Tag: Featured

Mr. Olympia 2021: Watch The Meet The Olympians (LIVE)

Mr. Olympia 2021: Watch The Meet The Olympians (LIVE)

How to watch the Meet The Olympians live stream.
The Olympia 2021 weekend kicked off in spectacular fashion with a new format press conference earlier on Thursday, October 7th. But the press conference is just the tip of the iceberg for an exciting weekend and the biggest event of the year in the sport.
Traditionally, Thursday night kicks things off with two hyped events, the press conference and the Meet The Olympians – an event where fans line up to meet their favorite competing Olympia competitors, take pictures, and sign autographs.

Following in the tradition of last year, the Olympia is live streaming the entire Meet The Olympians event for free. While this is mostly an opportunity for fans to meet one-on-one with the pros, expect to see some on the fly interviews and predictions for the upcoming Olympia 2021 weekend.
Watch the Mr. Olympia 2021 Meet The Olympians Live
For those interested in catching some interviews and last words from the pros before they compete this weekend – you can watch the full live stream of the Olympia 2021 Meet The Olympians right here. 

And if you aren’t dropping the cash to watch the premium feed this weekend (which includes streams of the pre-judging and finals), you won’t be completely left out for the rest of the weekend either. The free live stream also includes other events beyond the Meet The Olympians. Check out the details about the Free Fan Channel below:
Free Fan Channel: Free Live Stream
Even though the Olympia 2021 press conference has concluded and the Meet The Olympians is just underway, there are other events around the competitions themselves. Specifically, the Olympia expo – newly dubbed the Olympia World Fitness Festival.
Here are the events included in the free live stream fan channel:

Press conference
Meet the Olympians event
Olympia World Fitness Festival

For those who want to get the full experience, you’ll have to drop a bit of cash, which is different than past years that included a free stream of the Olympia competitions. You can check out the paid streaming options below.

Premium package & Mr. Olympia Schedule  (Price: $59.95 )
Friday, October 8, 2021

Fitness Olympia Pre-Judging
212 Olympia Pre-Judging
Figure Olympia Pre-Judging
Women’s Physique Olympia Pre-Judging
Ms. Olympia Pre-Judging
Wellness Olympia Pre-Judging
Olympia 212 Finals
Fitness Olympia Finals
Figure Olympia Finals
Women’s Physique Olympia Finals
Ms. Olympia Finals
Mr. Olympia Pre-Judging

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Classic Physique Olympia Pre-judging
Men’s Physique Olympia Pre-judging
Bikini Olympia Pre-judging
Wellness Olympia Finals
Wheelchair Olympia Finals
Mr. Olympia Finals
Men’s Physique Olympia Finals
Bikini Olympia Finals
Classic Physique Olympia Finals

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Olympia SuperStar Seminar

Note: The Premium package does not include the Amateur events.

Clean Supplements that’ll Take you to Olympia
Win gold with elite bodybuilding supplements. Generation Irons top rated pre workout is now part of an elite stack with free postage, % savings and a free blender bottle.

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Amateur package (Price: $29.95)
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Open Women’s Physique
Masters Figure 35+
Open Figure
Masters Bikini 35+
Open Bikini Women’s

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Masters Bodybuilding 35+
Open Bodybuilding
Open Classic Physique
Open Men’s Physique
Masters Men’s Physique 35+

Note: This package only features the Amateur events and does not include IFBB Pro events.
Devices To Watch Mr. Olympia 2021
If you’re worried that you’ll have to be crouched over a computer screen the entire weekend – we have good news for you. There are a wide variety of TV and mobile devices you can watch. That means if you’re on the go or want to have a full TV experience – there are options for you.
See the different devices available for the Mr. Olympia 2021 live stream below:

Apple TV
Android TV
Fire TV

Make sure to stick around the Generation Iron Fitness Network for the latest news and updates from the Olympia 2021.

Watch The Mr. Olympia 2021 Press Conference (LIVE)

Watch The Mr. Olympia 2021 Press Conference (LIVE)

The Olympia 2021 weekend officially kicks off with the much anticipated press conference.
This weekend holds the biggest event of the bodybuilding season – the Mr. Olympia 2021. After a somewhat abridged and adjusted event last year, things still haven’t 100% returned to normal just yet. The event is yet again happening in Orlando, Florida and instead of the typical September scheduling – the event is happening in October. Perhaps this will become the new normal as we move ahead into future Olympia competitions.
Regardless, the sport of bodybuilding continues to persevere and we have an Olympia lineup that should be one for the ages. Not only that, but there is an entire PPV streaming option for fans to get a full virtual experience of the show.

And it all starts with the Mr. Olympia 2021 press conference. It’s kicking off right now and is available to live stream completely free. While the other streams of the competition on Friday and Saturday come at a one time cost – fans can enjoy the initial hype up moments from the press conference right now free of charge.
Watch the Mr. Olympia 2021 Press Conference Live
For those interested in watching some trash talk, hype, and clashes between rivals – you can watch the full live stream of the Olympia 2021 press conference right here. 

For those who won’t be spending the cash on the premium stream of the pre-judging and finals, we have good news for you. The free live stream also includes other events beyond the press conference. Check out the details about the Free Fan Channel below:

Free Fan Channel: Free Live Stream
As many bodybuilding fans who have attended the Olympia weekend in person know, there are other events around the competitions themselves that bring insight into the top bodybuilders of the year. The ‘Meet The Olympians’ event and the Olympia expo.
Due to the success of the fan channel live stream last year, the virtual experience is making a return for the Olympia 2021. Here are the events included in the free live stream fan channel:

Press conference
Meet the Olympians event
Olympia World Fitness Festival (Expo)

Much like last year – those who want to get the full experience will have to drop a bit of cash. You can check out the paid streaming options below.

Premium package & Mr. Olympia Schedule  (Price: $59.95)
Friday, October 8, 2021

Fitness Olympia Pre-Judging
212 Olympia Pre-Judging
Figure Olympia Pre-Judging
Women’s Physique Olympia Pre-Judging
Ms. Olympia Pre-Judging
Wellness Olympia Pre-Judging
Olympia 212 Finals
Fitness Olympia Finals
Figure Olympia Finals
Women’s Physique Olympia Finals
Ms. Olympia Finals
Mr. Olympia Pre-Judging

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Classic Physique Olympia Pre-judging
Men’s Physique Olympia Pre-judging
Bikini Olympia Pre-judging
Wellness Olympia Finals
Wheelchair Olympia Finals
Mr. Olympia Finals
Men’s Physique Olympia Finals
Bikini Olympia Finals
Classic Physique Olympia Finals

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Olympia SuperStar Seminar

Note: The Premium package does not include the Amateur events.
Amateur package (Price: $29.95)
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Open Women’s Physique
Masters Figure 35+
Open Figure
Masters Bikini 35+
Open Bikini Women’s

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Masters Bodybuilding 35+
Open Bodybuilding
Open Classic Physique
Open Men’s Physique
Masters Men’s Physique 35+

Note: This package only features the Amateur events and does not include IFBB Pro events.
Devices To Watch Mr. Olympia 2021
The Olympia 2021 weekend is also getting a bit of an upgrade in terms of flexibility with watching the event live streams. There are a wide variety of TV and mobile devices you can watch. That means if you’re on the go or want to have a full TV experience – there are options for you.
See the different devices available for the Mr. Olympia 2021 live stream below:

Apple TV
Android TV
Fire TV

Fifteen Essential Lower Body Exercises To Add To Your Training

Fifteen Essential Lower Body Exercises To Add To Your Training

Lower-Body Workouts That Build Serious Strength
While the thought of “leg day” tends to put some gym-goers off, training your lower body is extremely important.Performing lower-body workouts and strengthening the legs can have an array of positive effects including enhanced movement, greater stability, reduced injury risk, and even facilitate weight loss.
There is an abundance of lower body exercises that can be performed to help you achieve any or all of these goals.

This article will highlight fifteen essential lower body exercises that you should consider adding to your workouts. It will also provide some lower body training guidelines to keep you on the right track.
The Fifteen Lower-Body Exercises
1) Dumbbell Squat
The dumbbell squat is an excellent exercise that will develop the glutes and quadriceps as well as building core strength and stability.

Stand upright ensuring that your feet are placed underneath the hips
Hold a pair of dumbbells so that they are by the sides of the hips
Lift your chest, pull your shoulders back and down, and engage the core
Bend at the hips and knees and drop the backside down towards the floor
Continue descending until your thighs are parallel with the floor
Pause briefly and then powerfully drive upward to stand

2) Goblet Squat

The goblet squat is very similar to the dumbbell squat and works the same muscle groups. The only difference between the two is the position of the dumbbell.

Begin by standing upright and placing the feet directly under the hips
Using one dumbbell only, hold it vertically and cup the top end with both hands
Hold the dumbbell tight to the chest and ensure that the elbows point directly down
Lift your chest, pull your shoulders back and down, and engage the core
Bend at the hips and knees and drop the backside down towards the floor
Continue descending until your thighs are parallel with the floor
Pause briefly and then powerfully drive upward to stand

3) Bulgarian Split Squat
This is a unilateral (single-limb) exercise that primarily works the glutes and quads of the front leg. It is also a demanding exercise in terms of balance and stability.

Begin by placing a bench directly behind you and hold the dumbbells by the hips
Lift the left foot from the floor and reach back to place it on the bench
Keep the chest up and core engaged to keep your trunk upright
Begin to lower your back knee towards the floor by bending the front knee and hip
Descend until your front thigh is approximately parallel with the floor
After taking a brief pause, drive through the front leg to return to the starting position
Once completing the prescribed reps, swap sides and repeat

4) Lateral Lunge
The lateral lunge requires movement out to the side rather than forward or backward. This exercise places a significant load on the glutes, quadriceps, and adductors.

Start by standing upright ensuring that the feet are directly under the hips
Hold two dumbbells at arm’s length so that they start by the hips
Lift the chest, keep the shoulders down, and engage the core
Keeping the right foot planted, take a step out to the side with the left foot
Push your hips back and bend at the left knee only to drop down towards the floor
Allow the dumbbells to lower to either side of the left knee
Descend until the left thigh is parallel to the floor, pause, and then return to standing
Alternate sides and repeat

5) Glute Bridge
The posterior chain refers to all of the muscles that run up the rear side of the body. The glute bridge is an effective developer of the posterior chain.

Begin by lying flat on your back with your hands by the sides of your hips
Bend the knees to bring the feet in close to the backside ensuring the feet stay flat
Engage your core muscles and engage your glutes to drive your hips from the floor
In this position, a straight line should be formed from the shoulders to the knees
Hold this position for a moment before returning to the floor and repeating

6) Camel
The camel is a squat variation exercise and, therefore, it works similar muscles to the squat. The narrow stance used in this exercise places a greater demand on the quads.

