Tag: Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson

Hardcore Truth: Johnnie O. Jackson Reviews The 2022 Indy Pro Top 5 Physiques
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Johnnie O. Jackson shares his analysis of the top five placing pro bodybuilders at the 2022 Indy Pro.
This past weekend held the 2022 Indy Pro – one of the bigger and more exciting IFBB Pro competitions in the spring. For fans of Blessing Awodibu, stakes were high. Would he improve after some lackluster showings and reclaim the hype as threat to the Mr. Olympia? Johnnie O. Jackson watched the entire show and has put together his official review of Blessing and the other top five athletes from this weekend. In our latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson gives a complete analysis and recap of the 2022 Indy Pro.
The 2022 Indy Pro was a powerhouse of a show featuring some much hyped pro bodybuilders facing off on stage. Ultimately, the top five placings in the Men’s Open division came down to – Brent Swansen, Justin Rodriguez, Maxx Charles, Charles Griffen, and Blessing Awodibu. In our latest Straight Facts episode, Johnnie O. Jackson breaks down the physiques of these five competitors and recaps the event. Let’s jump into it.
5. Brent Swansen
Johnnie O. Jackson admits that he has heard and seen very little of Brent Swansen. So he was extremely surprised and impressed by the package he brought to the stage. Jackson wouldn’t be surprised if Swansen starts becoming more of a household name as he continues to compete and improve.
Jackson agreed with the five place victory for Brent Swansen. He believed that his conditioning and aesthetic is on point – but he needs to work more on bringing up his overall size and maintaining that level of conditioning while heavier.
4. Justin Rodriguez
Justin Rodriguez is an extremely promising bodybuilder with an incredible physique and incredible genetics. However, Johnnie O. Jackson was a bit disappointed in his physique and showing at the Indy Pro. After seeing what he can accomplish during his last competition at the Arnold Classic – his physique on the stage this weekend looked like a step back.
Johnnie O. Jackson isn’t sure what might have caused this backtracking. Perhaps he did not have enough time between the Arnold Classic and the Indy Pro to best be on point. Different pros have different rev up windows – and maybe this was just slightly too close for Rodriguez.
3. Maxx Charles
Johnnie O. Jackson looks at Maxx Charles’ physique at the Indy Pro as part of a comeback for him. Jackson has previously competed with Charles and knows just how much effort he can put into his contest prep and physique come showtime. After some rocky years – Jackson is seeing real improvement in Charles’ physique and the Indy Pro furthered that improvement.
If he remains consistent, Jackson believes that Maxx Charles can place even higher in future shows and become even more competitive with athletes such as Blessing and Charles Griffen. But that being said…
2. Charles Griffen
Charles Griffen and Blessing Awodibu were incredibly close in competition at the 2022 Indy Pro. Johnnie O. Jackson honestly saw very little difference between these two competitors. But he does understand how Awodibu got the edge with some small details.
In either case, Griffen showcased an incredible physique and is excited to see what he brings at his next show. To nitpick, Jackson thinks that Griffen could have increased his upper body size to match his massive legs for a more fully even aesthetic.
1. Blessing Awodibu
Blessing Awodibu, to Johnnie O. Jackson, had the slightly prettier physique that ultimately gave him the edge – particular his muscle bellies. On top of this, Awodibu made quite the improvement since his last competition – which is always a plus in how the judges evaluate your performance.
Jackson was particularly and personally shocked and impressed with just how much Blessing Awodibu improved over the past year. If he can keep that kind of focus – he will be a true threat for the remainder of this season and beyond.
Wrap Up
Johnie O. Jackson goes into great detail on all five of these stellar bodybuilders. You can watch his full recap and analysis of the 2022 Indy Pro by watching our latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to stick around each Thursday for new episodes every week!

Hardcore Truth: Should NPC Bodybuilder Winners Receive Prize Money?
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Johnnie O. Jackson opens the question: Are we rewarding NPC bodybuilders enough?
Beyond being an IFBB Pro bodybuilder and notable athlete in the sport, Johnnie O. Jackson also runs and promotes his own NPC bodybuilding competition. Due to this he is familiar with the ins and outs of the rules, guidelines, and regulations for NPC competitions. Recently, he was asked by a bodybuilder – why do NPC shows not provide prize money for winners? This led Jackson to wonder if NPC competitors are rewarded enough before turning pro. In our latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson debates the idea of prize money for NPC bodybuilders.
