Tag: Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson

Hardcore Truth: Johnnie O. Jackson Tells All On His PED Use & Near Death Experience
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After many tragic deaths in the sport, Johnnie O. Jackson gets real about his own drug use and near death experience as a warning for young bodybuilders.
Whether it be due to complete coincidence or some underlying common pattern, the bodybuilding world has lost many young men and women athletes over the past year and a half. In this week’s episode, Johnnie O. Jackson wants to shed some light on the true risks in bodybuilding as we try to make sense of the many tragic deaths in the sport. But rather than dig up more pain for friends and families who have lost loved ones – Jackson turns inward to reveal his own health battles during his career as a bodybuilder. In the latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson reveals his near death experience and his experience using PEDs.
In bodybuilding, it’s rare to get full transparency on how PED use is experienced by pro bodybuilders in the sport. Some have been open about it – but mostly after they have retired and ended their career. Johnnie O. Jackson joins this growing list of athletes – by holding nothing back and giving his honest truth and assessment of using PEDs. Not only that, but he also joins a growing list of bodybuilders by revealing a near death experience he had during cutting for contest prep.
Johnnie O. Jackson reveals all on his PED use
Johnie O. Jackson explains that he stayed natural for the entirety of his amateur career. But when he realized that he could truly make it as a pro bodybuilder, he started to consider drug use to enhance his gains. He didn’t take this lightly as he already had a wife and kids – so he sat down with his wife and talked it out. Ultimately, he gained support to take the risk and go for his dream.
Looking back, Johnnie O. Jackson plainly admits he had no idea what he was doing. The way he used PEDs was more than risky – it was dangerous. Now with more experience and wisdom in his older age, he regrets the kind of choices he made and considers himself lucky to be as healthy as he currently is today. This kind of open regret is rarely seen when bodybuilders discuss PED use. The bigger narrative is that the risk is worth it. While Jackson surely admits that he met his goal, he is smart enough to know that he’s more lucky than anything else.
Johnnie O. Jackson’s near death experience
Separate from hard PED use such as steroids, Johnnie O. Jackson also nearly died during the final week of his contest prep. Much like other stories that have been discussed by athletes, such as Santi Aragon, a foolish and very dangerous mistake during the dehydration stage put Jackson into the hospital. In the final weeks before his went into full dehydration mode, his coach suggested he stack up on taking potassium chloride. The problem was, that Jackson was not lacking in potassium – so this led to a very dangerous build up. Once he started dehydrating for the final days of prep – his entire body shut down.
His stomach stopped dissolving food, so the food he would eat sat to rot in his stomach. He felt stomach pains but kept on going. On the actual day of the show – he was so pale, weak, and unhealthy that the staff immediately noticed something was wrong. He called an ambulance and went to the hospital. When the doctor spoke to him his first words were, “I have no idea how you are alive right now.”
What we can learn from Johnnie’s experience
Johnnie O. Jackson reveals the most tragic part of his near death experience. He didn’t change anything. Of course, he never again built up that much potassium in his system – but he still took the same kind of risks. He admits that bodybuilders need to have short term memories in order to move past the dangers and achieve great things. It’s this mentality, he warns, that might raise the rates of death among young bodybuilders. If he were less lucky, he might have been dead too.
So the goal in telling these stories is less to shame the bodybuilders who have died and more to warn the bodybuilders today. He wants to shake the young athletes of today away from short term thinking and only focusing on bodybuilding greatness. You only live one life – learn from mistakes rather than repeat them.
He also wants this to be a message to fans. There are other dangerous choices being made in bodybuilding behind steroids. So he asks the audience to not immediately assume steroids is the cause of death during these difficult times for those who lost a loved one.
Johnnie O. Jackson also makes a very poignant statement at the end of the episode in honor of those we have lost:
“I also want to send out my condolences on the behalf of myself and generation iron for all the families and all the loved ones they have lost. This is a sadder world without you. A sadder stage without you being on it. Competing, pushing yourself, pushing competitors around you, and motivating the masses. God bless. Love you all.”
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson’s full comments on PED use and his near death experience by watching the latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to swing by every Thursday for new episodes!

Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson: How To Improve Focus In The Gym
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Johnnie O. Jackson shares the hardcore truth on the importance of focus – calling it the single most determining factor in bodybuilding success.
