Tag: Health

Feeling Dizzy After Working Out? Here Are 5 Tips

Feeling Dizzy After Working Out? Here Are 5 Tips

If you’re feeling dizzy or light-headed after a workout, you could be over-exerting yourself.
It’s in the nature of a bodybuilder to push himself past his limits. But we should never get too comfortable in the gym, no matter how much time we spend there. The truth is working out can be extremely dangerous if we don’t make sure to take the proper safety measures.
Feeling dizzy or light-headed after a workout can be caused by a number of factors. Usually the culprit is dehydration, but sometimes it can be something more serious, such as a heart condition. Here are our top 5 tips for working out smarter, not harder, and taking care of your body even as you push yourself for maximum results:

5. Stay Hydrated
This one may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how easy it is to forget to hydrate, especially if you’re someone who spends a long time in the gym every day and start to move out of habit and repetition more than actual thought. You should always hydrate before and after a workout. Depending on the exercise, drinking small amounts of water throughout can also be beneficial, and keeps your muscles from dehydrating.
4. Warm Up Before You Work Out

It can be jarring to the body to suddenly leap into motion after a long time being still. This tip goes out especially to those of you who work out first thing in the morning, right after your body was essentially motionless for 8 hours! Think about it. Warming up helps ease the body into movement and it reduces the risk of injury, so, there’s really no reason ever not to do it.
3. Try Yoga, Hiking, or Swimming
Dizziness after a workout is sometimes caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. This could be because your lungs aren’t working at full capacity and can’t keep up with the stress of an intense workout. Low-intensity activities like yoga or a going for a gentle hike have been shown to help regulate and strengthen breathing over time. If you take up a practice like this alongside doing heavier workouts in the gym, it will make you a much better athlete all around.
2. Don’t Smoke or Drink Too Much
Again, this one seems obvious, but you’d be surprised. Smoking is bad for you and hangovers leave you dehydrated and depleted. Take it easy on both, even on the weekends, if you’re serious about your cardiovascular health and avoiding dizziness in the gym.
1. See a Doctor if Something Seems Serious
You should never experience dizziness after working out consistently, even if you do sometimes over-exert yourself. If you feel dizzy and light-headed every single time you work out, consult with a doctor immediately. Many heart conditions go undiagnosed because the symptoms are hard to tell apart from the regular fatigue that sets in from working out.

Easy Heart Health for Bodybuilders

Easy Heart Health for Bodybuilders

February 21, 2022

In recent years we have seen too many bodybuilders passing away due impart by complications related to heart health. There is anecdotal evidence that points to COVID-19 exasperating the risk. In the medical community, it is well known that COVID-19 has left patients with clots in their brains, hearts, lungs, and legs. It is now more important than ever that bodybuilders pay more attention to balancing their need for mass with their need to live!

Why Are Bodybuilders at Higher Risks

Bodybuilders will do anything to get big. That means eating tons of food, avoiding any activity that isn’t lifting weights, and using supplements that increase the production of red blood cells.

Being Big

When you are big, whether it is fat or muscle, your heart has to work harder. Think of this as having an air conditioner designed for a 1,500 sqft house. Then you put an addition on the house making it 2,500 sqft. Now that same AC has to work much harder to keep the house cool. The same is true with your heart as it pumps blood to much more mass than it was intended to supply.

Avoiding Cardio

Bodybuilders often have the mindset that doing cardio is wasting food and burning mass. However, 20 minutes of fasted cardio a day when paired with Amino Acids will not burn up your mass. You’ll burn fat and most importantly keep your heart healthy. It’s a win-win because when it comes to prep time, you’ll be ahead of the game with more lean mass!


Bodybuilders will take anything to get bigger. And they believe if something makes you bigger, taking TONS of it must be better. There are many studies that show healthy levels of testosterone will help you to achieve better overall health, especially with age. But you must be aware that too much will create a point of diminishing return. Your body will be poisoned and fighting to stay healthy. Red blood cell production drastically increases making your blood thicker. Thicker blood will create more work for your heart. When combined with the risk of blood clots, you have a recipe for disaster; the heart will blow as it tries to push thick blood around a massive body that is potentially jammed up with clots acting like dams inside your blood vessels.

