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The Most Effective Exercises For Building The Biceps

The Most Effective Exercises For Building The Biceps

Bicep Peak Developing Workouts
Although developing the arms is important for physique, it’s vital that they are not overdeveloped in comparison to the rest of the body.
For a comprehensive aesthetic look, all muscle groups should be developed at a similar rate otherwise the body may look out of proportion.
Strategic Muscle Growth
Instead of having the sole aspiration of developing the arms, it is important to use a more targeted approach.
If you are a bodybuilder, the goal is to develop a look that is aesthetically pleasing. Having 25-30 inch arms that don’t fit the rest of your body is not a good look.

Therefore, be wary of using exercising the arms too frequently and instead focus on being smart with your training and training quality.
For optimal bicep development, incorporate bicep work into your back or shoulder and tricep workouts. This will ensure that mass develops at an equal rate throughout a range of muscles.
Utilizing this method will not lead to building a significant amount of full-body mass but will also develop the bicep peaks optimally and proportionally.
Two Bicep Peak Developing Workouts
As mentioned earlier, the following two workouts should be incorporated into either back day or shoulder & tricep day.
For each of the following exercises, it is recommended to perform 1-2 warm-up sets. These sets should involve approximately 50% of the weight that you will use for the working sets.
In addition, ensure you only complete 3 or 4 reps and avoid working to muscular failure. The purpose of a warm-up is to enhance the mind-muscle connection and reduce injury risk (1).
Workout 1


Sets x Reps

Barbell Curls

1 x 60-100 reps

Cable Hammer Curls – Rope Attachment

1 x 60-100

Workout Instructions & Technique
The first workout uses just one set and high reps. The reasoning behind this is because the biceps are primarily made up of slow-twitch, type 1 muscle fiber.
This means that biceps recover more quickly than other muscles and are more resistant to fatigue which is why it is recommended to train the biceps twice per week.
The sessions do not have to be excessively long, as demonstrated with workout 1. The recommendation is to use workout 1 in conjunction with a back workout.
This is because the biceps will have already experienced a great deal of stress during the back-based resistance exercises and therefore using a high-rep set works the biceps in a different way.
The 2 sets will take no longer than 5 minutes and will effectively force blood into the biceps, causes a build-up of fatigue and onset bicep growth
Barbell Curl
For the barbell curl, select a weight that is 30% below your 10 rep max for barbell curls. For example, if you can complete 10 curls at 100lbs, you would use 70lbs.
Start by aiming for 20-25 reps with this weight before slashing the weight by half and completing as many as you can.
If you reach the point of failure before 60 reps, drop the weight by half once again and continue until you complete a minimum of 60 reps.
Using 70lbs as an example starting weight, complete 20-25 reps, drop the weight down to 35lbs and work to failure; drop down further to 17.5lbs, if necessary.
When gripping the bar, use a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder-width to target the inner head of the bicep. In addition, move the weight onto the outer palms if possible.
In terms of pace, focus on a 2-second concentric contraction, squeeze the biceps tightly and then control the eccentric contraction, taking 3-4 seconds to return the bar to the hips
Cable Hammer Curl
For the cable hammer curl, the rope attachment means that you will use a neutral grip (palms facing each other) which will effectively work the brachialis muscle.
However, as you drive the load upward look to supinate your grip (turn the palms upwards). Doing this will effectively engage both bicep peaks.
Workout 2


Sets x Reps

Superset 1:Barbell CurlTriceps Pushdown

2-3 x 8-12

Superset 2: Machine Preacher CurlsSeated Barbell Military Press

2-3 x 8-12

Superset 3:Concentration CurlsReverse Grip Tricep Pushdown

3 x 10-15, 1 x 20-25

Workout Instructions & Technique
The second workout utilizes 3 supersets and should be performed on shoulder & triceps days.
Because the exercises are supersetted do not rest at all until you have completed all of the reps. However, do take a 60-90 second rest between each superset.
Barbell Curl & Tricep Pushdown
For superset 1, use your 10 rep max weight for the 3 sets, after completing the warm-up sets. Ensure that you are using a shoulder-width grip for the curl.
It is imperative that you do not pyramid up during the warm-up sets as you want to avoid fatiguing the biceps prior to the working sets – remember, 3 or 4 reps will suffice.
For both of the exercises in this superset, cadence is highly important. As with workout 1, use a 2 second concentric and a 3-4 second eccentric.
Machine Preacher Curl & Seated Barbell Military Press
For the machine preacher curl, the main emphasis must be on the eccentric (or negative) portion of the exercise as eccentric training has been found to accelerate the rate of muscle growth (2).
In the preacher curl, the shoulder should be relatively relaxes as the upper arm is supported by the bench which should allow for a greater drive and control.
Look to bring the weight up by 1 second and use a 4-5 second descent to maximally load the biceps.
Concentration Curl & Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdown
When performing concentration curls, often it is the case that less weight is better. The focus of the exercise should be on the control and squeeze of the biceps, not the amount of weight lifted.
Focusing on the contraction can cause a greater degree of muscle activation (3) and consequent burn. Therefore, avoid the temptation to go excessively heavy and choose a weight that facilitates control.
To get the most out of the concentration curl, utilize a wrist twist at the top of the movement. Start with the dumbbell in a neutral grip, as you curl upward, supinate your grip.
At the very top of the movement, turn the wrist a little further to maximize supination. Imagining you are trying to get the pinkie to touch the nose is a good way to maximize wrist twist.
With the sets of 10-15 reps, select a weight that will allow you to complete a minimum of 10 and bring you to the point of muscular failure.
For the final set of 20-25 reps, drop the weight by 30-50%. The weight you use is dependant on how fatigued your muscles are at that point. 
Final Word
The above workouts should bring about significant changes in bicep peak size for all individuals regardless of your level of conditioning. However, it may be particularly beneficial for those of beginner and intermediate level.
Look to perform these workouts for a period of 4-6 weeks before assessing how your body has adapted to this training stimulus. Feel free to then experiment with loads and rep ranges to see what works best for you. 
1-Herman, Katherine; Barton, Christian; Malliaras, Peter; Morrissey, Dylan (July 19, 2012). “The effectiveness of neuromuscular warm-up strategies, that require no additional equipment, for preventing lower limb injuries during sports participation: a systematic review”. BMC Medicine. 10: 75. doi:10.1186/1741-7015-10-75. ISSN 1741-7015. PMC 3408383. PMID 22812375.
2-Roig, M.; O’Brien, K.; Kirk, G.; Murray, R.; McKinnon, P.; Shadgan, B.; Reid, W. D. (2009-08). “The effects of eccentric versus concentric resistance training on muscle strength and mass in healthy adults: a systematic review with meta-analysis”. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 43 (8): 556–568. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2008.051417. ISSN 1473-0480. PMID 18981046.
3-Calatayud, Joaquin; Vinstrup, Jonas; Jakobsen, Markus Due; Sundstrup, Emil; Brandt, Mikkel; Jay, Kenneth; Colado, Juan Carlos; Andersen, Lars Louis (2016-03). “Importance of mind-muscle connection during progressive resistance training”. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 116 (3): 527–533. doi:10.1007/s00421-015-3305-7. ISSN 1439-6327. PMID 26700744.

Iconic Event ‘Mr. America’ Names Generation Iron Network Official Media Partner

Iconic Event ‘Mr. America’ Names Generation Iron Network Official Media Partner

Generation Iron Network to collaborate with Mr. America and CBS Sports Network for coverage, previews, and a behind-the-scenes look at the Mr. America 2021.
Generation Iron Network has announced that it will be the official media partner for the Mr. America 2021 contest and expo taking place in Atlantic City at the Showboat Hotel on October 9-10, 2021. Under this new partnership, Generation Iron Network will become the official news hub for all previews, updates, and coverage of the Mr. America 2021 event. The full contest will also be broadcast on the CBS Sports Network at a later date.
The Mr. America competition is a legendary event and one of the oldest major bodybuilding competitions in the history of the sport. Before the Mr. Olympia or the Mr. Universe – there was the Mr. America. First held on July 4, 1939 as “America’s Best Built Man,” the event quickly changed to what is now known as the Mr. America contest the following year. The event was first sanctioned by the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) but has since changed many hands over its near century long run.
After the AAU ceased holding contests in 1999, the Mr. America contest fell from the mainstream bodybuilding consciousness. The contest disappeared for many years only to change hands multiple times and return sporadically and inconsistently.
As of 2020, the Mr. America contest resumed as a non-sanctioned event promoted by Marc Tauriello of East Coast Fitness Concepts. Tauriello’s goal is to return the Mr. America to its former glory as the biggest bodybuilding event of the year.

“With the return of the Iconic Mr America in 2020 there has never been a more exciting time in drug free bodybuilding,” stated Marc Tauriello. He continued:

“Having Generation Iron as our official media partner for this iconic event in 2021 as well as being televised truly represents the significance of the Mr America, if it wasn’t for the Mr America, bodybuilding as a hole wouldn’t be what it is today.”

The Mr. America 2021 will be held in Atlantic City at the Showboat Hotel on October 9-10. It is a non-sanctioned event, meaning that a bodybuilder from any league or federation may compete – allowing for a truly open playing field of the best competitors in the world. The contest will also be drug tested under strict WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) guidelines. The Mr. America contest and expo will hold competitions for bodybuilding, powerlifting, Clash of the Tridents, Olympic Weightlifting, and MAS Wrestling.

CBS Sports Network will also be providing fully televised coverage of the Mr. America competition. The television coverage will not be live but broadcast at a later date. Generation Iron Network will provide full updates and announcements of the schedule, how to watch, and when to tune in.
Generation Iron Network first launched in 2013 alongside the release of the feature film – Generation Iron. It has since grown and expanded to be the leading media outlet for all things bodybuilding, fitness, and strength sports. Providing not only news coverage, Generation Iron publishes informative training/nutrition guides, original programming, reviews on top brands, distributes chart topping sports documentaries worldwide and covers exclusive video interviews with top fitness athletes.
Generation Iron will build strategic media campaigns focused on bringing the most engaging and up to date information and coverage of the 2021 Mr. America. The company will utilize its expansive media presence and its global digital subscriber base to re-introduce Mr. America events and athletes to viewers worldwide. The full contest will be a fully drug tested event and will be broadcast on the CBS Sports Network at a later date.
“We are thrilled to team up with Marc Tauriello and the Mr. America team,” stated Executive Producer Edwin Mejia Jr. “Generation Iron is proud to cover the longest running bodybuilding contest in the country. and offer a whole new immersive experience for viewers worldwide.”
For the entire month of September leading up to the event, Generation Iron will provide a unique inside look into the Mr. America competition, its athletes, and the history of this prestigious event. Expect featured interviews with athletes set to compete, vital live event updates including:

Athlete previews,
Live updates
Event coverage of the Mr. America 2021
Discussion of past and present Mr America Greats
Event previews
Athlete arrivals
Interviews with Mr America competitors and Mr America Legends in attendance
Daily recaps of results and standings
Post-event interviews

Without the Mr. America, bodybuilding and fitness as we know it wouldn’t exist today. It set the standard for prestige bodybuilding contests, influenced the Mr. Universe and later the Mr. Olympia, and helped raise the bar for professionalism and exceptionalism in the sport of bodybuilding.
Stay tuned to the Generation Iron Fitness Network for incoming news, previews, and athlete profiles during our lead up coverage to the Mr. America 2021.

