Tag: hafthor bjornsson

Larry Wheels Accepts And Completes Hafthor Bjornsson’s Bench Press Challenge
Larry Wheels wasted no time completing a recent bench press challenge.
When a challenge is offered, Larry Wheels is going to give it a shot — and more often than not, take it down. That is exactly what happened when he attempted the bench press challenge offered by Hafthor Bjornsson.
On Monday, Wheels shared a post on Instagram that saw him crush a bench press session. He completed six reps of 529 pounds and 21 reps of 396.8 pounds. Bjornsson decided to comment on the video and offer his own challenge. This was for Wheels to complete 20 reps of 200kg.
Wheels wasted no time taking on this challenge. On Thursday morning, the powerlifter returned to the bench and loaded up 440 pounds. He powered through the first 20 reps and added three more to exceed the total asked for from Bjornsson.
“440lbs/ 200kg x23@thorbjornsson challenged me to 20 reps.@edwards_strong@teampersonalrecord“
Hafthor Bjornsson returned to the comments’ section to acknowledge the feat done by Larry Wheels.
“??? that’s insane brother!! My record is 10 reps with 200kg. You moved that like nothing!”
It is no surprise to see Wheels take on a challenge when one is offered. He has been taking on many personal challenges and crushing his own records in recent months. This time, he took down a PR of one of the top strongmen of all-time.
Bjornsson explained in his comment that he had one completed 10 reps of 200kg. Outlifting Bjornsson in any aspect is impressive given his history. He currently holds the world deadlift record at 501kg (1,104.5lb). Bjornsson took over the title in May 2020 from Eddie Hall by a single kilogram. Hall became the first person to ever deadlift 500kg at the time.
This is not the first bench press challenge the Larry Wheels has taken on recently. He set a PR bench press with 308 pounds for 44 reps last week. His strength is unquestioned and he continues to be a big name in powerlifting.
Larry Wheels and Hafthor Bjornsson have trained together in the past and remain close. Even with Bjornsson’s transition to boxing, he has remained active in the powerlifting community and is still a huge figure. Let’s see if there are anymore challenges made to Wheels moving forward for him to attempt.
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Hafthor Bjornsson Offers New Bench Press Challenge To Larry Wheels
Hafthor Bjornsson commented on Larry Wheels’ post with a new challenge.
You can take the competitor away from powerlifting but cannot take powerlifting out of the competitor. Even after transitioning to the boxing ring, Hafthor Bjornsson still shows interest in weightlifting. Recently, he was seen in the comments’ section of one of Larry Wheels’ feats of strength. Bjornsson offered a new challenge for Wheels to take on while bench pressing.
Wheels has been on a tear in the gym in recent months. He has been setting many personal records and repping huge amounts of weight in different exercises. This bench press session was no different. Wheels took to Instagram to share another impressive lift.
It began when Wheels took on a 529-pound bench press and competed six reps. He then powered through 21 reps of 396.8 pounds.
“240kg x 6180kg x21@teampersonalrecord@mikethurston••@teampersonalrecord wrist and elbow wraps being used”
Larry Wheels gains much attention from his Instagram videos. This time, it was Hafthor Bjornsson who commented with a new challenge on how to go a bit further.
“That’s insane! I challenge you to do 200kg for 20 reps!”
Bjornsson continues to be an influential name in powerlifting. He has transitioned to boxing and is planning to take on fellow strongman turned boxer Eddie Hall. Since his days of powerlifting, Bjornsson has lost a significant amount of weight and is as shredded as ever. This does not the way what he was able to do during his prime.
In 2020, Bjornsson completed the heaviest deadlift in history at 501kg (1,104.5lb). In the ring, Bjornsson has completed two exhibition fights against Steven Ward and Simon Vallily. He was scheduled to take on Hall in September but it had to be cancelled. Devon Larratt stepped in and was defeated by the strongman.
Larratt is a professional arm wrestler and this is a sport that Larry Wheels has ventured into recently. He has continued training for arm wrestling while continuing to do some incredible things while weight lifting.
Hafthor Bjornsson has trained with Wheels before during his time as a powerlifter. Since making the successful transition, the two have not joined forces but remain close. That is clear by the comment on Wheels’ video. It will be interesting to see if Wheels takes on the challenge given by Bjornsson. If he does, it will certainly be a must-see post.