Preventing Heart Problems

Get your labs checked Reguarly

Getting your labs checked regularly is the first defense for heart problems. Not only will you find out if you are a risk of high blood pressure but you can also review your hormone panel. You may learn that your estrogen is too high or find out the testosterone that you are taking is not working.

Get your labs measured with California Alternative Meds. You will get a free consultation and they will order your labs. As California Alternative Meds specializes in hormone replacement therapy, they will get you exactly what you need so that you can be confident in both the quantity and quality of the medication you are taking.


Bodybuilders have a mindset that if it doesn’t make you bigger, it is not worth taking. However, taking supplements for heart health will keep you healthier but also give your more energy to train harder. You’ll have all-around less fatigue and some supplements improve circulation which means bigger pumps. Bigger pumps mean more nutrients to the muscles for recovery, energy, and stretching the muscle facia!

Donate Blood

Think of it like an oil change. When you donate blood you remove the access of red blood cells that can cause thickening of the blood.

Supplement Recommendations

Mixed Tocopherols

An important tool for maintaining heart health is Mixed Tocopherols.

Supports overall cardiovascular and circulatory healthPromotes healthy coronary blood flowProvides antioxidant supportSupports the body’s ability to appropriately process and utilize important lipidsHelps in the maintenance of cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range.Helps support healthy red blood cell flowHelps maintain healthy arterial healthHelps support a healthy cardiovascular systemHelps support health blood pressure levelsHelps support normal triglyceride and blood glucose levelsSupports healthy cell and tissue growthPLUS supports anti-aging, immune, and eye health

We work with A.C. Grace for these supplements. You can pick them up HERE. Use the code “CenterPodium” for 15% off!

COQH and CoQ10

To put it simply, CoQH and CoQ10 will lower your blood pressure and will help prevent heart-related issues. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is evidence that it has a positive effect on numerous heart conditions, Diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, Migraines, and even increase Physical Performance.

We work with A.C. Crace for these supplements. You can pick them up HERE. Use the code “CenterPodium” for 15% off!


In the body, the amino acid arginine changes into nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax and also improves circulation.

Some evidence shows that arginine may help improve blood flow in the arteries of the heart. That may improve symptoms of clogged arteries, chest pain or angina, and coronary artery disease.

Arginine is involved also in a number of different functions in the body. They include:

Wound healingHelping the kidneys remove waste products from the bodyMaintaining immune and hormone functionDilates and relaxes the arteries (vascularity and PUMP)

Our favorite L-Arginine 7000 is from Carr Cellular Fitness which you can find HERE. This product is very highly dosed and creates amazing pumps. It is also highly recommended to take before going on stage!

81 mg Asprin

Aspirin can prevent blood clots from forming. Blood clots, the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes, form when a plaque (cholesterol and other substances deposited on artery walls) ruptures and your body tries to contain the damage by creating a clot. When arteries are already narrowed by the buildup of plaque, a clot can block a blood vessel and stop the flow of blood to the brain or heart.

Taking a regular dose of aspirin diminishes the ability of your blood to clump together into clots by targeting the body’s smallest blood cells. Called platelets, they bind together when they encounter damaged blood vessels. While aspirin’s “blood thinning” quality can prevent.

Pick up 81 mg aspirin at most pharmacies!


It is kind of crazy how many heart-healthy foods fit perfectly into the strict bodybuilder diet. Here is a list of foods to choose when creating your diet

Leafy green vegetables. Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens are well known for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.Whole grainsBerriesAvocadosFatty fish and fish oilWalnutsBeansDark chocolateTomatoesAlmondsSeedsGarlicOlive OilEdmameGreen Tea


As you can see, being heart healthy is not just good for your heart but also good for your competition goals. Now we hope that you have the information to make the right choices. Let’s break it down to one simple list of items to have on your radar.