What separates a pro bodybuilder from everyone else? Genetics? Certainly to some degree. Drugs like steroids? This is a misleading factor in the true success of a bodybuilding athlete. The true difference between a bodybuilding legend and the many aspiring who miss the mark comes down to focus. A bodybuilder like Phil Heath or Ronnie Coleman combine all of their strengths into one singular focus beyond what any normal person perceives possible. That’s how they became Olympia legends. In our latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson breaks down the importance of focus and tips on how to improve your mental sharpness while training.
Whether you are a pro bodybuilder, aspiring novice bodybuilder, or just someone looking to get healthier with daily exercise – focus is the biggest factor that holds us back from success. A large majority of Americans are overweight and unhealthy. This isn’t because exercise is extremely challenging. It’s because in today’s day and age – it’s hard to focus on something. Especially if it’s something that you don’t particularly want to do.
Of course, aspiring bodybuilders should, at the core, love training. But bodybuilders need to not simply train. They need to rearrange their entire lifestyle to sculpt their physique. This requires such an incredible amount of focus that only a rare few can do it. This is true for all successful pro athletes in all sports. Johnnie O. Jackson understands this – and it’s part of how he was able to build a reputation as one of the strongest bodybuilders currently living.
While the concept of focus might seem like an abstract innate ability – it’s also a tactic that we can work on and train just like a muscle. The more we train our ability to focus, the more we can find success in what we aspire to do. That’s why Johnnie O. Jackson is sharing his key tips on how to focus in bodybuilding – especially for those who struggle to stay in the right mindset.
The biggest key piece of advice Johnnie O. Jackson shares is to focus on yourself first and foremost. This may be extra challenging if you have a partner, spouse, or children. But despite this – an aspiring bodybuilder needs basically learn how to balance being selfish with the rest of what life throws at you. For example, Jackson believes that far too many weightlifters focus on what other people are doing in the gym. They may be judging their form, or perhaps in awe of how much another person can lift. This is all wasted energy and takes focus away from your main goal – to train in the gym.
Johnnie O. Jackson recommends putting away the phone and learning how to completely ignore other members in the gym. Sure, it’s okay to be inspired if the guy next to you is Ronnie Coleman throwing up massive lifts with a massive physique. But watching that will only take you so far. It’s through consistent training, adapting, and learning that you can reach those same levels. That all requires singular focus to achieve.
Johnnie O. Jackson also emphasizes learning to focus on your diet. Yes, this is a major factor in building your ideal physique. But once you start to nail your diet, your physique will start to show huge changes. This will encourage you to train harder and improve even more. It helps you more easily focus when your diet is correctly matching your training. It creates a cyclical effect. What was once hard to focus on becomes easier the more each part of your bodybuilding lifestyle builds on the other.
Lastly, Johnnie O. Jackson also cannot stress how important it is to focus on the mirror. Where in other walks of life this would be seen as vanity, for bodybuilding this is a necessity. Practice posing and really focus on how you look in the mirror. This helps identify weak points, which can then help you direct your focus to more specific areas for further improvement. Not enough bodybuilders put focus on posing – and it shows when they step onto stage.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson go into full detail about how to improve focus in bodybuilding by watching the latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. And don’t forget to swing by every Thursday for new episodes!

Hardcore Truth: Johnnie O. Jackson’s Arnold Classic 2022 Predictions
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Johnnie O. Jackson shares the hardcore truth on who has the best shot for top placings at the Arnold Classic 2022.
Welcome to the Hardcore Truth – our new podcast and digital series staring one of the strongest pro bodybuilders in the world – Johnnie O. Jackson. Known for his incredible physique, strength, and hardcore training sessions with Branch Warren, Johnnie is gearing up with a mic and camera to share his most valuable lessons from a career in bodybuilding and strength training. This week, Johnnie O. Jackson breaks down the Arnold Classic 2022 lineup and predicts who will land the top 5 placings.
After a wild and confusing two years, the Arnold Classic has returned to its traditional date with a full fledged weekend of competition in 2022. The Arnold Classic 2022 will be held in Columbus, Ohio on March 3-6 and kick off the bodybuilding season with a bang. There’s quite a stacked lineup, with some unfortunate last minute dropouts. That’s why Johnnie O. Jackson decided to dedicate this week’s episode of Hardcore Truth to breaking down the competitor lineup and predicting who will take the top five spots. Let’s jump into it.
The Arnold Classic 2022 Will Be A Battle Between Brandon Curry and William Bonac
Johnnie O. Jackson isn’t just a couch critic giving his unsolicited opinions on the Arnold Classic, he’s a pro bodybuilder and powerlifter with first hand experience in the sport. His critical eye is able to break down the finer details of what we can expect from the top competitors going into the Arnold Classic 2022. And it’s that level of insight that predicts Brandon Curry will likely win first place.