History of Mr. America Champions


Overall Winner (AAU)


Bert Goodrich (First Mr. America, but not AAU sanctioned)

Roland Essmaker


John Grimek


John Grimek


Frank Leight


Jules Bacon


Steve Stanko


Clarence Ross


Alan Stephan


Steve Reeves


George Eiferman


Jack Delinger


John Farbotnik


Roy Hilligenn


Jim Park


Bill Pearl


Dick DuBois


Steve Klisanin


Ray Schaefer


Ron Lacy


Tom Sansone


Harry Johnson


Lloyd Lerille


Raymond Routledge


Joe Abbenda


Vern Weaver


Val Vasilieff


Jerry Daniels


Bob Gajda


Dennis Tinerino


Jim Haislop


Boyer Coe


Chris Dickerson


Casey Viator


Steve Michalik


Jim Morris


Ron Thompson


Dale Adrian


Kalman Szkalak


Dave Johns


Tony Pearson


Ray Mentzer


Gary Leonard


Tim Belknap


Rufus Howard


Jeff King


Joe Meeko


Michael Antorino


Glenn Knerr


Richard Barretta


William Norberg


Matt DuFresne


Peter Miller


Joe DeAngelis


Mike Scarcella


Billy Nothaft


Andrew Sivert


Terence Hairston


Doug Rieser


Bill Davey


Harvey H. Campbell


Tracey Dorsey


Rawle Greene


Daniel White


John Heart


(No show held)


Cleveland Thomas


Shevon Cunningham


(No contests)


Jay Brew

POWER 30: The Most Powerful People In Bodybuilding, Fitness, & Strength Sports (2021)

POWER 30: The Most Powerful People In Bodybuilding, Fitness, & Strength Sports (2021)

Presented by Generation Iron, the bodybuilding, strength sports, and fitness world is filled with a whose who of talented athletes, businessmen, and personalities, all of them leaving their own impact on the health and wellness industry. Generation Iron’s Power 30 honors thirty unique and important individuals who have left their mark on the bodybuilding, fitness, and strength sports industry this year.
The Power 30 is our annual attempt to create a ranking, through in depth discussions amongst our editorial staff, of the 30 athletes, CEOs, and personalities that have made an impact on bodybuilding this year.30Janet Layug

After spending years on the scene looking to pick up a dominant victory, Janet Layug got her chance to shine at the 2020 Olympia. A long time competitor with a beautiful physique, Layug was able to rise to the occasion and win the Ms. Bikini Olympia title. She blew the competition out of the water and made good on her incredible potential. While she won’t be defending her title in 2021, her 2020 victory will stand as a truly memorable one to say the least.
29George Farah

One of the greatest trainers in bodybuilding today, George Farah has been a great influence on the modern game. Training athletes like Kai Greene, Farah clearly has a ton of knowledge on how to build an impressive physique. With a recent health scare and his acquired knowledge, Farah has shifted his focus to the health and wellness of bodybuilders. He’s been using his supplement company and extensive knowledge to create a healthy space for bodybuilders to become the best versions of themselves.
28Edwin Mejia Jr.

Edwin Mejia Jr. has become a very influential figure in the industry. Over the past 10 years, he has helped the careers of some of the top fitness pros and bodybuilders in the industry such Kai Greene, Calum von Moger, Zac Perna and Zac Aynsley. Mejia has also been responsible for producing and managing the distribution of an extensive content slate which includes the award winning film, “Generation Iron,” the  ‘Generation Iron’ series installments, ‘Ronnie Coleman The King’ (Netflix), ‘CT Fletcher My Magnificent Obsession’, Calum von Moger Unbroken’ and the ‘Dorian Yates Mass Monster’ life story biopic. Most recently he executive produced #1 debut releases such as Generation Iron: Natty 4 Life and Strength Wars: The Movie.

27Nick Walker

One of the young guns in modern bodybuilding, Nick Walker has cemented himself as one to watch on the scene. Already being touted as the second coming of Dorian Yates, Walker has the kind of size, development and potential that could see him become a future Olympia champion. His big win at the New York Pro 2021 seems to have cemented him as the most hyped pro bodybuilder rising in the sport. It will be exciting to see what he brings later this year at the Mr. Olympia.
26Joey Swoll

Joey Swoll is one of the most popular Instagram fitness celebrities. With an impressive physique and a unique personality, Joey Swoll has become one of the most recognized figures in the fitness and bodybuilding space. Recently releasing his own brand of low-calorie sauces, Joey Swoll continues to make waves as a budding entrepreneur. Beyond these many accomplishments, Swoll also struggled with pain killer addiction during the pandemic lockdowns. He has since recovered and made his experience public to help reach out to struggling individuals and athletes. With a goal to let those with addictions know they are never alone – he has further expanded his goals and endeavors in the fitness world.
25Shaun Clarida

Shaun Clarida made good on his potential as a top bodybuilding competitor this past December 2020. Clarida became the new 212 Olympia champion by bringing a truly impressive, chiseled, and well muscled frame. His physique has been called a “once and a career achievement” by many fellow athletes. Beyond division – his physique has been touted as one of the best of the past year… and might be the start of a Men’s 212 Olympia reign for years to come.
24Brandon Hendrickson

After failing to defend his Men’s Physique Olympia title back in 2019, Brandon Hendrickson was able to make a strong comeback in 2020. Motivating himself to overcome his weaknesses and improve upon them, Hendrickson was able to push himself to once again reclaim his title and do so in impressive and dominant fashion. He has now proved that this 2018 victory was no fluke and will perhaps be the dominant Men’s Physique champion for the foreseeable future.
23Mark Bell

Powerlifter, gym owner, former professional wrestler, Mark Bell has worn many different hats throughout his career. With his highly regarded Sling Shot brand helping lifters around the world, Mark Bell is an entrepreneur who has fully embraced the strength lifestyle. His popularity only continues to grow and he remains one of the most inspiring figures in the industry today.

22Julius Maddox

One of the strongest humans on the planet, Julius Maddox has yet again proven why he’s the king of the bench press. On a mission to conquer the 800lbs bench press, Maddox has once again broken the world record, breaking his previous record with a 782lbs lift. With another contender hot on his heels ready to contend for the world record, you can bet Julius Maddox will be in the gym doing what he does best.
21Brandon Curry

The 2019 Olympia champion acquitted himself well in 2020. While he was upset by Big Ramy, Brandon Curry was able to defeat the once dominant Olympia champion Phil Heath. His incredible physique can’t be denied and we could easily see him reclaiming his title in 2021 with just a few tweaks. Since his 2019 Olympia victory – he has become one of the key faces and voices of the IFBB.
20Jake Wood

Acquiring the Olympia brand back in 2019, Jake Wood was forced to undergo the impossible task of putting on the 2020 show amidst a pandemic. While it seemed like a truly impossible situation to overcome, Wood and his staff were able to deliver a truly impressive show. With less restrictions handicapping him and his team this year, Wood is likely to put on quite the show in 2021.
19Phil Heath

After failing to defend his title Phil Heath took time away from competing. In 2020 he made a triumphant return taking third at the Olympia after years away from being on stage. He cemented that despite becoming more advanced in age that he still has plenty left in the tank. After placing 3rd at the Olympia 2020, he has released a series of photo physique updates in 2021 with what seems like a further improved physique. With his recent improvements to his physique there’s still a possibility we could see Phil Heath bring an incredible package to the stage in the near future. And the buzz around his updates still prove he is one of the more powerful athletes in the sport.
18Michelle Lewin

A former bikini competitor, Michelle Lewin has seen it all in the fitness and bodybuilding industry. She has risen to become one of the most recognizable faces in the world with her over thirteen million Instagram followers and continues to grow her fan base with well constructed social media posts. Michelle showed great poise and heroism as she stood by her husband’s side through sickness. Even in their toughest hour, she was still able to stay strong and continue to keep her brand flourishing.

17Mike Rashid

One of the most influential fitness personalities on the web, Mike Rashid has proven to be a multifaceted talent. Not only has he ventured into professional boxing, Mike Rashid has also runs a successful supplement brand, Ambrosia, and continues to diversify his resume with a budding new podcast. It’s clear that he is one of the most charismatic and motivating figures in the fitness and bodybuilding industry.
16Mike O’Hearn

While many have questioned the legitimacy of his natural status, there’s no question that Mike O’Hearn is one of the hardest working bodybuilders in the business. His recent appearance in Generation Iron: Natty 4 Life offered an in-depth perspective on the life long bodybuilder and demonstrated just how much passion and energy he puts into being an ambassador for fitness and bodybuilding.
15Dorian Yates

One of the most influential bodybuilders of all time, Dorian Yates has completely reinvented himself in recent years. Dorian Yates: The Original Mass Monster captured the legendary champion in his days of yore. Since his reign as Olympia champion, Yates has gone on to be an advocate for psychedelics, yoga, and has even gone back to his bodybuilding roots with his own online training program. With a curious and entrepreneurial spirit, Dorian Yates continues to get better with age.
14Steve Weinberger

One of the most powerful figures in the IFBB, Steve Weinberger continues to be the example of the premiere bodybuilding judge. With the responsibility of deciding who will be Mr. Olympia, Weinberger is the one person with the most extensive knowledge of what a top champion should look like on stage. A powerful figure with a ton of influence.
The top judge in the IFBB Pro League, Steve Weinberger has cemented himself as one of the most powerful individuals in the industry. Working with high level talent on a daily basis, Steve Weinberger continues to push athletes to the next level with his intricate insight into building the human body into something only few can achieve. He is also the owner of the Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym – also known as the East Coast Mecca. A gym that remains to this day one of the most famous and historic bodybuilding gyms int he world.

