Tag: Food

How to Eat Clean Like A Professional Bodybuilder

How to Eat Clean Like A Professional Bodybuilder

Having a healthy diet is one of the most impactful things you can do for your fitness.
Other than time spent in the gym, a healthy diet is the best way to promote your overall health and muscular conditioning. Supplements can be deceiving and many packaged foods at the supermarket are loaded with artificial colors and ingredients that can make you feel bloated and sluggish.
If you’re looking for inspiration on how to get started with clean, healthy eating that promotes fitness, look no further. Here’s a quick grocery list of 10 foods to help get you started with shopping and eating clean like a professional bodybuilder.
10. Dark Leafy Greens
Dark green vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, collard greens, and spinach, are extremely nutrient-rich and low in calories. They act as a great supplement or base to a heartier plate of chicken or fish. These are probably the best natural source of things like vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, fiber, vitamin K, folic acid, and so many others. It cannot be overstated what an essential source of nutrients these are in your diet.
Recommendation: Keep a bag of kale or a bag of broccoli in the fridge at all times. The kale makes a great base for a salad, while the broccoli works great in a veggie stir fry. Or switch it up based on what you like!

9. Eggs
Eggs are a versatile, protein-rich food that can be incorporated into almost any meal you could think to make — so use them! Eggs are a bodybuilder’s staple for good reason. They pack a huge punch in terms of protein (which allows your body to build muscle) without having too many calories. They’re also a great option if you’re trying to avoid an unhealthy breakfast. Eggs are completely natural — no saturated fats or unhealthy additives to slow you down.
Recommendation: Keep a carton of eggs in the fridge. You can have them for breakfast or add them to a shake for a quick protein boost.

8. Wild-Caught Fish (Salmon, Cod, Tuna)
Fish are an essential source of omega-3 fatty acids and a core component of any pro’s diet. Fish that is caught in the wild tends to have the highest amount of omega-3s, so aim for that if possible. Salmon has a higher fat content than other types of fish and can help you feel fuller for longer, potentially staving off cravings.
Recommendation: Keep salmon, cod, or tuna in the fridge and have once a week. You can bake or pan-sear as an entree, have it over rice, or put it in a salad.

7. Quinoa or Brown Rice
These grains (okay, quinoa isn’t technically a grain) make a great healthy base for a meal. They’re high in amino acids, which are essential for building muscle. If you like both, great, if not, you can easily substitute one for the other. These are also a versatile “building-block” type food like eggs that can easily be combined with other healthy foods for clean, healthy eating.
Recommendation: Keep a bag of quinoa or brown rice in your pantry. You can have chicken or fish over rice or put the rice into a salad with leafy greens — the possibilities are endless.

6. Chicken
Chicken is another bodybuilding essential. It has an astronomical protein-level for something with a comparatively low amount of fat. Again, the key here is to pick foods that can help you avoid the additives, oils, and unhealthy fats associated with processed foods. Cooking your own chicken at home with vegetables, lentils, quinoa, or brown rice is a filling, protein-rich meal.
Recommendation: Keep chicken in your fridge to have for dinner throughout the week. Combine with brown rice, collard greens, quinoa, or broccoli for a healthy dinner.

5. Dry Beans and Peas
Things like black beans, pinto beans, split peas, and lentils are all great additions to a bodybuilder’s diet. They’re easy to combine with a healthy source of protein like fish or chicken to create a meal. They’re also rich in iron and zinc which can increase joint strength.
Recommendation: Keep two bags of your favorite type of beans or peas in the pantry. They make a healthy, filling side in any meal that will keep you from snacking on unhealthier foods.

4. Greek Yogurt
An essential snack food for when you’re in-between meals, Greek yogurt is a healthy and filling option that promotes gut health and the absorption of other nutrients and minerals. Not to mention Greek yogurt is an essential source of protein.
Recommendation: Keep a pack of your favorite Greek yogurt in the fridge for snacking. You can add honey or some walnuts to add flavor and texture.

3. Olive Oil, Avocado Oil (Oils > Butter)
Try to avoid butter, which is high in saturated fats. Opt instead for cooking with olive oil, avocado oil, or another type of cooking oil.
Recommendation: Keep your favorite type of cooking oil in the pantry instead of using butter to reduce saturated fat consumption.

