickstart those cravings and we may start to “stress eat”. Maybe you’ve heard of this, but when your body feels stress or anxious, we start to eat to find that comfort. We have busy lives and schedules and working towards ways to be mindful, maybe through yoga, a relaxing stretching routine, or meditating, can help alleviate stress and ultimately lead to less snacking (4).

Work To Burn Fat
Working to burn fat may take time, but that’s okay. Following a diet and working in a great training routine won’t be the cure all solution to losing weight in an instant, but working with this overtime will prove to yield great results. Sleep and optimizing your health are great ways to recharge so you can better tackle those grueling workouts to burn fat and keep you more alert and willing to follow a good diet.

For training, high-intensity interval training and resistance training are great ways to burn fat and change fat to muscle (5). Not only will get you fit and aid in your bodybuilding or sport specific movements, but it will also tone and sculpt your desired physique so you see those gains you want most. As long as you stay moving and work to continue to burn calories, the right diet and strict attention to detail will prove to be the best for all your weight loss goals.

Great Supplements For Reducing Hunger & Burning Fat
An effective way to reduce hunger and see weight loss are with the right supplements. What supplements will do are add to your dietary and nutrition routine so you never lack those vital nutrients. A protein powder is a great supplement for growth and recovery, but also keeping you full. By pumping you with necessary protein, you work to reduce cravings to keep you as full as you can be, and in a healthy way. Also, meal replacements have the ability to fill you up by providing the right balance of macronutrients, along with other nutrients, so if you can’t get a whole food meal in your day, at least you will stay full to limit snacking (6).
For those fat loss goals, two supplements to consider are fat burners and CLA. These will work to kickstart your metabolism and get your body burning calories so you can work on that shredded aesthetic. With stimulant and stimulant-free options, these supplements work into whatever diet or lifestyle you follow and can greatly assist all of your fat loss goals. Plus, these will also work to reduce hunger to limit those unwanted cravings.
Wrap Up
Reducing hunger can be hard. Many of us love to eat. We enjoy food and want to take full advantage of cooking a delicious meal. But throughout the day we may find ourselves snacking and taking in those unwanted calories that we just can’t afford to take in. With these approaches to reducing hunger, you will also capitalize on weight loss to see those goal you want become reality. With an emphasis on proper training and nutrition, you can burn fat and kill any of those unwanted cravings and binges.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Paddon-Jones, D.; et al. (2008). “Protein, weight management, and satiety”. (source)
Lattimer, J.; et al. (2010). “Effects of Dietary Fiber and Its Components on Metabolic Health”. (source)
Popkin, B.; et al. (2010). “Water, Hydration and Health”. (source)
Yau, Y.; et al. (2014). “Stress and Eating Behaviors”. (source)
Willis, L.; et al. (2012). “Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults”. (source)
Noakes, M.; et al. (2004). “Meal Replacements Are as Effective as Structured Weight-Loss Diets for Treating Obesity in Adults with Features of Metabolic Syndrome”. (source)

These Common Fat Loss Mistakes Will Kill Your Lean Gains

These Common Fat Loss Mistakes Will Kill Your Lean Gains

It’s simple to slip up and ruin your gains with everyday mistakes.
Let’s face it. Whether you’re a professional bodybuilder who just the average lay person, being in lean athletic shape is always an attractive idea. You could be inspired by your favorite superhero or just simply want to make a healthy lifestyle change and will eventually be flirting with the idea of getting into shredded condition.
In order to bring that to pass you’re going to have to shed fat and build muscle in order to look at impressive as possible. But so many individuals going about losing fat in the wrong ways, ultimately leaving them feeling defeated. While trying to burn fat and get shredded, many individuals make mistakes along the way, mistakes that end up costing them in the end. So what are the most common mistakes people make when they’re trying to get rid of fat? The list below should answer that question pretty handily.
Thinking A Carb Is A Carb

Many people look at carbs as either the worst thing to put into your body ever or fuel utilized for getting you through a tough workout. If anything the latter makes more sense than the former.
You see, you can’t look at a carb like a carb. By that we mean that simple carbs are the ones you want to avoid more so than complex carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables are great complex carbs that can give you fuel while white breads, white pastas, and sugary snacks can spell doom for your waistline. The only time you should be eating simple carbs is after an intense workout in order to replenish glycogen levels.
Not Eating Enough

