Tag: George Farah

George Farah Returns Full Interview | Formerly Training Big Ramy, Phil Heath Comeback Opinion, & More
It’s been over a year since we last were able to connect with legendary bodybuilding trainer George Farah. We felt it was long overdue – so we invited him back to speak with us about the latest events in pro bodybuilding. This includes his take on the biggest shows and new champions crowned in 2020 – and what he expects for the remainder of 2021.That’s why in our follow up full length interview with George Farah – we dive into the Olympia 2020 and Big Ramy’s victory. Farah had previously trained Ramy so it was interesting to get his opinion now as an outsider looking in.
Over the past few months we’ve released multiple GI Exclusive segments from our interview with George Farah. We are now releasing the full length interview. Beyond our discussion about the Olympia and Big Ramy, other topics include – Farah’s honest opinion on Phil Heath’s comeback, the biggest mistake bodybuilders make cutting weight, and more!
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Our full length interviews are now also in podcast form! Subscribe to the Generation Iron Podcast for candid, full length interviews with the biggest names in bodybuilding, fitness, combat, and strength sports.
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George Farah was Big Ramy’s on and off coach over the past few years of Big Ramy’s career. But like many other coaches along the way – Ramy refused to stay put. With each passing Olympia he didn’t win, Ramy tried out different coaches to find the best fit for victory. He found himself returning to Farah a few times during this period.
George Farah holds no ill will towards Big Ramy for these changes. “We are adults,” he claims in our interview. Farah understands that an athlete will ultimately do what he thinks is best for his career. While Farah enjoyed his time training Ramy – especially because of his potential – Farah understood that Ramy had to find his own path.
That being said, George Farah was extremely happy for Big Ramy to win the Mr. Olympia in 2020. He knew for years that if Ramy could get on point, he would be unstoppable. He still believes that now. Though he admits that anything can happen and it remains to be seen if Ramy will return on point again or continue his rollercoaster up and down career. Farah hopes to see him remain champion in the future.
We also asked George Farah why he thinks Big Ramy changed coaches so often throughout his career. As we briefly mentioned above, Farah thinks that Ramy needed to find his own path. He was hungry to win – and wanted to try out all options to see what worked best.
While George Farah is not angry about Big Ramy leaving him as a coach, he does admit that he finds himself somewhat sad. This is partially due to the fact that Farah finds Ramy to have one of the biggest hearts in bodybuilding. But it’s also because Farah strongly believes that he could have gotten Ramy the Mr. Olympia title sooner.
Farah made a point to mention that Heath is still one of the greatest of modern bodybuilding. In fact, his physique was still impressive compared to most on stage. That’s why ultimately, George Farah 100% agrees with the final score given to Heath.
shape during the off season. While bulking and cutting is a typical cycle for competitive bodybuilders – the bulking phase should not get too out of control in order to avoid HGH bubble gut and abdonimal distention. Farah holds nothing back when explaining this during our interview:
George Farah goes on to say how he “never understands” how bodybuilders are so shocked when they start cutting and end up losing much more weight than expected. This is because they put on more fat than they think – and unfortunately – muscle is always lost as well during this process.
That’s why a dirty bulk is often frowned upon by serious competitive bodybuilders. Dirty bulk is when you eat any kind of unhealthy food simply to build weight while you are pumping up muscle in the gym. A clean bulk relies on healthier foods so that you have less fat during the bulking phase.
Wrap Up
George Farah provides a unique insight into the world of bodybuilding. A sort of insider breakdown of physiques, training, and nutrition. There are far many more topics we discussed in our hour plus interview that could be vital for anyone looking for insight into optimizing bodybuilding training. So make sure to watch our latest full length GI Exclusive interview with George Farah above!

George Farah: Don’t Eat More Animal Protein Than 25% Of Your Caloric Intake
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George Farah talks about the big misconceptions about animal protein consumption in bodybuilding.
George Farah is a legendary bodybuilding coach who has used his later years to warn bodybuilders about big misconceptions that can lead to massive health risks. He’s already spoken with us about the risks of insulin and unhealthy bulking. Now he’s warning bodybuilders about eating too much animal protein. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, George Farah explains why bodybuilders should not eat more animal protein than 25% of their entire caloric intake.