20+ minutes of fasted cardio with amino acidsGet your blood work done regularlyDonate bloodTake Mixed Tocopherols like Unique ETake CoQ10 supplelemtns like COQHTake Arginine like L-Arginine 7000+Take 81mg of Asprin dailyChoose heart healthy foods in your competition diet
Filed Under: New, Blog, Health Reader Interactions

5 Ways to Live Healthier and Look Better Naked

5 Ways to Live Healthier and Look Better Naked

Ways to Live Healthier and Look Good Naked
Ask the people around you if they want to live healthier, and almost all will reply affirmatively. If we take the right steps, the majority of us can lead a happier and healthier lifestyle.
Looking good naked can be the result of following a healthy lifestyle. For most people, being in shape and having toned muscles is aesthetically appealing which can win you some brownie points in the bedroom.

Work Out
It’s no secret working out can help you live healthier. Most people who workout are in it for the longevity. Lifting weights can also help you build muscles and lose fat which can make you good look with and without clothes.

Depending on your physical activity goals and schedule, you need to set aside time for working out. Your training routine can be anything from hitting the gym to going for a 1K run.
Eat Right
Food arguably has the biggest impact on how you look. While junk food can be a quick and easy way to curb your hunger, it’ll only harm your overall health in the long run. Following a diet is the only way to live a healthy lifestyle.
Making small adjustments like adding green tea, broccoli, chicken breast, etc. to your diet can help you reach your health goals. Supplementing can be a good idea if you’re not meeting your daily micro and macronutrient goals.
Get Proper Rest
If you have a busy schedule, not taking proper rest can burn you out and leave you exhausted. Sleeping is the only time when your body can recover from the day and rejuvenate you for the next day.
If you lift weights, sleeping is when your body will undergo changes and add muscle or lose weight. You need anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep every night. If you can’t get six hours of sleep in a single stretch, adding a mid-day nap can do wonders for you.
Keep Your Testosterone Levels High
Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for the development of the sexual organs in men and promotes secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair.
On the other hand, lower test levels can cause a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, abnormal EKG, type 2 diabetes, and a higher death rate from all causes, including cardiac mortality. You can regulate your testosterone levels through supplementation or test boosting food like honey, almonds, spinach, etc.
Be Stress Free
Stress and hypertension are one of the biggest reasons why people today have bad health. Stress can also lead to a rise in estrogen levels which further reduce the testosterone levels and can cause health problems.
Living a healthy lifestyle and working out can lead to a release of endorphins in your body. Endorphins are the hormones which are responsible for making you feel happy and relaxed. Many people use their workouts as stress busters as you can’t feel sad or stressed after a good training session.

Do you follow the tips mentioned above? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Try These Easy Exercises To Test Your Heart Health At Home

Try These Easy Exercises To Test Your Heart Health At Home

Selection of food that is good for the brain.
It can be a scary thought to visit a doctor these days, but there are still ways you can take charge of your fitness from home.
A lot of us suffer from vague anxieties about our health. Who here hasn’t had a headache and turned to WebMD to find out they have brain cancer or terminal encephalitis? Although the internet is riddled with fake news and bizarre fad diets and exercise trends that offer you too good to be true results, don’t panic: there are still ways you can take charge of your health that are based on science and are actually fairly simple.
Here are a few ways you can test your heart health from home without a trip to the doctor’s office.

How fast can you climb four flights of stairs?
A recent study done by the European Society of Cardiology found that being able to climb four flights of stairs in less than a minute is a clear indicator of good heart health.