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Inspired By Ronnie Coleman, Hafthor Bjornsson Hints at Competing in Bodybuilding
Hafthor Bjornsson hints at competing in bodybuilding after boxing journey.
Hafthor Bjornsson reveals that he’s been flirting with the idea of competing in bodybuilding. The 2018 World’s Strongest Man champion mentioned as much in a recent Instagram post. Apparently the potential move is because of the great Ronnie Coleman.
Challenging ourselves is what makes life worth living. While many become content with the easy road, challenging oneself is far more fulfilling. To challenge yourself, fail, grow, and improve is such a gratifying feeling. For an athlete the challenge of overcoming a major hurdle whether it be breaking powerlifting records or doing battle against another trained competitor, challenges are there for us to surmount. Hafthor Bjornsson has always been of this mindset.
After conquering the strongman world with his 2018 World’s Strongest Man victory, Hafthor Bjornsson moved on to challenging himself in a different way. Back in 2020 Bjornsson attempted to crush the deadlift world record. He tried and he succeeded. Since then he’s put strength sports in the rearview to focus on a very different endeavor.
After breaking the deadlift world record Hafthor Bjornsson has set out to become a pro boxer. In fact he hoped to do battle with his chief rival Eddie Hall back in fall of 2021. He was unable to face Hall however and instead locked horns with champion arm wrestler Devon Larratt. Bjornsson easily won the contest, but is still gunning for a fight with against Hall in the future.
But though he still has unfinished business in the boxing realm, Hafthor Bjornsson is already looking forward to his next challenge. Apparently it seems like Bjornsson is ready to try his hand at another sporting endeavor.
A New Challenge
Inspired by bodybuilding legend and eight-time Olympia champion Ronnie Coleman, Hafthor Bjornsson appears to be flirting with the idea of competing in bodybuilding. The strongman and boxing enthusiast hinted at making a potential move to bodybuilding after completing his endeavors in boxing.
Should I try out bodybuilding after my boxing journey? Right now I’m reading @ronniecoleman8 book and I’m hooked. Love his story.
Ripped Physique
No one would ever mistake a strongman for a chiseled bodybuilder. But since embarking on his boxing journey Hafthor Bjornsson has become lean and shredded. Much of the fat on his physique has been stripped away and what remains is ripped and heavily muscled frame.
If Hafthor Bjornsson makes the leap to bodybuilding how do you think he would fair?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Eddie Hall vs. Hafthor Bjornsson: Who Has Had The Most Significant Transformation In 2021?
Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson have both gone through serious physique transformations.
Hafthor Bjornsson and Eddie Hall have a long history that could finally come to a head in 2022. Both athletes made a name for themselves as powerlifters and saw plenty of each other during their peak. Now, Hall and Bjornsson have made the transition to boxing but have been unable to face each other. That could change in 2022 if both fighters remain healthy.
This was the problem in September. The two were set to meet but Hall suffered a triceps injury that forced him to back out. Now, the two sides are negotiating to fight sometime early next year.
This is a feud that has been present for years. Hall won the 2017 World’s Strongest Man competition with Bjornsson finishing second. The very next year, after three runner-up finishes, Bjornsson was able to take the title from Hall. In 2016, Hall became the first person ever to deadlift 500kg (1,102lb). None other than Hafthor Bjornsson topped this world record by a single kilogram in 2020.
To go from strongman rivals to boxing rivals was an easy transition. The overall physique transformations that both athletes have gone through took a bit more work. They are eye-opening and impressive in their own ways. The question is — who has gone through the better transformation in 2021?
Eddie Hall
Strongman athletes are a different breed. The strength they display is other worldly and this is why they must keep on the weight and take in a hefty amount of calories. For Eddie Hall, his meals would total around 12,000 calories when he was lifting competitively.
Hall admits to eating many times throughout the day and even adding some extra at night to make the calorie intake necessary to obtain strength. This is the biggest difference since transitioning to boxing. Hall now consumes around 6,000 calories, which is half of what he used to do. This includes anywhere from five or more protein shakes per day.