Protein is a main staple of bodybuilding. This is the most basic knowledge about bodybuilding. It’s the first thing everyone learns when trying to build muscle. The easiest way to get protein comes from animals. Old school images of Arnold Schwarzenegger eating massive amounts of steak and eggs come to mind from Pumping Iron.
But as science advances, we are starting to learn different ways of obtaining protein beyond animals. Schwarzenegger himself has become a proponent of veganism and was a part of the documentary The Game Changers. George Farah also agrees. Bodybuilders are eating too much animal protein and it’s bad for their long term health.
George Farah is not saying that bodybuilders should become vegan or vegetarian. Instead, he’s emphasizing that animal protein is being abused with much too high consumption compared to their overall caloric intake. This, Farah claims, can lead to long term issues with your kidneys down the road. He’s experienced it himself, between liver and kidney problems and having cancer, Farah focuses now on longevity in bodybuilding.
The biggest thing George Farah wants to make clear is that he’s not saying to avoid all meat. He doesn’t want to be labeled unrealistic by claiming vegan bodybuilders can achieve the same mass as meat eaters. But he does believe that the amount of animal protein bodybuilders eat is beyond what is necessary. It takes more focus on your diet – but you can still hit the right level of protein without relying majorly on animal products.
Here’s what George Farah stated in our latest interview:
“If you get a bunch of people [doctors/experts] and sit down and talk to them. They will all agree with you that if you go more than 25% of your daily caloric intake from protein. You’ll have some type of problem… it’s been proven for longevity it’s not good to have more than 25% animal food.”
More specifically, George Farah ties in the high protein consumption with anabolic steroids. He claims that going over 25% of animal protein in your diet in combination with anabolic steroids will increase chances significantly for kidney damage.
“They say where there’s a smoke, there’s a fire,” George Farah states in our interview. He continues, “There’s a reason a lot of bodybuilders have kidney problems. What’s the reason? The use of anabolic and high protein intake. Period. Period!”
You can watch George Farah go into detail about protein intake and bodybuilding by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

George Farah: How To Travel Before A Competition Without Ruining Your Physique
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Traveling takes away from a normal bodybuilding routine. Here’s how to avoid ruining your physique.
While a bodybuilder might first compete in their local state pro shows, eventually all pro bodybuilders must travel to compete. This presents an interesting challenge. Competition prep is a very delicate and specific time for pro bodybuilders. Traveling can disrupt that routine. So how do pro bodybuilders prevent ruining their physique while traveling to a pro show? In our latest GI Exclusive, George Farah explains how to properly travel without ruining your bodybuilding physique.
At some point or another, a successful bodybuilder will have to jump onto a plane to compete at a major pro show. It might be the New York Pro, Chicago Pro, Arnold Classic, or Olympia. In either case, long term travel will be involved. How do bodybuilders successfully travel so close to a competition without disrupting their prep diet and training?
We asked this very question to legendary bodybuilding coach and guru George Farah. His advice, while aimed at competitive bodybuilders, can also be very insightful for anyone looking to travel living a bodybuilding lifestyle. A massive and shredded physique requires a very strict diet and training. That goes out the window when you’re stuck on a plane for six-twelve hours being fed airline food. It’s never perfect – but George Farah has key tips to keep you on point.
While it may seem the biggest challenge is not getting the proper diet, the truth is that water weight is your biggest enemy while traveling. This is due to staying still for so long in one place sitting up. Whether it’s a car, a plane, or a train – sitting still for so long will cause your body to look “soft” due to water weight. That’s why George Farah stresses the importance of getting up and walking every 45 minutes of traveling.
It’s essential to getting blood flowing and preventing your water weight from going out of whack. In addition to this, if you are going to a show or someplace to showcase your physique – make sure to arrive 48 hours beforehand. This give you extra time to adjust once you land if anythings starts to look off.
It should also be noted that George Farah’s walking advice is a great tip for anyone traveling long distance – not just bodybuilders. Taking some time to stretch and walk every 45 minutes helps prevent the possibility of blood clots. While rare – if this does form it can eventually dislodge and flow to vital organs such as your heart. That can ultimately cause serious damage.