“The stairs test is an easy way to check your heart health,” said study author Dr. Jesús Peteiro, a cardiologist at University Hospital A Coruña, Spain. “If it takes you more than one-and-a-half minutes to ascend four flights of stairs, your health is sub-optimal, and it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.”
Patients who were asked to climb four flights of stairs in under a minute and were unable to do so were far more likely to have undiagnosed coronary artery disease. If you have stairs in your house, this is a great and easy way to quickly test if your heart is relatively healthy. If you’re not able to complete this exercise, it may be a sign that something is up. However, there are many other ways you can measure your heart health from home.
Invest in an at-home blood pressure cuff or pulse monitor.
These are tools used by doctors to gather valuable metrics on the health of your heart that you can easily have in your own home. Blood pressure cuffs and pulse monitors can be used to check your heart rate and pulse before and after you work out. This can help you figure out if you’re in the optimal range for your age, gender, and weight group or not. This is also even more accurate than the stair test because it provides you with actual diagnostic criteria to understand how your heart is working.
This is obviously most relevant for those of us who work out with heart disease, but everyone can benefit from learning more about how their workouts affect their bodies. You might be surprised that your blood pressure is higher after working out than you realized — 1 in 5 adults who have high blood pressure have no symptoms and would never know without a blood pressure cuff check.
Do you find yourself getting out of breath during aerobic exercises?
This probably comes as a surprise to no one but aerobic exercises are some of the best for improving your heart health. Aerobic exercises improve the circulation of blood through your body and directly reduce your blood pressure and heart rate.
Although not as specific as the stairs test, aerobic exercises can be a great general indicator of your heart health. For example, if you find yourself unexpectedly out of breath during light aerobic exercise, you may have an underlying heart condition. This is also true if you feel extremely tired out by a light amount of aerobic exercise — there may not be enough oxygen in your blood traveling to your muscles. This isn’t an indicator alone that something is wrong, but it is something to keep an eye on.
With these three tricks in your back pocket, it should be easy to keep track of your heart health from home. But they aren’t a substitute for a real doctor if you are showing signs of having heart problems, so do make an appointment to see your doctor if it seems like something is wrong.

3 Nutrition Tips For Winter

3 Nutrition Tips For Winter

Classically, winter is known in the fitness community as ‘Bulking Season,’ which in reality becomes justification for gaining fat during the holidays. While taking a break from strict dieting can benefit the body, better than increasing fat and carb intake would be using the season to focus on different aspects of nutrition. In his guest contributor article, Dr. Jacob Wilson shares tips to make the most out of nutrition this winter.
The first one is a no-brainer: probiotics. Everyone knows that winter is the season of sickness, but cold isn’t the only danger. The digestive tract is both integral to the immune system and ground zero for unfriendly viruses.
Constant eating, especially of high amounts of sugar and fat will imbalance gut bacteria and make one more susceptible to sickness. Excellent sources of probiotics are Greek yogurt, and Glutamine. But you could even try fashionable fermented products like kombucha, kimchi, or sauerkraut.
Second on the list of nutrients to emphasize during winter is Vitamin D. Obviously, supply of Vitamin D generally decreases during months that are cloudy or spent indoors. But unfortunately, “Vitamin -D Enriched’ products or vitamins simply do not carry the quality of bio-available Vitamin D that arrives in whole food sources.

Sockeye salmon and other types of fish are fantastic sources of this nutrient, and their high Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratios can help reduce levels of inflammatory cortisol throughout the body.
Such fats are also absolutely critical for brain function. We all know that the dreary and reminiscent months can trigger a less than chipper attitude, and keeping the brain properly supplied will go a long way to alleviating mental fog.
Saturate fats positively affect free testosterone, have been shown to help cells retain more Omega-3’s, and assist in conversion of fats into DHA which is optimal fuel for the brain. Of course, saturated fats have their con’s too. But if there was a time in the year to experiment with amounts and sources, it would be winter.
Ultimately winter is the season for experimentation. Everyone should try out different foods, eating schedules, and nutrient rations, to see if there’s anything to carry over into swimsuit season or competition prep.
If you’re looking for a deeper in-depth guide for maximizing your bodybuilding nutrition, make sure to sign up for Generation Iron Plus. The most detailed bodybuilding training and diet subscription guide with a massive archive of content and new courses uploaded every month.

Top 10 Ways To Naturally Gain Muscle Faster For Optimal Growth

Top 10 Ways To Naturally Gain Muscle Faster For Optimal Growth

We all know the old saying “work smarter, not harder”. But do you know how that applies in the gym?
It’s true that amazing gains never come overnight, but there are still things you can be doing to maximize the amount of muscle you get out of your workouts. Of course, we know that taking certain supplements and focusing on our training can be sure fire ways to see those gains we want most, but sometimes figuring out the best steps can be challenging and ultimately may put us in an overwhelming hole as we try and figure it out. With so many options, it can be difficult to nail down the best ways to gain muscle, especially naturally, but it is possible.