Dieting is key to shedding fat, but you never want to go overboard. The idea is that you want to eat enough calories in the day in order to fuel the body for a hard workout at the gym. When you want to lose fat, being in a calorie deficit is a must. But dropping the calories too drastically will just slow down your metabolism and ultimately send the body into starvation mode, forcing it to hold onto fat rather than burn it.
Avoiding Fats
Fats may be calorie dense but they are a necessary part of your diet. Dietary fats live oily fish and avocado are loaded with nutrients that will have a positive effect on your physique and performance. Fats don’t make you fat, sugars and simple carbs are the culprits. If you’re cutting simple carbs then it’s great to replace those calories with healthy fats, as well as protein, which will promote greater fat loss as well as increased testosterone, another key component to muscle growth and fat burning.
Not Doing Enough High Intensity Work
It’s good to get some miles in on the treadmill, no doubting that. The hard truth is that doing steady state cardio will be great cardiovascular system, but will eat away at your muscle. Upping your training intensity, whether it’s with HIIT cardio or by performing HIIT strength training, putting in the hard in the gym is essential if you want to drop the fat and look like a shredded god.
Have you made any of these mistakes when trying to burn fat? Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Are the Fruits Helpful For Body Fat Loss?

Are the Fruits Helpful For Body Fat Loss?

Are the Fruits Helpful For Body Fat Loss?             There are several foods that come to mind when we think about nutrition engineered for fat loss. Eggs and whole grains are among the most popular, leafy vegetables and lean meats often come up, and some trendy “superfoods” like almonds and […]
The post Are the Fruits Helpful For Body Fat Loss? appeared first on What Steroids.

Avoid These 5 Dieting Mistakes To Make Progress

Avoid These 5 Dieting Mistakes To Make Progress

5 Most Common Dieting Mistakes
It’s no secret that following the right diet is the key to losing weight or gaining muscle mass. Designing the right diet is like solving the matrix for most people, and they give up without trying.
Most of the people who do start a diet, give up soon after they don’t see any results. Almost all diets fail because of a few fundamental problems. If you avoid the common mistakes, you’ll be on your way to making serious progress.
Cutting Out The Fats Completely
When some people start a diet plan, they take fats to be the villain and design their diets to exclude the macronutrient from their diet completely. Removing fats from their diet is a big reason most people don’t see any results while dieting.
Fats are an essential macronutrient and play a vital role in joint and bone support along with maintaining an energy reserve in the form of fat which can be used by the body in times of emergency. Not consuming the proper amount of fats in your diet forces your body to store fat and can lead to joint pains and other functioning issues.

Not Doing Cardio
While following a customized diet plan for reducing fat or building muscle will start working on its own, you’ll need to add cardio to the mix to fasten up the process especially if your goal is weight loss.
Adding cardio to your training routine is a great way of maintaining a calorie deficit which will help you shed the extra kilos, and reduce the body fat percentage. You should consider adding a 10-minute session of HIIT cardio to your program.
Misunderstanding Carbs
After fats, carbohydrates are considered to be the enemies of fat loss by some people. Many of the rookies try to bring down their daily carb intake into double digits unknowing it’s going to do more harm than good.
As a rule of thumb, you shouldn’t drop down your daily carb consumption below 1g per pound of bodyweight until you’re in the final weeks leading up to a competition. If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re not going to step on stage anytime soon.
Becoming Way Too Strict
Many people get too strict and serious about their diets when they start out. They cut out all the fats and carbs from their diet and stick to a narrow and incomplete diet. These people eventually burn out and quit the fit lifestyle.
When you’re starting out, you need to follow a rational approach and gradually add or subtract from your diet. Cutting out your normal food too fast can make you feel drained out and you might end up deciding this lifestyle is not for you.
Jumping Ships
Some people get disheartened when they don’t see the results they were hoping to see. Thanks to the advancement in the dietary space, there are many different diets to follow and people sometimes get spoilt for choice.
When some people don’t see results, they end up deciding that the diet they are currently following isn’t suiting them and switch to a new diet. You need to give your body time to adjust to a diet so you can see results.

How many different diets do you know about? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

10 Fat Loss Myths That Are Ruining Your Health

10 Fat Loss Myths That Are Ruining Your Health

Most people get a gym membership to lose weight but how many of these people do you think achieve their goal and how many end up falling for the fat loss myths? If you don’t want to look into the stats, just look around yourself and figure out how many of your friends and family joined a gym but soon gave up on their new year’s resolution.
Fat loss isn’t as hard as it is made out to be. Most people fail to shed the extra kilos because of the ill-advice they receive from the bros at the gym and the fat loss myths that surround the process.