So George Farah’s advice is powerful on two fronts. It helps maintain your physique while traveling and also can help prevent blood clots. It’s a win/win situation. So make sure to take Farah’s advice seriously. It may sound simple and ineffective – it can actually make a big difference.
You can watch George Farah go into more detail about the key rules of traveling without ruining your physique in our latest GI Exclusive interview above!

George Farah Believes Being Shot Is A Main Reason He Got Cancer
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George Farah recounts the story of being shot and how he believes it relates to his later cancer diagnosis.
George Farah has lived many lives, almost literally. He’s nearly died twice. Once when he was shot in a bizarre wrong place, wrong time incident. And again later when he flatlined during a dramatic moment battling cancer. It’s at once tragic and miraculous what he’s been and survived through. That’s why we asked him to recount the story of being shot – which he surprisingly connects to later getting cancer. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, George Farah explains why he believes beings hot later led to him having cancer.
It’s well known at this point that George Farah was shot in an accidental mishap. It’s also well known that he was diagnosed with cancer and later (thankfully) recovered. He’s been through a lot. What’s great about Farah is that he’s a talker – and he’s completely open about discussing both the shooting incident and his diagnosis and battle with cancer. During our recent video conversation – we asked him to recount the moment he was shot and what that experience was like.
He briefly explained how he was misidentified as someone else – whom the shooter was gunning for. It was a “wrong place, wrong time” kind of situation. He also describes how traumatic the entire fallout was. He wouldn’t wish that kind of near death shooting experience to happen to anyone. Most people watching this video will likely agree. No one wants to be shot.
But the interesting bit of this story comes from what George Farah says afterwards. While he has no direct evidence, he believes that being shot is what eventually led to his later cancer diagnosis. He believes that having led pierce through your body as a foreign object is not good for your health (obviously).
But what he means more specifically, is that small fragments of the lead were most likely not able to be removed. That is then settling and flowing through his body in areas like his intestines. He thinks this kind of toxic and foreign material in his body is one of the main reasons he eventually had cancer.
“Because of that gunshot and because of those bullet fragments they left in me – that’s probably one of the main reasons I got cancer,” George Farah claims in our interview. He continues:
“I truly, truly believe, you know, just like you know lead is not good. That’s why if you have a house with lead, you have to paint it because it’s cancer, whatever, it’s not good… so imagine you have lead in your intestines and your rectum and all those places. They couldn’t take everything out. I think that’s one of the reasons.”
It’s an interesting theory and one that he whole hardily believes. Ultimately he tries not to dwell on it much. As he says it himself, he’s been “dead a couple of times.” He believes that there is a greater plan of fate that brings him through it. He’s grateful to be alive. It’s also a big reason why he’s changed his attitude about health in bodybuilding in our past interview segments. He knows what it’s like to almost lose life. Anything that one can do to extend life and avoid health risks should be taken seriously.
You can watch George Farah go into full detail about being shot and his cancer diagnosis in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

George Farah Warns Bodybuilders: Stop Old School Bulking And Cutting
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George Farah favors building muscle slowly rather than old school bulking and cutting and warns of dire consequences.
George Farah is a legendary bodybuilding coach. He has also been much more vocal in the past decade about how his perception is changing as to what a pro bodybuilder needs to succeed. In fact, Farah believes that as bodybuilding culture changes – the training and dieting has not caught up and it’s endangering athlete health. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, George Farah warns against old school bulking and cutting in bodybuilding. He fears it will raise high blood pressure and lead to damage to kidneys and the liver.
Heart health and high blood pressure has been a topic we’ve discussed previously during our GI Exclusive interviews. That’s why we decided to turn to the bodybuilding guru himself – George Farah – for his take on how to avoid high blood pressure as a mass monster bodybuilder. His answer expands past blood pressure and also into liver and kidney health as well.
George Farah worries that the current culture of bodybuilding is leading to more health risks than necessary for athletes. Much like other individuals we have interviewed recently, Farah believes mass monster culture is leading to younger bodybuilder getting too big, too fast. More specifically, be believes that the old school method of bulking and cutting is no longer the best way to prep as a pro bodybuilder.