13Ronnie Coleman

One of the most loved and respected bodybuilders in the history of the game, Ronnie Coleman took bodybuilding to heights never seen before. Always in high spirits despite the injuries he’s suffered throughout his career, Ronnie Coleman is a vision of determination and embodiment of never giving in no matter the difficulties faced.
12Tom Stoltman

Potential can only get you so far in the competitive strength space. After awhile, execution is necessary to standout. Tom Stoltman finally made good on his potential by dominating at the 2021 World’s Strongest Man. As champion, Stoltman has proven that he’s the real deal and now has the opportunity to build an even greater legacy for himself in the strongman space.
11Kai Greene

While many try to write off Kai Greene it’s still abundantly clear that he’s a powerhouse in the industry. The rumors of his return to action, variety show launch, numerous acting and business ventures show just how impressive, powerful, and influential Kai Greene is in the business. Since selling Dynamik Muscle and joining RedCon1, Kai Greene shows that he still has plenty of pull in the industry.
One of the hardest working people in the business, Kai Greene has proven himself to be a man of many talents. While he may not have stepped onto a competitive bodybuilding stage in quite some time, Kai Greene has remained relevant with his entertaining content and recent appearance in Generation Iron: Natty 4 Life.
10Bradley Martyn

A budding entrepreneur who got his start on the competitive scene, Bradley Martyn has turned his passion for bodybuilding into a multifaceted fitness empire. From opening up his own gym, Zoo Culture, to launching apparel lines, a supplement brand, and a podcast, Bradley Martyn has certainly become the picture of success in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. Keep your eye on this man as he continues to grow in the world of fitness!
9Jeff Cavaliere

A pro athlete trainer and popular YouTuber, Jeff Cavaliere has established himself as a powerhouse in the fitness industry. With his comprehensive knowledge on training and athletic performance, Cavaliere has and continues to make waves in the fitness space.
8Jay Cutler

One of the most successful businessmen in the bodybuilding and fitness industry, Jay Cutler has translated his impressive dedication for building muscle to building his supplement company and other ventures. The four-time Olympia champion looks to continue to thrive in his post pro bodybuilding career, and from the looks of things, Cutler will only continue to have tremendous success.
7Calum Von Moger

Calum von Moger went through some harrowing experiences in his career. The injuries he suffered would have stopped many in their tracks. Instead, Calum battled through the odds and was able to successfully attain his IFBB pro status back in November 2020. Building his Staunch brand into a powerhouse and now a certified pro, the future continues to look bright for the Generation Iron athlete.
One of the top fitness influencers in the world, Calum von Moger has been a great motivation for many facing adversity. While being a major force in the fitness and bodybuilding community in the online sphere, Calum has also made waves in spaces outside of the industry. Calum has appeared in a massive Gucci campaign, has continued to grow both his Staunch Nation Nutrition line and his training program, as well as starring as a young Arnold in the movie Bigger alongside Tyler Hoechlin and Julliane Hough. The documentary Calum von Moger: Unbroken showcased the kind of will, determination, and incredible mental fortitude the talented bodybuilder possesses – turning what could have been a career-ender for many into new challenge overcome with an even brighter future ahead of him.

6Hafthor Bjornsson

While he may not be going to battle with Eddie Hall this fall, Hafthor Bjornsson has accomplished a great deal in the calendar year. With his world record breaking 501kg deadlift and his consistent boxing competitions, Hafthor has cemented himself as one of the most adventurous strength athletes in the game today.
The 2018 World’s Strongest Man, Hafthor Bjornsson has proven himself to be a force in the strength community. The Game of Thrones actor proved he’s still one of the strongest humans on the planet after crushing the deadlift record with 501 kg lift. With strongman competitions now in his rear view, Hafthor Bjornsson has put all his focus on preparing for his battle against rival Eddie Hall in 2021.
5Larry Wheels

A strength athlete who has his hands in many ventures, Larry Wheels is not only an entrepreneur, but a man with a sense of adventure. His appearance in Strength Wars: The Movie further cemented the athlete as a man willing to take on any challenge in the strength field.
A man who constantly looks to better himself one lift at a time, Larry Wheels has come to be known as Mr. Personal Record. With hopes to compete in strongman events in the future, Larry Wheels is becoming one of the most influential and recognized figures in the strength community. He’s done powerlifting, he’s done bodybuilding. Can he make a name for himself in strongman?
4Chris Bumstead

Chris Bumstead showcased just how dominant of a champion he is with his victory at the 2020 Olympia. After a close victory in 2019, Bumstead would bring one of the most stellar physiques to ever step onto a bodybuilding stage. What we saw could be the beginning of a truly impressive reign as Classic Physique Olympia champion.
3Jim Manion

Undoubtedly one of the most powerful individuals in bodybuilding, Jim Manion continues to be a major influence in the industry. His sharp mind, business savvy, and leadership has taken the IFBB Pro League to all new heights. The mastermind behind all the machinations in the IFBB Pro League, Jim Manion has proven to be the glue that keeps the bodybuilding world together.
2Arnold Schwarzenegger

The Godfather of bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to be an inspiration to most anyone who’s stepped onto a bodybuilding stage. Recent controversial statements withstanding, Arnold has been an advocate for not only strength sports, but other sporting endeavors as well. When faced with the harrowing circumstances of the last two years, Arnold has risen to the occasion. He was still able to put on one of the best bodybuilding shows in 2020, the Arnold Classic acting as a template for other shows to follow for over a year and a half now.
Considered by many to be the GOAT, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a not simply just an icon in bodybuilding, fitness, and entertainment, he’s a force of nature. Throughout 2020 Schwarzenegger has been a source of positive motivation and continues to encourage his followers despite the dark times we find ourselves in.
1Big Ramy

With his unexpected win at the 2020 Olympia, Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay tops the list of this year’s Power 30 list. Big Ramy impressed with not only his incredible size that the bodybuilding world has come to know well. Big Ramy was able to maximize his potential by getting in some otherworldly condition. If he is able to come in the same great shape in 2021, this could be the beginning of a truly impressive reign as champion. After claiming the long sought after victory – he was signed on as the key sponsored athlete for Enhanced Labs. Big Ramy started from the bottom and has now risen to the top of bodybuilding. So too does he deserve to be at the top of this list.
Be Sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

How to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

How to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

How to lose fat and gain muscle
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a bodybuilder getting ready to compete or an average person getting shredded for a holiday, the fundamentals of fat loss and muscle gain are the same.
Body recomposition is the journey of fat loss and muscle gain, but it isn’t an easy one. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. The only way to get results you want is by being consistent. This is an in-depth guide on how to burn fat without losing strength.
Training to build muscle
When it comes to building muscle, the only way to do so is through training, and in particular resistance training. There are various methods and popular workouts that are known in the fitness industry when it comes to building muscle, but first you need to get the fundamentals right.

Progressive overload
This is an extremely important term when it comes to building muscle/ improving performance, without progressive overload you will not get the results you want. Progressive overload is the ability to gradually increase stress placed on the musculoskeletal system. This means continuously making the exercise more difficult through small increments.
This can be done in various different ways. One of the best ways to overload and build muscle is by increasing the weight. The more weight you lift, the more tension is placed on the muscle and the bigger and stronger they get. However, it isn’t always possible to increase the weight. For starters, our bodies will only be able to push to a certain point, or you may not have access to heavier weights. If so, you can still progressively overload by increasing the sets, reps, reducing the tempo or even reducing rest time in-between sets.
Compound lifts
Another important factor for building muscle is to include a large amount of compound lifts in your weight training sessions. Compound exercises include large muscle groups as opposed to accessory exercises that feature smaller muscle groups.
The benefit of including compound lifts in your workout is that the more muscle you’re using, the more muscle you’ll build, it’s as simple as that. For example, when you perform a barbell bent over row, you are using various muscles in the back, along with the biceps and the core muscles. In opposition, when you do a bicep curl, you are primarily only using your biceps.
On top of this, when you are weight training your heart rate increases and your metabolic rate also increases, this means you burn your calories quicker. When you’re doing big compound lifts this will increase your metabolism and aid fat loss.
Exercise to lose fat
When it comes to exercise for fat loss, in-order to push for a calorie deficit, you need to ensure that you are active enough for the amount of calories you are consuming. This means that although strength training sessions are important, your everyday movement will be the most important for fat loss.
NEAT is non exercise activity thermogenesis, which is all of the activity you do that doesn’t include your workouts. This can be doing your daily steps, gardening or carrying the food shopping, anything that is included in your everyday activity.
It is especially important to get your NEAT up during a fat loss phase because it is a time when you need to be in a calorie deficit and therefore, the more calorie you can burn from everyday activities the better.

When you’re trying to lose fat and build muscle at the same time, cardio is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health and also increase the energy expended. That being said, intense bouts of cardio may have a detrimental effect on your strength training if you do too much. This is because the main focus should be on strength, therefore tiring the body with intense cardio may leave the muscles too fatigued for gym sessions.
This is why LISS is a great alternative. Low Intensity Steady State cardio is usually performed for 45-60 minutes and will increase your calorie expenditure without having an adverse effect on your strength training.
Nutrition for fat loss & muscle gain
The main thing to consider in terms of nutrition and fat loss is being in a calorie deficit. This means consuming less calories than you expend. During body recomposition, you will be required to reduce your calorie intake for the best fat loss results.
As well as strength training, you also need to be fuelling your body with adequate calories and the right ones. This means getting enough protein. Protein is one of three macronutrients the body needs to function and survive, it is used to repair and build muscle, grow hair and nails and regulate hormones in the body, so it’s pretty important.
Protein is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of our body. Without a sufficient amount of protein, not only does our body not function as well, but your muscles will not be able to repair at a rate necessary when you’re strength training. This results in not achieving the muscle mass you desire for body recomposition.
When you train the muscles, micro tears are created, and it is once these are repaired that the muscle will grow. In-order to repair you need enough sleep, rest and protein. Therefore without enough of each of these things, your muscles will not grow and it may also result in injury.
Calorie intake
Another important factor in nutrition for muscle gain is to eat enough calories so that you are not starving the muscles and cannot incur muscle growth.
Although to lose fat you need to be in a calorie deficit, if you are in too much of a deficit this can have a negative effect. Your body uses carbohydrates and fats as energy sources. When we exercise, we are burning calories from these two macronutrients. If you are not consuming enough of either of these, or you are doing a considerable amount more exercise than the calories you consume, then your body will start to use protein as a source of fuel.
This isn’t good. If your body is using protein for energy then that protein cannot be used for muscle growth.
Supplements for body recomposition
Once you’ve got your nutrition and exercise down to a T, then it might be time to consider supplementation for the final push of your body recomposition. It is important to note that you will get the best results from supplements once you have the foundations set. Supplements are there as a final push to get you to where you want to be. Here are some key supplements to consider when you want to lose fat and gain muscle:
Whey protein
Protein powder is an essential if you need to increase your protein in-take and struggle to get it from natural food sources. Whey protein in-particular is the most popular form of protein and comes from a by-product of milk and cheese. It is often sold in a powder form, comes in several flavors and can be mixed with water or milk/milk alternatives. Protein powder often has around 30g of protein per scoop and can be a great low calorie way to increase your daily protein intake.