The other thing about weight loss is that it is a process. You need to do a series of things right if you want to see progress. While many people get most of the things right, they mess up a few things which keep them from achieving their dream physique.
In this article, we will try to cover most of the aspects that play a role in helping you lose the spare tire. If you do nothing else but avoid falling for these fables, you’d be doing better than the average Joe at your gym.
Avoid These 10 Fat Loss Myths
Eliminate Fats & Carbs From Your Diet

When people start training, one of the first things they’re told is that fats and carbs are their enemies. Most noobs associate the macronutrient fats with the tire around their bellies and they make cutting fats out of their diets the sole mission of their lives.
Carbs are the second soft target. Don’t forget not all carbs and fats are created equal. Good fats and carbs are responsible for the health of your skin, nails, hair, joints, brain, energy levels, and overall proper functioning of the body.
Saunas Are Your Best Friend
Since sweating is related to fat burn, many people assume that sitting in a sauna for a few hours every week will help them trim down a few inches off the waistline. It is the reason you see overweight men socializing in saunas. After bars saunas are probably the second most favorite place for unfit men to hang out.
What you lose sweating your balls off in a steam room is not fat but water weight. Ever felt thirsty and dehydrated after a sauna? That’s because you got rid of a lot of the stored water in your body. Worst yet, the lost water weight will be added back as soon as you eat a salty meal or drink your favorite soda.
Fat Loss is Just a Matter of Few Weeks
People who start their weight loss journies overestimate what they can do in a short period of time and underestimate what they can achieve in the long run. Although some people narrow down the concept of weight loss to “calories in, calories out,” the truth is it is a little more complicated than that.
Each person has a different set of hormones, metabolism, environmental factors, and potential underlying health issues that could all play a role in how much weight you lose. A newbie should never give their weight loss process a deadline – unless they want to be disappointed.
You Can Target Fat Loss – Probably the Biggest Fat Loss Myth
Sport reduction remains to be one of the biggest fat loss myths. Some people join the gym with very specific demands. They either just want to lose their love handles or the cellulite on their thighs. The sad news is, no matter how much spot reduction is promoted and how many products for it are introduced, it’s never going to work.
You can lose overall weight and body fat by eating the right foods and following a diet plan but you can’t pick and choose the spots from where you want to lose weight first. So, get that sauna belt off off your underarms already.
Exercise Alone Can Save You
It’s common knowledge that you need to be moving and challenging your body to shed the excess fat. The problem here is that some people get over-dependent on exercise and forget the other things that go hand-in-hand with it.
While spending countless hours on the treadmill can make you feel like you’re making progress but the needle won’t budge in the right direction if you’re not eating the right diet or letting your body recover from your workouts.
Cut Everything You Can From Your Diet
Some people perceive switching to a low-calorie diet to be a quick method of losing weight. If you’re one of the people who prefer opting for the low-calorie crash diet, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Always remember that under-fueling is as risky as over-fueling.

Juice Cleanse is the Solution
One of the newest fads of the fitness industry is the juice cleanse. They are promoted as the perfect way to detox and lose weight quickly. Although the juice diet reduces your calorie intake drastically, it can spike your blood sugar levels as you’ll be consuming a lot of sugar. The sugar spike can lead you to gain weight which is the exact opposite of why you started the juice cleanse.
HIIT Are The Most Effective
Due to their effectiveness, HIIT workouts have gained a cult for themselves. But if your sole aim is to lose weight, doing only HIIT cardio isn’t a good idea. Adding lower-intensity workouts to your routine is as important as HIIT because they lower your body’s level of cortisol (a hormone responsible for making your body store fat) which is a big culprit in weight gain.
Cheat Days Are Okay
Most people like to have a cheat day in their schedule as they feel it helps them satiate their cravings and refuels their body with a boatload of carbs. Instead of scheduling cheat days, stick with cheat meals or small treats that don’t derail the progress you’ve made.
Once You Stop Training, You’ll Gain All The Weight Back
This is one of the biggest misconceptions amongst people who never join a gym. They think all their efforts will go in vain because all the weight they’ve lost will be back as soon as they stop working out.
Adding the weight back depends on factors like if you’ll go back to your old unhealthy lifestyle or if the weight you lost was water weight – in which case there’ll be high chances of adding it back. If the weight you lose is through the right means and process, you won’t be putting it back on unless you make some bad lifestyle choices.