Bulking and cutting has been a very common way for pro bodybuilders to train and diet for decades. In short, in involves eating more to bulk up muscle in the off season and then cutting down during competition prep. This allows for a shredded and conditioned look after adding some significant size.
This is of course not the only way to prepare. Bodybuilders like Dexter Jackson have long since focused on staying lean all year and building muscle slowly rather than going through bulking cycles. While bulking itself can be done clean – there are many who will dirty bulk to put on as much weight as possible. Not all of it is muscle and the cutting phase becomes more challenging.
George Farah believes that with the changes in bodybuilding today – bulking has become more dangerous. Especially dirty bulking. There are more powerful supplements and drugs being taken by bodybuilders. Not only that – but the overall size of bodybuilders has increased since the golden age of the sport. This makes the bulking and cutting phase much more dangerous.
The mass amounts of food needed to eat during bulking will inevitably lead to health problems. High blood pressure and possible future heart issues is just one of them. All of the food and ingredients a person eats needs to be processed through the liver and kidneys. During consistent bulking every year – this can over time do some serious damage to both organs.
In our previous segment with George Farah, he claimed that if a bodybuilder can’t see his or her abs during the off season – then they are doing something wrong. This same mentality goes into his view on bodybuilder health. In the chase for building as much muscle as fast as possible – unnecessary risks are being taken. These risks won’t show the true significance of the damage until many years down the road. It’s easy for young people to avoid thinking about it. Life seems long and possible danger is so far away.
It’s just like cigarettes – consistent use in the long term can lead to serious health issues. But millions of people smoke every year. It’s short sighted. It’s focusing on the short term benefits over the long term losses. George Farah has had enough of it. Much like our past few videos – he desperately warns the new generation to actually think ahead. “There is life after bodybuilding,” Farah says multiple times in this video. He can’t stop repeating it. He hopes it eventually starts changing the culture.
You can watch George Farah go into detail about blood pressure in bodybuilding, bulking, and cutting in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.

George Farah: The Biggest Mistake Bodybuilders Make When Cutting Weight
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George Farah explains the true key to cutting weight without diminishing muscle.
George Farah is one of the most legendary bodybuilding coaches in the history of the sport. So when he can share some vital advice to the masses on bodybuilding nutrition and dieting – it’s important to pay attention. In an era where being a mass monster is becoming increasingly more about heavier weight, it’s important to know how to get shredded properly. It’s a struggle, for example, that Big Ramy had for many years before finally earning his Mr. Olympia victory. In our latest GI Exclusive, George Farah details the biggest mistake to avoid when cutting weight in bodybuilding.
The notion of spot reducing fat has been debunked many times by many people. So the unfortunately truth is, if you have impressive muscle but flabby weak areas – there’s no way to spot check the fat without sacrificing the muscle. So how do bodybuilders cut down weight after a bulking cycle without diminishing their hard earned muscle?
We turned to legendary bodybuilding coach George Farah for his advice on this specific topic. His answer is direct, insightful, and something that all bodybuilders should heed when looking long term into their training and dieting plans. There is no trick to only burning fat without burning muscle. Instead, it’s important to prepare for the inevitability that you’ll need to cut down some weight and size overall.
George Farah claims that the biggest mistake bodybuilders make is not staying in shape during the off season. While bulking and cutting is a typical cycle for competitive bodybuilders – the bulking phase should not get too out of control. Farah holds nothing back when explaining this during our interview:
“Whatever you’re doing, you’re still going to lose muscle when you diet down. Especially if you gain a lot of fat. That’s why I tell people, listen, don’t call yourself a bodybuilder if you don’t have your abs in the off season.”
George Farah goes on to say how he “never understands” how bodybuilders are so shocked when they start cutting and end up losing much more weight than expected. This is because they put on more fat than they think – and unfortunately – muscle is always lost as well during this process.
That’s why a dirty bulk is often frowned upon by serious competitive bodybuilders. Dirty bulk is when you eat any kind of unhealthy food simply to build weight while you are pumping up muscle in the gym. A clean bulk relies on healthier foods so that you have less fat during the bulking phase.
Still, even with a clean bulk, how do you prevent losing too much muscle and underperforming on size and shape before a competition? George Farah says that the cutting phase needs to be longer than most bodybuilders think. Cutting should start off earlier and a bodybuilder should ease into it.