While many of these ways tend to be self-explanatory and potentially obvious, our busy lives and schedules tend to keep us from fully realizing exactly what needs to be done to achieve this. Sometimes just reading it and hearing it again can be exactly what we need to make sure we hear it through and can tackle all of these muscle building needs in a safe, effective, and natural way. Working smarter is very much a true saying in the world of lifting and while working hard is important, doing so efficiently is the key to success.
Let’s take a look at the top 10 ways to naturally gain muscle faster so you never need to worry about that vital growth again. Not only will some of these ways benefit your lifting goals, but other areas of your lifestyle will change for the better as a result of taking better care of yourself.

Top 10 Ways To Naturally Gain Muscle Faster
1. Training Volume Is Key
Too many people get complacent in the gym and stop trying actively to push themselves. The fundamental key to muscle growth is progressive overload – meaning you increase the intensity of your workouts overtime (1). If you aren’t getting that burning feeling from overloading your muscles, it means you aren’t building them, period. Increase the amount of weight over time and make sure to increase the volume, too – that’s the number of sets and reps you do for each workout with weights.

2. Be Consistent
The second biggest thing to remember about making massive gains is that it’s also a game of consistency. There’s only so much muscle that can be put on by the body in a day; one huge workout, or even one huge workout once a week, will get you nowhere. Make a plan and stick to it but be in the gym three to five times a week and make sure to do that every week. Muscle is gained incrementally. Even if you aren’t pushing yourself, it’s better for your body and overall muscle mass to do so after workouts five times a week than it is to really push yourself in the gym only once or twice a week. That’s a surefire way to lose gains.

3. Take Advantage Of Supplements
Depending on your unique needs as an athlete, different supplements will work for you. Creatine, casein, and whey protein are the three cornerstone proteins of making huge gains (2). Your muscles need to consume food to grow and develop, so you need to make sure you’re giving them all the fuel they need. In some cases, eating casein before bed can actually provide the muscles with enough amino acids to literally grow overnight while you’re asleep. Imagine waking up with more gains than when you went to bed.
Other supplements to know are pre-workout, which can provide for energy and insane muscle pumps, BCAA intra-workout products to burst through fatigue and keep you going stronger, and fat burners, which can shed that unwanted fat while maintaining lean muscle mass (3). Having a good supplementation routine can really work wonders for all of your gains.

4. Be Strict About Form
This is an easy one to forget. Exercises like squats, barbell presses, and crunches are all considered staple exercises for a true gym rat. But exercises only help you gain muscle if they’re performed correctly. Are you leaning forward when you squat? It could be a sign you overloaded with too much weight. When you do a sit-up, is your spine straight and your stomach flat? If not, it’s a sign you’re overloading a weak core. Take the time to do these exercises the right way. Otherwise, you’re only getting a fraction of the gains you set out to make.

5. Get A Full Night’s Sleep
This is another no-brainer people often don’t think about. Studies have shown that sleeping for eight hours instead of five can increase testosterone by 10 to 15%. That has a huge impact on how much you gain muscle when you work out (4). This is a really easy thing you can do to improve your performance in the gym and give yourself the best chance for a better tomorrow.
6. Recovery Is An Important Part Of The Process
If you go hard in the gym five nights a week every week for a year, you will absolutely destroy your body. Set aside cycles of rest so you can recover after tough workouts. Pushing yourself too hard will only lead to burnout. Trust me, your body will thank you. Recovery will also support things like mobility and an overall better mood, so don’t neglect this vital part of your workout and post-workout routine (5).
7. Stay Healthy Outside The Gym
It doesn’t mean you can’t drink or have fun with your buddies at the bar, but you should do your best to be generally healthy in your habits outside of the gym. This means no binge drinking and stay away from drugs and smoking, at the very minimum. You definitely won’t be maximizing gains in your workouts if you’re dehydrated and hungover from a long night out partying.
8. Keep Your Workouts Simple
You don’t need fancy equipment to get shredded. Remain focused on the basics and the tried-and-true exercises that have worked for bodybuilders for generations. Don’t get caught up in the promises of fancy equipment and “new breakthroughs” that offer shortcuts. There is no shortcut; just do the work.