Fat burners 
Fat burners are often the icing on the cake when it comes to fat loss. You must execute your nutrition and training before moving to the final stages with a fat burner.
Ingredients often found in fat burners are there to increase your metabolism, use stored fat as energy and improve your energy levels so that you can train harder. To find a good fat burner, you should look for the following ingredients:

Green tea extract
Coleus extract

View our top rated lose fat and gain muscle supplement.
If you’re losing fat then you should be in a calorie deficit. Although this is essential, it might leave you feeling deflated and fatigued when it comes to training. To give your body a push you can opt to take pre-workout supplements. They usually come in a powder, capsule or as a snack bar and should be consumed before training.
Pre-workout supplements often have similar ingredients no matter what the brand, important ingredients to look out for include:

Green tea extract
Branched-chain amino acids

You can also check out our review guide for the best pre-workout supplements on the market right here.
Now are you ready to cut fat and keep muscle? Remember to make strength training the most important part of your workout routines to maintain strength and incorporate steady state cardio and NEAT to boost the amount of calories you expend.
Along with this, a controlled calorie deficit is vital if you want to lose fat, however keeping large amounts of protein in your diet to hold onto that all important muscle mass.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

John Meadows, Renowned Bodybuilder And Coach, Reportedly Dies At 49

John Meadows, Renowned Bodybuilder And Coach, Reportedly Dies At 49

John Meadows, former pro bodybuilder and nutritionist/coach has reportedly passed away.
It has been reported that John Meadows has died at 49 years old. He passed away in his sleep on Sunday, August 8th, 2021. At the time of this writing, the exact cause of death has not been revealed. John Meadows is a former IFBB Pro bodybuilder and well known coach. Most recently, he trained IFBB pro bodybuilder Shaun Clarida leading up to his 2020 Men’s 212 Olympia win.
The news has been reported to Generation Iron by multiple sources – but there has been no official announcement made by his family or on John Meadows official social media pages or website.
John Meadows is a bodybuilder who, during his early days in the sport, suffered from a rare colon disease that nearly killed him. Eventually his colon burst and he was rushed to the hospital. Luckily he survived and after months of recovery he returned to bodybuilding to do what he loved. He earned his IFBB Pro card despite these major health setbacks.
His past health conditions gave him a different perspective on bodybuilding and life. His aim became to continually put a focus on his health in a way many people don’t. After retiring from competitive bodybuilding – he continued as a nutritionist and coach. He’s guided many bodybuilders through their pro careers. Most notably, he recently coach Shaun Clarida in 2020 – when he won the Men’s 212 Olympia.

On May 11, 2020, John Meadows suffered from a heart attack due to a clotting disorder in his blood vessels. He was hospitalized but quickly brought back to a stable condition. The news was first announced by his wife, Mary Meadows.
John credits his wife as his biggest influence in life. She was with him through “ups” and “downs,” always supporting his decisions in life. “I couldn’t have done it without her,” John Meadows states of his wife. “When I was sick and got out of the hospital and I was too weak to look after myself, she did everything for me, including sanitary things I can’t talk about.”
John Meadows soon left the hospital, focused on recovery, and soon returned to coaching pro bodybuilders. Just this weekend, one of his coached athletes, Brooke Walker, won the Europa Phoenix Games 2021 and earned her Olympia qualification. It has not been confirmed that his death was tied to his previous heart attack or blood clotting disorder.
After his recovery, Generation Iron reconnected with John Meadows for a GI Exclusive interview discussing his heart attack, recovery, and future plans in bodybuilding. You can watch the full uncut video below:
[embedded content]
John Meadows was a well known and beloved bodybuilder, coach, and husband. He was a vital part of bodybuilding over the past few decades and will be missed severely by the entire community. Generation Iron sends condolences to his friend and family during this time.
While there has been no official announcement of his death by friends and family, bodybuilders have begun sending an outpour of support on social media. The news was reported to us by multiple sources – including our Talking Huge host Craig Golias who directly confirmed with Generation Iron. We will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.

Best Weight Cutting Supplements For Cutting Body Fat (Updated 2021)

Best Weight Cutting Supplements For Cutting Body Fat (Updated 2021)

These weight cutting supplements are perfect for cutting body fat and muscle retention and round out a great cutting diet plan.
Cutting weight can be hard but with the right cutting diet plan and top supplements, your goals to shred fat and work for muscle retention are closer than you think, especially with a natural fat burner. Our busy lives often find us snacking and finding any source of fuel to power us through the day. But those choices we make may not be the best when it comes to nutrition. Soon enough, you look in the mirror and realize you’ve put on a few. But fear not, because weight cutting supplements do exist and can work wonders as you seek to get back on the track with the right natural fat burner to boost all your goals.
We’ve put together a list of the Best Weight Cutting Supplements so you can shred fat and see those desired body composition changes you want most. As part of a great cutting diet plan, these products will work for muscle retention and offer options for a natural fat burner to only aid in your overall health and performance.
Best Weight Cutting Supplements 2021

Best Weight Cutting Option Overall
Finding the best weight cutting option overall can be challenging but its not impossible. Looking at the reputation of the brand, ingredients and formula, and price all play a huge role when looking a top natural fat burner.
Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
2 Capsules

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules with 8-10 ounces of water, twice daily, 30-60 minutes before meals

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great supplement to expedite weight loss by allowing you to shred fat, maintain muscle, and build that ideal physique for whatever comes your way. Working with 3 ways to expedite fat loss, this works to increase loss by determining how many calories you should burn, prevent hunger to eliminate snacking and unwanted calories, and offer an enjoyable weight loss experience so you actually work for your fat loss goal more effectively. This company works to provide total transparency with a 100% honest label so you know exactly what you are getting and how much you are getting from a fat burner supplement while shedding belly fat and avoiding muscle breakdown. With just 9 ingredients, this formula works to give you everything you need to succeed in your weight loss journey while boosting your metabolism and cutting body fat.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great burner to expedite weight loss in 3 ways. A 100% honest label ensures quality ingredients and optimal effectiveness.


Researched-backed doses and an honest label
Safe and effective to help you lose weight while burning belly fat and working on muscle retention
No artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives


A premium priced option
Only available through their website
The amount of caffeine may be slightly high

Price: $49.00
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Also, check out our individual review for Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner here!

Best Premium Weight Cutting Option
You want the most premium natural fat burner out of your weight cutting supplement. This will ensure it works for you to maximize both health and performance, as well as your cutting diet plan.
Enhanced All Day Shred

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 1 scoop anytime of day.

Enhanced All Day Shred is a great fat burner with a formula of 15 clinically dosed ingredients with amazing results packed in four blends to shred fat. These blends include a fat releasing blend, fat oxidation blend, thyroid support blend, and a supportive vitamin and mineral blend. Each works together with one another to offer increase metabolism for more calorie burn, the movement of fatty acids into cells for energy, the maintenance of healthy levels of essential nutrients to avoid deficiency, and the promotion of fat loss and lean muscle growth by boosting your metabolism and boosting thermogenesis while limiting your intake. With 15 ingredients, this powerful formula is great for evening fat loss and cutting body fat.

Enhanced All Day Shred has a powerful formula with 15 clinically-dosed ingredients. Four awesome blends allow for the best fat burning and support benefits possible.


No stimulants
15 ingredients offer amazing benefits like weight loss and muscle retention
Verified by active buyers with a money back guarantee


The price is okay for the number of servings
Some have complaints about the taste

Price: $39.99
Check out our individual review for Enhanced All Day Shred here!

Best Weight Cutting Ingredients
Ingredients matter and you deserve to have only the best working for you as you seek those weight loss and muscle retention goals. Where they come from and how they are dosed are incredibly important when looking for a top weight cutting supplement and natural fat burner.
Burn Lab Pro

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
3 NutriCaps

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 3 capsules with water.

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results as you seek to shred fat. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues, like muscle maintenance and lack of an energy boost. With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be out of your cutting diet plan.

Burn Lab Pro is a great all-around fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits. It is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free giving you the best option on the market.


Great ingredients designed to tackle weight and fat loss goals
No stimulating ingredients with an advanced formula
Safe and natural supplement for your overall health and wellness
From a reputable and high quality company


Premium priced option
3 capsules is a lot for serving size

Price: $59.00
Check out our individual review for Burn Lab Pro here!

Best All-Natural
A natural weight cutting supplement will give you the highest quality ingredients included. This will also make sure the entire process is completely natural, safe, and effective as you seek the best from your cutting diet plan and natural fat burner.
Kaged Muscle Clean Burn

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
2 Capsules

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules, 3 times daily, 30 minutes before meals.

 Kaged Muscle Clean Burn is a great stim-free fat loss solution to help tackle any and all weight loss needs as you look to shred fat. Designed with cutting edge and premium ingredients, this will work to offer thermogenic weight loss and is loaded with active ingredients. An effective supplement for losing weight and cutting body fat, Clean Burn offers the best fat burning benefits in a special blend with the right combination of powerful ingredients. Getting lean and ripped has never been more possible with clean burn.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Kaged Muscle Clean Burn is a great stim-free fat loss solution to tackle any weight loss needs. With great fat burning ingredients and a powerful formula, this is great for weight loss or weight management.


Clean, fully disclosed formula
Non-stimulant formula
Powerful ingredients in a special blend
From a reputable company in Kaged Muscle


Stim-free for those who want stimulants

Price: $26.99

Best Stim-Free
Many supplements contain stimulants that you just don’t want or need. By using a stim-free option you will receive the same benefits without the side effects that stimulants can cause.
Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Stim-Free

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
2 Capsules

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules with 8-10 ounces of water, twice daily, 30-60 minutes before meals.

Transparent Labs Stim-Free Fat Burner offers the benefit of being stim-free while not sacrificing the effects of the intended goal. This product is great for those who are intolerant to stimulants but who are looking to optimize their fat loss efforts and increase those of muscle maintenance. As an effective stim-free fat burner, this product works to burn natural fat, control hunger and food snacking, and increase support for your metabolism from a weight loss supplement that works to burn stored belly fat for men and women. Stimulant-free fat burners are effective because they can inhibit appetite or decrease nutrient absorption, making you feel full longer and reduce those cravings. With a 100% honest formula, 6 ingredients back by science, and no fillers or additives, these veggie capsules are perfect for those looking to lose fat without dealing with stimulants to burn calories and limit fat absorption throughout the day which could be beneficial for loss while still avoiding muscle breakdown.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free is a product great for those looking to optimize fat loss with a stim-free option. With 6 ingredients backed by science, an honest label allows for full transparency of the product.


Great for those looking to optimize fat loss and maximize muscle retention
Effective for burning belly fat, controlling cravings, and increasing metabolic support
Clean ingredients and an accurate formula


Does contain caffeine or other stimulants
Premium priced, high quality option
Only available directly from their website

Price: $49.00
Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free here! Plus, use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Best CBD Fat Burner Alternative
CBD is on the rise and as a popular industry, alternatives have started popping up everywhere. A CBD natural fat burner can give you weight cutting and fat burning benefits while also promoting the other benefits of CBD.

Type Of Application

CBD Dosage

Best Way To Take/Use
Take 1 capsule by mouth 1-3 times daily.

PFX Labs ShredCBD is a brand new design for CBD supplements used to help shred fat while also promoting energy, focus, sleep, performance, and overall wellbeing. With 20mg of premium pure CBD isolate in each capsule, this formula also includes 3 powerful fat burning ingredients to give you the best chance at weight loss. With zero unwanted side effects and a large number of benefits to more than just fat loss, ShredCBD is making waves as an innovative way to get rid of that unwanted fat to start seeing a shredded physique with that hard earned bodybuilding muscle pre, during, and post-workout or from your cutting diet plan.

ShredCBD is a new design using CBD isolate in an innovative way to burn fat. Promoting a host of other benefits, this CBD fat burner is an innovative and great option to try.


CBD isolate and three powerful fat burning ingredients
Great benefits towards fat loss, inflammation, muscle retention, performance, and more
Made in the USA in a GMP certified facility


Research is still in its infancy
Only available in the USA

Price: $48.00

Best Weight Cutting Option For Women
Having a weight cutting supplement specifically geared towards women can work wonders because it knows what to target. With great ingredients that are properly dosed, women can have the best chance at seeing their desired physique unfold from a natural fat burner.
Cira Nutrition Flare

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
2 Capsules

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules once daily with water, preferably in the morning or afternoon shortly before eating.