All IFBB Pro bodybuilders start of as amateurs. The battle to earn a pro card is an exciting and challenging one. Bodybuilders need to earn their way into the pro ranks – it’s not something given as a handout. Many aspiring bodybuilders never make it to the pro league. However, during the period competing as an NPC bodybuilder – the expenses are largely the same. Entry fees, supplements, meal prep, possible travel to important competitions – these are all large costs that might not necessarily end in a pro card. Currently, there is no real cash-in hand prize money offered for NPC competitions.
In this week’s episode of Hardcore Truth – Johnnie O. Jackson takes a hard look at the current culture behind NPC competitions. Jackson, of course, went through the NPC league himself. But he is also now a promoter for a NPC competition. He understands both sides of the coin. But until recently being asked, Jackson did not ever question the status quo of no prize money for NPC winners.
Johnnie O. Jackson understands that there are heavy costs on the promotion side – and providing prize money to top place athletes would add to the cost. However, he also understands the cost of being an amateur athlete. Jackson muses that perhaps, at the very least, a prize comping the cost of entry can be rewarded to the winner. Or perhaps, if it’s Nationals qualifier, travel and entry fees can be comped for entering the NPC National Championships.
Johnnie O. Jackson makes a good point. Perhaps there are talented young individuals who simply cannot afford to be a competitive bodybuilder before turning pro. Are there young phenom talents who simply never have a shot due to monetary issues?
For quite a long time, college athletes were not allowed to earn sponsorship money while competing in college leagues. This has recently changed, allowing athletes to earn money off of their talent, hard work, and attention gained via America’s love of college sports.
Currently, there are no rules against gaining sponsorship as an NPC bodybuilder. However, perhaps opening up this guideline further to NPC prize money should also be considered. Johnnie O. Jackson points out that this isn’t a handout. It’s earned. The work that a NPC bodybuilder puts in is valid.
However, Jackson also understands the counterpoints. Bodybuilding competitions are already expensive to run – adding prize money might ultimately put too much pressure on promoters and hurt the overall sport. Some might also argue that adding prize money on the amateur level will remove the “edge” or “passion” of the young athletes.
This second argument might not hold water. Bodybuilding is a lifestyle and niche sport. Prize money or not – passion will be the key factor in an amateur bodybuilder going pro. Jackson doesn’t believe money will hurt the quality or intent of athletes.
Currently, the NPC league is seen more as a proving ground compared to the pros. This is not just in terms of on-stage battles but also in terms of personal commitment. Are you willing to invest money into this with little reward? Are you willing to invest so much time into something that might not work out?
But bodybuilding leagues should also take care of their athletes. Perhaps an NPC amateur is not the same as a pro competitor – but the leagues could not exist without the athletes. Perhaps some middle ground option for prize money can be discussed to help motivate less fortunate aspiring bodybuilders rise up to pro status.
Johnnie O. Jackson doesn’t see this as a pressing or issue that requires mandates – but for the first time in his career, he questioned what should change and what should stay the same for the NPC league guidelines.
What do you think? Watch Johnnie O. Jackson’s full comments in the latest episode of Hardcore Truth above and let us now your opinion! Don’t forget to check back every Thursday for new episodes each week!

Hardcore Truth: Women’s Bodybuilding Is Still Underrepresented Despite Ms. Olympia Return
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Johnnie O. Jackson believes that the Women’s Bodybuilding division is still being snubbed by the pro league.
In 2020, the bodybuilding world rejoiced upon the return of the Ms. Olympia competition to the Olympia weekend. This came after the competition was discontinued for six years – with many believing it would never return. This is all part of Jake Wood’s passion and respect for Women’s Bodybuilding – and his plan to bring it back into popularity across the sport. While this is a great start, other massive competitions, such as the Arnold Classic, still refuse to put on a Women’s Bodybuilding competition. In our latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson comments on the lack of representation for Women’s Bodybuilding and the Ms. Olympia not being enough.