Start in a kneeling position with the tops of the feet on the floor and backside resting on your heels 
Hold a dumbbell in both hands by grasping the end and keep it tight to the chest
Lift the chest, pull the shoulders back, and squeeze the core muscles
Drive the hips right through to create a straight line from the knees to shoulders
In a controlled manner, drop the hips back down to the feet and repeat

7) Resistance Band Single Leg Deadlift
As well as developing hamstring and glute strength, the single leg deadlift demands core strength, stability, coordination, and balance.

Start by placing a miniband around the left foot and grip it with the right hand
Stand up straight and ensure the feet are directly under the hips
Keep a slight bend in the knees, engage the core, and keep the chest up
Lift the right foot from the floor and then hinge forward by pushing the hips back
Let the right leg kick back and continue to hinge until your torso is parallel to the floor
Return to the starting position by driving the hips through
Once reps have been completed, alternate sides and repeat

8) Forward Lunge
Although both feet are in contact with the ground, the forward lunge can really be considered a unilateral exercise with the front leg doing the majority of the work.

Begin with the feet directly under the hips and the dumbbells held by the sides
Drive the chest up, pull the shoulders back and down, and engage the core
Take a substantial step forward and bend the knees to drop down towards the floor
Descend until the front thigh is parallel with the back knee a couple of inches from the floor
Pause momentarily before pushing hard through the front leg to return to standing
Alternate sides and repeat

9) Reverse Lunge
For the reverse lunge, instead of stepping forward as with the forward lunge, you must take a step backward. This change places more demand on the posterior chain muscles. 

Begin with the feet directly under the hips and the dumbbells held by the sides
Drive the chest up, pull the shoulders back and down, and engage the core
Take a substantial step backward and bend the knees to drop down towards the floor
Descend until the front thigh is parallel with the back knee a couple of inches from the floor
Pause momentarily before pushing hard through the front leg to return to standing
Alternate sides and repeat

10) Curtsy Lunge
While less conventional than the forward and backward lunge, the curtsy lunge is excellent for developing glute strength and joint stability.

Begin with the feet directly under the hips and the dumbbells held by the sides
Drive the chest up, pull the shoulders back and down, and engage the core
From there, step your left foot back and outside the right foot
Descend until the front thigh is parallel with the back knee a couple of inches from the floor
Pause momentarily before pushing hard through the front leg to return to standing
Alternate sides and repeat

11) Clamshell
The clamshell is a simple isolation exercise that particularly targets the glutes. This exercise can be performed with or without a resistance band looped around the knees.

Lie on your right side, stack the ankles and knees and rest your head on your arm
Bring your feet in so they align with your backside and create a 90-degree angle at the knees
While keeping the core engaged and feet together, raise the left knee as far as possible
As the left knee lifts, ensure that the right hip stays in contact with the floor
At the top position, squeeze the glutes tightly and then return to the start
Once reps have been completed, swap sides and repeat

12) Standing Single Leg Calf Raise
To concentrate on building the calves, perform the single leg calf raise. Not only is this a simple exercise to grasp, it highly activates the calf to maximize strength development.

Place the front of the right foot on an elevated surface so that the heel hangs off
Hold a single dumbbell in the right hand and hold it by the hip
While keeping the core tense, drive up onto the toes and lift the heel as high as possible
Slowly lower back to down the starting position
Complete the prescribed number of reps before alternating sides

13) Seated Calf Raise
The seated variation of the calf raise is another effective isolation movement. The benefit of this variation is that heavier dumbbells can be used.

Begin by sitting upright on a bench with feet flat on the floor
Place two dumbbells on the lower thighs
Engage the core and then lift the heels from the floor as high as possible
Slowly lower back to down the starting position and repeat

14) Step-Ups
While step-ups primarily build quad, hamstring, and glute strength, the single leg stance and unstable nature of movement causes the core to maximally engage.

Begin by placing a bench directly in front of you
Stand tall with the feet under the hips and dumbbells held at arm’s length
Lift the chest, pull the shoulders back and down, and engage the core
Place the left foot onto the bench so that the hip, knee, and ankle create 90-degree angles
From there, drive into the bench to lift the body up until you are standing upright
Control the descent and return to the starting position
Alternate sides and repeat

15) Resistance Band Single Leg Lift
To build the size and strength of the glutes, focus on the single leg lift. This isolation places all of the demand onto the large glute muscles causing them to adapt and improve.

Begin by lying on your right side and place a miniband around your ankles
To provide comfort and stability, use the right arm to prop yourself up
Keep the legs straight and stacked on top of each other
Engage the core muscles before lifting left leg up as far as possible
Lower to the starting position and repeat for the given number of reps
Alternate sides and repeat

Lower Body Workout Guidelines
This section will cover three key considerations that must be made when it comes to designing and performing lower-body training workouts.
Workout Structure
Choosing a selection of the above exercises will give you a great workout, however, it’s important that the exercises you select are performed in the correct order.With all strength-based workouts, you should begin with the exercises that are the most demanding and work the biggest muscle groups.This means prioritizing compound (multi-joint) exercises over isolation (single-joint) exercises.
Furthermore, when it comes to exercise selection, choose exercises that work a range of different movement patterns and muscle groups.This approach will ensure that all muscle groups develop equally thus reducing the risk of developing imbalance or asymmetry.
Training Frequency
How often you train your lower body depends on your goals, level experience, and preference. 
For example, an individual who is looking to maximize their muscular strength and size may need to train a lot more frequently to optimize progress (1).
A general recommendation, however, is to train the lower body three times per week.

Training Volume
Training volume is the total amount of work that is performed during a workout. Sets, reps, and weight all constitute training volume.So, how much volume should you be using?  Once again this is dependent on your training goal. 
For those who are looking to primarily improve strength, focus on lifting heavy weight for a low rep range (between one and five reps) (2).To maximize muscle size, the traditional understanding is to use moderate weight and rep ranges (between six and twelve). However, it appears that muscle growth is influenced more substantially by increasing the total training volume, regardless of the loading scheme used (3).
Final Word
If you are serious about building strength, you must regularly train your lower body. Utilizing the fifteen exercises and applying training guidelines outlined in this article will ensure that you make the most optimal strength progress possible. 
1 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6036131/  Ochi, Eisuke; Maruo, Masataka; Tsuchiya, Yosuke; Ishii, Naokata; Miura, Koji; Sasaki, Kazushige (2018-07-02). “Higher Training Frequency Is Important for Gaining Muscular Strength Under Volume-Matched Training”. Frontiers in Physiology. 9. doi:10.3389/fphys.2018.00744. ISSN 1664-042X. PMC 6036131. PMID 30013480.
2 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25853914/ Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Peterson, Mark D.; Ogborn, Dan; Contreras, Bret; Sonmez, Gul T. (2015-10). “Effects of Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in Well-Trained Men”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29 (10): 2954–2963. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000958. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 25853914.
3 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6303131/  SCHOENFELD, BRAD J.; CONTRERAS, BRET; KRIEGER, JAMES; GRGIC, JOZO; DELCASTILLO, KENNETH; BELLIARD, RAMON; ALTO, ANDREW (2019-1). “Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men”. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 51 (1): 94–103. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000001764. ISSN 0195-9131. PMC 6303131. PMID 30153194.

Arnold Classic 2021: The 3 Biggest Takeaways

Arnold Classic 2021: The 3 Biggest Takeaways

Our biggest takeaways from the Arnold Classic 2021.
It’s hard to believe but the Arnold Classic 2021 has already came and went. After a long wait due to delays and rescheduling, the Arnold Classic finally took place on September 25th – albeit a much shorter and condensed version due to the global pandemic. Regardless, the event was still an exciting one that gave us a new champion in the form of Nick Walker.
The Arnold Classic, usually taking place in March, was held just two weeks before the Mr. Olympia. The Olympia itself is also happening at a later date this year due to the pandemic. What’s really notable here is that both of these major events are just two weeks apart. It will be interesting to see how this effects those who decided to compete in both the Arnold Classic and the Mr. Olympia.

The Arnold Classic 2021 only held four divisions all competing in one night. This differs from a typical year of the Arnold Classic – often holding eight divisions over the course of two nights. There was also no expo held nor the hundreds of other athletic events that usually take place – such as the Arnold Classic Strongman, powerlifting events, and much more. Luckily, there was a free live stream of the full pro bodybuilding event. You can still watch the replay in full for free – check it out here.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has already stated that the Arnold Classic will be back in full by 2022 back on its original schedule. Which means we’ll have a much shorter wait for next year’s big event.

Now that we’ve had some time to think over the outcomes from the event – here are our three biggest takeaways from the Arnold Classic 2021.

Nick Walker Has Solidified Himself As A Leading Competitor
Ever since Nick Walker exploded onto the scene in 2020, fans have been singing his praises as the next coming of Dorian Yates. But if we’re being honest, this kind of early hype happens at least once a year in some form or another. It’s just as likely that many of these young up-and-comers burn out quickly after an initial shot in the arm from a good competition.
Nick Walker show incredible promise in 2020, and he then encouraged more hype after his impressive showing at the New York Pro 2021. Still, it would all come down to the Arnold Classic and Mr. Olympia to see how he holds up against older icons currently competing in the sport.

With the Arnold Classic 2021, Nick Walker has proven that he is not just a flash in the pan. He has shown consistent improvements and his physique at the Arnold Classic was a continued step up over what we saw at the New York Pro. Upon first appearing for his individual routine during the pre-judging, it all became crystal clear. He showcased the kind of size and conditioning that required no comparison rounds – the world knew that he was truly a force to be reckoned with.
Later going up against the others during comparison rounds further proved it. While there were many top tier athletes who dropped out from this competition (more on this later), Walker was up against many other up-and-coming athletes with hype. Walker proved that he was a notch above other hyped athletes like Iain Valliere and Justin Rodriguez. He’s truly pulled in front of the pack.
Some may say he always was ahead – and they’re right – but consistency is what matters. This win has proven he can stay consistent even under big pressure. After winning the Arnold Classic, Walker told Cicherillo that he expects to place in the top 5 at Mr. Olympia. This would usually be a cocky claim for such a young athlete. But this time – we believe him.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Still Unhappy With Men’s Open Physiques
One notable aspect of this year’s Arnold Classic 2021 was the announcement that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself would provide some sort of commentary. It wasn’t clear just how detailed this would be before the show. Luckily, it turned out that he provided commentary throughout the full men’s division pre-judging and final rounds. It was a pure joy to see Schwarzenegger directly comment on specific athletes, routines, and comparisons throughout the entire broadcast.
His continued presence also made one thing crystal clear – Arnold Schwarzenegger far prefers Classic Physique to Men’s Open. During both the pre-judging and finals, Schwarzenegger made multiple comments about his distaste for the stomachs of Men’s Open. He even directly references PED use (though just calling it “stuff”) as a cause for distended stomachs.