2. Fruits
There are a lot of different categories of fruit, but pretty much all of them are great for you. Apples, bananas, pears, and berries are high in natural sugars but ultimately much better for you than any artificially sweetened snack.
Recommendation: Keep one or two types of your favorite fruits in the kitchen to snack on, use in a salad, or make a smoothie.

1. Whey Protein
Probably the most popular protein additive in the bodybuilding world. Whey protein is clinically proven to increase gains and help the body develop muscle mass faster.
Recommendation: Keep whey protein in the kitchen. You can add it to tea, water, or as part of a healthy smoothie.

5 Foods You Need To Cut Out Of Your Diet Right Now

5 Foods You Need To Cut Out Of Your Diet Right Now

Abstain From Eating These Food Items On A Diet
As the fitness trend is catching pace, people are understanding the importance of nutrition in their transformation. If you’re working towards your fitness or physique goals, you can’t afford to go wrong with your food and beverage choices.
Some foods have become a major part of our routines and we unconsciously incline towards eating them. These foods tend to slip through the fine cracks of a well-deliberated diet. If you have been following a diet for some time now but can’t see results, you should cut out these items from your diet.
White Bread

Eating white bread can hurt your blood glucose sugar levels. The white bread ranks high on the Glycemic Index (GI) – an index that ranks food based on their effects on blood sugar levels.
Before you dump your white bread and head to the nearest brown bread, make sure it doesn’t list white flour and caramel coloring as the first and second ingredients. Some companies take cheap white bread and stain it with caramel color – the thing used to make Diet Coke brown.
Pre-Made Salads

Some people love going to fast food chains and ordering pre-made salads as they consider it the healthiest option. Many even go to fresh salad parlors and get their meal dressed with millions of sauces, stripping the salad off all its nutritional values.
If you go to a store that offers refrigerated pre-made salads, you should check it’s nutritional info before buying. Some of the pre-made salads have such high caloric content that they are nothing more than fat bombs.
Dried Fruit
Dried fruits are one of the go-to munching snacks for many people. While the dried fruits are full of healthy fats, you should not go overboard with them as fats are harder to burn off as compared to the other two macronutrients.
Some of the dehydrated food can contain added sugar and sulfur to extend its shelf life. The things go from worse to worst as the water is removed from the fruits which can lead to overeating.

Junk Food
If you’re on any kind of nutrition program and schedule, you should cut out junk food from your diet. Pizzas, burgers, fries, ice-cream, or any kind of fried foods can throw you off your schedule.
You should go as far as eliminating processed food from your diet. Processed food is filled with empty calories. If you’re a serious lifter, you need to eat food which will feed your muscles with the essential macros and micronutrients.
Aerated Drinks
There has been an influx of aerated drinks in the market. You can probably buy a soda in the flavor of your liking and have enough new flavors to try every day for a couple of months.
A big number of people have been switching over to diet sodas from the traditional ones in hopes of making healthier choices. The diet sodas have artificial sweeteners in them which have been proven to cause cancer in lab rats.
Artificial sweeteners are 100 times sweeter than the naturally occurring fructose and sucrose which are used in orthodox sodas. So, if you’re craving for a soda (which you shouldn’t), the traditional one would be a better option.

Have you been eating any of these five foods? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Are the Fruits Helpful For Body Fat Loss?

Are the Fruits Helpful For Body Fat Loss?

Are the Fruits Helpful For Body Fat Loss?             There are several foods that come to mind when we think about nutrition engineered for fat loss. Eggs and whole grains are among the most popular, leafy vegetables and lean meats often come up, and some trendy “superfoods” like almonds and […]
The post Are the Fruits Helpful For Body Fat Loss? appeared first on What Steroids.

10 Best Food For Gaining Size and Strength

10 Best Food For Gaining Size and Strength

Gain Size and Strength With These 10 Muscle Building Food
People who are training for gaining size and strength can sometimes overlook the importance of the right diet in their transformation. Eating the right food can put you on the fast-track to muscle gain.
Contrary to the popular belief, you don’t have to rely on supplements for your transformations. You can achieve your dream physique by eating real food. In this article, we’ll take you over the ten food items you should have on your grocery list.
Protein Sources
Chicken Breast
The good old chicken breast is one of the most trusted sources of protein in the bodybuilding and fitness world. In this article, we’ve broken down the best foods into three categories as per the three macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats). 100g of chicken breast has 31g of protein.
Salmon is a great source of protein. Due to its fast-absorbing quality, you can eat salmon right after your workout to ensure your muscles are re-fed with the highest quality of protein. 100g of salmon has 20g of protein.