Johnnie O. Jackson was very pleased when the Ms. Olympia returned to the Olympia weekend back in 2020. But he was also disappointed in himself for not realizing that Women’s Bodybuilding has yet to return to the Arnold Classic stage. He literally didn’t even realize it was missing until he had a conversation with a Women’s Bodybuilding competitor this past week.
This exact situation represents the issue Johnnie O. Jackson sees with Women’s Bodybuilding in the IFBB pro league. Jackson even accepts that he is a passive part of the problem – which is why he spent this week’s episode advocating for more Women’s Bodybuilding competitions across the year.
Johnnie O. Jackson believes that the pro league still has a long way to go in order to full support the Women’s Bodybuilding division. The Ms. Olympia is not enough if nearly every other high profile show of the year does not include them. The Arnold Classic, Indy Pro, Boston Pro, and many other major shows still do not feature Women’s Bodybuilding. The Arnold Classic in particular is the second biggest show of the year and contains the largest expo in the sport. Why do we not see Women’s Bodybuilders on stage?
It should also be noted that Johnnie O. Jackson also mentions the New York Pro in his argument. In fact, the New York Pro does feature Women’s Bodybuilding in their lineup of competitions. While Jackson may have misspoke on including the NY Pro in his argument – the overall sentiment still stands.
Johnnie O. Jackson believes that part of the reason the division slowly fell in popularity was due to a dislike of the massive physiques. Much like some of (but certainly less damaging) criticism about Men’s Open getting too big. Jackson believes that, overall, the judges are responsible for what kind of physiques they want to reward. Jackson states – if the fans are unhappy with the state of physiques for Women’s Bodybuilding – it’s the judges responsibility to ensure the right kind of physique is rewarded to bend the trajectory of the division.
Of course, the solution is never quite as simple as it sounds. While putting responsibility on the judges is part of the puzzle – there may be a wider variety of factors at play here. Judges should not always 100% bend to the demand of fans – that’s a dangerous precedent. Also – the criticism of Women’s Bodybuilding physiques could also be based in unfair expectations outside of the judges control.
Many have stated that Women’s Bodybuilding is “too masculine” but there is also a point to be made that the show is not a beauty pageant. The women should be judges the exact same way the men are – femininity should not be a criteria at all.
Another problem may be pure roster issues. Perhaps many of these larger shows cannot get enough competitors to sign up for competition. This is a snake eating it’s own tail type situation. If there is not enough support for Women’s Bodybuilding – there will be less interest by the athletes. Thus less sign ups for the few shows that exist. Thus less shows across the year to build interest. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Regardless, Johnnie O. Jackson’s main sentiment remains true. The Women’s Bodybuilders that do compete are sisters in iron. They deserve the exact same respect and opportunities as the Men’s Open division. Jackson believes a concerted effort must be made to prioritize getting Women’s Bodybuilding back to the Arnold Classic and other major shows across the year.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson’s full argument in our latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to visit each Thursday for new episodes every week! What do you think? Does the IFBB Pro league need to prioritize more Women’s Bodybuilding representation?

Hardcore Truth: Are Misleading Supplement Companies Hurting Natural Bodybuilder Careers?
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Johnnie O. Jackson discusses what it really means to be a natural bodybuilder in a world with misleading supplement companies and unknown banned substances.
While not as popular as major untested leagues such as the IFBB Pro or Elite Pro leagues – natural bodybuilding has been seeing a resurgence, possibly due to the increased fears around athlete health. The leading league in the natural bodybuilding space, the INBA/PNBA, has touted the most rigorous testing to ensure a fair and natural competitive space to great success. But being natural today might be more complicated than in any other time in bodybuilding history. Why? In our latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson discusses misleading supplement labels and how that may undercut the goals of a natural bodybuilder.
Johnnie O. Jackson is a lover of bodybuilding whether it is natural or untested. So he’s followed and seen interviews with natural bodybuilders to get a better understanding of their world. Jackson notes that most natural bodybuilders like to wear their natural status as a badge of honor. There’s nothing wrong with that, Jackson argues, but he does worry about what it means to be natural in the modern fitness space.
Are misleading supplements hurting natural bodybuilders?