9. Stay Organized & Manage Workouts
Huge gains are no easy task and getting organized definitely helps make the process smoother. Consider keeping a journal of your workouts and your meal plan. You’re less likely to slip up and cheat with a greasy cheeseburger at the end of a long day if you’ve already got a plan in place and food waiting prepared at home.
10. Lift Heavy While Being Safe
If you feel comfortable lifting, you probably aren’t pushing yourself hard enough. Lifting the heaviest amount of weight you can is a critical factor in making the most gains for it will work your muscles to grow, increase that time under tension, and allow for massive gains to your strength and size which is what you want most.
Wrap Up
While it may seem daunting to find natural ways to boost your muscle growth and gain that valuable muscle faster, following these simple yet highly effective steps can work wonders for you. Looking to the top ways to see gains while still making your life easier is a sure-fire way to get this done. Give these top 10 ways a try and see how your muscles grow bigger, faster, and stronger as you also promote a better lifestyle overall.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Mangine, Gerald T.; Hoffman, Jay R.; Gonzalez, Adam M.; Townsend, Jeremy R.; et al. (2015). “The effect of training volume and intensity on improvements in muscular strength and size in resistance-trained men”. (source)
Tipton, Kevin D.; Elliott, Tabatha A.; Cree, Melanie G.; Wolf, Steven E.; et al. (2004). “Ingestion of Casein and Whey Proteins Result in Muscle Anabolism after Resistance Exercise”. (source)
Jeukendrup, A. E.; Randell, R. (2011). “Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism”. (source)
Dattilo, M.; Antunes, H. K. M.; Medeiros, A.; Neto, M. M.; et al. (2011). “Sleep and muscle recovery: endocrinological and molecular basis for a new and promising hypothesis”. (source)
Sands, William A.; McNeal, Jeni R.; Murray, Steven R.; Ramsey, Michael W.; et al. (2013). “Stretching and Its Effects on Recovery”. (source)

The Top Benefits Of Turning Vegan Today For A Plant-Based Lifestyle

The Top Benefits Of Turning Vegan Today For A Plant-Based Lifestyle

The reasons why going vegan today and adopting a plant-based lifestyle could be a game changer for you.
A lot has been said about the vegan diet, especially after the documentary “The Game Changers” went viral. But is it worth switching over to the vegan lifestyle? With so much conversation surrounding the topic, we’ll help answer this question today.
While many gym bros ask you to follow a diet for the sake of it, we are recommending the vegan diet based on research, and the superior results it can provide over the vegetarian and the omnivore diet. Although you may be skeptical, we are here to lay out the facts for you in a way that makes sense so you can make an informed decision for yourself.
What Is A Vegan Diet?

A vegan diet consists of food that does not contain any animal products. This includes meat, eggs, and dairy and people follow a vegan diet for a number of reasons. For some it is the morality about how we treat animals and our consumption of animal products, for others it is about eating a plant-based diet for the health benefits, and for many it could very well be a combination of both.
There are many variations of the vegan diet and it can also be combined with other diets like intermittent fasting, where you only eat in a select window. So while it is strict with no animal products, you do have some versatility in how you conduct a vegan diet.
The whole food vegan diet, for example, is based on whole plant foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, or the raw food vegan diet which is based on raw fruits, nuts, and plant foods cooked at lower temperatures. Whatever you choose, it is ultimately your preference on how you wish to conduct your vegan diet.