But it won’t be a clear and easy victory. Johnnie O. Jackson sees William Bonac as the biggest threat to Curry’s throne. Bonac seems to have a fire in his stomach after his somewhat lackluster placing at sixth place at the Mr. Olympia 2021. Jackson believes it’s this fire in combination with his impressive physique that might up the ante for the Arnold Classic.
Of course, Brandon Curry is a former Mr. Olympia champion and also placed second at the Olympia 2021. He’s seen constant improvements each year with hardly any setbacks. So Johnnie O. Jackson still gives the tip of first place to Curry at this moment. But the beauty of a live competition is that anything can happen – and the truth is that these two competitors are going to have a battle for the ages.
Akim Williams, Brett Wilkin, and Steve Kuclo To Likely Round Out The Top 5
Beyond the top two placing, Johnnie O. Jackson predicts that Akim Williams will likely rise up to earn third place in the competition. Williams has had an explosive couple few years bringing him into the conversation of threats for both the Arnold Classic and Mr. Olympia. With the current lineup as it stands – Jackson sees a clear path to third place for Williams.
Another notable bodybuilder turning heads is Brett Wilkin. A relative rookie in the sport, he has been shocking fans and experts alike with his physique updates. Based on what he’s seen, Johnnie O. Jackson believes that Wilkin can earn a solid fourth place spot. This nothing to slouch at – as it will put him truly in the spotlight for the rest of the season. He has some impressive potential to possibly be a future champion one day.
And bringing up the rear of the top five is Steve Kuclo. Kuclo has been a consistent and solid competitor over his entire career. His recent placings in 2021 seem to indicate that he can bring a powerful package to the Arnold Classic 2022.
Wrap Up
Johnnie O. Jackson goes into more detail about each competitor than we can cover here in this article. That’s why you should make sure to watch or listen to the full episode of Hardcore Truth above. Do you agree with Jackson’s predictions? Let us know by leaving your thoughts in the comments of the video or on our social channels!

Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson: Nutrition Tips For Better Health In Bodybuilding
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Johnnie O. Jackson shares the hardcore truth about foundational nutrition tips for improved health in bodybuilding.
Welcome to the Hardcore Truth – our new podcast and digital series staring one of the strongest pro bodybuilders in the world – Johnnie O. Jackson. Known for his incredible physique, strength, and hardcore training sessions with Branch Warren, Johnnie is gearing up with a mic and camera to share his most valuable lessons from a career in bodybuilding and strength training. This week, Johnnie O. Jackson goes into detail on how to properly build a healthy nutritional foundation for your bodybuilding needs.
A bodybuilding physique isn’t built in the gym, it’s built in the kitchen. This is a tried and true statement in the bodybuilding and fitness world. But proper nutrition is also more important than just shaping your physique. Nutrition is the foundation of your health – both mentally and physically. In this day and age of vaccines and pandemics – health is certainly on people’s mind. On top of this, the many tragic deaths that have been reported in the bodybuilding industry have also highlighted a bigger focus on athlete health. That’s why in this week’s episode – Johnnie O. Jackson decided to dive head first into the most important aspects of foundational nutrition.
Johnnie O. Jackson says it best at the top of the episode. In this day and age, people simply don’t know how to properly eat. This is due to an entire system of processed foods, snacks, and (admittedly delicious) options available more than ever before. Many people eat unhealthy without even realize they are eating unhealthy. This is why Johnnie hopes to share some key foundational facts to help start changing your concept on proper nutrition.
Johnnie O. Jackson’s experience isn’t too different from many bodybuilders in the sport. He started lifting heavy in the gym, seeing results, and learned through trial and error. Due to this – he initially had no idea what he was doing when it came to nutrition and diet. Over time, he was lucky enough to make connections, work with coaches, and learn in detail the key elements needed to be a successful pro bodybuilder.
From these experiences – he also learned the importance of nutrition in general. Having a healthy diet deeply effects not only your life longevity but also your energy and your mental health. These things all contribute towards success in your other goals – whether they are bodybuilding or something else. So proper nutrition is not only important for building a big physique directly – but also indirectly via improved mood and energy as well.
In this episode, Johnnie O. Jackson does not break down a specific bodybuilding optimized diet for becoming a champion. Instead, he focuses on the core elements of nutrition to improve your health. These tips should be underneath and consistent as you also optimize your own bodybuilding diet. Johnnie discusses his personal experiences of how he breaks up percentages of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and so on. He also focuses on the importance of hydration, and finally the importance of vitamins.