Cutting needs to start slow and progressively become more focused as you get closer to the show. This way you can see how your body reacts, and focus on training certain muscle areas that might start burning away. Adding more time and building your weight loss diet up slowly allows for more time to adjust, more time to fix weak areas of muscle, and more time overall to be prepared on the weekend of a competition.
So for your next cycle of building up muscle, ask yourself, “Do I still have abs during the offseason?” If the answer is no, you should reconsider how you are bulking. You are likely looking at problems down the road when it comes time to burning off weight and prepping your shred.
You can watch George Farah’s full comments on how to lose fat without losing muscle in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

George Farah Answers: Are Fillers In Supplements Damaging Our Bodies?
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George Farah talks about switching to all natural ingredients and the potential dangers in supplement fillers.
George Farah has been a bodybuilder and trainer in the industry for a very long time now. With that amount of time and talent, he’s garnered a lot of respect from multiple generations of bodybuilders and fans. That’s why now, later in his life, he’s putting effort into his own supplement company with the hopes of changing out people view supplementation in bodybuilding. More specifically, he wants to get the message out there – stop allowing for filler in the supplements you buy. In our latest GI Exclusive, George Farah goes into detail about how filler in supplements might be affecting our bodies.
A year ago, we spoke with George Farah about his battle with cancer and eventual recovery. It was a moment that changed his life in more ways than one. A big factor that changed was how he viewed health and fitness. Farah had been a bodybuilder and later a guru for many decades of his life. His goal was to always help build and sculpt fantastic physiques. But that could come with potential health sacrifices. It seemed that Farah was starting to reconsider which sacrifices were worth it.
Fast forward to today and George Farah is still going strong with his new line of thinking. To go along with that new line of thinking, he started his own line of supplements. Surely he wants to make a successful business – but his inspiration was to help change the direction of supplements as a whole.
A big part of George Farah’s life change was determining what is healthy and what is not when it comes to consuming things into our body. Everyday ingredients like non-natural sugars could have very long term consequences on health. Many of us know sugar and corn starch is bad for us – but we consume it anyway. Part of the reason behind this is because these ingredients are in everything. Our society is built around convenience which comes with some not-so-healthy ingredients.
This is amplified when it comes to bodybuilding. Bodybuilders not only need to eat food to build muscle, they need to take a wide variety of supplement products to give them an edge towards success. But what exactly is in the supplements athletes consume?
There are certainly companies that provide healthy ingredients in their products. But for every good company there are three more bad ones just trying to cut costs and make money. Not all consumers do the research before buying. This is mostly because they believe the FDA would make sure all companies are playing by the rules.
But the rules keep changing every single year. And new substances are discovered that do not always catch wind in regulations until long after they are used by supplement companies. Once the FDA catches up, companies are already onto the next innovation. Again, this isn’t all companies – but certainly many are trying to focus on profits before anything else.
That’s where filler comes in. George Farah describes filler as a selection of compounds used to “fill” the supplement tub and give you your money’s worth. At their best, filler provide nothing to your body but make you feel like you’re consuming more. At their worst, they could potentially be harming our bodies.
The problem is there are not enough studies to really figure out what goes into filler and how it affects individuals over the long term. It’s almost impossible to keep up. With so many variables at play – it stays a consistent blind spot in the supplement world.
That’s why George Farah plays it safe, he only consumes supplements with all natural ingredients. It’s also what he focuses on for his own product line. He hopes that he can change the relationship bodybuilders have with supplements. As Farah has stated before, he believes that many extreme measures bodybuilders take today are unnecessary. That without them, and maybe a little extra hard work, the same results can be accomplished.
You can watch George Farah go into full detail about filler in supplements by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

George Farah’s Honest Opinion On Phil Heath’s Olympia 2020 Comeback
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George Farah: “They put Phil Heath exactly where he belonged.”
Not too long ago, Phil Heath was the dominant champion with seven Mr. Olympia titles under his belt. He seemed unstoppable and many believed he would match, if not surpass, the 8x Olympia record set by both Ronnie Coleman and Lee Haney. In the end, this didn’t happen. Heath was dethroned in 2018 by Shaun Rhoden. He then took a year off. Many thought he may never return.