Egg Whites
It’s no secret the bodybuilding community swears by the egg whites. Egg whites are easy to cook and consume. 1 large egg has 3.5g of protein in the white portion. Egg whites in the bottled form can make them more convenient.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is one of the most overlooked and under-rated protein sources. Many professionals prefer yogurt as their dairy protein source. 100g of greek yogurt has 10g of protein.
Carbohydrate Sources
While there are a ton of sources you can get your carbs from, you need to be diligent in choosing the right source for yourself. Rice is a staple in many bodybuilding diets. 100g of white rice has 28g of carbs.
Whole-Grain Bread
Whole-grain bread is a good source of carbohydrates. Brown bread is convenient enough to be consumed at any point in the day especially when you’re tight on time. Two slices of whole-wheat bread have 24g of carbs.
Most bodybuilders add oats to their breakfast as they are a high-quality source of carbohydrates. Oats can help in providing your body with the required amount of carbs and calories to fuel your mornings. 100g of oats has 12g of carbs.
Fat Sources
Most people make the mistake of cutting out fats from their diets as they think it can add to their body fat. High-quality fat content is critical for an effective diet plan and almonds are one such source. 100g (3 ounces) of almonds have 49.2g of fats (ideal serving size – 1 ounce).
A good source and amount of fats in your diet is essential in keeping your joints and other body parts functional. There are hundreds of delicious avocado recipes on the internet you can try. 100g of avocados has 15g of fats.
Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is one of the most talked-about food in the bodybuilding and fitness world. It’s healthy, delicious, and convenient. 100g of peanut butter has 50g of fats (ideal serving size – 2 tablespoons i.e. 32g).

Which is your favorite food out of the 10 listed in the article? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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5 Foods That Boost Energy and Can Replace Pre-Workout Supplements

5 Foods That Boost Energy and Can Replace Pre-Workout Supplements

Real Foods Which Can Act Like Pre-Workout Supplements
Pre-workout supplements come in handy on days when you’re low on energy or don’t feel like working out. But, let’s be honest, supplements aren’t cheap, and everyone can’t afford them.
Apart from being expensive, supplements aren’t as good for your body as compared to real food. If you don’t have the budget or the willingness to spend on supplements, you’ve come to the right place.
It’s a well-known fact that an apple can be more effective than coffee at keeping you awake. An apple is packed with a decent amount of calories and carbohydrates which can keep you going through your workouts.
The energy you get from an apple can help in stabilizing your blood sugar levels. An apple contains vitamins, minerals and a good dose of fiber which can keep you feeling full and energized for longer.

Peanut Butter Sandwiches
Peanut butter has established itself in the pre-workout market and many pros rely on it as their workout energy source. While the peanut butter supplies for a healthy amount of protein, fats, and calories, the wheat sandwiches will provide with all the carbs you need.
You can make the sandwich more interesting by adding jelly to the mix. The peanut butter jelly sandwich is an easy and cheap source of pre-workout nutrition. A peanut butter sandwich is portable enough to carry with you to the gym if you’re in a rush.
If you didn’t already know, bananas are known as nature’s power bar. Banana is filled with carbohydrates and potassium, which supports nerve and muscle functioning. Whenever you get a hunger pang, we recommend you reach out for a banana instead of the bag of chips.
It’s important that you take your pre-workout meals at least an hour before your workout. Most people make the mistake of eating their pre-workout meals too close to their training session which doesn’t allow for the nutrients in the food to be utilized by the body.
Greek Yogurt With Granola
The greek yogurt is loaded with protein which can help in preventing the muscle breakdown during your workout. The added granola will add a punch of carbs to your meal which will help you power through your workouts. You could add berries to the mix for the taste and carbs.
In this article, we’re not only listing out the food you can have as pre-workouts meals but are also breaking their components down. You need to make sure you’re having a complete meal with all the necessary ingredients before your training session.
DIY Energy Drink
If you’re someone who likes the energy boost pre-workout supplements gives, you’re going to love the all-natural energy drink. Make your own pre-workout supplement drink by blending water, freshly squeezed citrus juices, sea salt (sodium chloride), and honey.
The result will be your own carb and electrolyte-rich blend which can easily taste better than those tangy pre-workout drinks. You can also grab one of the above-mentioned food to eat along with your energy drink.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

What do you have for pre-workout nutrition?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.