Hall has lost nearly 100 pounds since focusing on his boxing career. His tricep injury did not help but he quickly returned to training with his other arm. Hall begins his day with a mile and a half, run or walk, in the morning before he hits the ring for training. His overall passion for boxing and dedication to get in the ring has been incredible and makes for an exciting year in 2022.
Unlike Bjornsson, Eddie Hall has not stepped in the ring just yet. He has not appeared in any exhibition bouts and does not plan to at the moment. His September fight with Bjornsson was set to be the first of his career. It still will be but just a few months later. The work and overall transformation that Hall has made is as impressive as it gets.
Hafthor Bjornsson
Hafthor Bjornsson is called “The Mountain” and for good reason. He is a former World’s Strongest Man champion who also has three Arnold Strongman Classic victories. Bjornsson even appeared on “Game Of Thrones” starring as big beast because of his incredible size. Since moving to the boxing ring, Bjornsson has slimmed down significantly and is as shredded as ever.
Bjornsson’s most recent fight came against Devon Larratt, who stepped in for Hall following his injury. The 6-foot-9 athlete entered the fight around 328 pounds. This was significantly less than the 450-pound mark that Bjornsson would remain at when lifting competitively.
While lifting, Bjornsson would eat up to seven meals a day that totaled around 10,000 calories. Since making the transition to boxing, Bjornsson has cut down to about 3,000 calories and four or five meals. Training has also changed as he was lifting heavy for fewer reps leading up to a competition. In the offseason, Bjornsson would add more reps to his sets.
Now, Hafthor Bjornsson has been focusing on boxing technique and endurance. This is necessary to last in the ring for the duration of a fight. This includes little to no weight training. Bjornsson focuses on his work in the ring while still performing push-ups and sit-ups.
Hafthor Bjornsson completed two exhibition fights against Steven Ward and Simon Vallily before taking on Larratt in his first professional fight. Bjornsson is now 1-0 in his career with his next fight looking like it will be against Hall in 2022.
Who is the winner?
So who has had the best transformation in 2021?
Both Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson have made incredible progress and looking shredded in preparation for their boxing match. What we do know is that both fighters will be ready after months of tension building up.
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Victor Martinez Reacts: Has Hafthor Bjornsson’s Weight Loss Gone Too Far?
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Victor Martinez reacts to Hafthor Bjornsson’s insane weight loss and shred.
Hafthor Bjornsson used to be best known as a powerhouse strongman and as “The Mountain” in Game Of Thrones. But perhaps now he is getting most attention for his turn towards boxing – and the massive amount of weight he’s shredded off in the process. The transformation has certainly turned a lot of heads, but there are also bodybuilding and strongman fans who are less excited about seeing his signature size downgrade. Some even believe that he has taken the weight loss too far. In our latest GI Exclusive, Victor Martinez reacts to Hafthor Bjornsson’s weight loss and also to fan complaints about his transformation.
Victor Martinez is no stranger to getting negative attention for massive weight loss. Much earlier in his pro bodybuilding career, Martinez was incarcerated. This prevented him from maintaining his bodybuilding lifestyle fully. He dramatically lost weight and had trouble getting back to proper size in his first year upon being released. That struggle was captured in part during the filming of our original Generation Iron documentary.
So we thought Victor Martinez would be the perfect person to ask about the recent developments with Hafthor Bjornsson. The situations are different but the outcome is the same. Bjornsson decided to retire from strongman and turn to boxing. More specifically to fight fellow strongman Eddie Hall. This has yet to happen due to Hall suffering some injuries. Meanwhile, Bjornsson has stuck the course and committed to other boxing matches as he continues to improve.
As part of this change in career, Hafthor Bjornsson decided to trim down and get much more conditioned. He understood that his massive size was not best suited for winning boxing matches. But some fans are upset with just how small he’s become – especially compared to Eddie Hall. Hall had lost weight as well – but mostly maintained his larger size while also gaining conditioning.
Victor Martinez believes that bodybuilding and strongman fans are coming only from a selfish place when they criticize Bjornsson. In fact, Martinez is convinced that Bjornsson’s weight loss is not only best for his boxing career – but healthier for his overall future. Bodybuilding and strongman fans don’t care as much about his boxing exploits – and are looking at his physique only through their subjective lens of the sports of bodybuilding ands strongman.