While the Men’s Open were on stage, Schwarzenegger would make calm but critical comments about many of the athletes on stage. He would stress that an athlete is judged every second they are on stage – not just when they are in a mandator pose. He would often catch an athlete’s stomach loosening and distending in between poses. If Schwarzenegger can see it on camera, he argues, then so too can the judges.
Conversely, every time the Classic Physique competitors were on stage, Arnold Schwarzenegger had nothing but positive things to say. He would beam with pride at the physiques and the posing on display. He also compared them directly to Men’s Open multiple times. The ultimate takeaway was clear. Arnold Schwarzenegger still wants more change to the Men’s Open division.

The Pandemic Is Still Having A Major Effect On Pro Bodybuilding
It’s fantastic that the IFBB and NPC alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger were able to provide the Arnold Classic in some capacity this year. That being said, it’s obvious that the pandemic is still creating a sort of asterisk next to these big shows. In the lead up to the Arnold Classic 2021, there were two major Men’s Open athletes due to travel issues directly related to the pandemic. 
William Bonac, the returning Arnold Classic champion, had to bow out just days before the show. While the details were never explicitly stated – it was confirmed that he was held up by surprise travel problems due to the pandemic. Problems he didn’t foresee coming that forced his hand to drop out last minute.
Lionel Beyeke, another strong competitor, announced dropping out as well. Though he knew a bit sooner (by about a week) than Bonac. Beyeke’s withdrawal was also directly related to travel issues caused by the pandemic.

The 2021 pro bodybuilding season has seemed less marred by the pandemic. Most shows went off without a hitch compared to 2020. But it must be noted many of these shows were local – requiring less international travel. Yes, some international athletes have traveled with no issue. But when the bigger shows come around, a higher volume of international competitors are brought out. This leads to the inevitable travel issues due to the Delta variant of COVID-19 still causing travel restrictions.
Nick Walker’s Arnold Classic 2021 win was fantastic. But it would have been even more fantastic if he had managed to win against returning champion (and top 5 Olympia athlete) William Bonac. It would have given even more credence to our first segment in this article. Until the pandemic ends, we will continue to have these “what if” conversations in our head.
It should be noted that many major international pro bodybuilders have already arrived in the states for the Mr. Olympia. So the likes of Big Ramy and Hadi Choopan will be present in two weeks without issue. Hopefully, there will be no sudden drop offs within the next two weeks. Also hopefully, athletes like William Bonac will have their issues settled to appear at the Mr. Olympia in October.
Wrap Up
The Arnold Classic is a standout competition that is rivaled only by the Mr. Olympia. It’s a watershed moment each year that helps us determine the current quality and standing of pro bodybuilding. There’s no doubt that 2021’s event was electrifying. But it was also a reminder of how things are not truly back to normal.
You can recap our entire coverage of the Arnold Classic 2021, including pre-judging analysis, color commentary, and result reports, by heading over to our official Arnold Classic coverage page right here.

*Header image courtesy of W. Wittman Photography

Arnold Classic 2021: Nick Walker & Steve Kuclo Leading The Pack With Epic Face-Off

Arnold Classic 2021: Nick Walker & Steve Kuclo Leading The Pack With Epic Face-Off

Nick Walker and Steve Kuclo battle for first going into the Arnold Classic 2021.
Leading up to the Arnold Classic 2021, Nick Walker was hyped to be the lead for first place. This was largely due to many other athletes dropping out – including returning champion William Bonac. With many legacy competitors dropping out last minute, the competition was wide open for a new champion. In what may have been a surprise to some fans, Steve Kuclo rose to the occasion challenging Walker during the pre-judging. The Arnold Classic 2021 comparison rounds ended with an epic top two face-off between Nick Walker and Steve Kuclo.
First, let’s talk about the individual posing routines. The moment Nick Walker walked out on stage, something in the air changed. Walker built much hype after his win at the New York Pro. Despite his massive and impressive physique – he held some structural flaws that might have been hard to fix in a year. Any doubts some may have had were erased upon seeing Walker’s individual pre-judging posing routine. Walker truly put the word monster back into mass monster. He’s incredible size, separation, and intensity were a sight to behold. It’s almost as if the ground shook as he walked out.

On the other hand, Steve Kuclo also pleasantly surprised fans. After falling behind Iain Valliere at the Texas Pro just six weeks earlier, there was a question of how high Kuclo would place at the Arnold Classic. Kuclo’s individual posing routine showed a finely tuned bodybuilder – far more on point than what we saw in Texas. It became immediately clear that Kuclo would land at the very least in the top three.

Pre-Judging: The Battle Of Nick Walker And Steve Kuclo
When the comparison rounds began, our first callout pulled Nick Walker, Steve Kuclo, Iain Valliere, and Justin Rodriguez onto the stage. This was our presumed top four. Very quickly, the judges moved Kuclo and Walker into the center. Things started to become more clear – Kuclo was making a big impression.

But this didn’t fully lock into place until the final top two callout. Nick Walker and Steve Kuclo were invited back onto the stage. All became clear – these were our two options for Arnold Classic champion… it’s also where the fun began. The judges certainly were torn between Walker and Kuclo. The final comparison round was stretched out to a much longer length – a trend that has been increasing in recent years.
Nick Walker and Steve Kuclo posed, and posed… and posed. Each mandatory was gone through at least twice in a cycle. Not only that – but the most muscular was held for an extended period of time. This seems to reveal just how close this competition is as the judges double and triple checked each pose comparison. Not only that but this extended comparison tactic is a way to push the athletes farther. Who would fade first? Who has the most stamina to hold their pose for a full minute? This could give the edge that either Walker or Kuclo needed to pull ahead.

The crowd went wild (and commentator Amanda Kuclo also couldn’t help but cheer for her husband on stage). With each new passing pose, Walker and Kuclo became more intensified. Who would break first? Would one fade? Ultimately, both competitors held their composure extremely well.
Steve Kuclo’s height over Nick Walker is certainly an advantage in this moment. He seemed to tower over Walker with each pose. That being said, Walker’s insane conditioning and musculature can’t be ignored. This is the best version of Nick Walker we’ve seen yet. If we had to choose at this moment – we predict that Walker will pull ahead ultimately for the prize.
But a lot can change between the pre-judging and finals. Both of these competitors are neck and neck. Their success lies on a razor’s edge. One wrong move can throw off their finals routine. Alternatively, we’ve seen competitors rise up with a surprising transformation between pre-judging and finals. Perhaps one of these two can show up even better – or perhaps even a wild card throwing off this current face-off.
Only time will tell – and Generation Iron will continue to provide updates, analysis, and result updates later tonight when we return for the Arnold Classic 2021 finals!

Watch The 2021 Arnold Classic Pre-Judging (LIVE)

Watch The 2021 Arnold Classic Pre-Judging (LIVE)

The 2021 Arnold Classic pre-judging broadcast is live – here’s how to watch.
Today, September 25th 2021, is the 2021 Arnold Classic competition. One of the biggest bodybuilding events of the season has finally arrived after some delays and a condensed schedule. Nevertheless, we have top competitors from around the world ready to battle for the title. The Arnold Classic is being held in Columbus, OH – but the event is also providing a free live stream for the world to watch. The pre-judging has just begun. Here’s how to watch the 2021 Arnold Classic pre-judging live stream.
Like last year, the Arnold Classic is providing a free live stream of both the pre-judging and finals of the event. This year it’s more important than ever before due to the global pandemic limiting in-person attendance for the event. What is typically a multi day event and expo with over 100 sports present is now condensed only into the pro bodybuilding Arnold Classic competition
Watch The Arnold Classic Pre-Judging

The 2021 Arnold Classic live stream is broken into two parts. The pre-judging starts at 10:00 A.M. (EST) and the finals start at 6:30 P.M. (EST). Both streams are completely free and available at the official Arnold Classic webcast page right here.
As mentioned, the bodybuilding pro show been condensed and none of the other sporting and fitness events typically held at the Arnold Classic will be conducted this year. That means there are no additional live streams for Strongman, Powerlifting, and the usual dozens of other events.
Arnold Classic Pre-Judging: What To Expect

Unfortunately, the 2021 Arnold Classic has been plagued with athlete drop outs. In the Men’s Open division, four major athletes have announced that they will not compete. Cedric McMillan was the first to announce his withdrawal due to an injury. There were also three athletes who dropped out last minute due to travel issues. Lionel Beyeke was unable to arrive in the states due to COVID-19 related travel issues. This was later followed by Roelly Winklaar. Then at the very last minute – returning champion William Bonac had to withdraw also due to COVID-19 travel complications.
Needless to say, these four major dropouts have greatly changed the landscape for the Men’s Open at the 2021 Arnold Classic. There is still quite the stellar lineup – and the lack of Bonac means we will have a new champion this year. Nick Walker is the clear standout to win the title. His victory at the New York Pro earlier this year showcased a phenomenal physique. His mixture of conditioning and size will be hard to beat.

But it’s not impossible. Biting at Walker’s heels are Akim Williams, Iain Valliere, Justin Rodriguez, and Steve Kuclo. All four of these athletes have shown incredible promise and will give Walker a run for his money. GI alum Victor Martinez predicts that Rodriguez is poised to at least place in the top 3. Could he edge his way into the first position?
Kuclo has had a string of bad luck – competing against the likes of Iain Valliere in previous shows and falling short. Perhaps this competition will be when he perfects his peak timing. Valliere himself has already won multiple shows this year – including just six weeks earlier at the Texas Pro. Will his short turnaround be a blessing or a curse for his peak timing at the 2021 Arnold Classic? We’ll soon find out.
The pre-judging round is our first change to really see these competitors side by side. It’s also our first chance to see who is coming in on point after weeks of previews during prep. By the end of the pre-judging, we’ll have a clear idea of who is to land in to the top five.
Of course, a lot can change between the pre-judging and finals. We’ve seen competitors fade and competitors show up with renewed vigor and dryness. Unlike a typical year for the Arnold Classic, Men’s Open will not have a full day between pre-judging and finals. So the window is much more tight. Still – it will be exciting to see how the competitors adjust after today’s pre-judging round.
You can watch the 2021 Arnold Classic pre-judging live stream above. Make sure to stay tuned to the Generation Iron fitness network for pre-judging reports, results, and more updates!