Benefits of Following A Vegan Diet
Protein is Not a Problem
Most people dismiss the vegan diet on a lack of protein basis. Some ill-informed people ask aspiring athletes to stay away from the vegan diet. According to these gym bros, eating a plant-based diet can’t give you enough protein.
There is enough data (and recipes) which prove that a vegan diet can help you achieve your daily protein goal of 0.8 gram of protein per kg of body weight – which is recommended by the USDA. As an example, a peanut butter sandwich has roughly the same amount of protein as three ounces of beef or 3 large eggs. For athletes, this is becoming more popular in the world of sports nutrition knowledge (1).

Supplement companies are now starting to make vegan protein powders and supplements so you never have to miss out on any protein. Made with rice or pea protein, and loaded with other nutrients, these are great aids to add to your workout.
Check out our list of the best vegan proteins here!

Considerably Lower Inflammations
Animal products have shown to cause inflammation in your muscles and joints. Plants have anti-inflammatory properties which tackle the muscular inflammations you can get after a workout. Inflammation occurs as the body’s natural response to foreign substances or physical trauma which can lead to chronic pain. Plant-based foods have an abundance of vitamins and minerals to help prevent, stop, and treat inflammation to get rid of any unwanted pain.
On the other hand, if you’re eating animal products like dairy or meat, the anti-inflammatory benefits of the plants are consumed in fighting the inflammations from the dairy products, and your muscles and joints are left on their own. By eliminating animal products, you give your muscle and joints relief from inflammation and let these plant-based foods work their magic (2).

Say No To Animal Cruelty
It’s no secret that inflicting harm on the farm animals is a part of animal agriculture. The cruelty doesn’t stop at the slaughterhouses. The bringing up of cows for milk production forces them to live outside their natural habitat.
In their efforts to stop the inhumane acts done to the animals, vegans abstain from using animal products. Apart from consuming dairy and meat, vegans also stop wearing leather, fur or any other animal skin products.
Save The Environment
The breeding of animals for consumption purposes has one of the biggest carbon footprints. According to this study, plant-based agriculture generates around 1.5 trillion more pounds of “product” than animal agriculture.
Based on these numbers, the report concludes that “plant-based agriculture grows 512% more pounds of food than animal-based agriculture on 69% of the mass of land that animal-based agriculture uses.”

Other Health Benefits
High cholesterol levels are one of the most common problems with meat-eaters which can be completely eradicated by switching to a plant-based diet. Apart from the high cholesterol levels, a vegan diet is the only diet that has shown to reduce the chances of heart diseases (3).
Wrap Up
Going vegan is ultimately your choice. With much debate surrounding this diet and lifestyle, each person that commits to the vegan diet is doing it for their own set of reasons. Whether that be morality towards animals, the great health benefits, or a combination of both, you can really benefit from a vegan diet. With companies starting to catch the bug as well, plenty of supplements and other health products are geared towards this diet to help advance your goals in a positive direction. Look into the vegan diet and see how this great lifestyle can really benefit your health, fitness, and performance goals.
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.
*Images courtesy of Envato

Rogerson, David (2017). “Vegan diets: practical advice for athletes and exercisers”. (source)
Watzl, Bernhard (2008). “Anti-inflammatory effects of plant-based foods and of their constituents”. (source)
Kim, Hyunju; Caulfield, Laura E.; Garcia-Larsen, Vanessa; Steffen, Lyn M.; Coresh, Josef; Rebholz, Casey M. (2019). “Plant-Based Diets Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Incident Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiovascular Disease Mortality, and All-Cause Mortality in a General Population of Middle-Aged Adults”. (source)

5 Gym Habits You Should Follow Post COVID

5 Gym Habits You Should Follow Post COVID

Gym Hygiene Habits To Live By
As much as it might sting, the fact is COVID-19 is here to stay. We should make peace with it and develop healthy habits to combat it. If you think you’re safe from the deadly disease because you’ve got the shots, think again. The effectiveness of the vaccines lasts for a year at max.
The novel coronavirus has permanently changed personal hygiene and how we interact with each other. We’ll soon see the vaccine shots taking the form of antibiotics and face masks becoming a norm.