There’s nothing wrong with this exactly. But Victor Martinez wants fans to understand that Hafthor Bjornsson is in a new stage of his life and career. This statement matches something Jujimufu stated to us in a previous GI Exclusive interview as well. If Bjornsson can succeed as a boxer – he will always still have his former legacy as a successful strongman. Losing the weight does not reduce his legacy. In fact, succeeding in two different sports is an even better lifetime legacy. If he can also improve his overall health during the process – that’s even better still.
So what is Victor Martinez’s overall reaction to Hafthor Bjornsson’s transformation? He’s impressed. That kind of transformation and dedication to conditioning is not easy. And was the smart thing to do for his health and his boxing future. Martinez may be a bodybuilder at heart – but he can appreciate the hard work and results of someone else on their own separate journey.
You can watch Victor Martinez’s full comments on Hafthor Bjornsson’s physique transformation in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Hafthor Bjornsson Meets Tyson Fury During Speaking Event
Hafthor Bjornsson and Tyson fury took time to take some pictures prior to the event.
It is not everyday that two men standing 6-foot-9 get a chance to measure up against each other.
On Wednesday, that is what we saw when Hafthor Bjornsson got the chance to meet WBC heavyweight champion Tyson Fury. The duo got together for a photo session during an event where Fury was speaking. The two compared height to see who was taller and posed for some shirtless photos.
Bjornsson took to Instagram to shared a slideshow of pictures that were taken.
“Peak performance male athletic body shape vs me… all jokes aside what an honour meeting @gypsyking101 tonight and going to one of his shows! Looking forward to learning more from the champ himself in the near future! ?”
Hafthor Bjornsson has gone through an incredible physique transformation as he has gone from strongman to boxing. The former World’s Strongest Man hs lost a significant amount of weight and now sports a shredded physique. As he continues to prepare for his fight against Eddie Hall, Bjornsson met Tyson Fury, who could share some pointers.
Bjornsson and Hall are expected to meet early in 2022. This was a bout that was supposed to take place back in September but Hall was forced to postpone after suffering a torn triceps. Bjornsson has appeared in the ring three times this year in preparation for his match against Hall.
It began with a bout against Irish cruiserweight Steven Ward followed by English heavyweight Simon Vallily. Bjornsson handled the exhibition fights well before entering September. Devon Larratt stepped in for Hall to face Bjornsson in their scheduled match. This was another victory for Bjornsson as he continues to prepare for Hall.
Tyson Fury is the right man to meet. He is considered the best heavyweight in the world and currently holds the WBC title. Fury had been hoping to face Oleksandr Usyk next but has been ordered to defend his title against Dillan Whyte.
Fury is coming off a victory via knockout in the 11th round during his trilogy fight with Deontay Wilder. He will return to the ring soon to defend his title and keep his standing as the best heavyweight right now.
This was a great moment for Hafthor Bjornsson as he got a chance to meet one of his favorite boxers. Tyson Fury is a huge name in boxing and Bjornsson is trying to make an impact as well. One thing that we know is that there was a lot of size and muscle in that room when the two got together.
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Hafthor Bjornsson Shares Video Detailing Trip To Grocery Store
Hafthor Bjornsson took viewers on a trip to the store with him.
There are few transformations that have been as impressive as that of Hafthor Bjornsson over the years. The nearly 400-pound powerlifter has dropped over 100 pounds and built a shredded physique as he transitions to boxing. During his strongman career, Bjornsson was consuming around 8,000 calories per day. Since then, there has been a different tune being played and it begins with a leaner diet.
Bjornsson is going to take on fellow strongman turned boxer Eddie Hall at some point in early 2022. This comes after Hall was forced to pull out of their originally scheduled fight in September due to an injury. This is a much-anticipated bout and Bjornsson has been doing the necessary training. This includes putting together a diet full of chicken, rice, veggies, and fish.
In a recent YouTube video, Bjornsson and coach Billy Nelson went on a trip to the grocery store in Glasgow, Scotland. In case anyone was wondering what Bjornsson shops for, he laid it all out in the video.
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Hafthor Bjornsson arrived at Costco and went right for the rice, potatoes, and oats. For breakfast, Bjornsson likes to pair oats with 100 grams of blueberries and 50 grams of strawberries. From there, the duo focused on protein, which included fish, steak, and skyr.