Cira Nutrition Flare is an awesome fat burner to help you tone and feel good in your body. As an effective and safe supplement, this can help get rid of excess water weight,  shred fat, boost energy, reduce stress, and improve your mood so you can keep doing the things you love and feel confident in doing so. With 7 clean and effective ingredients, you can’t go wrong with this great fat burner from a highly reputable and honest company in Cira Nutrition. When it comes to your diet pills and the top ranked ingredients included in each, look no further than here for all your lean muscle maintenance and fat loss goals while still offering the best for performance.

Cira Nutrition Flare is an effective and safe supplement to shed fat, boost energy, and improve mood. With 7 clean and effective ingredients, this honest label gives you the best benefits out of your fat burner.


Clean and effective ingredients
Great benefits to fat loss and lean muscle retention and maintenance
From a reputable company in Cira Nutrition


Only available directly from their website
Premium priced option on the market

Price: $39.99
Check out our individual review for Cira Nutrition Flare here!

Benefits Of Weight Cutting Supplements
Weight cutting supplements are perfect for working to shred fat and offer muscle retention and can be a great addition to any cutting diet plan. Able to aid in your overall health and performance, the benefits of these supplements are hard to ignore. Benefits of weight cutting supplements and a good natural fat burner include:

Suppress appetite: Eliminate hunger and suppress your appetite to stop any stubborn belly fat from being stored.
Kickstart metabolism: Give your metabolism a real boost and shred fat effectively. This will also give you a great boost of energy (1).
Maintain lean muscle: Muscle retention while losing fat can be challenging but working on keeping those gains will eliminate muscle breakdown while still seeing fat loss (2).
Better cognitive function: Using fat for fuel, this will boost energy levels and offer more focus and alertness so you can tackle any workout that comes your way.

How These Products Actually Help Cut Weight
They can help to oxidize fat which is a process where fatty acids need oxygen inside of the mitochondria in order for the fat to be utilized as energy. Exercise will increase this but some substances can aid in the weight cutting process, like caffeine and green tea (3). Caffeine and other studied ingredients can also help boost the metabolism which can result in extra calories burned along with whey protein to work for our muscles for added muscle retention (4).
But, weight loss is usually modest and that’s why no fat loss supplement will provide miraculous results on its own for a workout and results. To take them would be to simply enhance the process. Some ingredients like green tea extract, garcinia cambogia, and CLA are natural suppressants and so this is another way to lose weight. Eating fewer calories will always result in cutting. 

Are Weight Cutting Supplements Safe?
These products are not FDA approved and so it’s up to the user to take preventative measures when considering the use of weight cutting supplements. But supplement companies must abide by the laws and the reputable ones know quality and safety are important especially with a thermogenic supplement (5).
The products on our list are generally safe to use for your cutting diet plan if you’re an already healthy individual. Otherwise, it’s always highly recommended to check in with your doctor to make sure you lessen the chances of experiencing any adverse side effects. Caffeine (stimulant) especially, can cause undesirable effects if one is not used to normal consumption.  And some herbs can have side effects so be sure to always read up on any potential risks associated with the intake of any ingredients. And that goes for any nutritional supplement, not just those for weight loss but also benefits like immune system support and increased energy.
Children and the elderly should refrain from using these compounds and they’re only recommended for healthy individuals who have no known reactions to any of the ingredients contained in any one of these weight cutting aids to burn fat with their diet.
How We Choose
When looking at the best weight cutting supplements, it is important for us to focus on many different aspects of each product. We first look at the reputation of the product and the brand, because you deserve only the best for your body. Through customer reviews and prior knowledge of each respective brand, we only seek the best weight cutting supplements. Ingredients and effectiveness are important because you deserve to have only the best ingredients in your product. Seeing results is huge and with the right ingredients at effective dosages, your gains can be met and results can be seen. Lastly, we look at price. We know it can be challenging to find high-quality products at affordable prices and we only seek those supplements that are affordable while still being highly effective and safe.

FAQ Section
What is the best weight cutting supplement?
Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner. This is a great supplement to expedite weight loss by allowing you to shred fat, maintain muscle, and build that ideal physique for whatever comes your way. With just 9 ingredients, this formula works to give you everything you need to succeed in your weight loss journey while boosting your metabolism.
Do I really need to use a weight cutting supplement?
Using a supplement is totally up to you. With the right diet and training routine, it is possible to see the results you want without a weight cutting supplement. But using these products can greatly affect your results and can allow for faster results, which is something we all want.
Is there a difference in those supplements for men and women?
The difference, if any, lies in the ingredients and dosages of each product. Many of the products on this list are great for both men and women but it is important to look at the label to always be sure.
Wrap Up
Finding the right weight cutting supplement can be challenging but it is possible. When looking to capitalize on a great cutting diet plan, a supplement can work to shred fat and provide for muscle retention so you see the desired body composition changes you want most. Cutting body fat can be hard but it is absolutely possible. With these supplements above, you can work to achieve all your goals and much more so give these high-quality weight cutting supplements a try and see the results you want most today.
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Jeukendrup, A. E.; Randell, R. (2011). “Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism”. (source)
Helms, Eric R.; Aragon, Alan A.; Fitschen, Peter J. (2014). “Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation”. (source)
Deyhle, Mike; Mermier, Christine; Kravitz, Len. “The Physiology of Fat Loss”. (source)
Graham, T. E. (2001). “Caffeine and exercise: metabolism, endurance and performance”. (source)
National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. “Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss”. (source)

Gunter Schlierkamp: I Competed In Bodybuilding When It Was At Its Best

Gunter Schlierkamp: I Competed In Bodybuilding When It Was At Its Best

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Gunter Schlierkamp details the excitement he had moving to America and training at Gold’s Gym in the 90s.
It’s often said that the 90s into the early 2000s is the new Golden Era of bodybuilding. Or perhaps the second coming of the Golden Era. With athletes like Flex Wheeler, Ronnie Coleman, Kevin Levrone, and Shawn Ray among others – it’s hard to disagree. It also seems that Gunter Schlierkamp shares this sentiment as well. Schlierkamp was an outsider who entered into American pro bodybuilding during this time. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Gunter Schlierkamp reflects on his journey to becoming pro and why he’s glad he was lucky enough to compete in what he calls the best era of bodybuilding.
No one is born a bodybuilder. If you were to look back at childhood photos of any famous bodybuilder – you would likely not expect how physically massive they would eventually become. That’s what makes origin stories so fascinating in this sport. There are millions of avenues and walks of life that eventually point towards pro bodybuilding. For Gunter Schlierkamp – his journal also involved leaving his home country to find his footing in the United States.
During our conversation with Gunter Schlierkamp, we asked him to reflect on how he discovered bodybuilding and what brought him to America. He details how quickly he saw growth once he fell in love with weightlifting. Eventually, his physique was so impressive – someone took him under his wing. That person insisted that he needs to go to America. He wanted him to compete with the greats at events like Night of Champions and, of course, the Mr. Olympia.
Gunter Schlierkamp’s journey to the United States was not an easy one. He describes first arriving and having to basically find places to sleep like a nomad. He would sleep in abandoned factories and in cars. He went head first into traveling to America and it took him some time to get his financial footing. Since he couldn’t get a bank account – he trusted someone to take his money and keep it in a bank for him. That ended poorly as he was taken advantage of.

Ultimately he made his way to California, got some financial footing, and started training at Gold’s Gym. He gushes at how lucky he was to be born at a time when he would compete and train in the 90s.  Suddenly he went from idolizing athletes like Flex Wheeler to being in the same room and training alongside him. It was a dream come true.
He also believes that he competed at the best time in bodybuilding history because of the famous Joe Weider contracts. At a time before social media and over-saturation of supplement companies – Schlierkamp was able to land a Weider contract. It was like becoming a salary employee in bodybuilding. Suddenly his passion for bodybuilding was his full time career.
Today, those kind of contracts don’t happen. While there is more opportunity for profit – it’s more entrepreneurial. It relies on social media excellence (which also requires a little bit of luck) to obtain followers and generate revenue. There’s more control – but also more risk. Internet relevancy can turn on a dime.
You can watch Gunter Schlierkamp go into more detail about his bodybuilding origins and why he believes the 90s is the best era for competitive bodybuilding. Watch it all in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Best Fat Burners For Men To Shed Fat & Maintain Muscle (Updated 2021)

Best Fat Burners For Men To Shed Fat & Maintain Muscle (Updated 2021)

If you’re serious about muscle maintenance and weight loss, then you need to cut back unwanted belly fat with the best fat burners on the market today.
A successful weight cut means you’ll feel lean with popping abs and a physique that would fit in with the gods of old and having fat burners in your routine will work for muscle maintenance, weight loss, that desired energy boost, and the chance to burn that belly fat. The best fat burners for men can help get you there. But cutting is hard, and unless you dabble in the dark side of supplements (which we do not recommend) you’ll find you’ll be feeling fatigued, hangry as hell and basically wanting to destroy everything. Cutting can be made easier though, and whilst lots of fat burners are just a load of snake oil and/or horses*it, some fat burner supplements can provide good results that make that dreaded calorie deficit a ton more bearable, especially when looking to burn belly fat and promote muscle maintenance with a great energy boost.
When choosing the best fat burner for men, here is our list of the 8 Best Fat Burners to help change your body composition and get that shredded physique for all your training and performance goals.
Best Fat Burners For Men 2021

Best Overall Fat Burner for Men Overall
When looking for the best fat burners around, it is possible to find the one that will work for all your gains. Great ingredients and a powerful formula matched by a quality company behind it will give you the best chance at growth.
Burn Lab Pro

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
3 NutriCaps

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 3 capsules with water.

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results as you seek to burn belly fat. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues, like muscle maintenance and lack of an energy boost.
With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be. Forslean works to trigger a hormonal cascade to boost fat breakdown and promote fat burning, while Capsimax regulates hormones to increase body heat to block fat stores and control appetite with food. Along with these other ingredients, this advanced formula is designed to target all of your weight loss needs from a fat burner supplement.

Burn Lab Pro is a great all-around fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits. It is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free giving you the best option on the market.


Great ingredients designed to tackle weight and fat loss goals
No stimulating ingredients with an advanced formula
Safe and natural supplement for your overall health and wellness
From a reputable and high quality company


Premium priced option
3 capsules is a lot for serving size

Price: $59.00
Check out our individual review for Burn Lab Pro here!

Best Transparent Fat Burner for Men
Knowing what’s in your fat burner is important as you seek the best for your gains. An honest and transparent label are essential for giving you what you want most, which are results.
Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
2 Capsules

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules with 8-10 ounces of water, twice daily, 30-60 minutes before meals.