WATCH – Inside Nutrabio: A Behind The Scenes Tour

WATCH – Inside Nutrabio: A Behind The Scenes Tour

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A deep dive into Nutrabio – one of the biggest bodybuilding and fitness supplement brands in the industry.
Supplements have become not only a major part of bodybuilding – but a major part of fitness and health across the world. The supplement industry has boomed over the past century and with that have come many companies that are looking to get a piece of the pie. With ever changing regulations, it can be hard for consumers to know what exactly they are putting into their bodies. Trust in a brand and trust in what is on the product label is paramount. That’s what supplement company Nutrabio prides themselves on – they go beyond FDA regulations to be the most trusted supplement brand on the market.

Nutrabio founder and CEO Mark Glazier invited Generation Iron to take the cameras behind the veil of the company. What followed was an in-depth tour of Nutrabio’s manufacturing and testing process. Nutrabio has always been transparent when it comes to their process – but now you can go even further with a complete visual tour of each step in Nutrabio’s process from start to finish.
Mark Glazier: The man behind Nutrabio
Mark Glazier has always held himself up to high standards of success. This was true even before the creation of Nutrabio. Before starting his company, Glazier was invested into martial arts since he was seven years old. He opened his first school when he was fourteen (unofficially) and later had a chain of studios.

A major part of martial arts is self discipline. It’s that kind of quality that he brought into the supplement world. Upon running his martial arts studios – Glazier became increasingly more interested in the nutrition side of fitness. He would suggest and recommend supplements to his students – and break down the science as to why they would need a certain product to improve their goals.
Eventually, this interest became so all-consuming that he decided to start his own supplement company. This is when Nutrabio was born. His goal was to not only be the best in the market – but to also provide consumers what he saw was severely lacking in supplements: trust and quality.

The Nutrabio Process
Nutrabio’s manufacturing process is bookended by testing. When the product creation process starts – all ingredients are tested for a variety of factors. When the manufacturing process is finished – the final product goes through those same tests again. The goal? To make sure that the quality and safety of every product has remained in tact from start to finish.
The FDA has a set of standards and regulations that all supplement manufacturers must abide by. Nutrabio goes beyond that with its own set of standards. These standards are even more strict than what the US government demands. That’s the kind of dedication to quality and safety Nutrabio gives to their product.
In addition to in house safety features, Nutrabio also provides a specific website to consumers. Each product has its own barcode. This can be submitted to a special site that breaks down the full safety and test results from manufacturing. Quite literally, a consumer can see the details on how their specific bottle of supplement was created. That’s just how dedicated the company is to trust and safety.
The End Result
When watching our behind-the-scenes tour of Nutrabio’s facilities – you get the feeling of walking through a secret government laboratory. As Mark Glazier himself details every step of the process – it becomes clear just how many small details must be considered. Nutrabio manufactures their own products rather than outsource to a third part manufacturing facility. This provides them with complete control. Not only that – they can provide fresh product directly to the consumer.
With many other brands, there’s no telling exactly how long a product has been bottled when you buy it off the shelves. With Nutrabio, you can be rest assured that the product is fresh to the consumer. Detail, control, and passion are key words to describe Mark Glazier and the Nutrabio process. That’s the end result. It’s the reason that Nutrabio stands in the top percentile of the supplement world.
Our recommended Nutrabio Products
Generation Iron has a dedicated review team to analyze all major supplement products that bodybuilders and athletes use. Over the past few years, Nutrabio products have been covered by our supplement critics. If this video tour impressed you – we have a top recommendation to add into your stack.

NutraBio Leg Day is that intra-workout supplement you need to power you through your workouts by providing serious fuel to aid in whatever your body needs. 

You can check out our full in detail review for Nutrabio’s Leg Day right here.
Wrap up
If you’re interested in learning more about Mark Glazier and Nutrabio, make sure to head over to their official website to check out their offerings and their mission. You can also watch the full behind-the-scenes video tour above!

Best Protein Powder Supplements For Strength & Size (Updated 2021)

Best Protein Powder Supplements For Strength & Size (Updated 2021)

These protein supplements will enhance growth and recovery so you maximize training and performance.
Protein plays a vital role in maintaining, growing and repairing body tissue. Whey protein powder can be used as an emergency energy source and are also essential for the production of a number of key hormones which promote growth and maturation from a protein powder.
Considering the indispensable role that it plays, we must recognize the importance of consuming an adequate serving of protein every day for muscle growth and weight loss and two types of whey protein can help. Failing to do so can result in the development of chronic diseases and ailments such as muscle wastage, anemia (low blood iron), decreased immunity and fatigue and vitamins and minerals and branch chain amino acids can help you lose weight and aid in muscle recovery from a protein supplement.
To allow you to select a whey protein powder or protein blend that fits your goals, our team have tried and tested a vast number of premium protein powders. Furthermore, the article will also break down the science behind muscle building and help you understand why whey protein concentrate and isolate supplementation is so effective for the best protein powders.
The 9 Best Protein Supplements on the Market
When selecting a whey protein powder, it is important to study the ingredients closely as many protein powders that appear to be of good quality often contain fillers and bulking agents which have no purpose other than increasing the quantity of the two types of whey protein, being whey protein concentrate and isolate powder, or a protein blend. A good quality powder will be high in protein and low in filler ingredients, calories, and sugars. Additionally, from a practical viewpoint, you want a shake that performs well in terms of taste, price, digestibility, and mixability for the best protein powders.
As stated, there are so many options for a whey protein powder available in whey protein concentrate or isolate that it can become convoluted, as well as plant based protein which can provide for the best vegan protein powder benefits. To allow you to pick the powder that matches your goal, we have reviewed 9 of the best supplements on the market.
Best Protein Powder Supplements of 2021

Best Protein Powder Overall
Finding an all-around great protein powder can be challenging but it is possible. With the right ingredients and formula, all of those protein wants and needs can be achieved.
Performance Lab SPORT Protein







Number Of Servings

When we saw that Performance Lab had used Oryzatein® in their protein powder, we were impressed enough to check it out. And we liked what we saw out of this brown rice protein. We found that it was much cleaner than other protein powders out there. Naturally flavoured with organic cocoa, vanilla bean and ceylon cinnamon – this is the best tasting protein powder many customers have tried. Being a brown-rice protein powder, anyone can use it for growth and weight loss for this powder contains great ingredients.
Regardless of whether you’re dairy intolerant, vegan, allergic to soy or gluten…Because Performance Lab Protein contains no allergens at all. Supplying 20g protein (and only 100 calories) per serving, Performance Lab Protein can be easily included in your diet at all times – whether you’re cutting or bulking.

Performance Lab SPORT Protein is an impressive brown rice protein source that is cleaner than most other protein powders. Great for muscle growth, recovery, and weight loss, this is absolutely a top protein supplement.

Pros & Who Should Buy

Good, clean formula that is organic and vegan friendly from this best protein powder so this is conducive to all diets.
The chocolate flavor tastes amazing so you never suffer from a boring taste from these top protein powders.
Product includes Bacillus Coagulans, a beneficial probiotic to help with gut health.
Good choice for weight loss for those seeking this route from top protein powders.
Has essential amino acids per serving which is what the best protein supplement need.

Those who want a clean, plant-based protein powder that tastes great and provides loads of benefits should really consider this protein.
Cons & Who Shouldn’t Buy

Only uses a single source protein as opposed to those other top protein powders who may combine.
Chocolate is the only flavor available so more flavors would be nice for variety.

For those looking for a whey source, and more flavors, this may not be for you. Also, it depends on how much you want to spend for this is a premium priced option.
Price: $59.00
Check out our individual review for Performance Lab SPORT Protein here!

Best Clean Organic Grass-Fed Whey Protein
When it comes to quality of your protein, having something that is organic can prove worthwhile for your overall health. A clean source of protein can really enhance all of your goals.
Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate





Less than 1g

Cinnamon Pastry, Mocha, French Vanilla, Cookies ‘N Cream, Milk Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cereal Splash, Strawberry, Salted Caramel

Number Of Servings

Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey boasts an impressive array of eco-friendly accomplishments. It’s organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free. There are no artificial sweeteners — a rarity in a world full of whey protein powder, which are almost always filled with chemical flavorings to disguise the chalkiness of protein. There are also no artificial colorings or preservatives added. If you have a sensitive stomach, allergies, or just care about the environment, this is an excellent choice for you and your body weight goals and is easy to digest compared to a whey concentrate.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate is organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free, boasting a great formula for a top protein powder. With nothing artificial added, this is a clean protein that is easier on your stomach.

Pros & Who Should Buy

No artificial ingredients and a transparent label ensure honesty from one of the best whey protein powders.
Third party tested for accuracy to ensure nothing you don’t want in your supplement is included.
Organic and non-GMO for optimal health benefits.
Good choice for those who tend to be sensitive to certain protein supplements.
Contains essential amino acids perfect for building muscle.
Right amount of protein per scoop per serving so you get the most for your dollar.

This protein is awesome for anyone looking for a high-quality whey that is labeled accurately with awesome benefits. It tastes great and contains no artificial ingredients.
Cons & Who Shouldn’t Buy

Slightly high in carbs and cholesterol for those looking out for these.
Despite lactose, their are no digestive enzymes to aid in gut health and digestion
Premium priced product for those looking save some money.

Whey can be tough for some peoples’ stomachs and it is a premium priced option that is only available on their website. Something to consider for those looking for digestive help.
Price: $59.00
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate here!

Best Whey For Meal Replacement
Whey is a common protein source to be used as a meal replacement for its ability to keep you full and aid in valuable growth and recovery. Kaged Muscle has this great meal replacement option with whey as the primary protein source.
Kaged Muscle Clean Meal






Snickerdoodle, Vanilla Cake

Best Way To Take
Mix 2 scoops with 10-12 ounces of cold water.

Kaged Muscle Clean Meal is for those active individuals who want to prioritize nutrition while still getting a complete and convenient meal for those on-the-go needs. With whole food ingredients and 21 organic vitamins and minerals, this meal replacement has 123% better amino absorption to help build muscle and strength while also keeping you full throughout the day. Fueled with a formula including whey protein isolate, clean carbs, BCAAs, MCT oil, and zero added sugar, this meal replacement is perfect for fueling athletic performance while providing for a protein rich option for weight loss, digestion, recovery, and other nutritional needs.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Kaged Muscle Clean Meal is a great meal replacement for those looking to prioritize nutrition while still getting a solid on-the-go meal. With whole food ingredients and 21 organic vitamins and minerals, all of the essentials are covered.

Pros & Who Should Buy

Whole food ingredients to provide great nutrients for the best in terms of growth and recovery.
21 organic vitamins and minerals to give you the best benefits.
Quick and nutritious meal replacement for those always on the go.
$2.25 per meal to make this an affordable option.