Which myth did you fall prey to when you started training? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat For A Desired Physique

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat For A Desired Physique

This is how to get rid of stubborn belly fat so you can be comfortable and confident with a shredded aesthetic.
Most people get a gym membership to lose weight and get in shape but stubborn belly fat is certainly something that is much harder to lose than with a simple gym membership. It takes constant work, continued dedication, and knowing just how to get rid of stubborn belly fat in a safe and effective way so as to not hurt your lifestyle or overall goals. Belly fat can be very stubborn and might take some serious work ethic to lose. Don’t fool yourself into thinking love handles are cute. Anyone who says they are is lying and while the sentiment of keeping your confidence up is there, why not try and give yourself the best chance at seeing the weight loss you know you deserve by looking into ways on how to lose stubborn belly fat. Trust us, we know it’s hard, but it’s absolutely possible.

There is no such thing as “spot reduction” and you can’t expect to lose the fat around your midriff with a few crunches. If you have been trying to lose your stubborn belly fat but have not been successful, this article is what you need. Taking that leap and finding out just how to get rid of stubborn belly fat is important, but again, takes more than just working out. It requires a solid plan of attack, a great strength training program, a clean diet, and an effective supplementation routine. But more importantly, it takes a will to want to change and get better because that is the only way we get things done and make it happen. Stubborn belly fat is just that; stubborn. But it is possible to lose it, work hard, and see a shredded physique others will certainly envy.
Let’s dive right into this and find out just how to get rid of stubborn belly fat so all of our goals can be achieved. With the right plan and routines, we can absolutely work to change our physiques and give ourselves the best chance at serious growth. When you work hard and follow the process, you won’t be disappointed by the results. Without further adieu, let’s take a look at how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

Top Ways To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat
From your diet, to your training, supplementation, and other factors, losing that stubborn belly fat is achievable and absolutely worth trying to do.
Diet and nutrition play an integral role in losing body fat and many of our gains happen in the kitchen. If you don’t understand nutrition and can’t design a diet plan for yourself, it’s advisable you take the help of a professional. Experts know just what works and doesn’t work for people and can put you on a solid plan to get you on track to fully succeed.

Think of protein as an absolutely necessary part of your diet. Protein is beyond important for our weight loss and muscle building goals, and as the key and foundational blocks to muscle growth, it would be foolish to ignore protein. A high protein intake can lead to fullness and reduced snacking, a great first step in how to lose stubborn belly fat (1). By building muscle and increasing strength, you also work to change your body composition and rely on fat stores for fuel, thus breaking up that stubborn belly fat and thinning out.
Fiber is also an important component to this as it is vital to look for ways to keep yourself full. When you stay full for longer, you don’t snack and pump excess and unnecessary calories into your body that will just be stored as fat (2). Fiber will also help keep your digestive system healthy overall.
Carbs & Fats
Carbs and fats tend to be where things get tricky. We need them for they are two of the three macronutrients our bodies need to thrive. But eating too much, or eating the wrong kind, can start to hurt our gains. These two provide for things like energy and cognitive focus, but it is important to remember to have them in moderation so as to not pack on unwanted weight which can be stored and seen as stubborn belly fat.
Things To Avoid
One key piece to the puzzle on how to lose stubborn belly fat is to not eat a lot of sugary foods. While it is of course okay to indulge here and there, a constant intake of sugar can lead to weight gain and that stubborn belly fat you seek gone (3). Limiting your alcohol intake is also wise for heavy alcohol consumption can work against your weight loss goals.

Strength training and cardio are perfect for kicking off your training routine for strength training works to change your body composition and pack on that lean muscle, while cardio can give you a great boost to shed calories and work to burn that stubborn belly fat.
If you’ve been reading about losing weight, you might have come across the concept of fasted training. Fasted training is when you work out first thing in the morning before eating your breakfast. The fasted training works because your body has already entered in a fat burning state because of being fasted throughout the time you were sleeping (4). Make the most of fasted training by following high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts.
Although spot reduction doesn’t work, you can target the areas you need to work on during your workouts. You can target your abdominals by doing specific exercises to get them in shape. Working with exercises that target stubborn belly fat is a great way to begin the process and can really attack those stubborn spots.

Compound exercises are also great for eliminating stubborn belly fat because they work multiple muscles at once to burn calories, build muscle, get a sweat going, and make you feel accomplished. Compound exercises like deadlifts, squats, and push-ups are perfect for targeting those stubborn areas while also giving your body great changes to composition and lean muscle growth.
Compound Exercises For Stubborn Belly Fat
Let’s take a look at some good exercises to help form a training plan that will really spark some weight loss and help you see that desired physique by losing stubborn belly fat.