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great supplement to expedite weight loss by allowing you to shed fat, maintain muscle, and build that ideal physique for whatever comes your way. Working with 3 ways to expedite fat loss, this works to increase loss by determining how many calories you should burn, prevent hunger to eliminate snacking and unwanted calories, and offer an enjoyable weight loss experience so you actually work for your fat loss goal more effectively. This company works to provide total transparency with a 100% honest label so you know exactly what you are getting and how much you are getting from a fat burner supplement while shedding belly fat and avoiding muscle breakdown.
With just 9 ingredients, this formula works to give you everything you need to succeed in your weight loss journey while boosting your metabolism. Forslean allows you to release fatty acids from stubborn tissue to stimulate fat loss while green tea works with Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) to influence fat metabolism so fat loss does occur. A host of other ingredients work to your benefit with this advanced formula to make sure your experience is everything you want out of a thermogenic fat burner for that stubborn belly fat loss.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Fat Burner is a great burner to expedite weight loss in 3 ways. A 100% honest label ensures quality ingredients and optimal effectiveness.


Researched-backed doses and an honest label
Safe and effective to help you lose weight while burning belly fat
No artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives


A premium priced option
Only available through their website
The amount of caffeine may be slightly high

Price: $49.00
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Also, check out our individual review for Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner here!

Best All Natural
Natural supplements are always good ways to go and fat burners are no different. Finding the best options around can prove to be worthwhile with effective and clean ingredients.
Kaged Muscle Clean Burn
Kaged Muscle Clean Burn is a great stim-free fat loss solution to help tackle any and all weight loss needs. Designed with cutting edge and premium ingredients, this will work to offer thermogenic weight loss and is loaded with active ingredients. An effective supplement for losing weight, as well as weight management, Clean Burn offers the best fat burning benefits in a special blend with the right combination of powerful ingredients. Getting lean and ripped has never been more possible with clean burn.

Kaged Muscle Clean Burn is a great stim-free option to help tackle any fat loss needs. Loaded with active ingredients and a special blend, this is a great fat burning solution.


Clean, fully disclosed formula
Non-stimulant formula
Powerful ingredients in a special blend
From a reputable company in Kaged Muscle


Stim-free for those who want stimulants

Price: $26.99

Best Fat Burner With Stimulants
While non-stimulant fat burners will do the trick, those with stimulants can give you a serious boost to affect all of your gains. With the right amount of stimulants, it can be safe and effective for whatever your needs may be.
Fighters Core

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
3 Capsules

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules in the morning with breakfast.

Fighters Core is a great fat burning supplement to cut as much fat as possible while also maintaining and growing as much muscle as possible. This is the perfect fat burner for bodybuilders or anyone who engages in regular exercise often. Fighters Core is designed to promote the breakdown of fat, boost metabolic rate, preserve and build muscle tissue, and improve focus and energy levels for a great energy boost. This supplement is rigorously tested and side effect free while working to boost your metabolism to shed that unwanted belly fat and promote muscle maintenance while avoiding muscle breakdown.
With 8 powerful and natural ingredients, each offers the best chance to see great results to give you the body you want. Calcium HMB is used to promote the burning of stored fat for energy during workouts, while green tea extract offers antioxidants and can increase your daily energy expenditure. Teacrine and caffeine work as clean sources of energy while mixing well with the other ingredients, like green tea leaf extract or green coffee bean, to optimize fat loss and muscle growth from fat burning ingredients.

Fighters Core is a great fat burning supplement for those to cut as much fat as possible. With 8 powerful and natural ingredients, this gives you the best chance at seeing those desired results.


Made from natural ingredients
Proprietary formula makes this a great fat burning supplement
Promotes fat burn and growth of lean muscles
8 powerful ingredients


Does contain more than one stimulant
May cause unwanted jitters
Slightly high in price

Price: $49.00
Check out our individual review for Fighters Core here!

Best Stim Free Fat Burner
Of course, there are people who don’t respond as well to stimulants as others. Stim-free options will offer the same benefits without all the added jitters or negative effects of stimulants.
Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
2 Capsules

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 2 capsules with 8-10 ounces of water, twice daily, 30-60 minutes before meals.

PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner Stim-Free offers the benefit of being stim-free while not sacrificing the effect of the intended goal. This product is great for those who are intolerant to stimulants but who are looking to optimize their fat loss efforts and increase those of muscle maintenance. As an effective stim-free fat burner, this product works to burn natural fat, control hunger and food snacking, and increase support for your metabolism from a weight loss supplement that works to burn stored belly fat for men and women.
Stimulant-free fat burners are effective because they can inhibit appetite or decrease nutrient absorption, making you feel full longer and reduce those cravings. With a 100% honest formula, 6 ingredients back by science, and no fillers or additives, these veggie capsules are perfect for those looking to lose fat without dealing with stimulants to burn calories and limit fat absorption throughout the day which could be beneficial for loss while still avoiding muscle breakdown.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free is a product great for those looking to optimize fat loss with a stim-free option. With 6 ingredients backed by science, an honest label allows for full transparency of the product.


Great for those looking to optimize fat loss
Effective for burning belly fat, controlling cravings, and increasing metabolic support
Clean ingredients and an accurate formula


Does contain caffeine or other stimulants
Premium priced, high quality option
Only available directly from their website

Price: $49.00
Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs Fat Burner Stim-Free here! Plus, use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Best Fat Burner for Muscle Retention
While you burn fat, you want to make sure you keep that valuable muscle on. Muscle retention will allow you to drop that stubborn body fat and change your composition for the better.
Enhanced All Day Shred

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 1 scoop anytime of day.

Enhanced All Day Shred is a great fat burner with a formula of 15 clinically dosed ingredients with amazing results packed in four blends. These blends include a fat releasing, fat oxidation blend, thyroid support, and a supportive vitamin and mineral blend. Each works together with one another to offer increase metabolism for more calorie burn, the movement of fatty acids into cells for energy, the maintenance of healthy levels of essential nutrients to avoid deficiency, and the promotion of fat loss and lean muscle growth by boosting your metabolism and boosting thermogenesis while limiting your intake.
With 15 ingredients, this powerful formula is great for evening fat loss. Solid ingredients like forskohlii and BioPerine are great and may help for fat releasing and work to increase whole-body energy expenditure for the best in an energy boost. Packed with B vitamins and folic acid, you get a healthy dose of essential nutrients to avoid deficiencies and allow your body to handle the stress of losing that stubborn fat.

Enhanced All Day Shred has a powerful formula with 15 clinically-dosed ingredients. Four awesome blends allow for the best fat burning and support benefits possible.


No stimulants
15 ingredients offer amazing benefits
Verified by active buyers with a money back guarantee


The price is okay for the number of servings
Some have complaints about the taste

Price: $39.99
Check out our individual review for Enhanced All Day Shred here!

Best Fat Burner for Suppressing Appetite
One key component of fat burners are suppressing your appetite, which eliminates the need for snacking. Those late night binges or midday snacks can add up and holding our appetites at bay can prove very worthwhile for our gains.
Burn Lab Pro

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
3 NutriCaps

Stim Or Non-Stim

Best Way To Take
Take 3 capsules with water.

Burn Lab Pro is an all-around great fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits to really enhance your results. Instead of an unhealthy, stim-driven formula, Burn Lab Pro is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free to give you an effective supplement without any fear of jitters or crashing. Burn Lab Pro allows you to shed more body fat from every workout, gain more lean muscle and promote muscle maintenance, see better results from diet and exercise, and give you a safe and natural fat burner supplement to tackle any issues, like lack of an energy boost.
With 5 powerful and research-backed ingredients, this is the ultimate fat burner for whatever your needs may be. Forslean works to trigger a hormonal cascade to boost fat breakdown and promote fat burning, while Capsimax regulates hormones to increase body heat to block fat stores and control appetite with food. Along with these other ingredients, this advanced formula is designed to target all of your weight loss needs from a fat burner supplement.

Burn Lab Pro is a great all-around fat burner with an innovative design and research-backed benefits. It is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free giving you the best option on the market.


Great ingredients designed to tackle weight and belly fat loss goals
No stimulating ingredients with an advanced formula
Safe and natural supplement for your overall health and wellness
From a reputable and high quality company


Premium priced option
3 capsules is a lot for serving size

Price: $59.00
Check out our individual review for Burn Lab Pro here!

Best CBD Fat Burner
CBD is a popular and growing industry and many benefits have come out around this. Along with great fat burning ingredients, CBD may be a key for you to see the results you want most.

Type Of Application

CBD Dosage

Best Way To Take/Use
Take 1 capsule by mouth 1-3 times daily.

PFX Labs ShredCBD is a brand new design for CBD supplements used to help target body fat while also promoting energy, focus, sleep, performance, and overall wellbeing. With 20mg of premium pure CBD isolate in each capsule, this formula also includes 3 powerful fat burning ingredients to give you the best chance at weight loss. With zero unwanted side effects and a large number of benefits to more than just fat loss, ShredCBD is making waves as an innovative way to get rid of that unwanted fat to start seeing a shredded physique with that hard earned bodybuilding muscle pre, during, and post-workout.

ShredCBD is a new design using CBD isolate in an innovative way to burn fat. Promoting a host of other benefits, this CBD fat burner is an innovative and great option to try.


CBD isolate and three powerful fat burning ingredients
Great benefits towards fat loss, inflammation, performance, and more
Made in the USA in a GMP certified facility


Research is still in its infancy
Only available in the USA

Price: $48.00

Benefits Of Fat Burners For Men
When looking at the benefits of fat burners, it is no wonder why these have become more and more popular over time. For men looking to burn that stubborn belly fat, a supplement like a fat burner is truly what you need.
Benefits of fat burners include:

Boost metabolism: Really work to kickstart your metabolism so you start to burn stubborn belly fat and more calories. Using these as energy, it doesn’t have a chance to be stored as fat.
Appetite suppression: Eliminate hunger and snacking by working to suppress your appetite.
Sharp mental function: With fat being used for fuel, your energy levels and cognitive function will improve, allowing more focus and alertness and the occasional serious energy boost.
Maintain lean muscle: Keep on that hard earned lean muscle while shedding fat so you don’t lost those sought after gains through proper muscle maintenance. With this, you will avoid the dreaded muscle breakdown.

How To Find A Good Fat Burner For Men
Finding a good burner should be a priority in terms of safety and effectiveness. Here are some things to look for in a high-quality fat burning supplement.

Natural, safe, and clinically backed ingredients

The ingredients place in a fat burner should reflect the quality of the brand representing the product. You deserve to put the best in your body so don’t settle for poor ingredients.

Visible results within 3-6 weeks of using a supplement

Seeing results should not take forever. A good quality fat burner will take control and give you a chance to start seeing real results in no time.

High reputation & transparency of the company

You want to trust the people designing and creating each product and a company not willing to fully disclose their formula doesn’t deserve your time. Look into what others say about the company and what you know of them because reputation is everything.

Sustainable and long-term effects

The results you see should stay with you as you maintain weight loss, as well as being sustainable towards your long term goals.