A clean source of nutrients to offer the best meal replacement around, you can’t beat this formula. Anyone on the go and constantly dealing with a busy schedule will benefit greatly.
Cons & Who Shouldn’t Buy

Slightly low on number of servings and it would be nice to see more included.

Low in servings does hurt the price point, for others do exist at a lower cost with more servings. Also, for those sensitive to whey, it is the main protein source.
Price: $44.99
Use code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Also, check out our individual review for Kaged Muscle Clean Meal here!

Best Vegan Whey Alternative
For those sensitive to dairy or who just want to live a vegan lifestyle, vegan protein powders exist and are great options. They can offer the same benefits as whey without all the dairy.
National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan







Number Of Servings

National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan Protein is designed to help bodybuilders progress faster in the gym and with their vegan goals. A 100% natural and organic plant-based protein, this works to increase the rate of muscle protein synthesis, optimize nutrient utilization, boost metabolic efficiency, and enhance athletic recovery. Using organic rice and pea protein, this supplement does not produce inflammation and is more bioavailable than dairy. With 117 calories and 20.5 grams of protein, this powder will work for your overall protein benefit as it helps you adopt a healthy lifestyle while building muscle and providing amino acids from a protein shake.

National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan is designed for bodybuilders to hit their goals faster. A 100% natural and organic powder, this will work for a number of benefits like muscle growth and recovery, as well as enhancing overall performance.

Pros & Who Should Buy

100% organic and naturally flavored with stevia to avoid any artificial sweeteners.
Low in calories to aid in weight loss and management for that desired physique.
Designed for cleaner and faster absorption so those nutrients hit you much harder.
Manufactured to FDA standards and produced by a reputable company.
Helps you lose weight and keep muscle while being easy to digest so you don’t sacrifice any gains.

This is perfect for those looking for a vegan option that is easy to absorb and 100% organic. Being lower in calories, this is also perfect for those looking to lose weight.
Cons & Who Shouldn’t Buy

Only 20 servings per container and it would be nice to have more for the price.
Can only get it from their website directly so it limits where you can buy from.
Chocolate is the only flavor and more flavors would be nice for variety.

It is an expensive option only available on their website. One flavor does hurt this product as many others offer a lot more, so for those looking for variety, you won’t get it here.
Price: $40.00
Check out our individual review for National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep here!

Best Whey For Weight Gain
Some people use whey in order to gain weight and a mass gainer can work wonders for your bulking needs. Loaded with a great balance of macronutrients is exactly what you need most to see those gains.
Transparent Labs Protein Mass Gainer






Chocolate, Cookies ‘N Cream, Sweet Vanilla, Chocolate Glaze

Number Of Servings

ProteinSeries Mass Gainer is loaded with everything you need to enhance lean muscle growth to safely and efficiently pack on muscle and healthy weight. This supplement is great for the perfect meal replacement, or a great weight gainer protein supplement to pair with a workout. The pure formulas included with this supplement provide amazing benefits for not only growth, but your overall health and wellness.
Mass Gainer offers 53 grams of protein per serving, which is derived from 100% Grass-Fed Whey Concentrate. At 750 calories for two scoops, you get 12 grams of fat and 109 grams of clean and natural carbs derived from organic tapioca, oat, and sweet potato sources. With no artificial sweeteners, food dyes, or harmful additives, you know exactly what you are getting with this mass gainer to ensure high-quality and healthy muscle growth.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs ProteinSeries Mass Gainer is great for packing on muscle and healthy weight. Perfect as a meal replacement or a mass gaining supplement, this product is pumped with protein and no added artificial substances.

Pros & Who Should Buy

Great for lean muscle growth and bulking so you see that increase in strength and size.
Perfect for a meal replacement or paired with a protein supplement to maximize gains.
Great ingredients and no artificial additives to ensure only natural and clean ingredients hit your body.
Transparent label for honesty and accuracy so you know exactly what you are getting.
From a reputable company in Transparent Labs who understands the need of consumers everywhere.

Anyone looking to bulk and seriously increase their strength and size will benefit greatly. For those into supplement pairing to see gains, this goes well with any protein powder.
Cons & Who Shouldn’t Buy

A premium priced option so for those on a budget, this may not be for you.
Only available directly through their site so it limits where you can buy from.

If money is a concern, this is a premium priced option only on their website. For those who can bulk with just one supplement, this mass gainer may also not be necessary.
Price: $65.00
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs Mass Gainer here!

Best Whey For Weight Loss
While some want to bulk up, others use protein powders as weight loss tools. Able to keep you full and curb hunger, these supplements are perfect for assisting with those weight loss and management goals.
Performance Lab SPORT Protein







Number Of Servings

When we saw that Performance Lab had used Oryzatein® in their protein powder, we were impressed enough to check it out. And we liked what we saw out of this brown rice protein. We found that it was much cleaner than other protein powders out there. Naturally flavoured with organic cocoa, vanilla bean and ceylon cinnamon – this is the best tasting protein powder many customers have tried. Being a brown-rice protein powder, anyone can use it for growth and weight loss for this powder contains great ingredients.
Regardless of whether you’re dairy intolerant, vegan, allergic to soy or gluten…Because Performance Lab Protein contains no allergens at all. Supplying 20g protein (and only 100 calories) per serving, Performance Lab Protein can be easily included in your diet at all times – whether you’re cutting or bulking.

Performance Lab SPORT Protein is an impressive brown rice protein source that is cleaner than most other protein powders. Great for muscle growth, recovery, and weight loss, this is absolutely a top protein supplement.

Pros & Who Should Buy

Good, clean formula that is organic and vegan friendly from this best protein powder so this is conducive to all diets.
The chocolate flavor tastes amazing so you never suffer from a boring taste from these top protein powders.
Product includes Bacillus Coagulans, a beneficial probiotic to help with gut health.
Good choice for weight loss for those seeking this route from top protein powders.
Has essential amino acids per serving which is what the best protein supplement needs.

Those who want a clean, plant-based protein powder that tastes great and provides loads of benefits should really consider this protein.
Cons & Who Shouldn’t Buy

Only uses a single source protein as opposed to those other top protein powders who may combine.
Chocolate is the only flavor available so more flavors would be nice for variety.

For those looking for a whey source, and more flavors, this may not be for you. Also, it depends on how much you want to spend for this is a premium priced option.
Price: $59.00
Check out our individual review for Performance Lab SPORT Pre here!

Best Fat Free Protein
While protein powders with fat are beneficial for you, for those looking to cut weight, fat free options do exist. NutraBio has a great fat free supplement that will work wonders for your performance goals.
NutraBio Whey Protein Isolate





Less than 1g

Miss American Pie, Dutch Chocolate, Alpine Vanilla, Strawberry Ice Cream, Bourbon Banana Nut, Chocolate Peanut Butter Bliss, Cinnamon Sugar Donut, Blueberry Muffin, Pancakes and Maple Syrup, Raw Unflavored, Ice Cream Cookie Dream, Root Beer Float

Number Of Servings

This 100% whey protein isolate is the ultimate powder to provide fast acting support, repair, and recovery while also working to promote muscle protein synthesis, encourage optimal nitrogen retention, and really enhance muscle growth so you see those huge gains come to life. A 100% transparent label ensures no banned fillers or additives ruin this product and honestly shows no soy, lactose, gluten, or hormones are in this protein.
Packed with 25g of protein, this supplement contains 0g fat, 1g carbs, and sits at just 100 calories, conducive for any diet. This protein isolate is gram for gram the purest form of protein available and you won’t find any banned substances to harm you. A full profile of only the best ingredients, this clean, honest, and fast digesting protein is perfect for your gains.

NutraBio 100% Whey Protein Isolate is a fast acting supplement to promote support, repair, and recovery to better muscle protein synthesis and make those gains come to life. A clean product, this is perfect for your protein needs.

Pros & Who Should Buy

Great tasting and fast acting to support recovery and repair for the best benefits around.
100% transparent label for honesty and accuracy so you know exactly what you’re getting.
Great ingredients like 5g BCAAs and 4g Glutamine to ensure the best in terms of growth and recovery.
From a reputable and trusted company in NutraBio who understands athletes and their needs.

Anyone looking for interesting flavors and a great protein packed powder, this one is for you. Those looking to lose weight or purchase a fat free protein, you found it here.
Cons & Who Shouldn’t Buy

Some flavors do contain sucralose and acesulfame potassium for those looking to avoid artificial flavors.

Some people will stay clear of artificial sweeteners and this has some, although it does play into the great taste. If you want something more natural, they do exist on this list.
Price: $39.99
Check out our individual review for NutraBio Whey Protein Isolate here!

Best Whey Protein For Muscle Mass
For those looking to pack on that muscle mass, your protein supplement should absolutely reflect that goal. With the right ingredients dosed out perfectly, that is absolutely possible.
Enhanced Whey Protein Isolate






Chocolate Brownie

Number Of Servings

Enhanced Labs starts by selecting the highest quality whey proteins which undergo a series of sophisticated filtration processes to ‘isolate’ out excess fat and sugar. The final product is a complete protein containing no lactose and over 90% of pure protein per serving. Enhanced Whey is then fortified with the trademarked DigeSEB digestive enzyme blend for better protein utilization within the body. With 25g of protein at just 110 calories, this high quality whey is perfect for your muscle building and recovery goals.

Code GENIRON For 15% Off

Enhanced Whey Protein Isolate is a high quality whey protein with just 110 calories and 25g protein. Fortified with DigeSEB digestive enzyme blend, this allows for better protein utilization in your body.


No fillers or artificial flavors so you only get a natural product great for your overall health.
Massive 3-pound container so you don’t have to worry about a low number of servings.
Fully disclosed supplement facts panel so you know exactly what you are getting.
100% whey isolate so you get one of the best whey protein isolate powders around.
Added digestive enzymes to aid in digestion and gut health.


Premium priced product so for those on a budget, you may want to look elsewhere.
Only one flavor option and more would be nice for added variety.

Price: $64.99
Use code GENIRON for 15% off!

Best Whey For Women
Women may need certain ingredients to benefit from a protein powder. Having one geared to their specific needs is amazing and will allow women to see the gains they want most.
Cira Nutrition Bright Whey Protein






Cookies ‘N Cream, Cinnamon Swirl

Number Of Servings

Cira Nutrition Bright Whey Protein is a great whey supplement to boost all areas of your training, performance, health, and wellness. With great tastes and no added sugar, it feels like dessert without the guilt attached. With 25g of protein and only 2g of carbs and 1.5g of fat, this supplement is a great ratio to fuel all your growth and recovery needs while also keeping you full. A fully disclosed label and pure honesty makes this supplement the best protein powder overall for women.

Cira Nutrition Bright Whey Protein is a great whey supplement for women. With 25g protein and a great ratio of macronutrients, this can help power growth and recovery to the next level.