But with a sudden burst of excitement, Phil Heath announced he would make his comeback just one year later in 2020. He seemed more confident than ever and was laser focused on matching Ronnie Coleman’s and Lee Haney’s eight title wins. The drama was set. It seemed to be the ultimate comeback story. Except it wasn’t. Instead, Phil Heath seemed plagued by the same problems he held in 2018. He ultimately placed third at the Olympia 2020. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, we turn to legendary trainer George Farah for his honest opinion on Phil Heath’s comeback physique.
George Farah has been behind some of the most legendary pro bodybuilders in history. His name is known for a reason. He is noted as one of the most legendary bodybuilding coaches in the history of the sport. A bodybuilding coach that had the magic touch. That’s why we asked him for his honest analysis of Phil Heath’s physique during the 2020 Mr. Olympia. Was he better than his 2018 performance and simply outmatched by young blood? Or was he missing the mark in terms of expectations?
George Farah felt a little disappointed by the physique we ultimately saw on Phil Heath. this was largely due to the perceived rejuvenated energy of Phil Heath leading into the show. He seemed rested after a year off and ready to bring a physique more matched to his prime years. Perhaps it was just the narrative that drummed up excitement – but Farah truly believed we would see Phil Heath back in pitch perfect form.
George Farah didn’t see that on stage. Instead, he believes that Phil Heath still had the same problems he suffered from in 2018. Not only that, but his stomach, in Farah’s opinion, looked worse than ever before.
“It’s a little disappointing. Honestly, I can say I’m a little disappointed because… the way he talked I was like, ‘Oh my god this is going to be his show.’ He really made us all believe he is right on the money. And Phil never said anything like that and he didn’t deliver, you know? But then as soon as he came out I was like, ‘Oh my god his stomach is worse.’ He didn’t even not fix it. It looked worse.”
Farah made a point to mention that Heath is still one of the greatest of modern bodybuilding. In fact, his physique was still impressive compared to most on stage. That’s why ultimately, George Farah 100% agrees with the final score given to Heath.
“And I love Phil as a person. I’m just saying as a bodybuilder, they placed him exactly where he belonged. That’s why I feel… because he deserves some respect. Because he still ahs one of the best double biceps, glutes were in, striated hamstring, everything. But that stomach man. It just took a lot off his brilliance.”
It’s commonly known at this point that Phil Heath was dealing with a few surgeries over the years that was affecting his ability to bring in his stomach. Some fans even noticed a difference in the symmetry of his abs due to the surgery. Unfortunately, it seemed as if Phil’s prime was behind him. That is, unless he can bring out something shocking the next time he competes – if he decided to return again.
You can watch George Farah’s full comments on Phil Heath’s Olympia 2020 physique in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above.

George Farah: I Could Have Gotten Big Ramy The Mr. Olympia Sooner
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George Farah reflects on Big Ramy’s Olympia win and his many coaching changes leading up to the victory.
Big Ramy’s Mr. Olympia win was a long time coming. So long, in fact, that many bodybuilding fans began to doubt if it would ever happen. His placings were a rollercoaster ride between the years. Regardless, in 2020, Ramy pulled it off. Throughout the years building towards this victory, Ramy changed coaches quite a bit. One of those coaches was George Farah. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, George Farah discusses his time training Big Ramy and claims that he could have gotten him the Mr. Olympia title sooner.
George Farah was Big Ramy’s on and off coach over the past few years of Big Ramy’s career. But like many other coaches along the way – Ramy refused to stay put. With each passing Olympia he didn’t win, Ramy tried out different coaches to find the best fit for victory. He found himself returning to Farah a few times during this period.
George Farah holds no ill will towards Big Ramy for these changes. “We are adults,” he claims in our interview. Farah understands that an athlete will ultimately do what he thinks is best for his career. While Farah enjoyed his time training Ramy – especially because of his potential – Farah understood that Ramy had to find his own path.
That being said, George Farah was extremely happy for Big Ramy to win the Mr. Olympia in 2020. He knew for years that if Ramy could get on point, he would be unstoppable. He still believes that now. Though he admits that anything can happen and it remains to be seen if Ramy will return on point again or continue his rollercoaster up and down career. Farah hopes to see him remain champion in the future.