When deciding on potatoes, Bjornsson admitted that they are interchangeable. Regular potatoes are his favorite but sometimes defers to sweet potatoes in his diet. He continued bi throwing a large container of eggs into the cart, along with almond butter. This is a popular snack before bed. Even for an athlete like Bjornsson, it is hard to ignore pizza. He made sure to comment on his cheat days, which are Sundays, as he walked past the stand.
After finishing up a Costco, Hafthor Bjornsson decided to continue his shopping at Tesco Extra. This is where he picked up some more berries, sauces, and chicken. He continued to discuss how he cooks his rice in a chicken or beef stock to add flavor.
Bjornsson has taken his diet seriously and that is the only way to make the transformation that he has in recent months. He prepares all of his meals to save some time and make it easier as he trains multiple times a day. Bjornsson admitted that after a long day of work, cooking does not sound like the preferred activity.
Hafthor Bjornsson has been waiting to take on Hall for a long time now. As each day passes, this is a bout that is gaining traction and is becoming more and more anticipated. When the two step in the ring, there will be two transformed physiques who have successfully transitioned to boxing. There are plenty of reasons to look forward to this fight and both athletes are doing the necessary work to be ready.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Jujimufu: Eddie Hall & Thor Bjornsson Boxing Is The “Best Thing For Their Personal Lives”
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Jujimufu believes Eddie Hall and Thor Bjornsson were smart to transform their physiques for boxing.
What started out as beef turned into a boxing match. That boxing match transformed the physiques and lives of two legendary Strongmen. Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson, after trading some heated words related to Strongman, were set to face each other in a boxing match for a special event. Hall ended up suffering a bicep injury putting off the event (for now) but both athletes remained focused on their boxing training. Thor even set up different matches to get some competition experience under his belt.
Now both athletes have become incredibly lean and shredded – a far cry from their original Strongman size and shape. Both have been astounding fitness transformations – and Jujimufu believes it was the smartest thing they could have done for their health and longevity. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Jujimufu explains why now was the right time for both Eddie Hall and Thor Bjornsson to transition into boxing.
The idea of two Strongmen becoming boxers sounds a bit absurd on the surface. While these athletes are heavy lifters – that does not require nearly any of the required training and skill needed for the boxing ring. What could have been a stunt turned into an impressive life change for both Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson. Now over a year later, this seems like no stunt and rather a possible new future for both athletes.
Jujimufu is an athlete who is more than familiar with transitioning into a new fitness endeavor. Jujimufu started out with a life in calisthenics, stunts, and gymnastics and this past year transition into competitive bodybuilding to see where that leads. He just recently made his debut at the Olympia Amateur 2021. That’s why we asked him for his thoughts on Eddie Hall and Thor Bjornsson’s transition into boxing.
Jujimufu had nothing but positive things to say about the transition. In fact, he thinks that now was the perfect time for these two strongmen to make a change. They had already solidified their names as legends in Strongman. Moving to something new not only can lead to new opportunities but can also be a smart move for their personal health and future.
While strength is important in boxing, it’s also a very aerobic sport. Requiring endurance and bursts of speed. By not only focusing on strength and size, both Eddie Hall and Thor Bjornsson have made some incredible transformations to their physique. Thor in particular has dropped over 100 pounds.
“I think it was the best thing that both of them could have done for their personal lives,” Jujimufu stated in his interview. He continued:
“Because Thor just broke the deadlift record. Eddie Hall had the deadlift record for a while. They are both legendary strongmen in their own rights. But staying 450 pounds is not the smartest thing for their health in the long term… It’s genius. Let’s do a boxing match so it gives him a reason to lean down and get his health in a different state where he has more longevity. Thor looks amazing. He’s shredded.”
On top of the health benefit, their decision to do a boxing match has garnered a lot of attention. Will these two Strongmen become pro boxers? That might not be the case – but the matches Thor has done brought in numbers and certainly when he faces Hall it will be a blockbuster. This was a good business move and inspired them both to change their lifestyles possibly for the better.
You can watch Jujimufu’s full reaction to Eddie Hall and Thor Bjornsson’s boxing transformations in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Hafthor Bjornsson Shares Cheat Day Meal That Includes Pizza, Burritos, and Ice Cream
Hafthor Bjornsson goes all out during his cheat days.