Key Ingredients In Fat Burners
Here are a few key ingredients to look for in a quality fat burner.
Forskolin: This will work to lessen hunger and control cravings better for weight management. By releasing stored fat for energy, you will start seeing results (1).
5-HTP: Increases the feeling of fullness and satiety to eliminate unwanted snacking.
L-Theanine: Can work to lower blood pressure and counteract negative effects of caffeine, another ingredient in fat burners (2).
Caffeine: Increases thermogenesis for more fat burn and better energy. This can be in something like coffee bean extract or green tea for example (3).
HMB: Great for cutting calories and aiding in weight loss while working to preserve lean body mass and promoting muscle maintenance (4).
Cayenne Pepper Extract: Works to increase your metabolism to burn more calories and aid in weight loss.
Green Tea Extract: Enhances your body’s thermogenic process and provides powerful antioxidants (5).
Glucomannan: Works to reduce sugar absorption and acts as an appetite suppressant.
How We Choose The Best Fat Burners
A fat burner is something with real potential to help you with all your fat loss goals. Finding the right one can be challenging but we’ve taken it upon ourselves to look for the best products for you. Looking at the reputability of the brand, as well as their ingredients, is important to us because you deserve to put the best in your body. The formula used in each fat burner should be not only effective, but also safe, and this list reflects that. We also know that price can be a deterring factor and we sought the most reasonably priced fat burners that are still at the top of the market in terms of quality.

FAQ Section
What is the best fat burner?
Burn Lab Pro. This fat burner is 100% natural, safe, and caffeine free so you never suffer jitters and crashing. With a great formula and 5 powerful ingredients, this can work to shed more fat, gain more muscle, provide muscle maintenance, and see those desired changes in your body composition come to life from fat burning supplements by boosting the burning production in your body.
Are fat burners safe?
Generally, fat burners are safe to use to lose weight for active people. It is always wise to read the ingredients on each, as well as doing prior research into customer reviews on your desired products. Our list above shows some top-tier fat burners that are reliable and safe for use, but it is a good idea to always read the label.
Why do I need to use a fat burner?
Fat burners are generally for those who already exercise but still may struggle to get their weight down to where they want it to be. Fat burners will help to lower body fat and give the process of natural fat loss a bit of a boost with fat burning supplements to lose weight by raising your body’s temperature and aiding in your body’s ability to lose fat using ingredient such as a root, plant, or extracts, as well as others to produce your desired results.
I’m sensitive to caffeine. Is there a fat burner I can take that is stim-free?
There are many stim-free fat burners now that will provide the same results without the fear of jitters, crashing, raised blood pressure, or other negative side effects from other weight loss pills. Many companies will in fact have a stimulant and a stimulant-free version of the same fat burner so you can compare an individual burner that contains caffeine and one without caffeine. Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Stim-Free is a great fat burner with clean ingredients, a transparent label, and stim-free advantages for your weight loss goals with supplements.
Wrap Up
With so many fat burning supplements out there claiming to be the end-all be-all of fat loss products, it can be hard to tell who is actually aiming for your benefit. While there is no secret pill to make fat disappear, fat burners are there to assist in your fat loss goals. Whether they give you those much needed energy boosts, pull from your fat stores to get rid of that excess nemesis, suppress your appetite, promote muscle maintenance, or enhance metabolism, mixed with a healthy diet and exercise, these products can help you achieve that toned physique without compromising that lean muscle mass while increasing energy. Stay on track with your process and give these fat burners a try to finally achieve your goals of looking and feeling great.
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Hursel, R.; Viechtbauer, W.; Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2009). “The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis”. (source)
Nobre, Anna C.; Rao, Anling; Owen, Gail N. (2008). “L-theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effect on mental state”. (source)
Tabrizi, Reza; Saneei, Parvane; Lankarani, Kamran B.; Akbari, Maryam; et al. (2019). “The effects of caffeine intake on weight loss: a systematic review and dos-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials”. (source)
Portal, Shawn; Eliakim, Alon; Nemet, Dan; Halevy, Orna; Zadik, Zvi (2010). “Effect of HMB supplementation on body composition, fitness, hormonal profile and muscle damage indices”. (source)
Hursel, R.; Viechtbauer, W.; Westerterp-Plantega, M. S. (2009). “The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis”. (source)

Best Pre-Workout Supplements For Muscle Building (Updated 2021)

Best Pre-Workout Supplements For Muscle Building (Updated 2021)

Give yourself the best chance to improve performance and strength training with these great pre-workout supplements to see great muscle growth.
When it comes to building muscle and getting a great pump, pre-workout supplements are exactly what you need. As great training aids to improve performance and strength training, pre-workouts have the ability to provide enhanced focus, increased heart rate, weight loss, and insane muscle pumps to assist with those big lifts and really force our muscles to grow. While our busy schedules do tend to drain us, it is important we find that all important energy from somewhere and pre-workout supplements have just what you need to really make that happen for that desired improved performance, weight loss, and muscle building goals. Great for shedding fat, increasing muscle, and hitting you with amazing energy boosts, a pre-workout can enhance recovery and allow to bounce back faster for your next big lift.
We’ve put together a list of the Best Pre-Workout Supplements for 2021 so you can start to see the desired growth you want. You won’t be disappointed with the results from a good quality, highly effective pre-workout on your endurance, strength training, weight loss, and exercise performance for optimal training.
Best Pre-Workout Supplements For 2021

Best Pre-Workout Overall
Finding a great pre-workout may seem daunting but their are those out there that can cover all your bases. From energy, to muscle pumps, reduced fatigue, and more, Performance Lab has the top pre-workout for you.
Performance Lab Sport Pre

Stim Or No Stim
No Stim




Number Of Servings


Best Way To Take
Take up to 6 capsules 30-45 minutes before your workout. Take on an empty stomach with 16-32 oz. of water

Performance Lab Sport Pre is another high quality pre-workout supplement available to the public at a great price point. Performance Lab Sport is one of the most rigorously scientifically vetted brands and all of their pre-workout products are free of synthetic additives (which might dehydrate the muscles), non-GMO, and vegan friendly. Sport “Pre” increases nitric oxide in the blood to support the oxygenation of muscles during workouts, improves endurance by hydrating the muscles, and enhances both anaerobic and aerobic exercise by increasing ATP reductase for the best benefits out of strength training, weight loss, and performance.

Performance Lab SPORT Pre is a high-quality pre-workout free of additives designed to increase nitric oxide in the blood, improve endurance by hydrating your muscles, and enhance strength training, weight loss, and overall performance.


Vegan friendly
Capsules are easy to take
Will help with strength and endurance
Caffeine free for those looking for no caffeine


Premium priced option
Only available through their site

Price: $39.00

Best For Strength
Of course, we want our pre-workout to work for our benefit in terms of strength. Transparent Labs has this amazing option to do just that.
Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK

Stim Or No Stim




Number Of Servings

Orange, Green Apple, Sour Grape, Blue Raspberry, Tropical Punch

Best Way To Take
Mix 1 scoop with 16-24 fl. oz. of water 20-30 minutes before your workout.

Backed by science with clinically effective dosages, this pre-workout is most effective for those looking to increase in size and muscle mass. BULK contains 6,000 mg of citrulline malate, 4,000 mg of beta-alanine, 4,000 mg of BCAAs, and 2,500 mg of betaine to boost your workouts, blood flow, weight loss, and muscle growth, all in attempts to improve performance. BULK will reduce fatigue and increase your energy to give you a more impactful and longer lasting workout. Transparent Labs prides themselves on a 100% label and there are artificial additives, colorings, or preservatives to ruin this clean product.

Use code GENIRON1O for 10% off!

Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK is backed by science with clinically effective dosages to increase muscle size and mass. This pre-workout is perfect for reducing fatigue, aiding in muscle growth, and boosting energy levels for better overall performance.


High amount of citrulline malate for awesome pumps
Very clean ingredients for an honest product
From a reputable company in Transparent Labs


High in beta alanine
Premium priced option
Only available directly from their site

Price: $49.00
Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK here! Also, use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Best Natural Ingredients For Energy
You deserve to have the best ingredients when it comes to your supplements and National Bodybuilding Co. seeks only the best for it’s pre-workout and other supplements.
National Bodybuilding Co. Stage Ready

Stim Or No Stim




Number Of Servings

Fruit Punch

Best Way To Take
Take 1 scoop and mix with 8-12 fl. oz. of water.

National Bodybuilding Co. has a great pre-workout supplement called Stage Ready Pre-Workout which delivers quality muscle pumps, enhanced stamina, weight loss, and a solid boost of energy to really elevate your performance. With an advanced and effective blend, this pre-workout can hydrate and buffer muscle tissue, raise nitric oxide levels and blood flow, optimize ATP production, and boost neurotransmitter synthesis. With great ingredients and a clean formula, it is no wonder why National Bodybuilding Co. Stage Ready Pre-Workout won for Best Pre-Workout in GI Supplement Awards.

National Bodybuilding Co. Stage Ready is a great pre-workout to enhance quality muscle pumps, improved stamina, weight loss, and a real boost of energy to elevate performance. With an advanced blend and high-quality ingredients, this pre-workout is perfect for any workout.


An effective blend with solid benefits for muscle pumps, energy, and stamina
Patented ingredients and great taste
From a reputable company


Premium priced option
Only available directly from their site
Could use more beta alanine as a key ingredient

Price: $48.00
Check out our individual review for National Bodybuilding Co. Stage Ready here!

Best Stim Ingredients & Intensity
Having a pre-workout that can boost energy and intensity is huge and with the right stim ingredients, this can happen instantly. Enhanced has a great product to power you through any workout so you see the gains you want most.
Enhanced Ramy’s Rage Stim Reloaded

Stim Or No Stim




Number Of Servings


Best Way To Take
Take 1 scoop 30 minutes before your workout with 8 oz. of water.

Ramy’s Rage Stim is different. It has a fully disclosed supplement facts panel, so you know exactly what you’re getting in each serving. Ramy’s Rage Stim contains full dosages of ingredients scientifically proven to boost energy levels, improve physical performance and enhance focus. Best of all, Ramy’s Rage Stim doesn’t contain mega dosages of caffeine so there is no crash. With a smart 8-stim matrix, all of your energy and focus enhancing needs are met with a great pre-workout. With 17 clinically dosed ingredients grouped into 4 synergistic matrixes, this pre-workout is perfect for boosting intensity.

Code GENIRON For 15% Off

Enhanced Ramy’s Rage Stim Reloaded is a smart 8-stim matrix to enhance energy and focus. A fully disclosed label provides transparency for their scientifically proven ingredients.


No crash
17 clinically dosed ingredients
Fully disclosed supplement facts panel
Novel stimulants like Dynamine, Theacrine, and Cocoabuterol


Only one flavor option

Price: $25.99
Use code GENIRON for 15% off your order!

Best Stim-Free Without Caffeine
With many pre-workouts loaded with stimulants, finding a great stim-free option can be hard. But Transparent Labs has made a stim-free product to still offer great benefits to your workouts.
Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim Free

Stim Or No Stim
No Stim




Number Of Servings

Strawberry Lemonade, Tropical Punch, Orange, Sour Grape, Blue Raspberry, Green Apple

Best Way To Take
Mix 1 scoop with 12-16 fl. oz. of water 20-30 minutes before your workout.

Transparent Labs Stim-Free is an amazing option for those looking for stimulant free supplements for strength training, weight loss, and to improve performance. Containing key ingredients like citrulline malate and betaine, all of these ingredients are clinically dosed and effective for providing great gains. With a 100% transparent formula, this product is great for those who are intolerant to caffeine or other stimulants, or for those looking to cycle off of them. With 13 active ingredients all designed for enhanced focus and increasing lean muscle, you cannot go wrong with this great stim-free, non-caffeine option that will still enhance energy like other products.