Walking Lunge

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Dumbbell Goblet Squat





Box Squat

Inverted Row

Barbell Romanian Deadlift

Barbell Overhead Press

Advanced/Mass Building


Barbell Bent-over Row

Barbell Bench Press

Barbell Deadlift

Barbell Clean & Press

When it comes to your strength training, look into exercises that you enjoy performing and that are manageable for your body. A lot of exercises may fit your lifestyle and fitness capacity while others may cause unwanted strain which you just don’t need. Talking with a trainer and knowing your body is absolutely key when looking to lose stubborn belly fat and getting your weightlifting goals to where they need to be.

Having a good supplementation routine is absolutely vital on your journey to lose stubborn belly fat. With so many supplements out there, and so many companies created said supplements, it can be difficult to choose and quite frankly it can be overwhelming. With the right supplement, you will be well on your way to producing a body you can be confident in and never have to worry about that stubborn belly fat again.
For your workout goals, a supplement like a pre-workout can give you those desired energy boost and really work for muscle pumps to get you ready to tackle any workout that comes your way. An intra-workout BCAA will work to keep you primed and ready to tackle any challenge that may arise by reducing fatigue and muscle soreness to allow for better, stronger, and more effective workouts. Of course, having a multivitamin will work to give you those daily nutrients you need most and something like a testosterone booster will work to increase vitality and boost those low T levels in men who may be suffering as a result.
But two supplements are vital to losing stubborn belly fat and keeping you on track when it comes to your weight loss and fitness goals. A fat burner is a must if you want that extra boost in getting rid of stubborn belly fat as it will work to boost your metabolism and move that stored fat around to be used as fuel (5). A protein powder will give you the edge when it comes to growth and recovery, while also keeping you full and providing a clean source of protein to boost all of your gains.
Let’s take a look at two awesome supplements which can give you the best chance at changing your physique and helping to answer the question of how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.
Fat Burner: Burn Lab Pro

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues. With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be.
Price: $59.00
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review for Burn Lab Pro here!

Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners for more great fat burning products!

Protein Powder: Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate

Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey boasts an impressive array of eco-friendly accomplishments. It’s organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free. There are no artificial sweeteners — a rarity in a world full of whey protein powder, which are almost always filled with chemical flavorings to disguise the chalkiness of protein. There are also no artificial colorings or preservatives added. If you have a sensitive stomach, allergies, or just care about the environment, this is an excellent choice for you and your body weight goals and is easy to digest compared to a whey concentrate.
Price: $59.00
Click here for the best price
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate here!

Check out our list of the Best Protein Powders for more great protein supplements!

Other Helpful Tips For How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat
While a solid training plan, good diet routine, and proper supplements, you can work to change your physique and burn that stubborn belly fat. But there are some other lifestyle factors that may also help you on your weight loss journey.
Work To Reduce Stress
Our lives can be stressful and we know we have to find a balance between our work life, personal life, and everything else in between. But too much stress can boost our levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, thus triggering negative effects on our body. Cortisol can increase our appetite and influence fat storage (6). When we get stressed, we often turn to those comfort foods but those are typically foods high in carbs, fat, and sugar. Finding ways to reduce stress like working out, meditation, or yoga are ways to stay active while working on producing a better, healthier mind set.

Get Adequate Amounts Of Sleep
We all say we love to sleep yet too often do we not get enough. This ties into our busy lives, for it can be challenging to often times get the proper amount of sleep we need. But with quality sleep we give our bodies time to recover and rest to tackle any challenge that comes from the next day. Especially if you work out, sleep is the time our body heals itself and allows for muscle growth and gains to fully flourish (7).
Keep Track Of Everything
One way to help stick to your goals is to stay on track with everything you do. Writing down your meals, what times you ate, what supplements you took, and what your workouts were like can prove to be very beneficial for you in the long run. While you don’t need to be religious with every detail, being organized and having a list ready is a great way to set goals, boost confidence, and make sure those goals are achieved. Staying more organized can also help reduce stress of the many things you need to do and will promote better sleep knowing you didn’t forget to do anything.
Wrap Up
Losing stubborn belly fat can be hard but there are ways on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat that can boost your training, performance, overall health, and wellness. Whether it be your diet, supplementation routine, training plan, or just making every day changes to better yourself, losing that stubborn belly fat is not as overwhelming as it may seem. Look into fun ways to stay engaged and remember that determination and a will to get it done goes a long way. With a great plan of attack, your goal of how to lose stubborn belly fat is much closer than you think.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Burn Lab Pro, Transparent Labs and Envato

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