Sadly, humans in today’s world often don’t get the vitamins they need via all natural means. So supplements can be very important. For example, the average adult gets much less vitamin D due to our lives (mostly) taking place more and more inside. So there is an extreme importance in ensuring we have enough vitamin D in our diets. This is just one example Johnnie goes over in this episode.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson go into full detail about his nutrition and diet tips by watching the latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to stick around every Thursday for new episodes!

Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson: How Powerlifting Principles Can Help Your Bodybuilding Training
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Johnnie O. Jackson breaks down the hardcore truth on whether you should train like a powerlifter or a bodybuilder.
Welcome to the Hardcore Truth – our new podcast and digital series staring one of the strongest pro bodybuilders in the world – Johnnie O. Jackson. Known for his incredible physique, strength, and hardcore training sessions with Branch Warren, Johnnie is gearing up with a mic and camera to share his most valuable lessons from a career in bodybuilding and strength training. This week, Johnnie O. Jackson breaks down his background of powerlifting training and bodybuilding training – and how you can use both to enhance your physique to optimal levels.
Johnnie O. Jackson is a notable bodybuilder not only for his impressive physique. He is also known for being one of the strongest pro bodybuilders in the sport. This is due to the fact that Jackson has competed as both a powerlifter and a bodybuilder. He’s trained in both disciplines and has used what he’s learned in both arenas to enhance his success. This mentality is very similar to legendary 8x Mr. Olympia champion Ronnie Coleman.
Many believe that Johnnie O. Jackson started as a powerlifter and then became a bodybuilder. But this isn’t true. In fact, Johnnie O. Jackson started out as a bodybuilder, discovered powerlifting for some time, and then went back to pro bodybuilding. Jumping into powerlifting after already spending some time developing his physique was a blessing in disguise. It helped him look at his bodybuilding training in a new way.
Johnnie O. Jackson advises the viewers in his latest episode – “You’re only as strong as your weakest body part.” This is just as true in bodybuilding as it is in powerlifting. But with powerlifting – that notion becomes clear much faster. Powerlifting is based on raw strength. If you have a weak body part – you’ll literally be able to lift less. So for a powerlifter, the most important thing to focus on is bringing up your most negative features.
Johnnie O. Jackson took this concept and applied it to his bodybuilding career. He realized that a lacking body part is not something that should be ignored. In fact, it should become your number one focus. By introducing powerlifting training into your workout plan – you can build more strength. That strength can then be used to push harder on exercises that help sculpt your physique. Essentially, that added strength from powerlifting can help bring your lagging body parts where they need to be.
Ultimately, there are hundreds of different training styles. Some are better than others – but many are simply dependent on what works best for you and your mindset. For Johnnie O. Jackson, powerlifting training helped him push to new levels. That kind of hardcore lifting fit his personality and helped him excel. Perhaps powerlifting can be the hidden key that you need as well. And if it’s not – that’s okay. Do further research, open your mind, and find new ways that might fit best for you.
Regardless, powerlifting can be a valuable tool in your arsenal to help improve your fitness and bodybuilding goals. You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson go into full detail by watching our latest episode of the Hardcore Truth above.

Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson | EP 4: How To Decide Which Bodybuilding Category To Compete In
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Johnnie O. Jackson shares the hardcore truth about picking the best bodybuilding division that suits your goals and needs.
Welcome to the Hardcore Truth – our new podcast and digital series staring one of the strongest pro bodybuilders in the world – Johnnie O. Jackson. Known for his incredible physique, strength, and hardcore training sessions with Branch Warren, Johnnie is gearing up with a mic and camera to share his most valuable lessons from a career in bodybuilding and strength training. This week, Johnnie O. Jackson helps break down how to decide which bodybuilding division is best for you.
At this point in time, there are over 10 different divisions in professional bodybuilding. And it seems like the introduction of new divisions is not slowing down. This past year saw the official entry of Wellness into the Olympia weekend. Just a few years earlier, we saw the creation of Classic Physique – which has grown with wild popularity. So with so many divisions to choose from, how do you know which is right for you? In our latest episode of Hardcore Truth, Johnnie O. Jackson breaks down key factors to consider when deciding which division to compete in.