We also asked George Farah why he thinks Big Ramy changed coaches so often throughout his career. As we briefly mentioned above, Farah thinks that Ramy needed to find his own path. He was hungry to win – and wanted to try out all options to see what worked best.
While George Farah is not angry about Big Ramy leaving him as a coach, he does admit that he finds himself somewhat sad. This is partially due to the fact that Farah finds Ramy to have one of the biggest hearts in bodybuilding. But it’s also because Farah strongly believes that he could have gotten Ramy the Mr. Olympia title sooner.
“Did it hurt me that he left? Yeah. But it didn’t hurt me that he left me. It hurt me because I saw what I could do with him,” George Farah stated in our interview. He continued:
“I saw that – I said, ‘Oh my god. Right now I knew how Ramy’s body is going to work.’ After Prague, it’s going to be a piece of cake. But he ended up going with Chris… I didn’t get mad. I got a little sad. Like I said, the only reason I got sad because I know what I could have done. I could have gotten him that Olympia before waiting four or five years.”
George Farah seems convinced that if Big Ramy stayed more consistent with his coaches that he could have found success at Olympia sooner. More specifically, Farah believes he fully understood Ramy’s body and could have gotten him the Sandow trophy years earlier.
You can watch George Farah go into full detail about Big Ramy and his Mr. Olympia win by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview above.

George Farah: Kai Greene Has Never, Ever, Ever Used Insulin
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George Farah uses Kai Greene as an example to debunk the recent myth that insulin is needed to build a top level mass monster physique.
Last week, we went into detail with George Farah about his thoughts on insulin use in bodybuilding. It’s a topic that he has spoken about before and only seems to have become more strongly against insulin a year later. In this new segment, we discuss further with Farah whether it’s possible to be healthy as a top level pro bodybuilder. Farah certainly thinks it does – and uses Kai Greene as an example. In our latest GI Exclusive, George Farah claims that Kai Greene has never used insulin to build his massive physique.
There is a persistent rumor in the world of bodybuilding regarding insulin. That rumor is many of the pros use this drug to further enhanced their physiques to the next level. This inspires younger bodybuilders to do the same – thinking it’s necessary to succeed at the top level of the sport.
George Farah couldn’t disagree with these rumors more. He is sternly against the use of insulin in bodybuilding. He also thinks it’s dangerous for coaches such as Milos Sarcev to promote them. In fact, Farah believes that it’s incorrect to assume pro bodybuilders must be unhealthy to succeed. It’s a bad thought he’s seeing trend in bodybuilding. It’s causing bodybuilders to make unhealthy decisions. He thinks it’s the reason we have seen so many bodybuilders pass away too soon.
George Farah is a legendary coach in the sport. He has trained many bodybuilders who have stood tall as top tier bodybuilders at the Mr. Olympia. Athletes like Branch Warren and Kai Greene. He uses his experience to definitely tell people today – abusing drugs and using insulin are not necessary. Why? Because these legendary greats he trained didn’t use insulin at all.
The entire topic gets George Farah very passionate. He loves bodybuilding. And he loves the people in bodybuilding. He hates to see them make choices that they can’t take back years down the road.
“You’re gonna tell me Kai’s not a freak? I can put my hand on anything you want and swear to you that Kai never touched insulin,” George Farah states in our interview. He goes on:
“As long as I’ve known him. We’ve been eleven years together. Never, ever, ever. Do you understand what I’m saying? He’s walking around 300 pounds shredded. So you’re not going to duplicate this because you don’t have the genetics or you don’t have the heart or work ethic. Like Branch or all of these guys. Branch used to have no genetics but he proved to everybody hard work can make it. Guess what? Branch never used insulin. Never. Never!”
If you watch George Farah in our interview above – you can see how fired up he’s getting about this. In his later years, Farah has become increasingly more focused on health in bodybuilding. After a cancer scare that he survived and recovered from – he’s seen life through a different lens. You only live once. Bodybuilding is not worth dying over.
You can watch George Farah go into full detail about health in bodybuilding by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!
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