Pros & Who Should Buy

Great ratio of macronutrients for optimal benefits to ensure your overall health is covered.
Awesome flavors with no added sugar to maximize health and still taste great.
Fully disclosed and honest label for the utmost accuracy so you know exactly what you are getting.

Women looking for a protein packed and well-balanced powder will benefit from this. No added sugar is great for those looking to lose weight and an honest label is perfect for those conscious about knowing every ingredient.
Cons & Who Shouldn’t Buy

Premium priced option and for those on a budget, maybe look elsewhere.
Only available directly from their website so it limits where you can buy this from.

Protein powders do tend to work for both men and women, and with this being a premium priced option and only available on their site, other powders can give you the same benefits. This is something to consider for those on a budget.
Price: $39.99

What Are The Benefits of Whey Protein Powder?
Taking whey protein powder, either as whey protein concentrate or isolate, can have a number of powerful effects on the body. Whey protein powder is highly accessible, affordable and is a useful tool for promoting a high-protein diet.
Whey protein has been studied rigorously and has been found to promote muscle growth, facilitate recovery, and may assist in fat loss by increasing satiety.
Benefits: Protein Synthesis
If you are involved in regular training, there should be an even greater emphasis on ingesting ample protein. During physical training, the muscles are exposed to a great deal of mechanical load which causes small muscle fiber tears. To allow the tears to be repaired and for an efficient muscle rebuild, a process known as muscle protein synthesis (MPS) must occur with the help of essential amino acids along with fat and carbs.
To optimize MPS, a high amount of protein is required. Failing to consume enough will hinder MPS thus potentially stunting recovery and leading to restricted movement, prolonged soreness, and muscular weakness. On the other hand, hitting your daily protein target will facilitate efficient recovery and cause these tears to be repaired rapidly and protein powder can really help. As a result of this process, the muscles fibers will increase in size and strength.
The research is clear, protein supplementation is an effective method of increasing one’s daily protein intake, enhancing MPS and therefore contributes to an increase in muscular strength and size (1). Based on this research, a number of health and fitness businesses have created protein powders. Protein shakes are undoubtedly quick, easy and effective but due to the vast number of products available, it can often be confusing and challenging to pick the right supplement for your needs and goals.

Protein Dosage Recommendations for Optimizing MPS
The amount of protein one should consume daily depends on their physical characteristics and goals. The recommendation for an adult is to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight (2).  However, if you are aiming to build significant muscle mass, it may be necessary to consume more – the recommendation is between 1.0 – 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. The purpose of this, as mentioned previously, is to advance the rate of MPS and therefore a protein powder can assist with.
The Difference Between Whey Isolate and Concentrate
Furthermore, you may come across terms such as whey “isolate” and “concentrate”. These terms simply refer to a specific stage in the processing of protein. In order to create protein powders, milk is heated to separate curds and whey. The whey protein concentrate is simply whey in its truest form. To create the isolate form, the whey must then be heavily filtered. This is done for one of two sole purposes – to increase the protein percentage of the powder and also lower the carbohydrate and fat content, as well as increasing branch chain amino acids.
Whether you go for whey concentrate or isolate protein powder, it appears to makes very little difference – both are effective. However, if you are looking to maintain muscle size while dropping body fat, whey isolate is one superb option as it has a higher protein content than and is lower in carbs and calories than concentrate. Additionally, if you are lactose intolerant, isolate may be digested more efficiently than concentrate for a post workout (3).
Whey and Casein’s Impact on Muscle Growth
There are different types of protein powder that can be purchased and the two most common types are whey and casein, both of which are animal proteins. In simple terms, whey is a fast digesting protein which causes rapid protein synthesis whereas casein is a slow digesting protein which maintains steady protein synthesis (4). The general understanding is that whey is one of the most effective reasons for building muscle whereas casein is most useful for maintaining muscle size.

Plant and Animal Proteins Impact Muscle Building
There are a number of plant-based protein powders available which are excellent choices for vegans and vegetarians however, be aware that they may not have as profound an impact on muscle building as animal proteins. This is because plant products have a smaller range of amino acids (the “building blocks” of protein) and will, therefore, fail to maximize muscle size and recovery in the same way animal proteins do (5).
Moreover, there has been a great deal of research completed on one of the essential amino acids and one of the key branch chain amino acids known as Leucine which has been found to have a major impact on muscular growth. Whey protein naturally has a high amount of leucine with each serving whereas vegan protein tends to be much lower in leucine.
Best Time To Take A Protein Powder
While it is debated as to the best time to take a protein supplement, it is best to consume 15-60 minutes after you finish your workout. Some suggestions hint that you can take a protein supplement up to two hours after and still see benefits. It is best to take as close to after your workout as possible to get the most out of your training.
How We Decide the Best
Differentiating the differences between protein powders is an arduous task. While certain characteristics of certain powders have been highlighted, it’s important to recognize that these are not necessarily positives or negatives. Rather, it’s a case of simply highlighting methods, ingredients and processes involved in case they cause a degree of difficulty for you.
To decide which protein powders made the list, we considered a number of areas. Firstly, we considered how the powder itself was manufactured to ensure it has been tested, is safe and is a product of premium quality. Secondly, we assessed the ingredients to ensure that each shake contained a high dosage of protein – whether that be whey, casein or a blend of both. Lastly, we considered the palatability and digestibility of each product.

FAQ Section
What is the best protein powder?
Performance Lab SPORT Protein. This powder is a great brown rice protein designed for growth and weight loss. It is much cleaner than many on the market and has potential to really boost your gains. With 20g protein and 100 calories, this is an awesome powder for bulking or cutting.
Which type of whey is better for my gains?
It all depends on what your goals are. In terms of bulking up, whey concentrate is a better option given that it has carbs and fat along with the high amount of protein. For those looking to lose weight, a whey isolate is a better option given that it is a more pure form of protein with minimal to no carbs and fats. It really all depends on your preference and what you want out of your goals.
How do vegan protein powders stack up against whey protein powders?
Vegan protein powders stack up well against whey by providing you with great amounts of protein and other ingredients to aid in training, performance, health, and wellness. For those sensitive to dairy, vegan options are great for your gains.
When is the best time to take a protein supplement?
It is best to take a protein supplement in the window of 15-60 minutes after you finish a workout. This will ensure your body has time to absorb all of those nutrients to aid in growth and recovery.
Final Word
While these 8 products are of supreme quality, they will ultimately fail to cause changes if two other factors are not taken into account – consistent resistance training and a calorie surplus. You should not expect to see an increase in muscle mass by simply taking a protein powder. Muscle strength and size will only occur when this is combined with regular strength training and is one of the key reasons for the best whey protein powder for your post workout needs.
In addition to this, a calorie surplus is also required. This is simply where you consume more calories per day than your body requires. The additional energy is necessary to promote recovery from the stresses of strength training and consequently drive an increase in muscle mass. Only with a combination of proper training, a calorie surplus and a high-protein diet and whole foods, will you begin to see substantial change take place from a great protein source.
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015-1). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). 45 (1): 111–131. doi:10.1007/s40279-014-0242-2. ISSN 1179-2035. PMID 25169440.

2. Pendick, Daniel (June 18, 2015). “How much protein do you need every day?”. Harvard Health Blog.
3. Wilborn, Colin D.; Taylor, Lem W.; Outlaw, Jordan; Williams, Laura; Campbell, Bill; Foster, Cliffa A.; Smith-Ryan, Abbie; Urbina, Stacie; Hayward, Sara (March 1, 2013). “The Effects of Pre- and Post-Exercise Whey vs. Casein Protein Consumption on Body Composition and Performance Measures in Collegiate Female Athletes”. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. 12 (1): 74–79. ISSN 1303-2968. PMC PMCPMC3761774. PMID 24149728.
4. Hoffman, Jay R.; Falvo, Michael J. (September 1, 2004). “Protein – Which is Best?”. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. 3 (3): 118–130. ISSN 1303-2968. PMC PMCPMC3905294 Check |pmc= value (help). PMID 24482589.
5. Australia, Healthdirect (February 19, 2019). “Vegetarian and vegan diets”. www.healthdirect.gov.au.

The Most Effective Compound Exercises For All Levels of Experience

The Most Effective Compound Exercises For All Levels of Experience

Building Full Body Strength Through Compounds
When it comes to strength training, there are two types of exercise that compose strength training programs – compound and isolation.
While isolation exercises focus on one muscle group, compound exercises rapidly build strength by targeting a number of muscle groups across many joints (1).

As well as most effectively developing strength, compound exercises also burn more calories, improve proprioception, and elevate the heart rate to benefit the cardiovascular system.
This article will outline three beginner, intermediate and advanced compound exercises that are highly recommended due to the vast number of benefits associated with them.
Compound Exercises for Beginners