The most important factor to consider, Johnnie O. Jackson claims, is to make sure that you enjoy what you are doing. While Men’s Open bodybuilding, for example, might bring the most eyeballs and prize money – if it’s a struggle to keep yourself at that size – it will make you unhappy. Bodybuilding as a sport takes passion. Decide what makes you happiest about bodybuilding, what you would like to look like physically, and choose your division based on that.
Of course, it’s important to also be realistic about your goals. Johnnie O. Jackson challenges aspiring bodybuilders to really look at the competition on stage in each division. Does the aspiring bodybuilder have the genetics to succeed with that look? Do they have the drive? Do they have the bone structure that lends towards success with that muscular look?
Delusions will only lead to heartbreak in the end – and with a lot of time wasted. So it’s important that an aspiring bodybuilder can be honest with themselves early. Bodybuilding as a whole takes time. You’d rather it not be wasted after years dedicating to the wrong division or perhaps the wrong sport entirely.
That being said, Johnnie O. Jackson is also very careful to discourage confident aspiring bodybuilders. Confidence and even cockiness is important in becoming a champion. Legends in the sport aim to do what is impossible – and ultimately achieve it. That’s what makes them legends. So if an aspiring bodybuilder truly believes they can be the best in a specific division – even when others claim they don’t have the right genetics or structure for it – don’t be discouraged.
There’s a fine line between delusional thinking and confidence. A legend straddles that line very closely. The only difference between a legend and a fool – is whether or not the person succeeds in the end.
Johnnie O. Jackson also shares some advice on how to properly make weight depending on which division you want to compete in. He uses these tactics as an example of how you can manipulate the division itself to meet your best strengths. If you think that your physique is at it’s best at 220 pounds but not big enough to hold up against the Men’s Open competitors who typically stand at 250+ lbs – perhaps 212 division is best for you.
What you can do is make weight the night before – and then put on pounds and build up hard muscle in the next 24 hours. You can essentially be a powerful bodybuilder weighing 220 pounds facing off against others much smaller than you. It’s a tactic that Johnnie O. Jackson used himself – and one that might be able to be applied to various divisions in the sport.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson go into full detail in our latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to stick around every Thursday for new episodes!

Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson | EP 3: The Reality Of Bodybuilding Sponsorships
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Johnnie O. Jackson shares the hardcore truth about sponsorships and money in pro bodybuilding.
Welcome to the Hardcore Truth – our new podcast and digital series staring one of the strongest pro bodybuilders in the world – Johnnie O. Jackson. Known for his incredible physique, strength, and hardcore training sessions with Branch Warren, Johnnie is gearing up with a mic and camera to share his most valuable lessons from a career in bodybuilding and strength training. This week, Johnnie O. Jackson dispels the myths and misconceptions about sponsorships and earning money as a pro bodybuilder.
As a powerlifter and pro bodybuilder, it’s safe to say that Johnnie O. Jackson has made a career out of strength sports and fitness. But to make something like competitive bodybuilding a career, it takes more than simply winning major bodybuilding shows. That’s why Johnnie spends this week breaking down the reality behind earning money as a pro bodybuilder.
The biggest misconception that up-and-coming bodybuilders have, according to Johnnie O. Jackson, is that they will start instantly seeing paychecks upon turning pro. While that might have been more possible in previous eras due to the illustrious Weider contracts – much has changed. In fact, turning pro won’t guarantee you any money.
Entering the professional league of bodybuilding is nothing like most other sports. In the NFL, once you get a on a pro team you are guaranteed a salary – wether you play or not. In bodybuilding, you only get paid if you win. And even then, most competitions don’t provide enough prize money to make a career off of it.
That’s why it’s vital for pro bodybuilders, now more than ever before, to understand how to sell themselves and earn sponsorships. Or learn how to build their own brand and business to bring in direct cash. That’s easier said than done. Which is why Johnnie O. Jackson has a few tips to share on how to turn your bodybuilding passion into a full fledged career.
Johnnie O. Jackson admits that bodybuilding is a selfish sport. It requires extreme focus and a very specific lifestyle. That being said, Johnnie also believes you need to learn how to give back to the sport as well. This is vital. What he means by this is to promote yourself. Use online tools such as social media and YouTube to showcase your progress, your personality, and build a connection to the bodybuilding audience.
That connection and following is key. It’s what will build your value to sponsors. Gone are the days of signing a major sponsorship just for winning a big show. Now brands want to know that you can directly connect with your audience – and that your audience is loyal and large.