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free is an amazing option for those looking for stimulant free supplements for strength training, weight loss, and improved performance. With key ingredients at effective dosages, this is a great pre-workout for anyone looking for stim-free options.


Great advantages while being stim-free
Perfect for those insensitive or looking to get off caffeine
Clean ingredients and advanced formula
Provides for energy and focus while decreasing muscle fatigue


Premium priced option
Only available directly through their site
Does not have caffeine or other stimulants for those looking

Price: $49.00
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Best For Pumps
With quality muscle pumps being a staple benefit for pre-workout, Kaged Muscle took that and made sure their supplement gave you the best pumps around.
Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged

Stim Or No Stim




Number Of Servings

Berry Blast, Fruit Punch, Grape, Krisp Apple, Orange Kush, Pink Lemonade

Best Way To Take
Take one scoop with water before your workout.

Increase the performance and intensity of your workout with this high quality pre-workout powder available from Kaged Muscle. Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged is unmatched in terms of ingredient quality and synthesis of the blend of proteins. Kaged Muscle lab tests every batch to make sure each is fully loaded as advertised — 274 mg pure caffeine, 2 g taurine, 6.5 g fermented BCAAs, 6.5 g pure l-citrulline, and 2 g of their patented betapower blend. It’s an unbeatable combination that is guaranteed to supercharge any workout with great pre-workout ingredients from supplements to increase muscle and promote weight loss.

Use code GENIRON1O for 10% off!

Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged is great for those looking to increase performance and intensity with a high-quality pre-workout. Great ingredients and a quality blend make this unstoppable for your pre-workouts needs.


Contains BCAAs and has well-dosed ingredients
No artificial colors or flavors
Great taste


A bit expensive
Does contains sucralose, which is an artificial sweetener
Caffeine content may be high for those sensitive

Price: $39.99
Use code GENIRON10 to save 10%! Check out our individual review for Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged here!

Best For Cutting
For those looking to lose weight and tone, a good pre-workout can help you get there. Transparent Labs made a solid formula to assist with all your cutting needs.
Transparent Labs PreSeries LEAN

Stim Or No Stim




Number Of Servings

Sour Grape, Orange, Blue Raspberry, Tropical Punch, Strawberry Lemonade

Best Way To Take
Mix 1 scoop with 12-16 fl. oz. of water 20-30 minutes before your workout.

The perfect supplement for cutting, LEAN is great for those looking to target stubborn fat while keeping on that lean muscle. LEAN contains 6,000 mg of citrulline malate, 2,500 mg of betaine, 2,000 mg of BCAA, 1,500 mg of beta-alanine, and 600 mg of L-tyrosine to improve strength and muscle endurance, increase blood flow and nitric oxide levels, reduce fatigue, and improve memory. LEAN is great for those looking to slim down and encourage weight loss without losing that hard work done in the gym through your exercise performance from a great pre-workout powder with ingredients like citrulline malate and betaine.

Use code GENIRON1O for 10% off!

Transparent Labs PreSeries LEAN is perfect for those looking to target stubborn belly fat while still maintaining that hard-earned lean muscle. For those looking to slim down and lose weight, look no further than this great pre-workout with quality ingredients at effective dosages.


Well-dosed and third party tested
All-natural ingredients
Good for cutting and increasing strength and power


Premium priced option
Only available directly from their site
Does not have the greatest ingredients for fat loss

Price: $49.00
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Plus, check out our individual review for Transparent Labs PreSeries LEAN here!

Best For Women
Pre-workouts for women are great for helping you tackle any of your workouts needs. With certain ingredients and different doses, this is geared for all the needs of those female athletes.
Cira Nutrition Pre-Game

Stim Or No Stim




Number Of Servings

Peach Bellini, Pink Candy

Best Way To Take
Mix 1 scoop with 6-8 fl. oz. of water 30-40 minutes before your workout.

Cira Nutrition Pre-Game is that pre-workout you need to give you more energy to perform harder, better, and faster. With great ingredients to increase energy, endurance, focus, weight loss, and muscle strength, this pre-workout has you covered with whatever your needs may be. Packed with all the essential ingredients to stand out as a top pre-workout for women, this supplement is what you want most for your pre-workout routine. With great flavors at an affordable price, you can’t go wrong with Pre-Game.

Cira Nutrition Pre-Game is a great pre-workout so you perform harder, better, and faster to get the most out of your workouts. Packed with great ingredients, this supplement stands out as one of the best for women.


Packed with essential pre-workout ingredients
Fully disclosed label
Great flavors and price


Does contain caffeine for those sensitive
Only available directly from their website

Price: $39.99

Best For Weight Loss
Losing weight is hard, but supplements like pre-workout can help immensely. With the right ingredients and a solid training plan, your desire to lose weight is just around the corner.
Transparent Labs PreSeries LEAN

Stim Or No Stim




Number Of Servings

Sour Grape, Orange, Blue Raspberry, Tropical Punch, Strawberry Lemonade

Best Way To Take
Mix 1 scoop with 12-16 fl. oz. of water 20-30 minutes before your workout.

The perfect supplement for cutting, LEAN is great for those looking to target stubborn fat while keeping on that lean muscle. LEAN contains 6,000 mg of citrulline malate, 2,500 mg of betaine, 2,000 mg of BCAA, 1,500 mg of beta-alanine, and 600 mg of L-tyrosine to improve strength and muscle endurance, increase blood flow and nitric oxide levels, reduce fatigue, and improve memory. LEAN is great for those looking to slim down and encourage weight loss without losing that hard work done in the gym through your exercise performance from a great pre-workout powder with ingredients like citrulline malate and betaine.

Use code GENIRON1O for 10% off!

Transparent Labs PreSeries LEAN is perfect for those looking to target stubborn belly fat while still maintaining that hard-earned lean muscle. For those looking to slim down and lose weight, look no further than this great pre-workout with quality ingredients at effective dosages.


Well-dosed and third party tested
All-natural ingredients
Good for cutting and increasing strength and power


Premium priced option
Only available directly from their site
Does not have the greatest ingredients for fat loss

Price: $49.00
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Plus, check out our individual review for Transparent Labs PreSeries LEAN here!

Benefits Of Pre-Workout
The benefits of pre-workout should not be ignored for what they can do for your strength training and performance is incredible. Great tasting and safe to use, a good pre-workout supplement can:

Increase focus and energy: Provide for more intense workouts while being locked into every exercise so nothing interferes with a good workout (1).
Reduce fatigue: Allow for longer training sessions and calorie burn giving your body the fuel it needs from endurance and strength exercises while reducing muscle soreness and unwanted pain for improved performance.
Muscle pumps: Watch your strength and muscle gains flourish  and allow blood to flow through your muscles.(2).
Enhanced recovery: Bounce back faster and promote more efficient growth while recovering more effectively for faster turn arounds.

Key Ingredients In Pre-Workout
Here are some key ingredients to look out for when choosing a pre-workout supplement:

Caffeine: Works to elevate energy so you can tackle any grueling workout while boosting focus and reaction time to improve performance. There are stim-free pre-workouts that work just as well (3).
Creatine: This will provide your muscles with fuel to boost athletic performance and strength training (4).
BCAAs: Great for promoting muscle protein synthesis, they can help with recovery and intra-workout needs (5).
Beta-Alanine: Works as a buffer for pH levels to push past fatigue that may strike.
L-Citrulline: Can boost nitric oxide while maintaining good blood flow for increased muscle pumps.

How We Decide
Choosing the right pre-workout can be difficult and with so many on the market, the choices do seem endless. With this list, we sought to bring the best to you by combing through all the nonsense pre-workouts to bring you the best around. We look at ingredients closely because many companies will put in ingredients you just don’t need. Quality of the brand and where they get ingredients from is also important because you deserve to have an honest company backing you up. Of course, price matters and since supplements can add up and be a real hit on the wallet, we sought to bring you top tier products at a reasonable and affordable price.
FAQ Section
What is the best pre-workout?
National Bodybuilding Co. Stage Ready. This pre-workout is a really high quality product designed to deliver pumps, enhanced stamina, promote weight loss, increase strength training, and provide solid energy for elevated performance. An advanced and effective formula is highly safe to use and is produced with clean ingredients from a reputable and top tier company in National Bodybuilding Co.
What does pre-workout do?
Pre-workout is designed to give you the edge for your strength training and performance. It will enhance energy and focus for more efficient workouts, increase your heart rate and get your blood pumping for better blood flow and weight loss, and increase muscle so you turn that unwanted fat into a shredded physique to have confidence in the effects.
Are there stimulant-free pre-workouts?
Yes! Since many people are sensitive to caffeine or just don’t want it in their daily routine for strength training, companies have created stim-free options to give you the same results without the caffeine.
Check out some amazing stim-free pre-workout supplements here!
Is pre-workout safe?
Pre-workouts are not monitored by the FDA but are safe for public use. Many contain caffeine, so for those sensitive it is something to be cautious of. Some potential side effects are dizziness, nausea, dehydration, and high blood pressure, but many of these come from the overload in caffeine for some. Also, many companies will have their products be third party tested to ensure quality pre-workout products for exercise performance.
When is the best time to take pre-workout?
It is ideal to take pre-workout 30 minutes before your strength training workout. This will ensure all of the ingredients will kick in so they work as effectively as possible for optimal effects and results. It is important to stay hydrated in the time in between your workout and during your workout for pre-workout can dehydrate you.
Wrap Up
Pre-workout supplements are great to use for those looking to build their muscle and really start to see that shredded physique unfold. With the power to increase energy, provide for great focus, promote pumps, and enhance recovery, a good quality and highly effective pre-workout will boost your gains to the next level. Check out our list above and see which one is right for you, for you won’t be disappointed with the results. A solid pre-workout can only add to your gains and those gains are what you want most. Give these products a try and really see what they can do for your gains. You won’t be disappointed with the results when you buckle down and get a good supplement to accompany you on your muscle building journey.
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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Ellerbroek, Anya C.; Antonio, Jose (2019). “Effects of Pre-Workout Supplements on Strength, Endurance, and Mood”. (source)
Kedia, A.; Hofheins, J.; Habowski, S.; Ferrando, Arny; et al. (2014). “Effects of a Pre workout Supplement on Lean Mass, Muscular Performance, Subjective Workout Experience and Biomarkers of Safety”. (source)
McLellan, Tom M.; Caldwell, John A.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2016). “A review of caffeine’s effects on cognitive, physical and occupational performance”. (source)
Kreider, Richard B. (2003). “Effects of creatine supplementation on performance and training adaptations”. (source)
Negro, M.; Giardina, S.; Marzani, B.; Marzatico, F. (2008). “Branched-chain amino acid supplementation does not enhance athletic performance but affects muscle recovery and the immune system”. (source)

Sunday after the 2020 @mrolympiallc Photo Shoot with 2020 @ifbb_pro_league Bikini Pro Alessia Facchin

Sunday after the 2020 @mrolympiallc Photo Shoot with 2020 @ifbb_pro_league Bikini Pro Alessia Facchin

[embedded content]

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