Specifically, Johnnie O. Jackson is worried about the transparency of supplement products and what ingredients are really included. As many may know, the supplement industry has a bit of a grey area in regards to banned substances. It’s a companies responsibility to ensure all ingredients are legal and not banned. But this list is changing literally every year A popular substance for a company can suddenly be banned due to a change in regulations for a certain ingredient.
Most companies comply, but there has been proof that this is not always the case. The recent major headlines involving Blackstone Labs selling products with banned substances is an example of this. Beyond the legality and the massive sentencing that came with this case – there are also millions of customers who consumed the products trusting the brand. Not knowing they were ingesting banned substances.
Take this notion over to natural bodybuilding – and you can see the problem. These athletes are not trying to break the rules but perhaps they are unknowingly due to misleading labels and misleading companies. Johnnie O. Jackson wonders how many natural bodybuilders walk around truly believing to be natural only to unknowingly be ingesting banned substances. Even worse, how many natural bodybuilders end up testing out of a competition due to unknown banned substances in a product?
This issue is larger than just natural bodybuilding. In MMA, there have been a small handful of athletes who later fail drug tests – seemingly due to a banned ingredient that they were unaware was in an over the counter supplement. Some of this is not illegal either. Some supplements that are banned in the MMA might not be banned by the government. If a label is not truly transparent, an athlete may accidentally take a legal substance that is banned in their sport.
For natural bodybuilding, most leagues simply do a lie detector test. These are not very effective, and by Johnie O. Jackson’s logic, could lead to many bodybuilders passing and competing with unknown banned substances in their system. Again – not on purpose but via misleading supplements.
However, the leading natural bodybuilding league, INBA/PNBA, is aware of the limitations of a lie detector test. Which is why they do WADA approved drug testing for every competition to ensure all athletes are natural. While this may prevent an unfair competition – the same misleading supplement issue can still derail honest bodybuilder careers. If an INBA or PNBA bodybuilder was using Blackstone Labs because it contained “no banned substances” – they would later fail out of competition due to the tests discovering it. In the INBA/PNBA, not only are you dropped out of the competition, you are also banned for life.
While Johnnie O. Jackson has a legitimate worry for natural bodybuilders due to the grey area of supplements – this is a fear and issue that many pro natural bodybuilders are familiar with. In fact, many pro natural bodybuilders are very vigilant for this exact reason. They are very detailed on what supplements they put into their system and do vigorous research to ensure their career (and way of life) is not derailed.
It’s a challenge, and one that shows the extreme dedication, focus, and passion of natural bodybuilders. It’s that same focus and dedication that goes into training and dieting across all of professional bodybuilding – regardless of testing status.
Wrap Up
Johnnie O. Jackson brings up a very good point that should be brought into the mainstream discussion more often. But his worry also showcases an extra layer of how dedicated bodybuilders can be depending on their goals. Hopefully this video will help educate aspiring natural bodybuilders from avoiding certain mistakes as they start their journey.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson’s full comments on natural bodybuilding and supplements by watching the latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to swing by every Thursday for new episodes each week!

Hardcore Truth: Why It’s Wrong To Joke About Men’s Physique & Other “Smaller” Divisions
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Johnnie O. Jackson shares the hardcore truth about Men’s Physique “black sheep” status and how jokes do more harm than good.
Professional bodybuilding is far different today than it was decades past. This is most noticeable in the number of divisions that exist today. At one point, there was only Men’s and Women’s bodybuilding. Now we have over 10 divisions ranging from smaller physique sizes like Bikini and Men’s Physique through to larger sizes such as Classic Physique and Men’s Open.
New divisions bring in new perceptions which invite fans and athletes alike to compare physiques across divisions. Men’s Physique in particular is often the brunt of jokes due to their board shorts and smaller size. In our latest Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson goes into detail on why this sort of “competition” between divisions is damaging for the sport. And dismissive jokes against other divisions should not take place – particularly by pro bodybuilders.
Fans, the media, and athletes alike have all taken part in comparing different bodybuilding divisions to each other. Some are fair comparisons while others can be more diminishing to the athletes who compete in targeted divisions. Women’s Bodybuilding nearly disappeared complete for most of the last decade – no longer present at the Arnold Classic or Olympia weekend. This decline was surrounded across many negative comments (even made by pro athletes) about the lack of desire to see women at that size and physique.