If you are new to resistance training, it is important that care is taken. Movements should smooth and controlled not rapid and jerky as this may increase the risk of injury.
For each of the following exercises, perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps ensuring that you take a 45 – 60-second rest between each set.
1) Walking Lunge
For the walking lunge, start with feet underneath the hips and hands on the hips. Before stepping into the lunge, push the chest up and squeeze the core muscles.
Step forward and bend the knees to lower the hips and drop the back knee towards the floor – stop just prior to making contact with the floor. The knee should be directly over the top of the foot in this position.
Focus on the drive from the leading leg and push hard through the heels to bring the body back up to standing. Step forward into the lunge once again but this time using the alternate side.
During the lunge, it is imperative that the trunk is held in an upright position as this will facilitate good form and reduce the risk of injury.
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2) Wide Lat Pulldown
Start by attaching a long bar to the lat pulldown machine. Drop the knee pads on the machine so that the thighs are tight to the pads when seated. This will prevent you from being pulled upward.
When gripping the bar, place the hands slightly wider than shoulder-width and use an overhand grip.
Before pulling hard on the bar, take a breath, push the chest up and squeeze the core to prevent the trunk from moving. Breathe out and you pull the bar down to the upper chest.
When pulling, ensure that you draw your shoulders and upper arms back and down as this will most effectively target the lats.
Once the bar touches the chest, pause for a second to squeeze all the muscles of the back before extending the arms and breathing in as you return to the original starting position.
Remember that throughout the movement the trunk should stay fixed and movement should only be occurring at the arms.
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3) Dumbbell Goblet Squat
For the dumbbell goblet squat, set up by placing the feet slightly wider than shoulder-width. Flip a dumbbell vertically and hold it with both hands ensuring that it stays close to the chest.
Keep the head looking forward, lift the chest, pull the shoulders back and brace the core muscles prior to dropping into the squat.
In a controlled fashion, drop the hips back and down and gradually lower down towards the floor. As you squat, ensure that you are pushing the knees out and avoid any inward movement.
At the bottom of the squat, pause for a split second before returning to standing by powerfully driving through your heels to propel the body upwards.
Be aware that everybody’s squat technique will likely vary for a number of reasons (2) – some can drop deeply without any limitations whereas others will reach a specific point where form begins to deteriorate due to limitations.
Compound Exercises for Intermediates
For intermediates, lifting a greater volume is possible as technique, movement, and proprioceptive abilities should now be well established.
As a result, it is recommended to perform 4 sets of 8 – 10 reps for each of the following exercises. Take a minimum 60-second rest on completion of a set.
1) Barbell Bent-Over Row
Pick up the barbell using an underhand grip that is approximately shoulder-width apart. Keeping the chest lifted and shoulders back, hinge at the hips so that the trunk leans forward.
In this position the spine should be in a neutral position, head lifted and the arms hanging perpendicularly to the floor. The legs should be kept relatively straight with a very slight bend maintained.
Brace the core and breathe out and you drive the bar into the body. Pin the elbows in tightly to the ribcage as they pass and squeeze tightly between the shoulder blades at the top of the movement.
In a controlled manner, gradually begin to drop the bar back down ensuring that the core is still braced in order to prevent being pulled out of position.
2) Barbell Deadlift
Start by assuming a hip-width stance, placing the feet directly underneath the barbell. Keeping the chest high, push the hips back and bend the knees slightly to drop down to the bar.
Grip the bar with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Take a big breath and actively engage all of the core muscles to protect the back and maintain a neutral spinal position (3).
Drive hard through the heels ensuring that the bar stays as close to the body as possible as it rises. As the bar passes the knees, powerfully drive the hips through and squeeze the glutes.
Begin to lower the bar back to the floor by pushing the hips back, once again keeping the bar tight to the body and core muscles engaged.
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3) Box Squat
Set up in a squat rack and place a box or a bench directly behind you. Ensure that the squat rack is adjusted so that the bar sits at an appropriate position for your height.
Get under the bar and place it on the backs of the shoulders and grip the bar with a grip that is slightly wider than the shoulders. Before lifting off, push the chest up and squeeze the core muscles.
Step back and assume a hip-width stance while pointing the toes out. From this position, start to drop the hips back and down and keep the knees wide until your glutes make contact with the box.
As soon as contact is made with box, push hard through the heels to drive up and out of the squat.
Compound Exercises for the Advanced
For the final group of exercises, the recommendation is to perform 8 – 10 reps and take a 60 – 90-second rest post-set.
1) Inverted Row
For the inverted row, use a Smith’s machine or set up a bar in the rack at approximately waist-height. Grip the bar using an overhand grip that is slightly wider than the shoulders.
From this position, bring the feet forward so that you are suspended underneath the bar. The body should be held straight and long with only the heels in contact with the floor.
While holding this position, pull the body upward until the chest makes contact with the bar. When performing this action, focusing on pulling the shoulder blades back and down.
Pause at the top of the row to squeeze the upper back muscles before gradually extending through the elbows to return to the starting position.
2) Barbell Clean and Press
Start the barbell clean and press by assuming a shoulder-width stance and place the feet directly underneath the bar. Drive the hips back and slightly bend the knees to drop down to the barbell.
Grip the bar using an overhand grip that is approximately shoulder-width apart. Ensure the hips are down, the chest is high, the core is tight, the arms extended and the head lifted prior to lifting.
Drive powerfully through the heels and explosively drive through the hips so that the bar is propelled up to the chest. As the bar rises, aim to keep as close to the body as you can.
Catch the bar in the front rack position so that it rests on the front of the shoulders. From this position, quickly dip the knees and hip before explosively driving through the heels to drive the bar overhead.
Reverse the movement in a controlled fashion to bring the bar safely back down to the floor.
3) Barbell Bench Press
Lie back on a bench and adjust the body position so that the eyes align with the barbell. Grab the bar using a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder-width.
Before lifting the bar from the rack, squeeze the core and press through the heels. Lift the bar and bring it directly over the chest while keeping the arms extended.
Breathe in and gradually drop the bar down to the lower chest. Pause for a moment as the bar makes contact with the chest. From there, powerfully drive the bar back up until it is directly over the chest again.
Focus on the squeeze of the chest muscles as you drive the bar up and ensure that you fully-extend at the elbows. Hold at the top position for a moment before dropping the bar once again.
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Final Word
While a vast array of useful compound exercises exist, the aforementioned exercises will prove to be an effective strength developer while catering for your current level of experience.
1 -Gentil, Paulo; Soares, Saulo; Bottaro, Martim (2015-6). “Single vs. Multi-Joint Resistance Exercises: Effects on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy”. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 6 (2). doi:10.5812/asjsm.24057. ISSN 2008-000X. PMC 4592763. PMID 26446291.
2 – Lorenzetti, Silvio; Ostermann, Mira; Zeidler, Fabian; Zimmer, Pia; Jentsch, Lina; List, Renate; Taylor, William R.; Schellenberg, Florian (July 17, 2018). “How to squat? Effects of various stance widths, foot placement angles and level of experience on knee, hip and trunk motion and loading”. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation. 10. doi:10.1186/s13102-018-0103-7. ISSN 2052-1847. PMC 6050697. PMID 30026952.
3 – Hodges, Paul W.; Eriksson, A. E. Martin; Shirley, Debra; Gandevia, Simon C. (2005-09). “Intra-abdominal pressure increases stiffness of the lumbar spine”. Journal of Biomechanics. 38 (9): 1873–1880. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2004.08.016. ISSN 0021-9290. PMID 16023475.

Best Testosterone Boosters For Muscle Growth & Vitality (Updated 2021)

Best Testosterone Boosters For Muscle Growth & Vitality (Updated 2021)

A natural test booster can work to impact muscle growth while also promoting masculine vitality, health, and virility.
Many people who train hard take a natural testosterone booster for a subtle boost and others take them as a part of a daily health and supplement routine to boost masculine vitality, muscle growth, masculine health, and masculine virility. There are hundreds of companies out there making test booster pills, and it can be hard to tell them apart. We tried all the leading products from the top brands and determined that these are the best. The overall best Test Booster pill is Centrapeak for its clean formula and test boosting effectiveness, making this one of the best testosterone supplements.
The best testosterone boosters this year promote testosterone and athletic performance to produce a muscle growth. Since testosterone boosters and natural booster pills are great aids for increasing performance in athletes of all levels, those with low testosterone should consider taking these supplements. It should be clear that natural testosterone boosters are not steroids but performance enhancing aids used for those with low testosterone and can prove worthwhile so we put together a list of the best testosterone booster supplements to improve normal levels and mood changes to see results to better your life and masculine health.

Testosterone is a vital sex hormone to help aid in muscle growth and development, hair growth, and other important daily functions for both men and women. Men produce way more of it and when levels are decreased, it can lead to poor sex drive and a host of other unwanted side effects like decreased masculine energy. This is where solid natural testosterone boosters can come to your aid to boost testosterone levels and your overall masculine health, especially for those men over 40.
Check out our list of the Best Testosterone Boosters on the market today, which are good enough to give you a slight edge when it comes to muscle growth, muscle mass, and masculine vitality. Each natural testosterone booster has unique features but will work to boost testosterone levels to really work to enhance performance results and masculine virility.
Best Testosterone Boosters For 2021

Best Testosterone Booster For Men

Finding the best all-around testosterone for bodybuilding booster can be challenging but it is possible. With the right ingredients and great formula, all of those T boosting needs are possible which the right natural testosterone boosters.

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
3 Capsules

Highest Dosed Ingredient
Indole-3-Carbinol and Ashwagandha (200mg)

Best Way To Take
Take 1 capsule three times a day with food.

Centrapeak is a great natural testosterone booster to increase masculine vitality for improved physical condition and mental strength. Designed to help testosterone and cognitive wellbeing, this product will increase T levels to boost masculine energy levels, build strength, enhance libido, and increase your confidence. With researched backed and clinically dosed natural ingredients, Centrapeak offers a unique and effective formula. Vitamin D3 and zinc work to increase levels of testosterone and improve mental wellbeing. Vitamin K2 works to support natural testosterone production while Indole-3-carbinol reduces estrogen production. With 14 total ingredients, Centrapeak works to help you achieve your peak as the best testosterone booster for a blended formula to boost your testosterone levels naturally for optimal masculine health and masculine virility.

Centrapeak is a natural test booster designed to improve physical and mental condition. With researched backed and clinically effective doses, this product is perfect for any T boosting needs.


Top-quality innovative formula with great health advantages allows you to see the best results possible out of this natural testosterone booster.
Vegan-friendly for those following a strict vegan diet but who want to use test boosters.
No proprietary blends and honest label for the utmost transparency so you know exactly what you’re putting in your body from natural test boosters.
Manufactured in a cGMP approved facility to ensure a clean process that you can trust from the best testosterone booster.
Free worldwide shipping on all orders to save you that added expense of shipping when it comes to natural test boosters.


The price is high due to premium ingredients which may not be conducive to your budget compared to other natural testosterone boosters.
Only sold directly from the website which limits where you can find this product among other test boosters.
The dosage of magnesium could be higher which is known to improve athletic performance and strength gains from a natural testosterone booster.

Price: $69.00
Check out our individual review for Centrapeak here!

Best All-Natural Testosterone Booster
A natural test booster is what you want for the ingredients are clean and effective. This will ensure the safety and effectiveness of any natural product you use.
Testo Lab Pro

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
4 NutriCaps

Highest Dosed Ingredient
KSM-66 Ashwagandha Extract and D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate (600mg)

Best Way To Take
Take 4 NutriCaps daily, ideally 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon/evening.

Testo Lab Pro boasts an “ultramodern” upgrade to the testosterone-boosting blend typical of most natural booster pills making this one of the strongest natural test booster options to improve masculine vitality and muscle mass. Testo Lab Pro is allergen-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, and free of all synthetic additives, making this a great choice for those who have allergies or other sensitivities to chemicals. There’s also a healthy dose of zinc, which has been shown to help replenish testosterone that has been depleted through heavy exercise making this a top choice for the best testosterone booster to help your body and get rid of low levels of testosterone for that much desired masculine health and masculine energy.

Testo Lab Pro is an ultramodern test booster making this a strong option. Great for improving masculine vitality and muscle mass, this is a great natural option.


Complete formula with top ingredients to support masculine energy, vitality, and lean muscle mass out of one of the top testosterone boosters.
The capsules are safe to take long-term so you can reap the benefits of a testosterone booster for a while.
Designed for easy absorption to ensure all of these clean testosterone booster ingredients hit your body faster and more effectively.
Money-back guarantee in case this product is not what you were looking for out of natural testosterone boosters.