On top of that, gyms aren’t the most hygienic places. It’s not uncommon to see a sweaty bro covering the benches and equipment with his bodily juices. It has also been found that viruses like corona can spread through the air. The proximity of people in the gyms and ample respiratory droplets in the air make it a fertile breeding ground for the virus.

5 Gym Habits You Should Follow Post COVID
Carry a Towel
If you weren’t carrying a towel already, you are a part of the problem. After the pandemic, you should ideally carry two towels to the gym. One for your face and the other for wiping down the gym equipment.
A very common mistake that most people make is that they keep their towels at random places while they’re doing their set. You don’t want other people touching and handling your wipes. If a single person has touched your towel, it beats the purpose of carrying it in the first place.
Also, for the love of God, stop using your t-shirt to wipe your face. Your t-shirt is full of germs by the end of the day, and then you wear it to the gym and use your sleeve to wipe off the sweat. If you’re so keen on getting an infection, you should rather ask someone to sneeze in your face.
Don’t Use The Gym’s Waterbottles
Many gyms provide you with water bottles and hand towels when you walk in for your workout. Although these gyms might be following the safety precautions, you shouldn’t push your luck too hard.
You should also avoid using your gym’s water cooler, toilets, saunas, and spas. Hit the gym for weight training and leave at the earliest. While you’re on your way out, make sure you don’t stop at the gym’s cafe.
A study conducted by Nature found that gyms are among the four riskiest places for transmission. They acted as “super-spreading” sites for COVID-19 transmission last spring, accounting for the majority of new infections in large U.S. cities. Good luck getting this out of your head the next time you step inside a gym.
Sanitization is the name of the game when it comes to keeping your hands clean of any viruses and bacteria. You should train at a gym that has dedicated staff for sanitizing the equipment every time someone uses it.
Carrying a hand sanitizer to the gym is also a good idea. If your gym doesn’t have staff for sanitizing the equipment, limit your workouts to a minimum of equipment and do the dirty work of cleaning the machines yourself.
Many people have a habit of touching their faces and wiping off sweat with the back of their hands. You should make sure you don’t touch your face without sanitizing your hands. After you’re done with your workouts, wash your hands thoroughly for at least one minute without fail.
Wear Masks
Wearing masks can be irritating, we know, but nothing is more effective at blocking contagious viruses, and it should definitely be a part of your gym habits. There are many kinds of masks in the market these days – designer, artistic, and whatnot but the most effective ones are surgical and N95s.
Surgical masks are a great fit for the gym as they are light and stretchable. On the other hand, working out in N95s can give you the experience of training in an elevation mask.
Many people have the habit of wearing the same masks for weeks. Once their mask gets visibly dirty, they wash it and start wearing it again. You should use a new mask every day. Surgical masks are great for this cause because they are budget-friendly and effective.
Select Your Gym Timings Wisely
You don’t want to be hitting the gym at the peak hours which usually are 5-9 am and 6-10 pm. If your schedule allows, ask your gym management when the iron paradise is the least crowded and book a training session at that time.
Another benefit of training at a ‘quiet’ time is that your workouts will be shorter as you won’t have to wait for your turn at the busy machines. Plus, you don’t have to worry about making sweat babies with the “corona is a scam” guy.
If you go to the gym just for cardio, you should probably explore other options like hitting the track or buying cardio equipment for home. Considering the current situation, if you can do something out in the open, you don’t want to be doing the same thing in a room full of 50 people.

Bonus: Choose Your Gym Carefully
Covid-19 has changed how you should choose a gym. Except for the usual machines, equipment, free weights, you should now also check if the gym has proper ventilation and if they have air purification systems installed at the facility.
We saw a rise in the pod-gym culture after the gyms started opening up after coronavirus. Expect this to become a new standard in one form or the other. Boutique franchises that offer classes to a fixed number of people at a time like Rise Nation, DanceBody, SoulCycle will be big beneficiaries of this culture.
You should opt for the gym which avoids cross-contamination with the right capacity, cleaning, and ventilation. A gym that makes temperature checks, wearing masks, using sanitizers mandatory, and requires you to pre-book your workout time slot should be preferred.

Do you follow any of the gym habits mentioned above? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.