Men’s Open is also often a target of ridicule. This is largely because the division is seen as “easier” – mostly due to their smaller size and lack of leg development. Men’s Physique is the only division in the sport to cover the upper legs with “board shorts.” This means the judges simply don’t judge that area of the body – meaning they require less work and attention than other divisions. Antoine Vaillant, in particular, received a lot of attention for an on-stage joke he made at the expense of Men’s Physique a few years ago.
The reason rivalries and jokes between bodybuilding divisions should stop
Johnnie O. Jackson has had his eyes opened recently on how this sort of banter actually does harm to the sport of bodybuilding. Jackson once though these kinds of jokes or spirited criticism was just banter. But he is started to realize that what pro bodybuilders say influence the narrative for fans of the sport. For example, promoters often state that Men’s Physique and Bikini actually bring in more money to events (due to there being more registered athletes and more family, friends, and fans who come to watch the events). Yet, those division receive much less prize money than categories such as Classic Physique or Men’s Open.
Part of the reason for this is due to the audience viewership between NPC and IFBB Pro. Bikini and Men’s Physique often have huge attendance in the amateur NPC league – but it trickles off in the pro shows. Is this because of the larger narrative at play here? Is the negative perception sometimes attached to these divisions hearting the pro competitions?
We can’t draw a direct comparison. But Johnnie O. Jackson understands that pro bodybuilders, especially pro Men’s Open bodybuilders, have a big platform to influence fans. Jackson wants to promote unity across the entire sport. A Men’s Open bodybuilder should see a Men’s Physique bodybuilder as a brother in iron. Not as a separate athlete in different sports. Jackson believes even light hearted comments and jokes – when persistent enough over the whole sport – can hold back the success of such divisions.
Johnnie O. Jackson goes into detail about a personal story he experienced just recently during the 2022 Arnold Classic. It was a conversation between a larger Men’s Open bodybuilder and a smaller Men’s Physique bodybuilder. They were both friends. But the larger bodybuilder made friendly jokes about how small, weak, and easy his Men’s Physique friend has it over someone larger like himself.
Jackson used this as a teachable moment. He went into “dad mode” as he puts it and interrupted the friend letting him know that jokes like that are not helpful to the health of the sport overall.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson tell the full story along with his complete comments about rivalries between divisions in our latest Hardcore Truth episode above. Make sure to come by every Thursday for new episodes each week!

Hardcore Truth: Olympia Is Telling Shaun Clarida He Can Only Compete In One Division
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Johnnie O. Jackson connected with Shaun Clarida – who told him that currently he is being asked to only compete in one division at the Olympia.
Late last year, Shaun Clarida made headlines by winning a Men’s Open bodybuilding competition at the Legion Sports Fest Pro. With his win, he is now qualified to compete in both Men’s 212 and Men’s Open. Since then, Clarida has signaled that he desires to possibly compete in both divisions at Olympia 2022. As this is a rare occurance, he planned to speak further with the Olympia team to figure out his options. Since then we have heard little on this story. In our latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson gets an update from Shaun Clarida – learning that as of now, the Olympia is only letting him choose one division.
Every once in a while, there are rare moments that occur in the world of pro bodybuilding that require a deeper glance at the league rule books. Shaun Clarida qualifying for the Mr. Olympia in two divisions is one such occasion. It led both Clarida himself and fans to wonder if he could compete in two divisions at the Olympia concurrently. Seemingly, there would be no reason not to – other than his own personal preference to not have to compete double the amount in one weekend.
However, Johnnie O. Jackson reconnected with Shaun Clarida this week to get an update on his Men’s 212 vs Men’s Open Olympia plans. From what he was told by Clarida himself, it seems the Olympia is making him choose just one division to compete in. While no details were given as to why this is the case – it seems as if perhaps the double qualification might conflict with some lesser known guidelines for the Olympia weekend. Jackson also reached out directly to Dan Soloman for comment – who has yet to respond since the time of this writing and recording.
If we’re speculating, it seems that this might fall under some sort of technicality. Similar to the small uproar that transpired after it was revealed that Flex Lewis was not technically qualified for the Men’s Open Mr. Olympia this year. According to the Olympia team earlier this year, Lewis would either need to directly qualify or receive a special invite. As of now, he has yet to officially receive such an invite – though it seems inevitable this will happen.