Hafthor Bjornsson is a strongman turned boxer who knows a thing or two about weight lifting and training. While a potential bout with Eddie Hall is still in the works, Bjornsson took a day off from his intense training and decided to share what a cheat day looks like.
Bjornsson posted a full video on his YouTube page going through a day where he is able to eat the foods of his choices. This increases his leptin levels and boosts his mindset to continue to work hard.
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Hafthor Bjornsson recently accepted the offer sent over by Hall stating that the loser of the fight will donate $200,000 to the charity of the winner’s choice. Once he heard the news, Hall continued to up the wager. Hall has now said that the loser should pay $1 million to charity. Bjornsson has not responded to this offer just yet but he is still focused on preparing for the fight.
An exact date has not been confirmed just yet but it could take place in March of 2022. Hall was forced to withdraw from their originally scheduled fight due to an injury. This bout was set for September and Devon Larratt stepped in as a substitution. Now, there is even more hype around this potential meeting.
Bjornsson has clearly been dedicated to his diet since he has lost over 100 pounds since moving to boxing from strongman. It began with a massive breakfast at Grai Kotturinn, which is a restaurant close to Bjornsson’s gym. He ordered eggs, pancakes, bacon, toast, potatoes, and orange juice. This was the first of three meals for Bjornsson that day.
After a nap, the strongman turned boxer decided to go for a burrito and loaded it with all of the fixings. This includes double chicken, rice, beans, vegetables, and a flour tortilla. On the side, Bjornsson adds some chips and salsa.
The final meal is a big sandwich with beef, bacon, ham, cheese and fried onions. This was his final meal of the day but Bjornsson did indulge in a meat lovers pizza at the end of the day.
“Can’t do a cheat day without pizza.”
“You have to balance your life. You can’t just be a f***ing maniac every single day.”
Once he was ready to end his day, Bjornsson took down a pint of ice cream. This was the perfect way to finish a cheat day.
Throughout the video, Bjornsson was answering questions being offered by fans. He admitted that eating the same meals each day could get boring. This is imperative for Bjornsson while training. He figured out his diet and it has worked as he has made the transition into boxing.
It will be interesting to see what the final wager is for the bout between Bjornsson and Hall. There will have to be a date nailed down for the much-anticipated fight but it is likely to happen some time next year.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Eddie Hall Raises Charity Wager To Hafthor Bjornsson to $200,000
Eddie Hall has now raised his offer to Hafthor Bjornsson to $200,000.
The boxing match between Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson has plenty of hype and there is not even a date set yet. This began with plenty of personal history but the stakes have been raised in recent weeks. Now, Hall is willing to offer $200,000 for a charity match against Bjornsson.
This began with an original offer of $100,000 from Hall. This money would be donated by the loser of the fight to the charity of choice of the winner. This adds another exciting dynamic to a boxing match that has been a long time coming.In a recent Instagram post, Hall doubled his original offer.
“Well, it’s been over a week and he’s ignored me, and I’ve heard from a mutual friend that he doesn’t want to do the deal because he’s scared to lose. Which, I don’t blame him. So, I want to make this a bit easier for you Thor, and please everyone put pressure on him now. So the new deal is, if I beat you, you have to pay $100,000 to my choice of charity. If you beat me, I will pay $200,000 to your choice of charity.”
“Come on now, don’t ignore me, this is for charity. We’ll get the promoter to put it right into the contract, so there’s no getting out of it. So everyone put pressure on Thor, and don’t ignore me again. Let’s pull the deal on this, let’s do something good for charity.”
During his video, Hall mentions that be believes Bjornsson did not accept his offer because of a fear of losing. Because of this, he raised the stakes to try and persuade the strongman turned boxer to accept the challenge.
Eddie Hall suffered a torn tricep that kept him out of the original fight scheduled for September. This allowed Devon Larratt to step in his place and take on Hafthor Bjornsson. The two have been linked for years now in the sport of strongman. This is because of deadlift world records and World’s Strongest Man competitions. Now, the two have a chance to meet in the ring to see who is the better boxer.
Hafthor Bjornsson has more experience in the ring under his belt but Eddie Hall has been training through his injury. Now that he is back to seriously gearing up to take on Bjornsson, he has made it clear that a wager for charity is on the table.
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