Tag: Gain Weight

Why Muscle Building Is the New Anti-Aging Therapy?
Meet the World’s Strongest Grannies
Aging, wrinkles, and lines are an inevitable part of this life. The aging process is associated with loss in muscle mass which is referred to as sarcopenia. This is the decline of muscle strength after one has reached 30 years but becomes more dramatic at the age of 50 and beyond 60 years. When one’s strength reduces, they tend to face high incidents of accident falls as it is seen among elderly people which can compromise the quality of their life. Anti-Aging Therapy is important as soon as possible.
Muscle building is one of the best ways to delay, prevent aging, and being able to improve your longevity. It is also able to prevent or reduce symptoms of many chronic diseases that come with aging. Such as back pains, arthritis, diabetes, and depression according to the center’s diseases control and prevention program.
Resistance training is one of the best ways to help slow muscle strength decline. It not only helps maintain muscle strength and power it also makes everyday activities like cleaning, cooking, and climbing the stairs a lot easier.
Muscle building also helps you improve the bone density, this helps your bones to be strong hence when your body breaks down it replaces it with new bone tissue. Without any kind of exercise, your bone mass stops increasing with time. At the age of 40s and 50s, you start to lose more bone than you can make.
Anti-Aging Therapy
Old people tend to have low cognition ability, they move and do most of their activities slowly. Muscle building helps improve cognition, this is the ability to be able to shift quickly between tasks, ignore irreverent information and plan activities. These are all signs of good cognitive function, according to the national institute of aging. Studies have shown that physical activity is now the most promising method for improving cognition and reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline.
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Physical fitness of men and women is an excellent predictor of life expectancy, for those who are healthy and also those suffering from some diseases like heart disease. Over the last several years numerous epidemiological studies have reported a strong association between muscle building and physical fitness to the mortality index of the population. Being physically fit reduces all-cause mortality. When you improve your physical fitness, you reduce the risk of death by 44%. on the end of DNA strands. Their length decreases with aging, meaning the cells can no longer be able to divide.
Several studies.
Muscle building as assessed by the manual dynamometer test is considered to be a dependable marker of health and well-being and a good predictor of mortality and the expectancy of a person to be able to live independently.
Trish Muldrok
Trish Muldrok is one of the strongest women of her age on this planet. She had not picked up a dumbbell until she was in her early 40s. When asked Muldrok says that she discovered the sport by chance or you can say by accident while she went to the gym for the first time at 42 years old to support a shy friend.
While at just 1.5 meters tall and weighing 46kg the grandmother can lift three times her body weight. At the age of 61 years old Trisha Muldrock had won 17 world masters powerlifting championship gold medals and currently holds seven world records.
She holds the international powerlifting federations world masters, three of them between the age of 60 to 69, women equipped records in the under 47 kg lass for the squat 115.5 kg, 136.5kg, and total 316kg.
Willie Murphy
Willie Murphy is a 77 years old woman from Rochester Newyork. This 48 kg grandmother can do feats of strength that people of her age might find difficult to do. She can do one-handed push-ups, handed pull-ups, and fingertip push-ups without that much of a struggle. In 2014 Willie won the coveted world natural powerlifting federation lifter.
She started doing lifting and exercises a few years ago when she saw a sign at her local YMCA for a competition involving weightlifting.
Mary Duffy
Mary Duffy a 71 years old grandmother from Trumbull in Connecticut USA started gym work at the age of 59 to lose weight and instead got hooked on lifting weights. She spends around 20 hours a week in the gym pumping iron and exercising and has been able to achieve more than 30 state and world records to her name.
This grandma holds world records for deadlifting 250lb as well as squatting 175lb and benching 125lb. Mary says that going to the gym and working out helps her feel way better than she felt in her 40s.
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At the age of 64 in 2014 Mary gathered enough courage to enter her first powerlifting competition. Despite training more than 20 hours a week which is about six hours every day, people still judge her for her age. Initially, Mary first attended the gym to lose weight that she realized she put on a lot of weight while mourning her mother’s death. After she lost the weight is when she realized training made her happier and that she was enjoying training.
Joan MacDonald
Joan McDonald is a 74-year-old who proved that it is never too late to make big changes in your life. At the age of 70, Joan was on multiple medications for acid reflux, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Doctors were telling her that she needs to up her dosage unless she changed her lifestyle drastically.
She knew she was ready to change her life as she was already tired of taking the meds and feeling helpless. She shared her desire to start living a healthier life with her daughter Michelle. Who had been pushing her to prioritize her health for years Michelle enrolled her mom in an online workout program to help with her exercise.
Soon she started taking walks as her form of cardio, weightlifting and even started practicing yoga. Today MacDonald has been able to lose 62 pounds and her doctors have told her that she no longer needs to take the medication she was on.
When she first started working out, she says that she was focused to build her overall strength and endurance. It is not as easy as it may appear, a lot of commitment and patience are needed to be able to achieve the overall result. Initially, her aim was just to lose weight, but now she says that she works out to feel strong. It is about challenging yourself to achieve more than you thought was possible
It’s all about hard work, MacDonald has been able to launch a ‘Train with Joan’ website where she influences others to follow her steps. Her advice to old women is that age is just a number and there is no specific age you cannot start from.
Edith Murway
Edith Murway, the 100-year-old woman becomes the world’s oldest powerlifter. Despite her old age Edith has impressed and inspired many people to start training. She says that she gained the confidence to go to the gym from a friend who persistently encouraged her to start weightlifting and gave her the moral support that she needed at the time.
Many people her age often become weaker by the time they hit their 90s. But Edith still has the strength of a champion which is an inspiration to many to start working out. She has also had a competition named after her in 2018 ‘Edith Traina Inspiration’. Which is hosted for both young and old weightlifters.
Aging is a physiological process that can be delayed or accelerated with the type of lifestyle you chose to live. The most scientific evidence shows that physical fitness and muscle building is currently the best way to prevent or at least delay the process of aging. Muscle building always brings benefits, irrespective of the age, sex or health condition of the person who undertakes it.
In contrast lack of any exercise accelerates aging which includes one appearing older than they are. People who remain physically active, eat the correct food and avoid risk factors. They tend to look younger and maintain a more youthful nature. Recent research has shown that muscle building and physical fitness are excellent predictors of the quality of life. Their life expectancy and prevent those diseases that are associated with old age. In conclusion Muscle building is the best medicine available today for dealing with aging. There is a lot that is not yet known in regards to aging. But what we do know is that there is a lot of benefits in muscle building and exercising. The best thing is that it is never too late to start. You can begin your physical fitness at any age when you feel ready.
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Muscle building enhances your way of doing things, gives you more energy irrespective of your age. Nowadays old people can do the same activities as the young ones. Due to physical fitness and eating the correct food.

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