However, Johnnie O. Jackson thinks that whatever guideline that is requiring Shaun Clarida to choose one division is foolish. Jackson points out that Clarida is not asking for a favor or a handout. He fair and square qualified for two different divisions. In Jackson’s mind, the only reason he should not be allowed to compete in both is if both events happened at the same exact time. But we know from past years that this is not the case.
Now is it a good idea for Shaun Clarida to split his energy into two divisions? That’s up for personal debate. But if Clarida desires to do so – he should not be held back since he earned both with his own effort. Jackson points out that in the past when the Master Olympia still existed (which might return, by the way), a bodybuilder was allowed to compete in both the Masters division and the Men’s Open division at the Olympia. So why can’t Clarida do the same?
Ultimately, things may change. While Shaun Clarida confirms that he is currently being asked by the Olympia to only choose one division – an exception might later be made as we get closer to the show. Much like how we assume Flex Lewis will eventually receive his official special invite. Since Dan Soloman has yet to respond back to Johnnie O. Jackson, we don’t have a definitive statement on the subject other than Clarida’s word. Time will tell how this unfolds.
Until then, what side of the decision to you fall on? Do you think it’s fair to only let Shaun Clarida compete in one Olympia division? Let us know in the video comments or on our social media channels! You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson’s full comments in the latest episode of Hardcore Truth above!

Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson: Why The Masters Olympia Is So Important
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Johnnie O. Jackson discusses his excitement for the possible return of the Masters Olympia, whether he will compete, and why the competition is so important for the sport.
Jake Wood made headlines in February 2022, when he confirmed that he is working on brining back the Masters Olympia to the IFBB Pro league. The Masters Olympia ran from 1994 to 2003 and then a brief return in 2012 with Dexter Jackson earning the final big win for the competition. Since then, the Masters Olympia has vanished. Now it seems that 2023 will bring back the prestigious competition – and Johnnie O. Jackson couldn’t be happier to hear the news. In our latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson explains why the Masters Olympia return is a big deal – and the true importance of the competition for the sport.
When Dexter Jackson continued to compete in the Mr. Olympia after his 2012 Masters Olympia win, it seemed to almost prove that the Masters Olympia was unnecessary. Jackson was able to continue to hold step against his fellow athletes and earn top 5 placings in the Mr. Olympia. If someone his age could place so high in the main event, what need is there for the Masters Olympia at all?
The fact that the Masters Olympia has been absent from the IFBB Pro league for so many years seems to confirm that line of thinking. That is, until it returns in 2023 (according to Jake Wood’s hopes during the admittedly still preliminary planning stages). But Johnnie O. Jackson believes that it shouldn’t have ever left.
Why The Masters Olympia Is So Important
During this week’s episode of Hardcore Truth, you can hear the excitement in Johnnie O. Jackson’s voice as he talks about the return of the Masters Olympia. To him, it’s an important part of the IFBB Pro. Why? Because it can be a vital force for the longevity of pro bodybuilders.
Not only does it provide a more fair outlet for pro bodybuilders to continue to compete – it also can provide a longer career as a bodybuilder. Johnnie O. Jackson understands that in today’s world, it’s very possible for a retired bodybuilder to continue to make a living. Social media and entrepreneurial efforts can help pro bodybuilders build a brand that becomes their new income beyond competing.
However, Johnnie O. Jackson also knows one thing is true – you can never truly take the bodybuilder out of the man. If the Masters Olympia were to return with some sort of significant prize money – Jackson could see many notable retired pro bodybuilders returning to the stage.
Even beyond that – for younger bodybuilders currently competing, the Masters Olympia could establish a much more optimistic future for how long an athlete is able to compete – should they want to well past 40 or even 50+ years old. Johnnie O. Jackson thinks that the competition shouldn’t simply be an afterthought. It could be a celebrated event with big name stars from previous years. It can not only increase the longevity of a bodybuilding career – but help the longevity of the bodybuilding lifestyle. Period.