You are limited to buying only on their website so it limits where you can purchase this natural testosterone booster from.
Some of the ingredients are under-dosed which may limit results or take longer to see those testosterone booster results.

Price: $69.00
Check out our individual review for Testo Lab Pro here!

Best Testosterone Booster For Muscle Growth & Strength
While testosterone boosters should be used for optimizing T levels, it should also work to benefit your muscle growth and strength. This will ensure that desired physique and optimal training and performance out of the best testosterone for bodybuilding.
Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Vitality

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
2 Capsules

Highest Dosed Ingredient
Organic Ashwagandha Extract (600mg)

Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules daily.

Transparent Labs Vitality is an innovative 3-in-1 natural test booster and hormone optimizing supplement that can work wonders for your overall masculine vitality and performance goals. This supplement works to boost testosterone levels while controlling estrogen and cortisol production so those suffering from low testosterone never have to worry about low masculine virility. With a powerful formula packed with amazing ingredients, these natural booster pills set the foundation for lean muscle mass, fat burning, strength, libido, confidence, and overall vitality.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Vitality is an innovative 3-in-1 natural test booster and hormone optimizing supplement. A powerful formula matched by amazing ingredients, this is perfect for overall vitality.


Innovative 3-in-1 natural ingredients and hormone optimizing supplement to ensure only the best enters your body to work for your benefit out of testosterone boosters.
Great for boosting testosterone and controlling estrogen which is exactly what you want out of your natural testosterone boosters.
Transparent and honest label so you know exactly what you’re putting in your body.
From a reputable company in Transparent Labs who works tirelessly to only produce the best products for their consumers.


Premium priced option so it may not be conducive to those on a budget.
Only available on their website which limits where you can buy this and potentially save on a deal from natural test boosters.

Price: $49.00
Use promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Also, check out our individual review here!

Best Testosterone Booster For Optimal T Levels
Having a supplement that works for optimal T levels is important. Since testosterone is vital for men, you want the best testosterone for bodybuilding supplement working to optimize those levels.
Enhanced Black Ox

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
8 Capsules

Highest Dosed Ingredient
Akarkara Extract (1,500mg)

Best Way To Take
Take 4 capsules twice daily 20-30 minutes before a meal with 8 oz. of water.

Enhanced Black Ox is an incredibly powerful natural test booster designed from a 2-in-1 formula made from 11 scientifically proven ingredients for one of the better boosters on the market to increase masculine health and masculine virility. As a great booster for the production of testosterone and regulation of estrogen to remove metabolites, Black Ox is not just for hardcore users, but natural athletes as well. With a transparent label and 8 capsules per serving size, these natural booster pills are great to enhance power, help with weight management, and optimize hormone levels to boost athletic performance and masculine vitality as a result of taking testosterone making this one of the best testosterone supplements.

Enhanced Black Ox is a powerful natural test booster with a 2-in-1 formula made from 11 proven ingredients. This is great for testosterone production and regulating estrogen.


Powerful booster with a great 2-in-1 formula packed with 11 scientifically proven ingredients to give you the best chance at results.
Clean and effective natural ingredients so you only put the best into your body.
Enhance power, athletic performance, weight loss, libido, and muscle mass to ensure you perform at the highest level.


Serving size of 8 capsules is a lot and other testosterone boosters on the market are only one or two.

Price: $64.99
Check out our individual review for Enhanced Black Ox here!

Best Testosterone Booster For Power
Along with strength, the power output you put into workouts is important and the best testosterone supplements can help with that. Natural testosterone boosters can work for increasing power and will also optimize strength as much as possible for the best testosterone for bodybuilding results.

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings
120 Capsules

Serving Size
4 Capsules

Highest Dosed Ingredient
D-Aspartic Acid (2,300mg)

Best Way To Take
Take 4 capsules daily.

TestRX is an all-natural testosterone booster designed to help you shed unwanted fat, build muscle mass, improve your libido, and boost masculine vitality. It replenishes the key nutrients in your body needed to ramp up testosterone production naturally, rather than getting it from a synthetic source. The unique TestRX formula combines plant extracts, vitamins, and minerals to make a powerful supplement that will transform your body. This dietary supplement is a good choice for helping men over 40 feel as vibrant and energetic as they did in their 20s – making it easier to reach their athletic performance goals. If you’re interested in boosting your low T-levels and putting on more muscle, TestRX may be right for you in efforts to find the best in your masculine health and masculine energy.

TestRX is another natural test booster designed for improving overall masculine vitality. A unique formula allows for optimal testosterone boosting benefits.


This booster is backed by doctors and clinical studies to ensure proven results from natural testosterone boosters.
Visible results in a few weeks so you don’t have to stress about seeing those results take place.
All natural ingredients and contains high-impact ingredients for optimal effectiveness so this product only works for you and your benefit.


Premium priced so it may not be conducive to some on a budget.
Only available online at their website which limits deals and places to purchase natural test boosters.
Not suitable for vegetarians or vegans so it will not work for those on those diets.

Price: $69.99
Check out our individual review for TestRX here!

Best Testosterone Booster For Energy & Fat Loss
Along with building strength and optimizing levels, the best testosterone supplements can also boost energy and aid in fat loss. With the right ingredients, these results are just around the corner for these best testosterone for bodybuilding supplements.
EVL TEST Testosterone Booster

Number Of Ingredients

Number of Servings

Serving Size
4 Tablets

Highest Dosed Ingredient
D-Aspartic Acid (3,120mg)

Best Way To Take
Take 4 capsules daily.

EVL TEST contains plenty of vitamins and the essential minerals you need. But for the testosterone-supporting ingredients, you have the potent D-aspartic acid, Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek seed extract, and diindolylmethane (DIM). D3 is essential for bone, immune system, and even mental health according to some studies. B6, magnesium, and zinc make up a complex formula for heart, nerve, and immune health which are very effective as a sleep aid. Now, in one study, fenugreek in a 500mg dose showed to have a significant increase in muscle mass, strength, and fat loss, as well as boosting masculine vitality. This was in combination with an eight-week training program and these natural booster pills are an interesting find for those looking for a natural performance boost and increasing testosterone results for better masculine energy.

EVLTEST contains great ingredients essential for testosterone boosting and support. This is perfect for those looking for a natural performance boost.


Transparent label and a great combination of minerals and vitamins to give you the best in terms of quality, honesty, and results out of the best testosterone booster.
Affordable price to not break the bank and cost you more money.
Great added benefits like better sex drive, muscle mass, and masculine energy for optimal performance and a better quality of life.


Some side effects have been reported which can hinder growth and cause discomfort.
Some of the ingredients actually don’t have many testosterone boosting benefits which is disappointing that those are included.
Tablet size and lack of a refund may deter some consumers so that is something to consider with this product and other test boosters.

Price: $29.99
Check out our individual review for EVL Test here!

Benefits Of Testosterone Boosters
The benefits of these best testosterone for bodybuilding boosters should not be overlooked, especially in men over 40, for what they can do for your gains to muscle growth and muscle mass, masculine vitality, health, sex drive, and muscle development.

Heart and blood health: Helps with red blood cell count in bone marrow with natural ingredients to enhance masculine virility.
Body composition: Increases muscle mass while decreasing fat mass and working to burn fat so that desired muscle growth and muscle development shows through (1).
Bone density: Strengthens bones to boost athletic performance, masculine health, help with muscle development, and increase masculine vitality.
Sex drive: Increases libido and overall sexual function for increased sex drive and libido, thus boosting overall masculine vitality (2).
Cognitive function: By increasing oxygen around your body and brain, you work to boost energy and masculine vitality.

Key Ingredients In A Test Booster
Here are some key ingredients to look for when determining the right testosterone boosters for you. Natural ingredients are key in creating an effective natural test booster and natural booster pills to increase athletic performance, muscle growth, sex drive, and masculine vitality
D-Aspartic Acid: Contains two amino acids that work to release hormones in the brain to aid in testosterone production which work to increase sex drive and libido and overall masculine virility (3).
Fenugreek: Rich in vitamins and minerals that work to lower bad cholesterol, increase libido, and boost performance for better masculine vitality and masculine energy.
Vitamin D3: Considered to be a bioidentical hormone for testosterone that can assist in raising T hormone levels, masculine virility, muscle growth, and masculine vitality (4).
L-Arginine: Widens blood vessels for increased blood flow which allows nutrients to hit your body faster and optimize masculine health (5).

How We Choose The Best Test Booster
Finding the right testosterone boosters for you is important and shouldn’t be taken lightly. You deserve to have the highest quality of booster in your supplementation routine and this list will help with that. We look to companies that really pride themselves on transparency and knowing exactly what to put in their products at the right doses. The natural ingredients above should be included in your supplement, but they should also be dosed accurately. Effectiveness is key because with a supplement that is working to boost your training and performance, as well as your overall health and masculine energy, and you deserve the best, especially for men over 40. Price will always be a challenge for the top brands are going to be more expensive, but we’ve worked to give you the most affordable options while still being a top tier product.

FAQ Section
What is the best testosterone booster?
Centrapeak. This testosterone booster is one to increase vitality and improve physical performance and mental strength through an increase in testosterone. With a great formula of clinically dosed ingredients, you get an honest and transparent product from Centrapeak to help your lifestyle changes and boost masculine energy.
How does a testosterone booster work?
Testosterone is an important sex hormone responsible for bodily functions such as muscle growth, hair growth, muscle development, as well as others. What these best testosterone supplements can do are increase testosterone slightly with proven, natural ingredients to give your production a boost. Low T levels happen for a number of reasons and a quality booster is really something great to have to increase testosterone levels and improve masculine virility.
How do I know if I should use a testosterone booster?
Checking with your doctor is key and having your testosterone levels checked is also something worth looking into, especially for those men over 40. For teenagers, unless at the direction of a doctor, this is not necessary because you have enough in your body as is. For older men, you may start getting into booster territory, for as we age, our levels can decline. Always consult a doctor for expert medical advice before using though in case of side effects, even with natural ingredients.
Wrap Up
These testosterone boosters are about as good as it gets for their intended purpose and they come from reputable companies who practice safe production with quality control and natural ingredients. Now, these products won’t make you huge or super strong but if you’re someone who needs every little advantage possible, a good quality test booster is worth a try and can provide smaller benefits in terms of muscle growth, performance, and masculine energy levels. But chances are someone 30 or over will benefit most seeing as testosterone begins to decline after this age and people who have really low test won’t benefit much from them either, which is where looking into natural ways may be more beneficial overall. Supplements like these natural booster pills are a bonus to a healthy lifestyle and fitness routine so treat them as such.
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

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