This kind of following can not only help you get sponsors – but also help bring in revenue directly. Youtube videos can be monetized and, if you should so choose, you can use your following to sell your own products and begin a business venture. Even if that’s not your style, sponsors will be looking for bodybuilders who can speak directly to a loyal and large audience.
Johnnie O. Jackson doesn’t want you to believe that you have to be a “fake” version of yourself online to sell yourself. In fact, he believes that if you are simply honest and open about who you are, your training, and your lifestyle – that honesty will build loyal followers. Secondly, once sponsors do come knocking at your door. Don’t jump immediately for the first brand with a big paycheck. Make sure you truly enjoy the product they offer. That kind of genuine honesty will be infectious with your fans. They can tell the difference. It also makes your job under sponsorship more enjoyable.
Lastly, Johnnie O. Jackson goes through his experiences starting out, how he got his first sponsorship, and how he navigated multiple sponsorships throughout his career. He hopes that his personal experience will give insight as to how the process really works. And perhaps help you be prepared for the right and wrong things to do when offered a contract.
You can watch Johnnie O. Jackson go into full detail in our latest episode of Hardcore Truth above. Make sure to stick around every Thursday for new episodes!

Hardcore Truth: How Johnnie O. Jackson Developed His Hardcore Training Style
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Johnnie O. Jackson breaks down his insanely hardcore training style.
Welcome to the Hardcore Truth – our new podcast and digital series staring one of the strongest pro bodybuilders in the world – Johnnie O. Jackson. Known for his incredible physique, strength, and hardcore training sessions with Branch Warren, Johnnie is gearing up with a mic and camera to share his most valuable lessons from a career in bodybuilding and strength training. This week, Johnnie O. Jackson goes in-depth about his notoriously known hardcore training style, how he developed it, and how it defined his career.
Johnnie O. Jackson is known as one of the strongest bodybuilders in the world. This comes from his history as a powerlifter before becoming a bodybuilder. But it also all ties into Johnnie’s well known training style. Compared to most pro bodybuilders, Johnnie always maintained an intensity in the gym hardly matched by others. Similar to intensity as his training partner Branch Warren and also the legendary Ronnie Coleman.
This kind of hardcore training style has also been criticized over the years. Frankly, it’s dangerous. It can lead to much more serious injuries – the exact kind of injuries that pro bodybuilders want to avoid in order to prevent derailing their career.
While there is truth in the dangers of more hardcore “balls to the wall” training – perhaps bodybuilders like Johnnie O. Jackson and Branch Warren are simply a different sort of genetic breed. Ultimately, their careers were not derailed, they maintained impressive physiques, and held successful careers in the sport.
That’s why Johnnie O. Jackson wanted to look back into the origins of his bodybuilding career and how his training style came to define his brand in bodybuilding. The origins of his training mentality surprisingly spread way back into his childhood. His upbringing, his environment, and the people he met along the way all influenced the kind of mindset he had upon entering the gym.
The Origins and Method Behind The Madness Of Johnnie O. Jackson’s Training
Growing up as a black teen in America, Johnnie O. Jackson always felt like he needed to work harder and push harder in order to prove himself and succeed. So when he eventually discovered weightlifting – he pushed his hardest to be the biggest and best. Genetics helped as well. Johnnie acknowledges that he was a naturally strong man and build muscle somewhat easily.
Then Johnnie O. Jackson partnered up with a lifter in the gym – and was put through one of the most intense leg day workouts of his entire life. He was unprepared for how hard he would be pushed and felt like he was on the verge of breaking. When the workout was other – where others might have wanted to tone it down – Johnnie wanted to make it his goal to feel that way after every single workout.
This was the main moment that solidified his hardcore training style. He then developed it over the years as he became a successful powerlifter and then bodybuilder. He found new and varied aways to push himself in just the right aways to improve his physique and strength. He then later met Branch Warren, who had a similar training style, and the rest was history. They still train together to this day.
But Johnnie O. Jackson also understands that your training style and mentality is a big factor in how you will advance as a bodybuilder. So throughout this entire breakdown of his bodybuilding and powerlifting career, Johnnie also shares tips and guidance on how you can develop your own training method. Johnnie understands that not all lifters need to train like him. It’s important that they develop a method that not only works for your lifestyle and genetics – but also one that motivates you to reach new levels.
Wrap Up
You can watch or listen to Johnnie’s full breakdown of his training style in the latest episode of Hardcore Truth With Johnnie O. Jackson above. And make sure to rate, like, and subscribe to the series either on YouTube or your preferred podcasting platform. We’ll be back with new episodes every Thursday. See you in the gym.
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