It’s often discussed how bodybuilding can’t just be a hobby or a job you go to and leave at the door when you come home. It’s a lifestyle. Johnnie O. Jackson believes that the Masters Olympia extends that lifestyle. It provides yet another option for pro bodybuilders to live their passion.
Will Johnnie O. Jackson Compete In The New Master Olympia?
So what about Johnnie O. Jackson himself? Would he want to compete in the newly returned Masters Olympia. Nothing’s off the table – and while he doesn’t officially announce a return (most likely because the Masters Olympia return is not finalized yet) – he was very optimistic during the episode. He would be more than happy to return to the stage and possibly compete against fellow contemporaries like Lee Priest and Kevin Levrone.
Johnnie O. Jackson admits that he has little interest in trying to compete against the young guns on stage today. He knows that arena is now past his prime. But to enter against others in his age bracket is something he is very open to considering.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson detail why the Masters Olympia is so important and why the return will be such a massive improvement for the sport in our latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to swing around each Thursday for brand new episodes!

Hardcore Truth: Johnnie O. Jackson Responds To Negative Reactions Of His Near-Death Story
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Johnnie O. Jackson clears the air regarding negative criticism he received on the details of his near-death experience video.
Towards the beginning of March 2022, Johnnie O. Jackson released an episode of Hardcore Truth discussing his past PED use habits in bodybuilding and a near-death experience during contest prep. Shortly after posting the episode, Jackson faced negative criticism for how he explained the story and the details behind the specifics of his PED use. Admittedly, discussing PED use specifics can be a slippery slope in terms of how this kind of information is absorbed by the public. The last thing Jackson wants to do is mislead fans in the bodybuilding. That’s why on this week’s episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson responds to the negative reactions to his near-death story.
Johnnie O. Jackson decided to speak transparently about his past PED use and a near-death experience he had during contest prep. He decided to speak on this in reaction to the tragic deaths bodybuilding has faced over the past year. While we might not know the direct causes of many of those who passed away – there has been an increased discussion on health in bodybuilding.
Johnnie O. Jackson is not a doctor nor is he an expert on discussing powerful PED substances such as steroids, diuretics, etc. He wanted to share his story not as an explanation of what you should or shouldn’t do with PEDs. Rather, he wanted to simply relay the very real health risk he faced at various moments (and one moment in particular) during his prime bodybuilding years.
Generation Iron Fitness Network has always focused on providing a platform for its hosts to speak freely without censorship and oversight. Hardcore Truth, like many other video podcasts and series on our network, is hosted and distributed by GI but allows for hosts like Johnnie O. Jackson to speak unedited.
That being said, both Johnnie O. Jackson and Generation Iron understand that Jackson’s recent near-death story episode earned some negative criticism in the industry. That’s why Jackson wanted to do a follow up video to help clarify his statements and respond to the negative criticism.
Johnnie O. Jackson’s response to negative criticism
In this episode, Jackson first clarifies that his story is not meant to be direct advice about any specific drug or protocol. He is not a doctor, and he understands that he may have not explained his situation in as much detail as a medical professional could. Jackson’s story is not advice on do’s and don’ts about drugs. It was advice about the bigger picture of health risks in bodybuilding. He explains it was a story to help warn others on how easy the drive to succeed can overpower smart thinking when it comes to health.
And most importantly, he urges viewers to always second guess what is being put into your body and don’t just blindly follow trainers or coaches – including himself. Seek a professional opinion. Do research. Know what you are getting yourself into.
Johnnie O. Jackson then brings on a video clip from a medical professional to help further explain some details on his previous statements. Dawn Thornhill is a nurse practitioner – but more than that she was the specific medical professional that was overseeing Jackson’s protocols from his previous story.
In the clip, Thornhill focuses specifically on Johnnie O. Jackson’s comments about testosterone, high blood pressure, and how it affects African Americans. She pulls on her professional experience to help clear the air and clarify in more detail on Jackson’s previous statements on the matter.
Ultimately, Johnnie O. Jackson understands that criticism is simply a part of being a public figure. He also understands that others are entitled to their reactions and opinions just as much as himself. He hopes that today’s episode helps bring clarity and more context to the situation.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson go into complete detail alongside Dawn Thornhill in our latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to stick around every Thursday for new episodes!

Hardcore Truth: Johnnie O. Jackson Reviews The Arnold Classic 2022
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Johnnie O. Jackson shares his analysis and opinion on the top six Men’s Open placings at the Arnold Classic 2022.
This past weekend held the Arnold Classic 2022, it was an exciting event that returned to its normal full form after two years of shortcomings due to the global pandemic. The event is considered to be the second biggest competition of the bodybuilding season, second only to the Mr. Olympia itself. So of course, a bodybuilding show of this size is not without its controversies – with many debating whether William Bonac or Brandon Curry should have won first place. In this week’s episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson gives his analysis and opinions on the top six placings at the Arnold Classic 2022.
Seven divisions battled it out over the weekend at the Arnold Classic, bringing together some of the most talented athletes currently competing. When the results were announced on Saturday night, there was a mixture of excitement, respect, and controversy. The most hotly debated topic was about the battle of Brandon Curry and William Bonac. Many believed that Bonac should have taken the top spot. Regardless of outcome, these two competitors were extremely close in physique quality and performance. When a battle comes neck and neck as we reach the finish line – controversy always ensues.
That’s why Johnnie O. Jackson decided to put his opinion into the ring and break down his thoughts on the top six placings during the Arnold Classic 2022 finals. Let’s jump into his thoughts below.
Johnnie O. Jackson’s breakdown of the Arnold Classic 2022 Top Six Placings
First Johnnie O. Jackson puts his focus on sixth place finisher Brett Wilkin. Wilkin went into the Arnold Classic with a lot of hype this year due to some promising physique updates on social media entering the show. Ultimately, for fans expecting a massive top 3 finish, there was a bit of a let down after all the hype.
But Johnnie O. Jackson points out that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Wilkin looked improved of last year and is still relatively early in his career. Jackson’s biggest assessment? Wilkin needs more size in order to compete with the top 3 at an event this size.
Johnnie O. Jackson then moves onto Justin Rodriguez – who he believes has an incredible physique but could improve by bringing up his arms and the separation in his quads. Beyond that he brought in powerful conditioning and grainy physique. He also believes that between the pre-judging and finals – Justin Rodriguez woke up and brought a much more intense and passionate posing routine which helped his placing.
Johnnie O. Jackson then moves onto Steve Kuclo – whom he doesn’t have any direct criticism for. He believes that Kuclo continues to remain consistent and slowly improve his overall package. Jackson thinks that there is no specific area he needs to focus on – rather he simply needs to move to the next step on all of the little details to pull up into a possible number one spot in the future.
William Bonac vs Brandon Curry – Johnnie O. Jackson’s verdict
Now Johnnie O. Jackson dives into the controversy of William Bonac vs Brandon Curry. In Jackson’s personal opinion, he finds that Brandon Curry deserved the win he got. But he also understands that the battle was very, very close. Ultimately, depending on the subjective slant of the judges – it could have gone either way.
In Jackson’s opinion, he thinks that Bonac landing on second has to do with the lack of consistency in his performance over the past two years. Bonac placed sixth at the Mr. Olympia 2021. His physique at the Arnold Classic 2022 was much improved and perhaps one of the best versions of Bonac we’ve seen. In Jackson’s opinion, this inconsistency between shows gave Brandon Curry the edge over Bonac.
As a fair counterpoint to Johnnie O. Jackson’s opinion here – each individual bodybuilding show should be judged in a vacuum. The physique a year ago should not reflect on the physique presented on stage at the Arnold Classic 2022. However, it is also pretty common knowledge that the judges partially base their assessment of an athlete based on how they improved, or fell behind, from their last show. It’s often said that the Mr. Olympia champion, for example, can’t just look the same every year. He still needs to find a way to improve and beat his previous self.
So perhaps Brandon Curry’s consistency swayed the judges to give him the nod. Not all fans might be satisified by this answer. But the reality is that no matter how transparent and objective the sport tries to be – it is still judged by human beings. Subjective opinion will always sway a score in a slightly different direction.
Wrap Up
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson go into full detail about his analysis of the top six bodybuilder placings at the Arnold Classic 2022 by watching the latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Do you agree with Jackson on his takes? Let us know by commenting on our social media. And make sure to stick around every Thursday for new episodes of Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson!
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